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Show 1 UKUARY 11.J934 y TIIK WEEKLY REFLEX PAGE SEVEN Fifty 'Famous Frontiers in on ' WnDING MARCH ri Mi) , j - W.WNU T BTT4fhU ha Babba-Merri-ll chapter U hTth Study. gone Smald on the left-- Id name not know her hesitant-yjjaslo- n backward, slowed Ita aol- - IS 0,n'; 01. cnw bustling a vague iris even anthe church, al the majestic organ LohMgrlaa "Wedding un-d- y It from hla rdlftn sensed the church he thought What' could be i, the nave of it the fancy .red him. novelists mind pic-- , piin services conjured corner of the world by HU Insure the ftaltb to per-- t detail which had been li of Carmody brides pint was young. I seemed strange to Cardl-- j a Franklin to be marry-Lg- t Oarmodys daughter. jid had been a stranger ... When him,- Jim rdlgan knew been a young (hid of law school,, laying foundation of his career In experience of the police Peter, without realising It, p laying some foundation hi own In those days, for be ieventeen years. well-bre- he was a police rebefore he had become 1 when td ti a tu Va i g writer of as for the occa-ijln- g of one In real life. seventeen years ago. best-sellin- well was marrying rrnnklin If irmody. there was 111 - 10 a With unex- any- - d newspaper stories, H be the next governor of ft, too. Ridiculous to think ago. What were they waiting for? ghlnj could be wrong And tfie vestibule, procession was scarcely From his position In down he peered the aisle. It seemed low. bridesmaids had baited, that the Abernathy, rector of St. mark. near the stood choir halfway the by i, steps iered. Everything had gone Whats wrong? He asked one What of the ushers, a young man with it the rehearsal. now? Where was the a vacuous puzzled expression. a! Theyre waiting for the brideor was troubled about the groom, air." (had witnessed in the sac-Waiting? Why should they wait? What an odd setting for Where is he? Tell him to step up." H! The Hes In the sacristy, sir. Weve sacristy of a tat before a wedding. Too, no way to tell him." tied to question the Ambrose Carmody eyed the young strange rtw had quarreled with the man sharply. In hla office they us. For a moment his learned to find a way. Then be realbeen aroused. But ized they werentln his office. This Franklin was all right was Doris wedding. like that could Cant you dash around and Jog happen to moody. The generosity of him up?" he suggested, in a tone kstort had made this fash-olfar more suave than his expreschurch possible. sion. The young man disappeared out Jrt could be nothing wrong. lke that didnt happen to the vestibule. U the Cbrmodys. The sus-ltDoctor Abernathy waited Impawhich the good doctor tiently at the choir steps. The oroentarlly regarded that gan was repeating the march, more kered brightly, for a mo slowly now, as the puzzled organist d is quickly dieL Bnt not endeavored to catch the rhythm of her. The distrust with the procession, without success. The W had as whispering with specuregarded that quarrel church Med very vividly now. What lation. he have done? In the vestibule, some one tugged Notified the father? He had Ambrose Carmody's arm. at thought of hi yet what could be have Well?" The old mans nerves The circumstance f a quar-no- t were on edge. sufficient to question the Then he noticed the strained whits of a wedding, at least look of the youngsters face and fol- there was no question of those 1 k sus-ha- d 1 d h .involved, No, there, was the rector re- - nothing he could I Shipley was worried What ?pened to Jim Franklin? u Nick Royce? Callls was bridesmaid on the left At rs&l. the bridegroom and man had entered at the iof the organ, and waited J steps for the procession Jd alowly down the aisle, (iiethoughttogee If he fore she atarted? She P third of the way down r iK 1 Mconds missing, slipped past, and not come. Callls glanced She suddenly real-u afraid Where was 'Vhat had Web Something terrible btedl She knew it l 0ly could have fonnd By- ? Carmody avenue, a po- e1 bacij the curious WRlted Urmod,I . L1 t to glimpse the J t0 keep moving, officer. The r.it H's pretty lowhd him out to the itepsrWhats through wrong?".he wanted,. to ask.. Why didn't the boy speak? But he said . ltly. l'-r- "Yes." t T u - v t - vt ! i) i , ! j 1 " -- -- pented. Fifteen hundred wedding guests sat stunned In their pews. They seemed unwilling to believe Doctor Abernathy's statement. Whnt did he say? Tell me again," the woman beside leter Cardigan sought confirmation of the astound- . ' wealth of romance Nroita'nel j In those four word! What picture they hrlng nj of an era In