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Show 4 bountiful north Slt Lake City, ctf mil and reanJeiw . town. hu pT county; and water-wor- burnt A A k. pot. talcphonaa, Surrounded by rich Varden. and fruit Undo. two railroad with low fare, two bnck yard. Moarontmantal roalroada houaaa. eom- banka, food biarnaH club, fradad and hifh achoola churchw. A food place in which a,alk. Lam Knighton, Sr has pur-chased the Ben Hepwonh residence. William Boulton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Howard and family of Salt Lake visited relatives 1 Jr., is building' a ' fathers home. new house south of his 1 Mrs. Ephraim Mantel of Salt Lake MrS' QinnCy Mrs. Mary Feamley and Mrs. Sarah ' ,With M' nd Hatch week. last were 2 Mrs. of Thomas jArbuckle guests Wright of Salt Lake on Monday. ' ' Willard Fackrell of Blackfoot, Idaho. sn-nMrs last week with his sister. Ann Jacobson of Salt Lake V' to live- Mis. Richard Wilson. is spending a few weeks with hei sisMrs ter. Harvey Perkins. Mrs "Fmily Call of Afton. Wyo., John Tolman of Bingham is Mr and Mrs. Horuce Oram ami spent last week with her sister. Mrs. here. family of Holbrook, Idaho, tie visit-- John Stable, and family. to Mr. and Mrs. mg relatives here. A gon was bom Mr ami Mrs William Ashdown. Mann recently. AnS0 Amelia Sessions has net opted a po- ovei the arrival of u son. leioicing pesmond Handy is just recovering sition at the Desert New.-- , book store born to them last Friday. a serious illness. in Salt Lake. j Mrs. J. H. Simpson of Sunset is . . spent Saturda i a Sessions t orter Jones has chased a house pui a few day with her parents, 'Alatites at Oearfield. and farm at Thy lur-s- die and will sendiiig Mr.Hiid Mrs. William Ashdown. nioe hts tamilv there shortlv. I, Mr. and Mrs. David Mrs tieorge Peck of Rexhurg. ldu- a daughter. Mrs. B. Titozich of Park. City spent ho, is visiting with Mr Peck's parhas purchased the a few nays last week with Mrs. Rich- ents, Mr ami Mrs. William Peek Joseph Argyle ard Felton and fanulv. Vincent DeVorak residence. "L. t visit-relativ- I 4 4 lvu Count, Kent f rich unit fettle iy Home of the Miller Floral com- jy email. h,M arc the larveat l V puni V lietuerr the Miaaouri river and the iy Faeiit roo-v- t Ixvratmn of the tvnmu I H V tuv'iH n reeorl. materwork and IS V electro. lirhu A fine place for ut- - Urlotl' 1 Teenlelu-- e O I i j t The wool that goes into a man suit that costs these days- - S50 to $75. brings t lie fanner who raised the sheep only $4 r0, according to the official statement of the National Associated Wool Growers! This is one mote bit of the evidence which es j jJ v Wise-wee- spent ing f' Mr-- li.m-da- u t,i- . v l'artni! gtm i" vim-- i - t Millei A few weeks in Ogdon ter. Mis uoiol Fan pending a ith lie' daugh is w -- 1 k, Mr W K hei haves NVph Birth o Dewey is D ami Mrs parents. -n ' vi ! Mi u'Vtl mi e"t allied ill hotiol of The Maud .ses and Lilian Janie, Mrs. i Richanl on a was week ' Marcus E. Wooley of Idaho was the lb i ! rn'if't v dun! Friday even end visitor of Miss Hazel Rotten of Wnkru of Salt Lake spent Sunday an. iieo' w a- - s, t on business. mg vv llh jjwn Friday elaUv r- - hei e. Salt Lake Mi - spending u Fr.'i'ii is Hess Richard Wilson is spending a few Mm- evenAil'inkle of died James Suit Biiggs Thuisday u short imie relatives in Eden. Bingham, the guest of jjavs with ake vva- - a guo-- t of he! Mi's. Mr. a ing at the L. D. S. hospital of cancet i.drew Hess Ms of the stomach, after several weeks ' S B.t' ham oi .swid.iv Rov sessions of Ogden spent MinMt M's 1e'k i - ami lalni'y ot in this city. illness. Mi Briggs vva- - .V yea's old ify with relatives t i l.ake , i Salt ay I aim hay pi ! t Wedue-Ua- y and leave- a wife and five children tnt w w ' h Jennie Freestone is spending a few tom lui; s and one will II pt Mis l oeinhs. nuie gle girl: Aiihu. mhy, 'll davs with friends in Salt Lake. -- -- is presenting almost uetkly that somewhere in the mysterious journey of tl . I food and clothing materials from grower to consume! someone is getting more profit than is fair to either farmer oi um i . tie'-timi- si-t- ei. : -- -- Ma'k, . Jlrv Jane Jacobson and Mis.-Garrett are spending a few with relatives in Nephi. 