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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. UTAH :? 3 i?-IL n Hi o If lot soy rrstos jr Mkif of cuff link, made by MtuUctory, mt ill giv you Dew p'u, ' This U the guorantte list goes with escii pair, Vi't believe we make the bed cuff Halt to be had. Out mode fxk-e- Bake buying ay. BOYD PARK K Siam MAIN SALT F CeyyTtgkt LAU CITY CHAPTER BARGAINS - IN USED pttVM. Vk4 Cf k rl ferf 4euu4 Drf4.. RaiulitUDo4J Auto CARS Ibf tft4 Ct lilt Liki Oif PUCE British Removal t t Authorities-Reque- st Portrait 'From Kaiser1 Tonga King Palace' I- Gcrinanys interesting relations with the little kingdom of Tonga la the South Faciflc ar. r willed jty recent t Incidents there." A few.jyears back a e portrait of the lniser mounted within a massive, giltfratne was presented by the German government to King George Tuboa H, the "present ruler of the arrUlpclago. Forthwith this picture adorned the walls of the wooden palace at NukunUif,it,the capital of the kingdom. Germans who, shortly before the war, were rather conspicuous In Tonga wore wont to ednilre the painting when they came to pay their respects to Kfflg George, Moreover, close at hand were busts of Emperor Frederick of Germany and Frlnce von Bismarck. So delightfully Informal la many way is tire Tongan1 court that the busts did excellent service as hat racks on festive occasions. Eut not so with the present from the "All Highest Eut alack for the big of the in little Tonga I laiser picture After the war had Icon In progress for some time the fact of its existence nnd whereabouts came within the purvlev of the British government and thog jnnrnment requested the Ton go n gory ornment to remove It from the palace, The pith of this request was that Ton ga la n Erltlsh protectorate. Eut nob withstanding Tonga Is a British pro tectorate It is the last Independent Jdngdorajn the Faelfic and It pride Itself on having not, only a monarch but a cabinet and a parliament. Net? Tork World, - And ed. g, y. About I eneaked my overcoat and cap out of the ward and hid It In the bushes. Then I told the nurae, a particular friend of mine, that I waa going for a walk In the rose garden, She winked and I knew that everything waa all right on her end. Going out of the ward, I slipped Into tha bushes and mad for'the wall. It waa dark as pitch and I waa groping through tha underbrush, when suddenly I stepped into apnee and felt myself rushing downward, a horrlbla bump, and blackness. When I cams to my wounded shoulder waa hurting horribly. I waa lying against a circular wall of bricks, dripping with moisture, tod far away I could hear the trickling ef water. I had in the darkness fallen Into an old disused well. But why wasnt I wet? According to all rules I should have been drowned. Ferhnpa I was and didn't know It Aa tha shock of tar sudden stop gradually wore off It came to me that I was lying on a ledge and that the eat movement on my part would precipitate me to the bottom of the well. I struck a match. In Its faint glare I saw that I was lying In a circular hola about twelve feet deep the well had been filled In The dripping I had heard came from a whter pipe over ou my right. With my wounded shoulder It was Impossible to shinny up the ripe. I could not yell for help, because the rescuer would want to knew how the accident happened, and I would be haled before the commandant on charges. 1 Just had to grin and bear It, with the forlorn hope that one of the returning night raiders would pass and I could give blra our usual signal of which would bring him to the rescue. I could hear the Every half-hodock In the village strike, each stroke bringing forth a muffled volley of curses on the man who had dug the well. Alter two hours I heard two men talking In low voices. I recognized Corporal Cook aa ardent "night raider. He heard my "slsss-s-- i and eama to the edge of the hole. I explained my predicament and amid a lot of Impertinent remark which at the time I did not recent, ---I ---waa soon fished - ; out, Taking off our boots, we sneaked Into the ward. I waa Bitting on my bed In the dark. Just starting to undress, when the man next to .me. "Ginger Phillips, whispered. Op It, Task, ere comes the matron." I Immediately got under the covers and feigned sleep. The matron stood talking la low tones to the night nurse j T rvtl'fiNccp. When I