Amort-' can history that I gone forever Jhe pictures of thousand pon thousand of longhorn cattle, drtv on north from the wide plain Dine Star state to the roaring cow towns of Kansas hy a hed, a rcikless, a brave a crew of dire- rtetils a the werl I has ever knovr.. the ojd time cowboy,. The scene of many a sftry In err "Will West" mgfl?!ne on, (or near the Old Chisholm Ti L "Cowboy singers" on the fall Its fame alive. But who the man who gave It hla name? Jesse ChNholm was the man In hi vein flowed the hho1 of red men and white lie waa horn In the old Cherokee Indian country It) Tennessee In ITTS. Ills father, I at , nation Chisholm, the son of John j ChNholm, the lnt hereditary chief' of the Cherokee, was of Scotch descent. Some time after 1VO (Til t holm established a tradinf far fotn where the old CT5fnnla Trail crossed 'the Routh Canadian river In the preent state of kl horns. Later on he had another trading post at Council Crnve on tn North Canadian, wet of Oklahoma City. M By this time he had an own people entirely an I wa adopted member of the WUMtaj tribe with whom he went north lnt Kansas at the outbreak of the Ctil j war. For more than sit year the; Wlchifns camped at the mouth of the Little Arkansas where the rtty which heart their name I now i rated. There they were visited hr j Jilmes It. Mead, a trader, who Ini the spring of 1MVS, wa Invited by j Chisholm to Join him In a trading j expedition to the valley of Ihet .Washita In the vicinity of Fort a ' j it-th- ' j s kt - ing news. "The wedding has been postponed, Peter told her, and made his way toward the door. At first, the novelist had no thought but to hurry away nhead of the crowd. Now he hesitated. Something serious must he wropg. After all, Jim Franklin and he had been friends In the past. Perhaps he could he of some service, lie followed Carmody and his daughter Into the sucristy In time to hear him ask, "How did It happen? Where Is he?" "In the study," replied Doctor He hesitated, looking Abernathy. Jim Franklin!" at the girl who was to have been a bride. "Hes he's been killed," he were now holding hmk a swelling faltered. "Murdered. crowd. serMichael himself, Cardigan followed the stunned Kllday, was rector's homicide Into the of the study. They geant bureau, group had need of him here. . the first to push his way Into the Sprawled on his back, beside the study. Behind him followed the depastor's desk, was the bridegroom, medical examiner. Three more ' 1. Control intestinal action exactly no t,purslngi 2. Measure to suit your indi iJual needs to the drop 3. Banish Bowel Fatifue and the laxative habit l. Hero's Why: j Jee jot w'-- , nt ; J Cobh. Mead accepted the Invitation. So thry loaded their wagon and drove lo the crossing of the North tna-dlawhere a short side trip to (Id holm's trading post at vns made. Kll-da- y Tho liquid y tostt Thi test has proved to many men and women that their trouble was not weak bowels, but strong cathartics: First. Select a good liquid laxative.. 2. ake the. dose you find is suited to your system. 3. Gradually redure the dose until bowels are moving regularly without any need of stimulation. Syrup pepsin has the highest standing among liquid laxatives, and is the one generally used. It contains senna, a natural laxative which is perfectly safe for the youngest child. Your druggist has Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. l j RvaUirr t f k1 ! Tin. Sslly Conversation U,mi urnJ D'u says Tm Katnryn Mr. Ilugfu nl the suit of tne earth. You were thnt Note to parents: Crov m You can keep the bowels regular,, and comfortable; you ran make constipated spells as rare is colds. . 1?-rr- other trips over this route Wichita, Kan., to the valley of the Aageles Washita and to (liNliotnrs Trail It became famous a the oM Klttye lie means youre so weR preserved. J ouL-- Ui Chls-tioliuTra- an. I It gave to Jee1,l-tnllong after hi death a renown which he little snrpecfed was lo be hla while be was still living. A d Hero of Fact and Fiction Battle of Monmouth was llenry Clinton's British army had retreated toward Sandy Honk and crossed 'over to Staten Island. Hanging on thHr flanks were several detachments of (Jeo. Daniel Morgan's famons A merles n riflemen. On the New Jersey shore, among the horses and wagons yet to he ferried over, stood a phaeton perhaps General Clinton's own, thought the buckskin clad rifleman, scouting toward them. He noticed, too, that the phaeton ras guarded by two sentinels, hat the next moment be was dashing forward shouting for them to surrender or dle. One of them fled Immediately, but