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Show PAGE SEVEN Kitty Fa m : the ; : adding march r.Drliht HHWNUr 4 Bobbs MrrIU Cu. TTtC. SYNOPSIS t study, , to be married f. to Stl fZnZotj. 1. one of th Shipley, ta a rtat 1, obviously KUUjr 0f the ta th :SSuU i. . minister U am t u,d fjl Franklin, while visitor. among n actress, Choo found, many k,4iitresa -- .intended wife. smie Carmody; ber brc. n l! Wnlel Built, woman .unknown an and frock. The dead man, law Vlo Dunbar, appears Ml- Peter Cardigan. novelist well-know- Z, ur detective, begin, th. HTitIftlon. HAPTER rr Contlnue3 II (crg" the novelist agreed, about gfll am very doubtful delivered that tiRy to have more strength That regained V ordinary woman possesses. 0 L" :Sj back , ; to. me. eh? Nick was sardonic. You have nfcfssarily. imile told-f- the two Carmodys and the waa anyone else here? jnrtpaper man hesitated, and itipoke hla manner wag very a. Tv mentioned all the Doctor Abernathy It Hid. tat here most of the time. Ctrnody came In early and td violently with Jim In the Hi father." he glanced at Carmody, "came back here !tw minute before the wed-to start. I think he quar-i;tI, k b SB, All IS But the organ was playagreed. ing, Inside the church. I chuld tell they were quarreling, however. '1 fould hear the woman's vol'ce, raised shrilly, from time to time.- But ! could not distinguish what was be Ing said. "And then what happened? Peter Cardigan prompted." Then Daniel Bullis came tn, through the side door of the sac ristyc Wheres Jim Franklin? he asked me. I told him he was in the study but could not be dis turbed. You see the woman wa still there." "And Bullis waited for him?" No." The, rector leaned forwrud earnestly. "Bullis swore. He sa.d "Franklin cant put me o(T any long er, and walked on inio the study without knocking." "What did you hear theij? T heard nothtng more inside the study. I had Just decided to inform Mr. Carmody concerning the quar rel, when Mr. Royce came ba k." Where had you been, Boyce? Kilday wheeled quickly to the nows paper man. "Out In the vestibule of the church, looking for Milo Dunbar," replied Royce. "For me?" Dunbar looked at the editor Inquisitively. . "Jim wanted you to do him a fa vor," Nick explained. "We'll come to that later," Kil day Interrupted Impatiently. "How i -- help a volun-kesitantl- "Mr. Royce waa r a while and In hla absence, sere two other visitors, a t a man. others! Kilday exclaimed, didn't you tell ua about vhy Core?" 1 had-tende- -- Pat I couldn't locate In-lu- r n hat was why 1 was g.n e long Rut Ryle wasnt there, c.iler, and I finally decided th it (ho hoy would be all right, nfter he had had tune to think tilings over. At any rate I couldn't roman away longer as it was about time for the sorv ce to statt. So I (.ame on lank I jive pie no opportunity, I recognized from hla pictures. lie waa Daniel th well known politician." tBuills!" The sergeant whls-"Di- d you recognize the wom-- o i ua r Doctor?' you describe? fier? rector was doubtful d r was right there In the oh tin h all the time, declared Milo Dun hnr. Ills alert gray glai.ee was fas tenod on the newspaper man. 'Td like to know where? couldn't locate you. "Lets get all this straight." Kll day, hands behind him, studied Royce shrewdly. "Shortly after you and Franklin arrived. Rylie 'Car mody came. He was evidently Both you and Doctor Aber He talked with nathy saw him. Franklin In the rector study, and then left hurriedly. Iuvter Fra'nk-liconfided the nature of this quarrel to you, and you went out In front In search of Mr. Dunbar, but were unsuccessful In finding him. "While you were away, Doctor Abernathy was called to the tele phone, and when he came out he found Franklin quarreling with a mysterious woman In blue a blond. Franklin declared the woman was hysterical over a trust fund and hurried her Into the study, where Tills woman was they quarreled. not Choo Choo Train, because Choo Choo was wearing green. At any rate, while the woman was still in the study, Daniel Bulils came here He demanding to see Franklin. refused to wait, and pushed on into the study in spite of Doctor Abernathy's warning that Franklin was