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Show an 5 FJ 'tfr-W',y A Anna- McClure StfsoH . . cr? Ar deferred payments aslar than buying on time? Why should w delude ourselves with words? ''Reality la there, Juit the same. Detroit Kewa. Howe AllOllt UI1GES CAUJNG SPADE A SPADE Russia Begging Big Business Men Critic See 9 Opportunity for Photographic Darkroom Deb u nk iing Speech. e. - K.-- That Fits , MC. SM,an-.t.-WN- Vet 1 Pocket ,j "American speech needs debunking. A safe and efficient photographic In the opinion of Frank (1. TompED HOWE By darkroom may be carried In onea of English at the a good kins, professor The cumbersome dark- vest are Cpr!nht fey XV 0 CX!'"'' ' actually pocket '"plir.Un I many sensilde features in the (olleges of the City of Ivtrolt, the room so familiar to every amateur iTofessorJTompklns deplores SovU government lti Bus- - tendency to use Mg names for little has been reduced to about the alze otllOne can deseemed natural enough, however, as hoie when I'm off his hands he'll academy 'Just before the (ic.c's of sla. The tiltt that no putillc ns the result of our love of of a pack of cigarettes. J things fix 'of filma number more and rial should than nvelve $lf0 the elegant, any 5YHOPSIS word to velop a protection to the figures from "the enjoy life a little.' the four l.racehrldge chlTur. a. it I The Is s habit la the month In mi extremely sunlight. sound; bright "Must everything "go 'ou l:ke this was and fingers of the day eai!y traced, ns the !, "tries of promptly punishing otllelals when express the commonplace, work hlng poaitlon I idle eyes la an Ingenious fact and our aversion to calling compact darkroom ended abrupjly on the twer 'y ulm'i j,nat Mercer scholars or from Balders appar'ent-r'ml- until you are twenty-one?. . . mechanical a with are or tank dishoneit device little negligent. "Or uiitil I marry ff I tnrry be- of SvptemlCr of the year o' it,,. th.ey desire to play tricks with a spade a spade." ' AtthalJ Impish to live "by l'c.t ti e for rolling the film through the defore am twenty-one- . Americans ho Too Imllev.os, Then the drowning. often, them. On that day and fixing solution, all, of t'limnnit 1st principles will wreck refuse to recognize cheap and ugly veloping In trustees!, ip .asses r.racebrnlge had ceased his roc Finding Arthur In his bedroom guardianship Soviet The Is so pal- t'ommunlsm course. perfect- darkness. things as cheap and ugly, or even Clin la niwcr to opi-tlietn again. smoking the black pipe which was to my husband until I a:n twenty of It meana In In so motion, weak by pnh'.v respects many kept Instead, we attempt his darling, he related the recent one then 'to me absolutely." Pay i:e turiuM to the appt.x' conto commonplace. additional An device. succeed. The cranka rciiiot objictlon Mrs. Denver laid down her knit- date of Doctor to fool oursehes and others by winding op by a circumstances, inPracehrldgo's the Teaching of Karl Marx Is It will venience Is a thormometer-llka- ' dressing them up In grand names. retrogressive .process with the ac- ting. "My child, why don't you marriage, and found this time exact which the d ft human neisls. The poor man strument tolls Consider the glittering ottlccs we "Mrs. llask-l- l Is a dear w.o: n-count of his visit to the Moore marry?" Is entitled to Justice; hut so Is the In our lodges. Professor required for developing and fixing assume A nervous silence follow. d s ;r would not farm. this loatde. who refuses, to remain poor. cian like at. different tennoratures .winter and out. Titles Tompkins points Do you believe that old farm- remark. Payne put his hand over prised If after our marriage. ivr. 