awoke In the morning the jdght sister, an American, was bending over me. Aa aw f ul sight met my eyes. The corerift a the bed and the sheets Were a ma of mud and green slime. She was a good sport right, tnd hustled to get clean clothes and sheets so that r one would get wise, but on her wer she gave me a good tongue laMcg but did aot report me. - One of the Canadians la the ward described her as being "a Jake cf a gbod felaevcn-flftee- t la architecture France Is supreme, It well may be .said that without France there would have beea no Goth Ic architecture. The cathedrals of France are absolutely unrivaled, says Cass Gilbert In the Worlds Work. One has only to mention the haiaek of No- -' "tre Fame do Paris, Bourgea, Helms,' Chartres, Rouen, Amiens, Beauvais and Coufaucei to bring up memories of miracles of creative design which no words can fittingly characterize or do- scribe. Wonders of constructive Ingenuity .as they are, they have a yet more supreme significance as evidence of the refinement and taste of a people Inctlnct with emotion and ennobled by Idealism In Its most exalted phase. These great buildings give" expression " to Ibo spiritual aspirations of a great people. " They are constructions of superb scala and fascinating beauty, embellished by tracery and arabesque, carving and inlay, stained glass, tapestry, bronze end iron of marvelous craftsmanship and exquisite design. They are the product of a thousand years of faultless taste, the contribution of Innumerable thousands Of craftsmen devoted to the glory of God and tha love of France. And it Is this glorious cat! a that the hordes of Germany would destroy. . -. a 1 "slss-s-s-a,- " ur Within 6aund of the Guns. A new sound arose la tha darkness, a sound which held for me a thrill as vital and incomparably more alluring than the hint cf distant battle. It rose slowly,- - a rich, mellow undulation, which stirred every Cher, and then quavered, descended and broke off. We stood motionless, listening with ali our ears, and agnln it came, unmistakably, from the depths of the misty woods. My companion smiled at roe in trl-- first surprise had come off umph,-IIpromptly, even ahead of time, for It was only now growing dusk. We could eeo in Imagination the drooped tail, the muzzle raised skyward a wolf uttering that cry which of all sound s is most symbolic of the northern wilderness; un hurlement plalntlf et lugubre. I could not believe my ears, that here la tlio heart cf Trance, with liV' lad behrdlhe voice inf a" wild wulf. William Beebe in Atlantic. U hollow-checke- d T--1- Expert at Tricsl Sport. Ont i:h thud the Zunl practice for keeping la trim is their tribal sport, wli.ch ua- wimped for the first t.me ty a number of Americans at the of remonffs. The game Is known 3 kb k and Is a Port cf The hockey j Uy1 with the bare fe stick Is a bit of wood throe or four Inches long, and each team tries to kick ft down a long course to a goal. Ro expert ere ti e players an fast do they trsvri, that a nnn.Ur of ppee- - - 11 - re-cef- .t t 1 tmm "on his own," regardless of many signs Haring him fa the face, Out of bounds for patlente." Generally the nurse were looking the other way when one of these night raids started. I hope thla information will get none of them Into trouble, but I cannot resist the temptation to let the commandant know that occasionally we put It over on him. One afternoon I received a note, through our underground channel, from my female visitor, asking me to attend party at her houae that night. I answered that she could expect me and to meet me at a certain place on the road well known by alt patients, and some, visitors, as orer the well. I told her ! would be on band at aeven-thlrt- Marvels ef French Architecture Which the Uncivilized Hordes of Germany Wculd Destroy. ..... hy Arts ay , HISTORY WROUGHT IH STOUR ' (lxtmmvi'iWTrii'r 19W, pos-elb- le life-siz- i XXVIl-Csntlnu- nice-lookin- DEEM PICTURE OUT OF f Machine Gunner, Serving in Franca for a week every time I passed a patient he would call, "Well, well, n Tommy generally replica that ha did here the Tank. Hope you are feelnet atop to figure It out whoa he was ing well, old toy." ML ' The aurgeoa fa ear ward was an overenthuri-stl- e Americas, a Harvard unit man, named One very We nicknamed him "Jack young thing, stopped at my bed FroaL and asked, What wounded you la tha Froat. He was