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Show V . rf THE WEEKLY KEFLEX, KAVijVILLE, UTAH - 'FARMINGTON I, of ri.li nl ferula Daria of tha Milter Floral comflower in tha yraarn of lrvctcountry LoeatMMj of tho yeaort. Haa waterworks ami A fina place for resilience. County .eat county. Home pany, th interim, famou lanoon eloctrio light. I 1 in Mrs. Charlie Holt visited friend Salt Lake during the week. ; Mi'is Amy lless is spending a two weeks vacation in Provo canyon. 1 gSrage for sale'. Apply to Dr. li. Bird, Farmington. Adv. A C. -2 Born Tuesday morning, August IS, to Mr. and Mrs. Ruei Steed, a daugh-- I 1 y ter. For August Only ; Miss Hart let Dunbar entertained at a lawn party Saturday night of last week. ilkinson and ' family-- 0 Lake are the guests of Mr. E. alt .Mrsu-Lb- Eelectric Ironshaveadvanced in price. But during the month of August we are offering them at the old price, and, in addition, are making two combination offers that you will find well worth your while to accept. I W. W Earl. TH? following will enter the U. of Mrs, J.' B. Durham and daughter, returnBOUNTIFUL training camp this w'eeh: Orlando Hefiin, also Miss Ruth Smedley Nim tmlwaorti, of Sail I.ak O.t j weeks Sessions, Ross Jenkins and John Sesed home Saturday from a three and raaidaBcotowa. Iarlnty in l'a, yi county; haa waterworks, eieeinc visit with relatives in Los Angeles, sions. A farewell party was given light and power, telethon. cement suta ' ' Cal a Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. walk Surrounded by rirk market garden am! fruit land. two electric railroad. witir' Emma Jenkins for the boy. w farm, tw t traneonunyatal railroad. and family, Mrs. Jane Stahle Henry o k In yard, t banka, good buine houea, commercial club, graded and high aciroola, ewis and daughter, Blanch, also Mrs. A farewell party was given SaturA good place to live rhurchm and lodge editJane Jacobsen andighteri Iris, have day at the home of Dr. E. W. S m just ret ur inM from a pleasant stay -y in honor of his son, Israel, who Ray Riley is very sick. up Provo canyon. left Tuesday for Camp Thomas,' Ky. Mr. ..Irvin Wicker is visiting relatMr. and Mrs. James A. Eldredge Mr. Smedley has been in training at m Idaho. ive-, ami daughter, Mrs. Alvin Moss, are the U. of U. for the past three months, Mrs. A. U. Eldrcdge is at the L. staying for a few days at Bear lake. Aelbert. Rich of this place died 1. S. hospital taking treatment. . Mrs, A. L. Hess is recovering nicely of a paralytic stroked II Which was Thursday Miss Fern Whitesides of Layton is from a slight, operation, was 6t years old and leave a wife performed about a, week ago. a guest .of Miss. Adele Sntedley. and three sons, Delbert of 'California, enterSessions Orson Mrs. and Mr. Fraqk of Magna, and Newell of CanaMiss F. Garrett of Nephi is visittained relatives and friend Thursday da. The remains will be shipped to . rL ing relatives ,hyre. evening in honor of their on, Alfred, Paris, Idaho, Saturday night whero Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Day of Midvale also George Sedgwick, who have the funeral will be held Sunday. Invisited relatives and friends henrSun joined the electrical engineerr"corp terment w ill take place at Parish whero his parents are buried. and left Saturday for Florida, tlav. . . Miss Leona Cook entertained a few triends at her home on Sunday even-- : . visiting relatives - grTtrri,-ldahofwr- was a week-en- d visitor at the home Mrs. Nathan Spaulding. plug, giving you two CH outlets from one socket and a yuiuU $6.00 electric iron for two-wa- y $5.50 A regular $6.00 electric iron OCnn , THE IRONS OFFERED IN THIS SALE ARE STANDARD HIGH-CLAS- S . - DANCING - t e EVERY FRIDAY EVENING at Brighton. ago, 1 The following boys havejust arMrs. May Taylor, her daughter, Rhea, II. C. Burton, Dewey Anderson rived in France: William Wiseman, and Mr. and Mrs. FrankL. Layton, John Ellis and Dr. Edward Day. are a few of the many Davis county Marenus Wright has accepted a poresidents who are rusticating at the sition as truck driver for the Marsh Fish Haven resort on Bear lake. Coal company in Salt Lake City. Miss Josie Rounds, daughter of the Dr. Arthur Hatch and family mollate Mr. and Mrs. Seth Rounds, i tored from Park City Sunday and! Mr. her of relatives, the here, guest spent the day with relatives here. j and Mrs. George Rogers. Ira Hatch, Truman Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Frank J". Valker of and Brigham City were Farmington visit Ira Curtis have joined the Marines will leave this week for Mare Island, ors Monday. i Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Ileber Sessions and William Miles and family and C. children, Miss Mildred Ilollingsberry, moMiss Lucille Avery and Mr. Moranda rump and family spent last week of Salt Lake motored to Ogden canyon toring in Southern Idaho and,Wyom Sunday, going on up to pden and re ing. turning stopped at Pineview for lunch, Private George Hardwick returned They returned the same evening, to Camp Funstonr Kan., Wednesday IE after enjoying a week here with' rela Mrs. J. K. Radley, agent for the tives. in Bamberger Electric, was painfully Mrs. Lawrence Corb ridge and fam jured in her right foot while watching week-en- d with the train crew unload freight at the ily of Layton spent the Mrs."Wilford skid Mrs. Corbridges mother, Kaysville depot yesterday. A unload to used Tuttle while being which slid acci the for freight was