the rifleman disarmed the other and ordered him to hitch two of the best horses te the phaeton Immediately. As the frightened Briton did this the other sentinel came running hark only to receive a bullet from tho long r!3 of the buckskin bravo.' The sharp crack of the rifle et tracted the attention of British artillerymen across the rhannet. who Immediately opened Are. But the Morgan rifleman rode safety sway In hla captured phaeton with his prisoner beside him and a not let daredevil escapade waa chalked ep by David Ellerson. Ellcrson was a Scotchman, born on the high seas while hla family were emigrating to Tlrgfnla. He won distinction as a sharpshooter ' and Indian lighter lnLordPuS-morewar lo 1774, and a year later marched away to Boston as a be. member of one of thoae rifle companies who bore the legend Lib erty nr Death" emblazoned across the breasts of their buckskin shirts. ' He became one of the picked soea who made up Morgans rifle corps, and as aa almost legendary figure th the annals of border warfare on the New York frontier, Elersoo strides serosa many a page in Rob T be-Id- This-secon- I Conm-i- l ter"n.NhH it, you avoid danger of bowel strain. Any hospital offers evidence of the harvn done by harsh laxatives that drain the system, weaken the bowel rriuwirs, and in some rases even aSrtt the liver and kidneys. A doctor will tell you that tho oawise clnwre of laxatives is a ron-mo- n rauae of chronic constipation. Frvtuoatrly. the public is fast returning to tbe use ol laxatives in liquid form. A properly prepared liquid laxative brings a perfect movement. e u no discomfort at the time and no weakness after. You don't have to take a double dose a day or two later. la buying any laxative, always trad. If talrl Not tbe claims, but the'rnrifmfs. If it contains one. doubtful drug, dont take iL ' f)r. Caldwell's Syrup IVjmin Is a esc ript ion 1 preparation in which Kere are oo mineral drug. Its ingredients are on tbe label. By using II K over and Kir Heres Quickest, Simplest Way to Stop a Cold 1. Tw Brink full Bmr of wstsr. ! Kiiwt irutmmt ta J hours. Q it throat Is sort, mah Ua and diwoivt aIn aBayrr halt Aspirin Tablets (law at water and fargta" so curding to d action in t Almost Instant Relief Ask your doctor about this. And when you buy, see that you get the rad BAYER Aspirin Tablets. They dissolve almost Instantly. And thus work almost instantly when you take them. And for a gargle. Genuine BAYER Aspirin Tablets dissolve so completely they leave no irritating particles. Get a box of 12 tablets or a bottle of 2t or 100 at any drug store. - in this Way The simple method pictured above Is the way doctors throughout the . world sow treat colds. It b recognized as the QUIGC-ESsafest, surest way to treat a cold. For it will check an ordinary cold almost as fast as yoo caught IL T. ' DOfS NO? HJJtM THE HEAtT s ert W. Chamberal!storicaI romance a hero ,of fiction as wet; as of fact. FHrro! ""? j halrt.reVf Qulclcnealinq FOR Salt Lake City's ffrritations Skin safer with fewest Hotel It yew pus pies, eczema, raiacs. chaiiogi, (nnkiwi or other Aaimist (ilia trouble, begin today la w Call lew rm Keep and O list newt. Baiba the affected avis wuh the Soap, anoint with the Uiaiant Belie! comes at once and i follows. m U:f XUmmdOta escape from death, none perhaps closer than that day In 177V when he was a member of the ocoutlng OTEL et half-wa- - Science says Today use a LIQUID Laxative Ft 1 loollJijyUFJ i , : tectives, one hearing a camera, completed the party. Hello, Peter," Kllday recognized hla friend and associate on other cases. What happened?" Without watting to be Informed, he knelt bettlde tbe bridegrooms body. Then, with a low ahh of expelled breath, he turned a startled countenance on Feter again. he ejaculated. Jim Franklin Look here, Doctor." e The medical exnmlner knelt swift with and fingers, him, laid back the vest and ahlrt that covered the wound. Franklin's death had been caused by two knife thrusts, one a long jagged tear across the groin, the second a smooth deep wound, between tbe rlbe et or near the heart wound was about three said. end et either end e wide Inches Doctor 7" did It When happen small blue bruise, half the size of at voice hla last found Abernathy dime; stood out against the white About, five minutes ago, I should kin. hand one Judge," Nick replied with Sergeant Kllday's glance darted over the transmitter. Then be got hla connection and reported the about the room, questloningly. The knife Isnt here, Sergeant," crime to the police, before turning Nick Royce Informed him. Ive