busy. Then you came back, Itoyce. And when the doctor told you he had never seen such t strange wedding. you told him It might be stranger, before It was over. You say you were referring to Ryile CarI e; - per-Fo- r . itr t T" W HhCTTvnfy, "XA-JimtQl- " dme ttdoor 4 r 11-- , a' - T 1 t to present d tv P. destine uni it .uhUilonM of early male hv tmy have trod IT. streets. Fhlshak of Pgvpt la believed fo have been ore of the destroyers' of the city. The prim-l- .il temple of Beth Shoim esh isrlutp was laid In ruins at the tune of the eslle, The tangible result of these expe-ill- ) pus has been the fofinitloD of c Palestine museum at llaverford eoniafnlng an aliamlanee of'val-nalil- e g matciial Several ri'tiorta In detail en the field tliseov-erie- s have been puldlihed by Viator rant. tiic- ex- - i 'x year .evtyensive IU Id work In pro ,duced JuiUiaut result under the 11 yes Mon of - Prof. rjrini Ur.mt. vs ho head the department of I.ihlh al lit epature at lav erfot d The finding of the fifth evpe.ll lion, vvhl.h went Into the fit Id Inst Spring, lire now being classified over that tra.l, J.n kon iiiil.pie. n MXtll nn, For lie wh the In Rid I. expedition rapher of that 'highway of a west The llaverford excavations arc hv w hi d faring nation," the first nun cjtled at Ain Shorn, which Is In the Womans Viewpoint, as to (tav eie It with the crude photo lower hill One of Sex Sees It about twenty ccuintty gtnphtc maleria'N of fi yoais ngo, mile's west of Jcrtmileili, overlooking It wotmm'a common falling now and to makc a pictorial resold of the Mediterranean. This monad ruin to take love too seriously ami the countrv thrcoish which It r.m teo casually. She would he far is the s te of Hiiclcut Beth Shemo-di- . crlc In 11 Pom tn New .bob a cltv which tloui ishe'd between tcm belter off If sho reversed the son became an itiuciaiit atlist,,a and tksi B ( Hie city lav on linpor cedure. map maker In the iumi ariiiv dnr The American girl Is the victim ov tint trade routes lit tween l'gvpt, tng the Civil war, a village pho IaloMine her pictty amt well iitiised deliialomA, Piotcs-oand Svrit tosiap'ui Hftcrw nidi, then a f"r !Ull a Him expedition filscoond She hel'eves that w lien romance nine1 s,'c Kor In the' tr in MTssN ppl 1. les coil nf marriage ec Brone a.e .oolite t ru i which the marriage West li In 1MV. he w a a cue of the' known Itself should be ilismlv ed, because lidded trevt whmkcr' for a fioLMcis" oulfil lleaMires of ("anaanlie builil dopes she fools herself Into thinking (hut tiom Nehriskii hauling supple to depth of "0 bet Pc' rom in e mid love are olio. Nothing filv en t hi Missouri to tin' valley Its.Dim'ug low the' surmount mg wheat field. unhl be more fatal for her imrttonnl of the tirc.it Salt I ake in ft th luv-Doctor Brant's partle security for her happiness, for fi Next Jie mot his brother sit up four level rep re ciiilcnlid old ih;o or for aoclcly. hi photographers In the booming It wa net essiirv, perhaps, that we leiiting disllmt epoch In the city's (ronfior town of ihnihi, but vvliou go through a period of itijtrlamalul history. the t 1, on Pile I'lc begin limiting T he rather 'oio ucit In adei abrupt pill iglng and experimentation west. Jobs, m loft hla biothor to destruction hv fire ait' written In the departure from the Idea of marriage run tie si!,,ci nn, started out to art loeord After the ruin of a nn eternally fixed Institution recent whit wa h ippeidnj: In whit the' heolnglo eausex u to lllng ourselves to the first city at Ain Mtoini, wall was thou he real "Wild West " To Hence we have surand roof he ami of budding weie oilier extreme get Ui lure lie lock the i Iruiee of, time when fidelity, vived an In tirlv ten lloori hewer the The pushed h's.ug Is s,,,,. Put he got till' pil- domoll'dicel strm tines weie leveled cot sense and even ordinary de lules olT I luiihler, nml nnother cency Iiiivo sunk to n low ehh. We So successful was lot that Dr.CV cilv was erectccl cn the mini of the are emerging from It more unhnppy V. Ilavden, head of tin I'niled old. than hefote The homo Is t tie root Stale's geological surrey, offered from which all our other liiHt It utlonn erect'-Till