11 st i v ('las-nc- ices vveie and Sylvia held Momiav taiiernach w.i'il r to'ik ina e in tin Boimtii 1 i. iinernl M' tie m 1' I - i lei ."n t'lnt ' ' la. V ' i id. i "il M W. PHILLIPS a i ! ' i inla ml lull It ii kvt i morr Til a unit ums I. it ' Count kv Or nti i.man eel end Vo V r i, Imnr .u,lc,t iM tu mu vpiii) i I 'I l an,! iii'iin in uli mu Hit nt-- . V n l v pi ' w M. , t Til! U,I 'dm; i i v . l lb i I" . ! I T iliiuugh i Candies, Cigars, Groceries, etc. ...11 a Week Cep v lit a Us vv n, M (Ml Marion Jacobs KAYSVILLE, UTAH Ini! It h Ai S r. I Phone No, Sr 'rL I r 1 ,, S7-V- T 'CTW .t t T (loft : :sal! I Lakt nl In I .11 111 nl .lie It 1 vriy i;imli ..mi lull ol Iwu r I y Willi alif As to Shaving. When H iniiit'v t.i shaving we hsre (hi v util n! I'lil'V lul ti ihiit Nelplo .' in nun-- , we-- , tin I! i il mnn vvlio ever sluiseil i vervilnv lii'tliei Mr. slnivei) himself m uiis shaved h, a hm her. Pliny does not any, hut It l from certain reiparka Miii) he gui Inn I iplu'tm, (7iiii tint aigumitil wile In Ft lav culling incmhi n' Mingham, who is altend u mil tail nothinr of it Minus luituie arn.ii glni. rhaptci ot the incrunn m Logan, mg solum! at the A ( tick-eii had ui'iuieit with hm parents, Legion cntci tiuncil their fiiciul.- - at a been named as oppieition the spent the week-enPrimary against Halloween dancing party at the opeta Mr. and Mrs. William Strmghum. till! as (he lelurns show, tin houst The hall vva- - effectively deco ticket, old Imby of Mr. and ralee. The primary tieket was victorious. of Tnllevruml that this Refreshments weie served . ( haiifoi I 1' . t d i Cool weather is here Blankets will soon be the order. Clifford Pace died last week. M's A L. Clark and duughtei, Funeral services were held last WedPuce residence. Phyl'is, Mi. and Mrs. Benjamin Hep nesday at the Cathern worth and Mi. and Mrs. Walter HampThe Misses Catherine and Afton ton, Jr., were among thoae who atwho are attending school at tended the CherniuvuKky concert Monthe West Side High school in Salt day evening at the Salt Luke theatre. visitors of Mrs. Lake, were week-en- d Sarah Arbuckle. Thumluy afternoon Mrti. Nephi Palmer entertained the Selon club. The Second ward M. 1. A. gave a big After the regular leaaon, muuieul Halloween and confetti dance at the numbers were rendered by Mrs. Leshall Saturday evening lie "Palmer. Luncheon wus served to Devereaux The pro- fourteen. Halloween decorations were which was well attended. ceeds went to the Second ward chapel. used. Mrs. J We have them in a e, va- riety of prices. Come in and secure yours while the assort- Funeral services for Fred Bollwink-le- , who died Thursday of pneumonia, at the First ward tabernacle. Many spoke of the good life lived by Mr. Bollwinkle. The floral offerings were many and beautitook place in the ful. Interment Bountiful cemetery. were held Sunday ment is large. Clarence Stewart of Kaysville and SAYSVH1E Inez Ingles of this place were married in the Salt Lake temple Wednesday. CO-O- Friday evening the North Farming-to- n amusement committee gave u Halcharacter ball in the new hall. Prizes were given to the best sustained characters. Halloween decoru-tion- s were used throughout und refreshments were served. loween The Misses Chrystal Jenson and Leone Spackman entertained u number of friends Halloween evening at the Jenson home, The decorations were appropriate to the occasion. Stories, fortune telling and other amusements were followed by a dainty luncheon. reception was given the same evening at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ingles, for the immediate families. Mr. and Mrs. Last Monday Mrs. Heber Sessions Stevyart will make their home in the funeral of her uncle, attended Kaysville. James Briggs, in Bountiful. He was 55 years old. It was his son, Borin W. C. LEWIS who, with his wife, was killed on the, Bamberger tracks last April. This is the fourth death in the James Briggs family in eight months. A P The House of Quality Blacksmith Mi ami Mrs .A. M Lamb point enlei-Laini'- Ni-po- at dinner Sunday afternoon. A howl of pink roach and ferns formed gnat Acs the centerpiece gueata were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Robinson