'And In the human experiment Potentate of the summer. The vest (nnket darkroom, I his eyes as if to shade them from ro"p-'hlcdid grow ti love lor er'a story Or there tuts never berm found a tribe 'Grand Exalted th 4, Honorable and Benevolent Order of which has boon exhibited- - at the light, and Arthur and Janet own mother. Yes why not?' lhe child N oa' of men wherein the majority were So nnd So, er MIer Most Imperial Leipzig fair, does away with the Me was the only witness of their looked like people at a .lay just four." and makes It of willing to remain In perpetual pov" - after the curtain hhs goif- up. Mrs. Majesty, the Lady Queen of the drudgery for developing The first mention of Gor i is to carry deaths a Nature provided menus for Hive. photographer erty. possible What delusions of grandeur Denver resumed her knitting, keil rather surirlsed V : And their drowned bodies? film home with him. The all to become well to do, and the tha finished must titles bring resounding stirred the tire and great Well, he arrived at five to take better spe Inn ns of men will not fool proof. . J.nat la ai-- 1 "That sol I always forget they .WP one wears the purple velveteen tank Is water tight and while I flame his In new of must little con the and unburled tongues 'the up ane, black are churchyard. sought dutii'S; to forever consent Fleming remaining t robe and the gold braided hat that fess I am dlsapimlnted in m, tragedy of They seem so Intensely alive 1 ex case of the chimney. comfortable when comfort abounds t with them, but once out In the Then, feeling strangely juvenile though whether this first feemg and may he easily attained by not go F,uf ?tvT, I poet them some day tCLCome upto face atroot what a cold h4 im, mol Stairs and Join my scholars. together and as If skirting the dark will wear off, and a henr',.-- one unreasonable effort. may not bo the world as rX( Smith or Maggie plain " at wUr L The wax fls- - I Haskell does, too Judging by wood of fate, they drew around take Its place, remains to he s. here to stH1 the end of the llusstan John Brown, Two wet ks later: were mod-- 1 thg new iocfc. Do you know whs the fire telling stories. eeen experiment, but let younger men " I tW orders. The same love of title shows It"Jethro announced to me tl.it Then Payne said, "Someone must Brecebridse remember the prediction that thought was In my mind down at self In the colonels and majors who be delegated to get the fudge." disliked Gordon Ilaskell, and did mm ho given np there. k4tb. o.a church their rnnk without leaving earned I Dot Intend to be his stude: t. Ill go," said Perenice, rising. Like whisky. It Is a fool; It will The same that was In mine, I f IfJTSUrwA Payne, the pr1f',srB their desks, remonstrated with him. but the lad, not stand practical trial. meet Berenice Til go with you." suppose that Haskell In the dim medicine phrenology and astrology, Lease." wjthnl his fine qualities. U at thought Berenice T - ishowduc.Uxg. barber colleges, and aai rtili'litiaie. and Wl" had 1 seen lightExactly. She Is so like the youngtimes hot headed n Payne waited; gave her a little Negroes are very disagree ' ' whom J.nat business unlvrrsltles.r have Balder, and er one Isabel that It Is startling. start, then followed her. At the Althea, Norman and Isabel show bothering whites for gifts. 'My neighbor doea not tuke room; foot of the .staircase site turned, this aversion to Gordon; apparenttn an 31 was winter the Haskell plain frightened spent present ers, but for yours she has bad payyOLa Moore, the on! Quick, Safe Relief I hope he won't come not toward the kitchen, hut toward ly only little Berenice likes the poor npartnionrhouse In Miami, Fla., and look like roomers. of the frightened. They guests, ing him to fellow. She allowed take have found every thing satisfactory In to our festivities this evening. the room where the figures were For Eyes same. Down the street la her on his knee yesterday am! hear except my failure to satisfy the Just the But I am afraid he will! kept and farther on anion an obesity EdBy Exposure To Berenice," his voice had a stern her say her letters. Toor baby I believe, Wilton, hes Jealous negro servants. An old fellow livNeither one ta ahoppe. reducing Cononuea IV her at hut Interests ucation "IAPTEE Ber-- yet tender quality. She started vlopresent ing nearby Is so much annoyed Wind y0Ur growing Influence over salon or .a shoppe. I 7 slightly." and theres ' that he will not let a negro maid wear likes She enice. to you, Is It loss humiliating At All DrvZ Stores Six months later; come In; he does Ms own denning 'a we bu dropped a glove, II that would please him fnlse teeth? Doca an than dentures Pr Book. a'ritMuriMCB..tV.W.C5ii,fo "I Intend to appoint Cor.l.m 'Oarer remarked, and pickea jess than " up, ami I often go over to enjoy educator teach better than a teach-; In Mrs. with I I I have been Bracehridge, his Indignation. And myself more. If your sharp Ber-- 1 