etc titled over again, him a Job a photographer for the ami and permanent marriage, re-spring, again, unlll four, cr perhaps five, expedition which started out In tSTO garded seriously hv both men and Intel been laiilt, to survey the old Oiegon Mormon successive illlc-women, Is (he ell that nurtures that nml rehtilll Remains tef tent trail and the eld Overland Stage root Mrs. Walter Ferguson, WomFor they next ten year ha pie, palace, dwelling, simps and an's Editor, In I lie New York World-rouie indus'lilal pi nVrt!os all testify to the accompanied other surveying expo elegram. of Beth Mieniesti ns S texistence It on wa and those ditlons, cxpedl of Iulestlne. city early tlons that he took the' pIcturoH of prtespt'rcens A Wi.s Wife scenes tn the West, Indians, from The wealth of personal hfhenglnga Jink But my wife Just handed nte tier josts, etc, which have become found. Including vases, fiaska, howls, revealed a big surprise. sin h a priceless heritage to poster tmels, weapons and Jewelry, which nn Industrious Mepulatlon Harry What waa 11? tv. Jink-- 1 tidd her I was going to In ST t he made the first photo thrived some 3.000 years ngo. a sick friend anti she to Shemesh with of relation Belli Tho stay tip graph of the marvels of the let snld that I would hold she ancient of Pales Biblical record the hoped low stone, country and his pictures did In the gnme- .he ns Itantla Is a tine good study. Nenrby fascinating ns well as the discoveries of and of who was the birthplace Samson, Dally I'btglo (Brooklyn). the specimens collected by tho Hay illll expedition, of width he was a number, played nn Important part in the creation of the Aellnwstone In recent National park in DTJ. years Mr Jackson lias been research secretary of the Oiegon Trail Memo rial Iatloii, In which role he Is completing the work started when he was not only a front lei sman him self hut (lie pielorial lustoilau of tlie frontier. col-Iil- lave1 DarJ Mr. I your word for.it? and 1 Franklin say, You have." elab-oratln- 1cter Cardigan lnterru. id whi question. 'Did you .tKc udvan a to tage of Mr.' Carmodj-'- i Inform him of this quan. wbvh had so' diMutbod you? asked ' the rector. "No." Do tor Ahernat agilu "1 dci ..led moistened his lips. I ag:t insult. only. Intense I. to In terfere tf'ln mv opinion, tin re were cause to question the in i!!ltj of proceeding with the m.nv. After consideration, I de VI Uv's whs not truo The womn in blue had tonfirmed Frankllus cci ent - t.es that tier qu.trrel was of a nn ie rather than a vf Ime course," lie allied, it w. ht n different had I be il.sent wlen Mis Train, tho a. ' s ar rived. This the first 1 ' .1 l.eird of th t. "LUuw' ' Strgoant Klldav d gostod hen tl.' in sileme for a mound I.e turned to Royce. "Wl.a wa t Choo Choo arrived on fi'ccri e? on "Alter Doctor Aberpatl a orod the ihurih,". Royce. 'When Mr Carmody left e study to tho Doctor Ahcimithy walk. door vv.th him. Mr. Carnm'v w t'kod around the outside of tie ihnroh The Inst thing I heard hi hi si y whs Lets Mart on time.' Is was then only about one niinuti of Var Doctor Abernathy turned to us and asked If we wore ready. Jim said we were. Doctor Abernathy entered the church door. I wag standing here, by tho door, leaving ft open era. k so that I Could see what happened Inside, so, naturally, my back waa to Jim. "I never saw Choo Choo enter. The Arid knew that she .was here, was when I heard Jim sav, What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay away? "She said, T Intended to J'm, until Fletiher phoned me th it yen said to come after all,' she said "Jim denied that he had told Fletcher to phone, and tDy started to quarrel. I was afraid they could he heard In the church. "Pipe down, I wnrnel them. Do you want to brenk up the wed- . I -e prj-ciK- -- mnr-rltg- e 1 r 1 ! I jvr-son- I i i i 1 1 1 I yr s T , I 1 ' as-c- --83?" u That's exactly what she'd like to do,' J tin said. cnio on In here where we can talk' And he pulled her toward the chur of t tie study. That's the last I saw of Choo t hoc. The First Forty-Nine- r "Who la Fletcher?' Kilday wanted to know. spring tl ty In the year IMi came galloping a Imrseinitn That's