responsible A fine son was born to Mrs. Lawdent. Surgeons dressed the injure. rence Nelson last Thursday at the member and she is now able to go home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. about on crutches. S. Hatch. If you have reason to believe that your present iron will not last much longer, you cannot afford to miss this bargain. CONTINUOUS va-cati- MODELS - here. a Major J. 11. Wood and family 'and two weeks ago he suffered paralytic Miss Gladys Wood returned Monday from nearly a week trip to Fish Jennie Lewis is spending a few Haven and return by auto. weeks with here sister, Ophelia, at Mr. and M A Clarence Mayfield and llyrum. Miss Clara Hail left early in the week Da Ka Davis has just returned from for Oakley , Idaho, to visit friend. a few weeks visit with relatives at j From Oakley they will go to YellowLeslie, Idaho. . stone park I Mr. and Mi's. Irvin Call and daughMrs. George Mayfield has filed shit of Syracuse spent last week here ter in Salt Lake City against the D. & R. with relatives. j G. railway company for $75,600 on ac William Stephon of the Bountiful count of her husband being killed in the companys yards a few months State Bank is spending a weeks A $1.50 box of five Mazda Lamps, any size to 60 watts, 6r five lamps of assorted sizes and a $6.Q0 elec- tric iron for o Ray Berryman is now somewhere in The Misses Eva He&s and.Lavina France and is a sergeant in th Signal Earl entertained a few friends at the corps. hortie of Miss Hess Saturday evening. John Benson is quite sick. About! THREE BIG BARGAINS A $1.00 C Mrs. Foote of American Fork is vts iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. uig. Joseph Robinson. Marvin Willey and family of c I ' Up . UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. USE I PAINTS MAUNOT AND SCARNOT VARNISHES DECOTINT FOR WALL COVERING FLOORLAC FOR FLOORS LIQUID GOLD ETC. FOR FRAMES AUTO ENAMELS SHERWIN-WILLIAM- S -- Packers Costs and Profits i How much do you think it costs i 2. To cool the meat for two or. - IN The Sunset Trail 4. iced daily ? "To carry it branch houses, each with its ' refrigerating plant ? i " V- - , X ' j a (, f I- 5. j .50 O' Swift & Company did all this for you in 1917 at an expense of less tHan 2r$ cents per pound of beef sold, including an average profit of44 of , little Figure for yourself how had effect this cost and profit on pricc3 you paid for beefstea- - y, i -- . Gwilt Cz PROBATE AND GAftDlANSIIIP. p '' Consult '"The SoiwctTrail acenLpound. Company, U.S. A. 'NOTICES County Clerk or Respective Signers for Further Information 'VivianMaritaxh . . TO CREDITORS of John Simmons, deceased. . NOTICE Etsate By Beulah Marie Dix : . KAYSVILLE OPERA IIOUS SATURDAY EVENING AUGUST 17 absolutely onthe. merit of the one making the request without regard to acquaintance. We are a business mans bank. IJnioti S tatc BOUNTIFUL, UTAH 3 fl Known Everywhere As Tfh a 1 T. McCLURE PETERS, Kaysville, Utah - Attorney for Administratrix First publication July 25, 1318 Last publication August 22, 1918. Vjb i VERY-BESTee -- u Creditors vill present claim with Vouchers to the undersigned at'Kiyi-vill- e City, Davis County, Utah, on or before the second day of December, A. D. 1918. ANNIE ELIZABETH SIMMONS, From the story by AliceIclver Directed by George H. Melford Dont miss captivating Vivian Martin in this drama of ro- -: Administratrix of the Estate of John mance, pluck and" thrills built Simmons, Deceased along new lines. A LOAN is- Secretary and Treasurer, Clearfield, Davis County, Utah. Fir publication .August 1..191S; Last publication August 22, 1918. than two weeks after dressing? c Company, e was levied on all $1.00 sued common stock of the said corthe ith poration, payable on or before to D. A. 1918, day of September, Treasand B. Secretary Smith, Leltoy urer, at Clearfield, Davis County, Utah. Any stock upon which the assessment may Temain unpaid after 7:00 P. M. of September 7th, lJio, wyll be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction as provided by the laws of the State of Utkh, and unless payment is made, will be sold on the 28th day of September, A. B. 1918, to pay the delinquent assessment, tocost of adverti-ungether with the ' sale. of and expense LEROY B. SMITH, . in hundreds of And to deliver it to' the retailer in less - sweet and fresh Store above-name- oin 3. To freight it to all parts of . the country in special refrige- and you will not have to have a pull when in need of any accommodation. We treat each customer with equal courtesy,-- j u d g i n g each - APPLICATION FOR Clearfield, Davit County, Utah Notice is hereby given that at a meeting df the Directors ofofsaid July, A. held on the 19th day 17 of the article to D. 1918, pursuant V d Articles of Incorporation of the company, an assessment of per-shar- three days before shipment? rator cars, Consolidated The coin-pan- -- Banik wMii Us NOTICE Vivian Martin prepare all the numerous 'byproducts? -- GENERAL MERCHANDISE KAYSVILLE, UTAH Mr.-an- d Mrs7C. lirRampton and Mr. and Hrs for their ranch s. Wright recently at the home of family left Tuesday Bear lake, where they will spend Mrs. 'Wrights parents, Mr. and Mrs at the summer. William J. Parkin. Jesse L. Lasky Presents To dress beef, cure hides, and T -- to m , o - ftg- -- was-bo- Co. Stewart-Burto- n , A son 1. SOLD BY Made of Choicest Utah Wheat Milled in the meet medern mill Paclicd in the ncrRcit vz EVEHY DEALER HAD IT. It |