case of my death, over the five whipped Into submission but addiscovered that I (other Martha's," said also have pyeg I children. I shall, of course, promire a man brave enough to re11 Janet may I call you I gnJ devoted to Berenice not In bel In a good cause. . . . The poor for vide him, lm-these blackgloves too; though The bridge, I shall not deny It I the measure I do for the others. I whites are as had as the negroes tad poll them on portant thing now Is to protect am sorry the youngsters hate him In begging. About the only real Berenice, Now, 'gj (rowed. her, of mia series to t erreai leads It In the Tnlted States for shown so, your old nurse's eccen-vigor what?" nor outbreaks between them. Priwinter has been the past U during answered Thats Just it," Tayne 1 think Gordon a rather savIn begging mourn I campaigns. vately, displayed j ini ta eccentricity to what know 1 dont - helplessly, age teacher; some men are like Every one Is apt to be a little prej 3 U tear them on the an- the danger la but there la a danudiced when discussing his own deatha that too Impatient of a pupil's limof peoplea ger. I feel It In those black base- I have asked him to he itations I rase, and It really seems to me I drawail be today! Ah. I ment rooms. In the stlfT sad more nouchulant and do my share In proper giving, hut more alateral" and brothers gentle room. In her own fear of the as a. the American system of begging scholars. nn- - ing his .Children with of kind with a tamed id place as If she were only safe sitrule respect and like people who seems to me disgraceful. Much of There, you see I did close to little Isabel or Vlth ting are rather casual toward them. It Is racketeering; the selfish busito divert her mind I fltaet. Tim of 12 ToblaH her arms about Althea or Norman. ness of boss beggars who hide beThe Intense adult Is their abhorI tnnlvemrlea, aay Why did you start so? fottUt of 24 know better hind the scenes and browbent timid rence. Terhaps they NOW yea will be happy thla ere-b! room ! this I Toblats hate down Lets go than we do that a rage for re- dtlxens Into engaging In charity the library, build Come along." dowa Into the kitchen NOW shaping life Is not according to the campaigns they do not themselves At dinner, Payne asked Gordon sweet reasonableness of the divine believe In. Ask any American what 'ute fndg&. HI tell the cook Haskell some questions about the I he Is most disgusted with, and he Gordon Is ambitious to have policy. anything you like. continuto cares old house. After If will probably tell you It Is commitdinner, he bury doubt greatly x n rot too grave a psycholhimself long In Lostland academy; tee begging. The smart French do ing In the same strain, he inquired : a uta fudge Wat Arthur Flemings room ever Vj m so the children and their arch foe none of It; the Germans and thinking be .had mla-c- d to the pupils? boarding very little. It Is an American may be separated naturally." BukeS, who certainly "had assigned HasGordon Me one of many we all disthe ask? Give Must No. Key; do He last In you the weakness; year, Why P&h la managing an estate a seldom. but do not quit In of. Mustl" He was Its very name I approve Just kell's wondering. appeared pt!tcd with old tragedies had of stead room." quitting, the nuisance Is Doctor Bracebrldge evidently afflux and 0 Involved with very nice, large an him worse every dHy; leaders for epl a! Jethros was to worry becoming other It young things In R ere trained as others are trained to become stenographers, W o.ed 1, L ftpriei or mens.Uieiiaruwuiuj might Because ,o, thsM drawer iutked but doctors, lawyers, machinists, to pull for from while, gum Berenice had it watched the door too Lf lou this, another In teeth, and receive large Incomes furniture tbe the a said jn library. She Ctt Real BAYER Atpirln Soiv Louest Price tn History; gave It op. much'" dishonest from the business, creaked so I All old furniture does I" place waa written : Remember, too, that doctors ad1 So m to put the safety and quick afraid a was again g I Balder; getting vise it. for it DOES NOT HARM gm afra,j Yes, Fleming says the furniture action of Genuine Bayer Asptnn and Moth- - len.j as be the but anniversary THE 1IEART. And that adentist usual fellow, the Is more than the There dlsagreeilble creaks." within tha reach of