Jim's man servant, Royce through the Mrtvts of San Fram-lexplained. And that was the last you saw to, sprang from hi weary horse ami ruMiod through the plant, hatless of Franklin, too?' Inq ilred Peter. Yes. But I sp"ke to him after and travd stained, waving aloft a little bottle filled with some' shining that. When? particles and shouting "Bold! Cold t r I squarely. Bold from the American river!" Royce faced Tims It wus that Kain Bratinan, "When Cadis Shipley came In, he frontiersman anti adventurer, won said. "Callia Shipley? Who la that? the title of "the first Forty Nlner.T "See here, thla is prejmster-ous,- " For he was the first to bring to Ambrose Carmody Interrupted San Francisco authentic news of angrily. "Callis was on of the the tliseov ery of gold by James W bridesmaids. Site whs out In front Marshall near Sutters Fort. But thla was not Hie only historic all of the time." In the eartMT of Sam Bran first deNick Oh, no, she wusi.'t, In tho late thlitiea and nnn. Bark behack here was She Just nied. he had been a Jour lea fort fore the wedding SI e came run- early a free lance writer, printer, ning In the side door, very eicltled nejman nnturnl horn pro "a and nn editor and out of breath. Also he wan once an elder motor. "'Where' Rylie? i he back here? In the Mormon church. she wanted to know. he brought to Call In July, I "I told her didnt think so. a colony of aome .Too Mor fornla Jon Franklin? Is where "Then ' American colonists she ssked me breathlessly, She was mtns, the first Yrrba to reath Buena, the little so agitated, I waa afraid something on San Fran settlement Spanish In of view was wrong, particularly cisco . Immediately he began bny. what had happened between Itjlie hi historic flrsta" he preached on and Jim Just a short time before. So sermon ever heard first the lingljsh I knocked on the study door. solemnized the first Amor he "Jim asked me what was wanted. there, on California soli, lean marriage "Have you seen Rylie Carmody? he set up the first flour mill and she asked him. He Isn't In there, settlement it first news the gave 1 Crush and dluolv I Bayer I Aspirin Tablets tn half glul at wtlor. thoroughly 2 GARGLE throw your head wsy bull, allowing a I it Us to trkkls down your throsL - Repeat gsrglt and do not 3 rinsa mouth, allow gargle to remain oev mambrsnes of throat fur prolonged tflecL laher "When Jim said he wasn't, the girl sort of caught her throat, and said, Oh. T could see she was very much excited- .- Youd bet ter take, yon around front,' I urged her, but she said, 0h. I'll be all right,' and left the way she had come." "Mr. Royce," demanded Kilday eagerly, did Callis Shipley have on a blue dress The newspaper man hesitated. let-me. Modem medical science now throw- entirely new light on sore tlironti J A way that eases the pain, rawness and irritation in as little as Uvo er r did," he said finally. Doctor Abernathy sprang to hla "Youre making a. terrible feet. Mistake," he cried, "t'ellla Shipley vcasnT the woman In blue not the woman in blue I saw, That why, thats absurd." ,Ills fingers fumbled with his handkerchief aa be mopped . hie brow. , In out veswas the she sure "Im tibule, In front," Added Ambrose Carmody.-"You- 're getting nowhere. Jumping about this way, trying to connect lnno9ent people with the crime." .Sergeant Kilday frowned slowly, from one man to the other. Then he turned back to Nick Royce. "You say Callis Shipley came back here after Doctor Abernathy left the room? She was the last visitor? i - (TO BH OONTINTED.) Be careful, however, that you get 53Touri is more than AdvertisingDollar shin deep BuYSionicthlog ran rot rnpp tibia Forty-Niner.