and sons, I,e Grand und Burt, of Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. "Tomkins and Mr. and Mrs. Lamb of Devil's Slide. Out-of-tow- n Bountiful High school; the third meeting will he held thiK evening at the Farmington Red Cross headquarters, where the two remaining meetings will nlrfo he held. The log affuir of the week wus the Halloween party given Thursday evening at the home (if Mr. and Mrs. Byron Crosby. Many novel attractions had been built especially for the occasion, which each guest in turn was led through before reaching the entrance to the long chute through which they entered the house. Tha home was decorated in black cuts, witches, ghosts, lanterns, cornstalks and many other Halloween devices. In one corner of the dancing hall wus a fortune-tellinbooth, in which was found a real gipsy. The guests were Prizes were given for in costume. the best characters before the company unmasked. Dancing formed the entertainment for the latter part of the evening. Luncheon wus served to seventy-fivguests, g e let Is I' an Important mnn s habits. Asked if Mil his own whiskers, th In any l lonrh statesman replied: king ha someone in shave him. hut they wb UMjuiie kingdoms shave themselves. I one horn to he a Whiskers Explained. The early Jews were llterully long on whiskers and mode good use of them. The Jew's tieard was a sort of standing notice to ttie world concerning Ids suite of mind. If everything was propitious w Ife ami children woli end business good-i- ds heard wan out mid perhaps oiled. But K death lind entered Ids family, bin In ard wus a mere tangled mass of lut r. The condition of the whiakers also Indicated the existence of othor emotions. I Yankee Explaining "Yankee." "was a cant, favorite word ... wltti farmer Jonathan Hastings of A YanCambridge about 171.1 kee kimmI horse, or Yankee cider and tiie like, . The students (of Harvard) used to hire horses of him; their Intercourse with him, and his uo of the term on all occasions, led them to adopt It." Will Gordon, Tmlepend- -' ence of United States, volume 1, letter 12. page 4X2. "Ag Cannot Wither." tradesman was brought iieforn the tnaglstrnti chnrgcd with having sold unwholesome articles for consumption ns food. The charge was folly proved. 'I wish to point out to Hi court," shI( counsel for the defense in a dignified lone, that the house of huskies thut I have the honor to defend was founded in 1X02." Has it renewed Jits stock since 'that Date?" uskeil the magistrate. A We need money and you need a hut. Why not now. Styles and prices are and Miss McCheyne of the Agricultural right. Kaysville Millinery. college at Logan is giving a series of six lectures in Davis county on dressMARRIAGE LICENSES making and milhnery. The lectures ma J. Cox of Provo. are free to all who care to attend. Wagon and Farm Machine Oct, fc Glfti IL Bonnett and Two meetings have been held at the Repairing a Specialty 2b. Thomas Davenport and Prompt Service Pearl Clarke of Parowan. JOBS' R. GAILEY October 30. John W. Park of GranReasonable Charges Strong Family Resemblance. remarked Shinbone, roiiientment. Lake. Newcomer of Salt ger and Ferol East of Baraea Bank Owen Shop fine am a mighty thing; de only trouHar31. and Richmond Ilean Oct. KAYSVILLE, UTAH Kaysville, Utah. it is It's kin' o hahd to bout ble of riet Richey Ogden. n from Je' piuln laziness." Nov. 1. Kenneth II. Browne and Transcript. Ellen M Kenny of Salt Lake City. 11-6-- tf Horse Shoer Em-Oc- Washington Was Thrifty In Youth Biographers relate mat George Washington opened a bank account when be was sixteea years old. He bad a Job with a surveyor. time for opening . Youth is the accepted a bank account. It is never too late, however. Ah great fortunes have bad modest beginnings. Many mea have made fortunesafter middle life. . Afrl-MHU- t. Notary Public 'utln-gniBo;-to- . YOU SHOULD HAVE In your Druggist business to t your I in druggists know about the drugs he Fells. If you have confidence in us llJLil Bring Us Your Prescriptions V v ' BARNES BANICINGCO. . . utah kaysville, And you, will get just what your prescription calls for.' Davis County Drug Co. KAYSVILLE, UTAH sli |