alagain to the rector. looked." I followed you to the door." he ready "Who found him?" .the officer desk the continued, leaning against asked- - tersely easily, as though unconscious fTSe I did. I was his beet man, and I left dead man eo near at hand. waa waiting out there In the aac the door ajar, and kept my eye on to you,ad wed Anow when to start In. risty fortbeWeMlngMarch. relie volunteered, Royce begin," Jim was behind me, in the entrance had told the othI heard peated the story he of the study, I thought. the of er discovery of tbe crime, nothing unusual I never realised not omitting tbe fact that hie first anything waa wrong until the Wed- action had been to telephone the ding March began. Then I said, 'All tory to his paper. set, Jim, but be never anawered me. You telephoned Topics before When I turned to call him again notified Klldaya tone was you the door from the aacrtsty Into the Incredulous study waa closed. The newspaperman podded. "I tbou g h rtha tw a s atringerhut And you were hla beet man-pr- etty I still wasn't auspicious. Not nntll I wasnt It?" tried the door, and found it locked. man1 the narrowly. eyed Of course, then I knew someI Jim la dead. thing was wrong. Tran around the Royca denied. outside, to the rear door. It waa couldnt help him. And I couldn't open. 1 found Jim like this. keep a story like that out of th oaknowT papers even - If-- 1 to." lie "But why didnt yon-lJim demanded Ambrose Carmody, who pointed at hie deed friend. had left hla daughter with mem- Franklin baa been murdered. Every bers of the family In the sacristy, one knowa Jim Franklin. He!d have and entered the room during Royce'a been the next governor of the state We. had no Idea what was If he bad lived. He Was killed In recltaL wrong. We were In the midst of tb study of , fashionable- - St. Matthe wedding march the girls were thews church, whll$jy siting for hla down the aisle." own wpddlng march to begin. And," I forgot about he shrugged. Royce glanced Imperturbably atAm-bro- a that," he confessed.. I was bnay Carmody, "he; waa marrying Doris Carmody. Thats the mos phoning." Phoning?" Ambrose Carmodys dramatic story aloes Lindbergh hi " white eyebrows lifred into question Faria. (TO BE OONTlWrai marks. Phoning?" Jim Franklin. A limp hand still clutched at the desk leg. His other arm was flung across the rumpled A .sodden stain crept across rug. his vest and darkened the silken Ills collar, lining of his cutaway. torn on one side, curled grotesquely awry, grim symbol of the man's last struggle, . Doctor Abernathy gazed In horror at the body on the floor. Beside the desk stood Nicholas Royce. Peter had known Nick" In the old newspaper days. Now Nick was managing editor of Topics, the tabloid with the largest circulation in New York. He had been the dead mans beat friend waa to havabAen hla best man. Nick nodded at Peter In recognition. Ill call the police," he JJ you want to GET RID of Constipation worries- I , ftt- J 7 Were going around h;nk." he lu quickly. Why " told' her. There was a trace of a s die "But, I al around. the corner of lloyco thin Then she read the shock In his lips as1 he glanced quickly tea aril face and followed him, w onder-1eter. Ingly. "I wasn't phoning the police". 'he He met the usher, still on the said. "The . story." ' steps. "You mean youve notified the , "Wheres It? lie?1 he' asked. "1 newspapers? ' Oirtnody's tone wtis want him to take hD sister hump. angry. Again he turned to his daughter.-1on- r "Not the newspapers," Royco little Doris! He found himself tiled. Only my newspaper. groping for words to tell her. "Have you lost your mind?'' rite She spared him that. "What is It, old man flared. Well keep tbe Dad? Jim- - he's not hurt or any- new spaptTs out. of this." thing?" "You don't know your new pa That seemed to relieve the strain. I'ers," Nl.-- replied softly. Y'es," he said. "Jim's hurt, Doris. They were Interrupted by the ills Ill have to get you home. I'll see tnnt wall of a siren, far down fur after things hack there. We'll find mody avenue, hut growing steaddv Hylic, lie'll take you home." louder. The four men In the room "No, I want to go to him. The paused to listen. Peter watched girl hurried lief father's drugging Nlek Royce, who turned Ids hem! IN steps. tenlng to the banshee notes of the You cant do anything, my dear.. approaching xdlce car. Its too late for that." Ambrose "That Is the voice of trouble" ho gripped his daughter's arm In gently said. "From now on, this Is everyfirm fingers. "He's dead." bodys secret." Doris did not cry. then. She was Outside patrolmen who before too dazed for that..