- " NwvpPr RnlptL, irritating particles. old-ti- J Wwtcra pur-o- n It requires medicine like senil-fng-2,tt- till. fr this pose. Kor they dissolve completely enough to gargle without leaving BAYER ASPIRIN- - to do these things! Thai is why throat specialists throughout America are prescribing this BAYER gargle la ways. place of After he was eipelletl from the Mormon church, he bccame.the firat California promoter by getting out a special edition of hla Star and copies of Lhe pa per overland to the Mississippi valley and C. rtal BAYER Aspirin three minutes! pltperrthe Cullforrita Hrar, the eastern states, extolling thevlr-tuea of the country to prospective settlers. Then came tb discovery of gold and Brannana role as "the first His sensational an nouncement ofj the goldFdlscovery depopulated Han Francisco within a few days and resulted in Sutters' little kingdom of "New Helvetia" being overrun by gold seekers. fn the wild era that fol lowed, Bra nna n prospered. He w a s gambler and banker, merchant and hotel &wner,1mporter and exporter, gold digger and real eitate ieculator, shipowner and smuggler. As San Francisco grew he loomed larger and larger on Itt horizon, and at last was ruling It like a Chinese mandarin. Then misfortune overtook him. His later career was one of "ups and downs but he never remained entirely down, and when be died ln4&S3 at the age of seventy, he was fairly prosperous tn contrast to the poverty of Sutter and MarshalL tho Remember Only Medicine Helps Sore Throat . -- the'-ne- s ding?1 yes, , I t 1 pr' 1 i v 1 I -- -- fr f v Car-mod- t,. le I Imre. -- 5 In if. knowledge lliverfnrd college at i lioohCi al pod.tton. Dnr ng five of the but f a-- 6" Mr. Cam heard him sav, "When nathy. v "She wry handsome woman, he A blond, I think. At least, it the impression of fairness, ta dressed in blue, an after-!o- i I believe, but I cant be that, either. I am sure she itosed Id blue, however." ctor Abernathy, suppose you i h your own "You Will, or Ill way Just what wd when these two people about the woman In blue? Did you d the sacristy." the rector crossed hla see her? Was that Choo Choo Train lowly, "the wbman entered waa called to the "No, I didnt see her. But it couldnt telephone i been Choo Choo," have Royce itody. When I came out, n quarreling with Franklin. waa quite positive. "Choo Choo vod quite hysterical and entered later, from the outside door. -- a. too, was Im sure she hadnt been here be- mody. angry. "1 was," declared Royce emphat!dst hear what had gone be- - fore, because Jim was surprised to ically. 1 came through the see her. Never mind that now." Kilday "And you never saw the woman ""man said, You will or brushed aside t he interruption. In bluer Win Nick shook his head. "Both she "Neither of you saw the woman in grabbed her roughly Bullis leave the 0(t the last part of her and Bullis must have left by the blue or Daniel a few minutes beBut Just I study. had Is first the clapping hig hand over back door. This was to start, you fore the ceremony imth. heard of either of them." Ambrose Mr. Carmody that "Didnt Doctor Abernathy say say llor Abernathy, he said, I besee Franklin. to back came about them? Kilday peroman Is growing hysterical anything was that Inference lieve they your sisted. your studyr quarreled. No, meditated, frowning. Royce talk to her. I advised "I can explain that." Ambrose that I might he able he never mentioned them. I reIs the Carmody broke in. I did have an lst ber. member he did say, This I argument with Franklin. Just besaw.' ever I Franklin refused wedding my help. strangest he waa referring to fore we left the house for the know dle this didnt myself, he told It these visitors, however. church, some one telephoned. Noran was anonymous message. Doctor Abernathy leaned forward 1(Idresed the woman, who have paid no attennont since she had been quickly. "Tell them what yon said. mally I would ' It so vitally conBut It. to tion he Mr. my presence. to Royce," that, This lg g In reply of my family, I welfare cerned the for J. Qukirel I told urged. deserved It recognition. 8 "I don't remember what did I thought anything between I asked Mr' Franklin Inqulred-RoycIn which I iayr li an for Franklin explanation." face rectors the now is the time to You said," "What waa that message, Mr. Carfluahed with sincerity, "It may be over. before Its mody?" . strahger, TselLFraukUnJn-meIt concerned this actress, Choo If you will Just '"Yes, Nick smiled.