loved by all. If a face?" to bo cut up he had no obwas Tommy In a polite but bored tone I an- jection to undergoing the operation If swered, "A rifle bullet. "jack Frost was to wield the knife. With a look of disdain she passed Their confidence la hits waa pathetic, to tha next bed, first ejaculating, Ohl lie waa the best sport I have ever met. One Saturday morning the commandOnly a bullet! I thought It was a Shell. Why aha should think a ahell ant and some "high up" officers were wound waa more of a distinction beats Inspecting the ward, when one of the ma. I don't aee a whole lot of differ-kne- e patients who had been wounded In the head by a bit of shrapnel, fell on the myself. The American Womens War hospi- floor la a fit. They brought him round, tal was a heaven for wounded men. and then looked for the ward orderly to carry the patient back to his bed They were allowed every privilege conducive with the rulee and mil- at the other end of the ward. The oritary discipline. , The1 only fault was derly was nowhere to he found like that the mena passes were restricted. otir policemen, they never are when To get a pase required an act of par- needed. The officers were at a loss liament. Tommy tried many tricks to how to get Ialmer Into his bed. Docfcet out, but the commandant, an old tor Frost waa fidgeting around In a Boer war officer, waa wise to them all, nervous manner, when suddenly with and It took a new and clever ruse to tnake him affix bla signature to the coveted slip of paper. Ae eoon ee It would get dark many patient climbed over the wall and went 4 nNBoUkt, OUwiw.ttM, N. 10 tuftft, C.uarniF4 ffr 4U fvs4lif nnnlnf BMF fersnr if VlNfti kf . Arthur Guy Empsy 27 I . - By, An. American $o!dior WhoWent MAKERS OF JEWIIRY K0 ' J, j a ! low. ' Next visiting day I had an awful time explaining to my visitor why 1 had rot mt ker at the appointed time special operation, there are always men willing ta.glv aome- -i leg if necessary to save some mangled mate from being crippled for life. More than one man dill go through life with another mans blood running through his veins, or a piece of his rib or his shinbone in his own anatomy. Sometimes be never even knows the same ef hi benefactor. The spirit of sacrifice is wonderful. For all the suffering caused this war la a blessing to England It has made new men of her sons; has welded all classes Into one glorious whole. And I can't help saying that the doctors, sisters, and nurses In the English hospitals, are angels on earth. I love them all and can sever repay the care and kindness shown to me. For the rest of my life the Red Cross will be to me the symbol ef Faith, Hope and ' Charity. After four months In the hospital 1 went before an examining board and was discharged from the service of hla Britannic majesty aa "phyaically unfit for further war terries." After my discharge I engaged passage ou the American liner New Tork, and after a stormy trip across the Atlantic one momentous day, la the haze of early dawn, I aaw the statue oi liberty looming over the port rail, and I wondered If ever again I would go over the top with the beat ef luck and give them hell. And even then, though It may seem strange, I waa really aorry not to be back In the trenches with my mates. War Is not a pink tea, but in a worthwhile cause like ours, mud, rats, cooties, shells, wounds, or death Itself, are far outweighed by the deep sense of satisfaction felt by the man who does his bit There Is one thing which my experience taught me that might help the boy who may have to go. It Is this anticipation Is far worse than realization. In civil life a man stands In awe nf the man above him, wonders how he could ever fill his Job. When the time comes he rises to the occasion, is up and at It, and Is surprised to find how much more easily than he anticipated he fills his responsibilities. It is really ' so "out there." nerve for the hardships ; the lie has Interest Of the work grips him ; he finds relief In the fun and comradeMp of the trenches and wins that best sort of happiness that comes with duty well done. THE END. . We will win this war Nothing else really matters until tve do! The Flavor Lasts Killing Burdocks. An experienced gardener says that a good way Of exterminating burdocks Is to cut them off close to the ground Just before they go to seed, then apply a little kerosene to the