everyone de- bell the he rate it among the fastest known safe when worv, tolling twlc complaint lately about big business price you pay has now been reduced. Thf evening plana Included first er Marthas reliefs for pain. (See illustrations, need 1 wanted to see their It man. me low .nobody that Heduced to of an ordinary men. A new charge Is they do not - ' the making of tha fudge In the pressedfaces be kept from thinking below.) other prepever again accept aome bt to dismiss him manage their wives and children dear doegn t geem BAYEH real of the great barrack of a kitchen. The a in me. aration Its place No with reasonable efficiency. they could ever harm merely frora prejudice or the j cook, and the rather sullen young ASPIRIN that. youve asked lor. It came, and I but cant we prove, foolish of fancy American gomethIng specially does; tsn4 la that direction. She man who had brought np their pclon 15c now for tins ofl2 tablets. I would look in there first ITe glven op triBg to reconcile as comare women children and Moo thought now for bottles of 24 tablets. the near 25c seated fatefully, huddling her trunks, were 1 got the fudge. four and Gordon. mon among the poor as among the before incomparable won eoat of Hudson my I the big, family aize, 100 And the watched proceedings seal range, and Drop a Bsvsr In which manner The tod glancing from time I with unfeigned interest Aipirin Tbirt tablet bottles have again been reThe old Into a gloss a low new muss women American up their duced in price. These f tt her -. had driven the car upi- companion's effect throughout forin now wonder hr.rkptsr of are been -- ell no. .0 ddl,. men the has By tho ttmo LBrices In .nd been Dpbr.ld It hits tho botStates. RjVj.WHw, of the foundation the since eigners tom at th glaso f P(rJodj hated to be Indoors. I tha other aervltor for his matchless It la 4nuito republic; Americans no more assert 1 Psychologist Mr. Payne, incompetence. So Always say Bayer In their homes than grating. themselves ' vron 'ltb this I When Yon Boy Ah, shut your mouth ! Nobody they do In politics. And look at I IN S SECONDS BY STOP WATCH V wood. Balders saw me to that told the politicians have done to what , when you ask for And rtmember, ' thInkln too job-- oot A Onulrw Bayar Aspirin TabUt starts mine." low them. . . . Americans need a lot Bayer Aspirin at these new to CiainUgrata and go to wit of the old, to now accept Much chance Td have for kin- unnecessary of reform In a lot of waya. its prices What Happens In Thao CUxsra alin its place. Idling from that great lummux; any other preparation in Your Stomach Gmuina a Happens I Vo1 Start Taking A Y tK VsplrinTi lohed I ways hanging around where be ft,nt I au now you will think me foolish So never ask for it by the name Bautin la pitiful to see a sweet little d "uue meat for his theories It lold" of rain a taw Mmutca afu but when be- alone buy, you else aspirin" t0r7 no buslne, to be!" was N ftaishXf-- "II woman something o feed oa grow Into habits a akmg. tgaln4 there Aspirin and I like be girl always say A little girl unmust have. WlPn be knew Berenice better Oh, well, hes teachers pet He gde fear I auppose I've bren it. that see you get dolls who Bl ht gome day ask her about tba reservedly trust her father, beunan or from ahrank A lonely woman lieves In him; loves him. But he wUL NOW WHEN YOU BUY BAYER ASPIRIN ALWAYS SAY I she knows due an(j perhaps to her love and bemust even she trust, knows though Iron the let unhappy, great Payne almost not alive." UnJustifiaWe curiosity. And h q a lieve In t'husband and father with spoon drop In the pan of fudge he they are mind any showed she I took part In not wlsh t0 fagten in her great caution. Later In the evening waa stirring. Janet and Berenice, her guar an quite a romance the other day. On which by diarlea keit old of some PARKERS did him nuts, suspicion picking meat from hickory HAIR BALSAM the street I saw a little girl, three j umiiiMiiiaff SS beautiful mm or four yeara old, walking with her oughT'to beut dowx ,w lawataCaluraad In with the tired fa waa her holding parenta. She angel, be thought, tmi tl 0 at Urif aM- Newest Hotel of dawn, too tired to theria hand, but occasionally let go approach new and tn arth. of the prin--1 Similes and ran to look at aomethlng tn the iuJHtsiore ihampoo jvi