-- "I remember Train. I was Informed- of her Choo now." study for a few saying that was with Franklin." think goaffair did what can reacI you "Just under-- a la SerTh5 ls It a man's Tolce, or a womWa so Royce be to strange, client of mine, ing Peter Cardigan. demanded follow to was an's? r explained. The mlsun- - geant Kilday quick J mana. "A lead. new. of up the confidential "And you asked Franklin about trus- t- trust Royce hesitated. That gets back to the reason Jim asked me to go When I reached this room, Tt ru1 fltirl w oman. nnu iiiiv uuiiuh in iroui bttu For rnr-fannand Doctor Abernathy both tel1 Mm Royce to "And Rylie so, he said. be began slowly. Jon I Inquired for Frankwere present the after with Just Mm, Position you are , v.! quarrel me he waa Informed and ' they lin, 08 In? Everything we arrived here. . Franklin knocked. I In the study. "Did you hear that qnarre)? right about It It was opened "the ioor almost immedlatebecome statement f r aS? the about tweDty minutes to four. Ry these people they say had Unued, .nd after lie drove up to the side of the of all that In the study. There was no been In came to enter the chnrchJln. aroadsterand there ar the time. I told ukiin cloied here demanding to aee .Franklin one' else what I bad beard, and deFranklin alone. Ue was beside himself with an explanation. I made It manded ear eras said anger. a bad to know the truth I fa closed Kilday "Doctor Abernathy Invited him to clear that hi the wedding. Franklin denied use hia study. He and Jim were' in before truth In the message. was any there "dcKtorre- - there about two mlnutha. Then Rylie ' me hla word aa a gentleman He gave to speak rushed out. He didnt stop I believed him." ,n that way" to either the doctor or me. He on It and Sait uan That waa all then? Kilday astened to assure him. left the church Tery hurriedly and him. Vr Were ntl9ed drove off In his car. I watched him prompted UwiV0!rCe for the heightened -- "Yes." Except 100 cou,1 carcely from the door there." Carmody gave no his In face, "But you say Franklin told you color lh"'' outward sgn of emotion. about this quarrel? "I can substantiate a part of Jot finder ordlDrjr'dr-- j Yes. ' Immediately afterwardhe Doctor Aber; Doctor Abernathy called me Into the, study and ex- - thf,'r "volunteered J r 1 I'min Hih.ibit.riii have l n LS r 1 very-angr- and v y - pkilnod tl.at some one hud told Rylie about ids a?. air with Choo Choo 'I he hoy had come to derain. mand an ej.riui.tt.on. j.m had told him tire trti.h. ll.ete was nothing eNe to do. Rovoe left I, is 17v!r and walked restlessly about the ro m as he eon tinned his story, "it seems that H.vlie di'iiumiod to know If the af fa.r J.m nude the mis lake of trying to nri. to the hoy as oi e nun of the world to another, it didnt work Ryl.e do.l.ired he' was' gnu g to stop the vtefl.l i g. l.e lore d.in could stop him, rushed out of the room, and wis e gu '.1 in was worr.ed He was afr-ilthe h..y night cause some sort of distui iunoe dur.ng the ccreinoi y So he asked me to huiry out in front and liml M.' inudut', Mr lumbar is or was .1. ms law pirtmr. I was to evpla.n what had happt nod and ask I m to hoop an eve out for Ryl.e when lie itmd th hnri h J.m was certain J1 it Mr I 'unbar could handle it. 1 Jim, too. ' J By MONTE BARRETT h rwpi I may be able to Doctor Abernathy sFO r r njjo Silc of Ancient Ciiy oUB'iblieal Interest-- on?-Uncove- r i j Ask yooV dortoe. A ik the bcaaty cup spert. CAR HELD 1 EA pithtlv often doe more foe your skin sod complexion than costly cosmetic. Expel poisoo-- r ousbodyursstescbsidoctbepore csais muddy, CaUMF sod eveotusllr skio. A week of blotchy. erupted I awmiw ihit Inter os "Weety tnstmrmt ek you. begin lnnihL WtUest 01 f ysw drug store) Vrli GARKIHL'DITPAT A Splendid lAtxaUee TWimVnrm H UlU more than (pace and circulation in the columns of this newspaper; It boys space and circulation plus the Favorable consideration of our readers for this newspaper indltsadverililng patrons." Let Us Ten You Mom About It Drink Isyur skin pimply, A rashy or easily irritated? Then start using Cntleur Soap SOAP.now. Containing medicated, f and healing properties, it emol-lie- soothes and comforts tender, sensi- five skins and does much to keep them clear, healthy and in a vigor sennmv titng If V f y . ous condition. PRICK ' nt 23e Proprietor: Potv Drag Chemlml lit al den, Masa. CtP. |