root. He nits a common machine oil cun for applying' the oil. Heal Baby Rashes Not a New Experience. Two recruits were waiting for further Instructions at Camp Dodge, la. Qne of the men, striving to be sociable, said: Well, Isupiwse this war business will be new work tons. "O, I dont knovv, replied the other You see, I have been married to the wrong girl for five years. That itch, burn and torture. A hot California hopes to presently IrriROMEO WAS CUD IN KHAKI Cutlcura rebath Instant 5,490,300 acres of land. Soap gate gives Homo. lief when followed by a gentle appli-- nw and a few other Played tha Popular Game, Choosing cation of Cutlcura Ointment For free a muffled "d Ohio farmers are forming tha Dinner Table to Work an Af- -' he down samples address, "Cutlcura, Dept X, adjectives, qualifying stooped buying societies. fectloni ef Waitress. Boston." At druggists and by malt and took the man la his arms like a babyhe was no feather, either and It Is natural that we should be eager Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv. staggered dowu the ward with him, put to do whatever we can for the boya He Couldnt Spell It him In bed and undressed him. A low In khaki; but aometlmea, when the paIn the spelling list for a class In a murmur of approval came from the patriotic eeal Is not accompanied by a certain You can't afford to be laid up with tients. Doctor Frost got very red, and Indianapolis school were the benefthe sympathetic Imagination rore, aching kidneys in these uavs if Words singing" nnd singeing. aa soon as he had finished undresHiug The liiph price, borne occupations bring iciary may pray to be delivered from class was asked to write sentences Palmer, hurriedly left the ward. kidney troubles; almost soy work our friends, writes "An, American makes weak kidneys worse. If. you feel The wound In my face had almost Woman In the Outlook, using these words fo show thnt they tired all the time, and suffer with lams knew the healed and I was a horrible-lookincorrect of each. meaning A homesick lad la likely to want lack, sharp pains, dizzy spells, headsight the left cheek twisted Into a cither an atmosphera like that of his One little fellow, Robert wrote: aches and disordered kidney action, use The Italians are a singing nation. Doan's Kidney-1ills- . knov, the eye pulled down, and my own home or else the exotic flavor the It may ease n attack of rheumatism, dropsy, or The mouth pointing la a worth by northsoon will allies be singeing the of which has helped him expectation disease. have Doens helped Bright's west direction. I was very downheartto undertake the great adventure ' so beard of the knher. thousands back to health. With sideward glances he watched ed and could Imagine mysolf during cheerily. the rest of my life being shunned by Utah Case In one family among my neighbors his teacher mark his paper and timidW. TV. Robinson, First all on account tf the repulsive scar the son of the house was scandalized ly asked: Kast 6t., laar k irst Doctor Frost arranged for me to go when one of their "Is It all right? North St., American guests at Sunday to the Cambridge Military hospital at dinner made the Yes," she said, "but the kaiser has Fork, Ftah, says: "For l and perfectly simple V. eulTerei from I pionths Aldershot for a special operation to natural no beard; he has a mustache." a Rteady ache across my request that he be permitted try and make the sear presentable. iUneys. The least move after the meat to repair to the kitchen - I know, I know; but I wanted 100 that caused a strain on I arrived at the hospital and got an where the on my paper, and I couldnt musPerwas. waitress spell my back sent a patn awful shock. The food was poor and mission waspretty through me. A drug-denied, but young Romeo tache." Indianapolis - News. s s t recommended the discipline abnormally strict' No waa not '""ii. discouraged, and this letter Iioans Ktdnev Piths and on was his allowed to sit bed, came To the Girl That Warts for Mrs. patient I tried them. They fixed Hot Stuff. me up all right and and smoking was permitted only at i . JOne negro porter was You are the best ever. engetting have only needed themr''1 J certain designated hours. The face Are you At once over thusiastic since then. cigars. "Brother he keeping company with anyme did time that they agntn specialist nothing for except body? He added his name and a