en Would you look over them think of t me One cm, .mao,. te I a and waa put ln to I whatTouThlnk could be done with to be aleep. hand tired led, out, with her too back, giiaoiUaniiwriaFi)'wN.lt, j am jrou vw .toof hlch led Into fh The four, two of themfe&ing that g march on Arthur I took it, but she waa atm looking I thelr her'and descend- - they dowTto'thOiJ church.' at tha wonderful windows; she Il promised her to look through dgo down to lIbrarF Uent wa.klng P tteps he found thought ah waa still walking with four had played cards, Wi7 u wai glorious, r3 with lf Mrs.Den-September, ke,U of prm1 with her father. It was quite a thrill 1 Whert Sten P trn?ft0 SmSI I lagt day fudge, chatted, fire Mr Ukegrenup in- - the back- 0d5ei A new she ran to another window, Then coming maples ver placidly knitting weater bJ light otone of kfF bad been ,aUey under vast and, when aha came back, took her commoD out. tf0a the lampa aet liberally about t0 father's hand, wUhoutYnowlng aha being In a Pl7-- I ,ftneva of aunrlse; and tha academy Dp on the hill be-- had been bold with a stranger. 0Jle the cloud from .wiping the base- - j overcome the gloom. She wildly wiJi& blgck.porple re,let rattled tie ear, wto- - L un. Th, d bnsbt analljlit '!'W 'MM. Hi, win macan den. of ba weJtered. . . All my life I hare heard men say, aad awajed tbe 0D u,, fratbea aerI Tbe it. had reached am not I a of Tm glad you ve come. sort the frrther pre- as a apology: .oftiy. They special g, be pend on I was lnt0 M em t0 .ense'of empty rooms and hidden maker." Everyont of aoy acof eDtered the church, and the money merchants, ides mpty h'cb count at all la a money et asei t0 th b I nrolecta about them. Berenice for-the in NtteftS8 ,wntaln 4. By Und I on me belfry maker; announce our town I he had ever and groaned beneath hi. rare thing la, a money saver. Tha . ee house.' this rrPked that she; of columns the Uie rassa?eethe Haskell appeared In the door the eve r- maxim I bar most solemn regard When he reached the aU paper. They mean eetr AU comfortable. !Lfient Mystery was Mill sharply looked along all tha exposed for la that declaring It la easier to 200 THe Baths no key could make money than it Is to save It . 200 Rooms money saving to our come In, Guardian?" for key. But ipia ! ,ooke1 hout wttb It readers. pays to always Don't fortet pot Not Radio connection la tvtcy soom. brlck ,n the merCONTINUED.) bed. to to B on me y unreason-ablpatronize when go oct So yon out (TO the many Impose V thrust the lamps a, RATES FROM CHAPTER chants who advertise. I am especially anxious not to Til Ke to It," Janet said. loct"1 Hollswd f Hash" Tk on others. I always want jm fppww afu r They are not afraid never find Yon wont come In, air?" Payne Dutch Impose but himself had one national every the THEN tere1 x RlJsttafeU" of their merchandise what Is Justly my due; 1 do not obERNEST C ROSSITER, JJv. sat down asked. He had noticed Haskells rethe East, often congone to bed. Payne Unon to Insist ln throughout to dish to this anyone their or occasions Dr. ject prices on other late of the luctance ,h' 30 different Ingretains a. many t6 read the diaries T' then he your plain rights Is a virtue. I rehe had no in that library. stole but l A3 ger meat, fish egg Bracebrldge. a Including Jethro In r IS5E3 WNU-- W my annoyances fer only to iinnece:-sardients, ear-,: crlrnIral, but devhed nuts and No, I have work to do of going hack to the lion " ten vegetables, sn-b h Impositions. had a room." nrioHi . on the track, as he fruit, T,Brg first, D wLh rice. him Lostland after tbs looked Id matter. Berenice simallon tattle 00 air. I was of the e new lock a speculative, half maternal '' ro-e- nt 1 1 high-soundin- j ' n ' . 1 j in. - , : ! mot 1 - r h - 11 1 per-enic- i . : - 1. let-dow- n 1 J -' j -f t'eiu-mnnlsi- r 1 1 in-Ju- re. n j A VouWES R 1 1ST rro.nins Irritated ! 1 Sun, - 1 " and Dust , I Brace-;HbeknI- Mon! Prices 1 1 ON (genuine Saver Aspirin 1 1 re-hs-- 7 1 tt I 1 r ti nofK Eng-lla- h J V at 1 ... aua-foolis- h f well-to-d- .- 1 ItZkJwutart mese-dg- 1 t. ures I ... .... aywat - io0r' . bipubS; Salt Lake Citys rrrr zss thearthU ieTfT i .be 1 rwS Uoxa? the Specials 1 JjJ ,h', h W', ''1 N Sift . - Unt CH 1 1 piSIly l- : You H . TEMPLE SQUARE 1 fa Lgie tonV t9H5?,ened -- 1-- " i ",rt !nj f1 HOTEL 50 riwtb . FA |