-An- d it seemed had kept the curious moving on. to her that she had known, from the moment her father had come to her In the vestibule: She was conscious, for the first time, of the curious throng outside. "I want to go to him, Dad," she re- tt-do- Dead?1, was thinking of nothing... Suddenly, he knew he was ... whom, she afraid to ask. her life, whom she something terrible Something ithinwr haTe .marry-- I has happened, Mr. Carmody. trflhatl turnd out only Ambrose nodded. In a way. It was had a Web relief to know. Why the church, without Franklin" the young man hesihas UeuilTK he 'weddln? tated over the words I'ranklln told about Abernathy killed. Doctor I That her brother, been k V wtild hive stopped me to tell you. He said youd better was ridiculous. get Doris home." It fc.it Ambroses brain was ? there la the the echoing, dully, "killed." But l i thoughts never lin- - force of the blow had numbed him. Cinnody shiv. T "Then you liud already nc t?ie police," Doctor Abernathy put cold-bloode- d, And Jim Frank- - JHtthBexrgovernortdoT ters , , - i , nr e fth . r. feet fuiiibfeiT iiit'h the steps, snd he groped his way to ills duugh-- ! srn- AND ELEPHANTS ar " Father of the 01 J Chisholm I Trail, IIKOid CliNholm frailt What By MONTE BARRETT pected bitterness they reverted to Web. Didnt he realize that shir had always been fond of him, too? His father and hers had been part ners. Just as their fathers had been before them. Just as Web and lty lie some day would be. And Web had walked out Before the cere monyl Doris swallowed the' lump that rose, unbidden, In her throat. She glanced about Her father, beside her, muttered something hls breath. Had something gone Half-wadown the aisle, .wrong? she could see her bridesmaids. Why did they walk so slowly? She thought of Jim Franklin. What was he like, really? she wondered If brides always felt so strange toward the men they were going to marry? Sometimes he looked so old. Yet he was only eighteen years older than she. Lots of girls married men much older than that That was no real bar to love. And he was going to be the next governor. She was proud of him. And she loved him, too. She felt sure of that. Oh, why didn't they hurry? What was wrong with l5hd? Ambrose Carmody was proud of the slender gracefulness of his daughter proud of "that Carmody look" she had. There was something about the sleekness of this gathering that was soothing to his sense of the fitness of things. Other parts of the city changed, even Wall Street had Its ups and. downs, but the Carmodys aud their friends went on like like old SL Matthews Itsel f. It pleased him to remember that his grandfather had contributed the land oh which this church stood. His father had married his mother here. He had waited at that altar for a young bride In white, himself, not so many years bad j.mi Ok U-- wta.. gered on her brother. I By firowsB peacefully as the ilrtfiall goes overhead. The most significant reaolt of Arnyar,- - lit the ndlse of airplane unrest now.appareut among the AfrimtUir that ha to recently Invaded can wild elephantherds Is that many Is ghen a one of Hie the.'r frrriu-rof tho ar leaving their. animals reasons f r the notlcenMA unrest haunts along the east Nile te anonr African elephant herds hf lnt t seek new feeding grounds to the u-11 Khuon My ,h0 and south ntuth of this area. J.v?nt!.t Nfi. Keen trained animals in fho V.nro nox tMUJicoomo ''? Indfrent d tbe wind of "T" Btty, Anyhow raI!re engines. be ktaten, and ho Employer Jackson, I wish you Vdevea It urdiLely that the herd wouldn't whistle at your work, ;j the I'gtnda ill ever learn to Jwksori 1 wasnt working, air. AIRPLANES BOTHERS, DAUGHTERS Mia. Jobs JWJ No. bt Casper,' W'yo.. vans expedition against the Iro captain quota. Their rash yopn led hla men Icto a neat of Indians and Id ft 1112. Waatara SnriHH Cak. I Is s vcuoad, fan m was Sown coodittao. 1 Elleraon barely and Tories escaped the terrible fate atifb befell Boyd at the torture stake of the Senecas. ' After the Revolution, Ellerson be cams a farmer In the Schoharie valley of New York, lie died In and la buried In the (Tat Greek cemetery la Gllboa, N. Y. 'TEMPLE SQUARE at Johns 6t. aaya: werroaa didn't na wtS and had S heavy aebs (a th amt td ml fcotA. 1 suffered from feminine wtnk-o- a denials catarrh) and would set such awful Pre-mIr. fierce offavorite I woed the female and M aehewd varrililv 200 Rooms 11 ' aad to I 1Y etervoumess. 231 i - 200 Tile Baths Radio connection in ovary loose. ia wawcAe. j' RATES rROM 50 ERNEST C. ROSSITER, JJgft |