few said to his companion, when I die brought me as good results S3 ceror. to look at the wound. I made applipersonal details, and this delicious bit I want a box of cigars tucked Under quickly relieving the pain. cation for a transfer back to Paignton, of Identification : "If Get Doans at Any Stove, 60 a Bo you dont know one arm." offering to pay my - transportation. which soldier wrote this. It Is the one "What kind do you prefer? asked p'.YLY This offer was accepted, and after two that touched your hand under the dish the other. CO EUFFALO, N.Y. weeks absence, once again I arrived when you passed the potatoes. Just anything. A ; la Homey ward, ail hope gone, will da The next day after my return DocWhen Horeea Get "Pipped "Near Havana? Say. when youre tor Frost stopped at my bed and said : When an army horse is wounded dead for two youTl think Havana "Well, Empey, if you want me to try; about the face or Jaw It Is not sent used to be asdays cold as the winds that and see what I can do with that scar down to (the veterinary lines, but Is blow over Greenland's Icy mountains. IT) do 1L but you are taking an awful llbfl (till kept to be tended by Its driver. chance." Then It Is that a good drivers care A womans voice Isnt necessarily 1 answered : "Well, doctor, Steve comes In, for the men tend them most heavenly because It sounds unearthly. Brodle took a chance; he halls 'from carefully,' feeding them , by hand, boilNew Tork and ao de L" their them oats, making ing mashes, Americans are tonring New Zealand Two days after the undertaker and spending most of the day with la increased numbers. Comm! icr er cf Medic tirt end Concd- squad carried me to the operating their charges, until they can feed in iation Board Tries EAT ONIC, the room or "pictures, aa we called them comfort again. It is this personal Woodcrfe! Stomach Remedy, because of the funny films we see uncar of the man for htr horse that has r- end Endorses IL der ether, and the operation was perbeea the cause of the new order that formed. It was a wonderful piece of all horses have to, be returned from Jadge William t. t W her- -, who surgery and a marvelous success. hospital to their own units again ; for a . a remedy torTos of erw tita seit IndigeA'on, From now on that doctor cau have my mans care is by no means transferred wi TTio same to eitcnFTo a new team cf ot Meitwoa .5 rxtar'-lx I toaeiUfitioa. More than once some poor soldier horses. him to expree brnw-- J lor has teen brought Into the ward In a to guarded tmrage. FJ m his no , j 1 tier dying condition" mulrlng front loss of Long Leaves Are Most Economical. - reesol!- - 4 pmoouncenicov -blood and exhaustion caused- - by- - his A loaf weighing wue pound contains 4,1 - Me TS.U9 cf FAh'Mu M rtuletro:lWa-l'"flr,,long Journey from the trenches. After 11 per cent of water If it Is round tteistouif I.0.,to aa examination the doctor announces and only 84 per cent If It t3 cylindrical. ely Cohessrs. "EATOinO promotes s?pet.e scl that the only thing that will save him Therefore, she who buys long loaves N b:j, sreaUQa. Ihsvsueei it 3 is a transfusion of blood. Where Is gets 140 grammes more actual food tfcBenuai mutta." the bldod to come from? lie does not her money thin she who buys round Cee workers sul others wtn sttmocS r msrrrrs to fly1 Persia. . have to wait long for an answer sev- loaves. . t . berthcni, poor set nte. two at. S'J k''. eral Tommies Immediately volunteer K nt cf eeneri pea.ib. Are you. you-The reason for this ts that the ! rrrt FtrcMO, re .ere their blood for their curie. Three or sphere ts the figure that contains the s h h tx?neSM Jod;s Chapters sou four are accepted; a blood test is largest possible volume nnder the ot tubers, toij.ivls f ' here's lti wn.t: made, and next day the transfyrion smallest poss;bie surface, and. as evapt rf We bAily end tlse looat fiw Ooe V ts takes place and there Is another pale oration Is a matter of It is tuarr-tcto bring rc.f or yoa pt .'rre. this is Coats on y s center two face In the ward. greater fr.im a ryilnder th. n it is from u & box ttx)? truss wr?r In Author Just Before 4 Leaving for Keep Yourself Fit g A , V X 1 -- !;' :- 4 DOANS FOSTER-M1EUR- 27-ce- nt N near-Havan- a tmi leer 1 TnT'iflw 01 mi l 5 -- Everything corn food euMj io be - fr -- -- 1 (1 end saves . the wheat 4 1 "u-t- iy soys s-- ).(Sc66tf. cC . KAT-VT- 1 4 C--t't you-nson- . |