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Show YUS TTZZULY KEFLEX KAYSVILLE, UTAH 2 M (LaSSS av!J ta- - TATOBJ AUTO ACCIDENT AT LAYTON An auto accident, which nearly proved fatal, oceured last Sunday when a car driven by Mr. Harold Layton embankplunged down a fifty-foment near the Mountain road. The other occupants of the car were: Mrs. Hyrum Adam, Dr. and Mrs. W, E. Whittaker and Sir. and Mrs. Jesse Whittaker. The machine turned over three and a half times, lighting upside down. AB of the party were badly shaken up and bruised. Mrs. Whittaker, has been confined to her bed since the accident. Jesse Whittaker, brother of Dr. Whittaker, had both hips quite badly crushed, but is recovering nicely. The accident took place just below Adams reservoir east of Layton. n. -'r Glen Barlow, Ed Muir, Merle Jackion and Clair Whitsidea, ot We can supply you vith cases tor your fruit. Fruit Jars, Economy Caps, Schram Lids, Mason Lids, Kerr Self Sealing r Lids, Etc. Etc. H.JHL A-.-Sheffie- Kaysville S3 te S5S an : s s s a 3 'Usury Cases. . KAYSVILLE . larfaat eity to Berth Daria county f fine plcec tor raulsiwie. Kajnril! Ko!lr Mills, ysfctcblc and fruit eannine atab-li.hm.slid tract brick plant add U.d,ly ta the woaltk of tkc city. Gaasra) farm taM rrowln for ahip-ma- st and in. frail and canning arc important indiatriw. lias tha Darla County Control Hit'll school, chorchw and Moo oars houas. City orator and alaetrta Ughta ara indoeamanta for Homs of tha Inland Printing company and its printing giant. Th nt Mr. and Mrs. John W. Thomley and family and Mr, and Mrs. George W. Swan and son will leave Saturday for a few days outing in Weber canyon. The II. LAYTON Located la the midet at fertile field. ia production at tmik, tomato and augar beet. Ha the factory of the Layton Sugar company, cannery, roller milla, creamery and eelicrete ac tion of atat road. tood wpportuniUe for those seekmy auburhan acreage for fruit jrrow-tntruck gardening, chicken raising and On line of Salt Lake dairying. Ogden and Oregon Short line. Ha electric light and waterwork. Write Layton Commer-iclub for information. IJEcel J, Sheffield, Jr., family was released from quarantine 'the first of the week, having been confined for about a month' on account of diphtheri- y, al a- Mr, and Mrs, Fred Kershaw spent Mr, and Mrs. E, It Scoffiel and the weekend in Ogsffn; family have returned from a motor Miss Pearl Shelton has accepted a trip to Cache valley. They were accompanied by Mr. Schoffields sister, position in the telephone office! Mrs. Stuart. Misses Mamie and Edna Kushforth The following party motored to were Centerville visitors last Sunday. Downey, Idaho, Thursday, returning Mrs. John R. Woolsey is visiting rel- Sunday: Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Flint atives in Malad, Idaho, for ten days. and daughter, Mrs. George SchoffielA, Mr. Mary Barnes and Mrs, E. II. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bone and Mrs. Schoffield. Annie Bacon spent the 24th in Ogden Mrs, E. M. Bagley of Salt Lake City canyon. entertained at a kensington at her Miss Lois Jarman has returned home last Monday jn honor of her sisfrom Ogden, where she has spent the ter, Miss Mary Swan. Thirty guests summer. spent the afternoon sewing and knitMiss Nora Blamires Is spending ten ting, after which a dainty lunch was days with friends and relatives in served by the hostess. . Kamas, Utah. The girls Cooking club of 'Kays. Mrs. George Egbert of Fairview, villa picniced at Lagoon last Monday Idaho, is the guest of her sister, Mrs, afternoon, under the chaperonage of Miss Eva Neilsen. Those who enjoyed II. J. Sheffield. the were: Odetta Sharp, FlorMrs. Hyrum Strong is visiting her ence outing Cooley, Gladys Openshaw, Melba daughter Mrs. William II. Simmons Thornley and Cjmthia Barton, at Burley, Idaho. Miss Mary Swan returned to Camp Miss Maye Stayner of Salt Lake Kearny yesterday to resume her duCity was the week-en- d guest of Miss ties as a Red Cross nurse. Miss Swan ' Estella E person. has been enjoying a furlough With her Mrs. Claude T. Barnes and children parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Swan, of Salt lake are the guests of Mr. for the past two weeks. While home she has been extensively entertained. and Mrs, W. It, Clark. Watt and family departed Tuesday for a vacation in Box Elder ohn G. county, J Misses Nora and Maggie Peterson of Smithfield are the guests of. Miss Vida Adams. 1 v Mrs. Harold J, Bishop left last week for her home in Lorenzo, Idaho, after two wicks visit m Kaysville. Mrs. Sarah E. Taj lor and two little nieces of I'rovo are spending ten days with friends and relatives in Kaysville. i i Mbs Jennie Swan of Salt Lake City who has been visiting in Kaysville the past three weeks, returned to her home last Monday. . - -, Mrs. Gertrude Wood of Syraucse is spending the week with her sister, Mrs, Leo. Green J. J. Ray arrived last Sunday from California to resume his duties with the Layton Sugar company. The following party is enjoying an outing at Bear lake. Mr, and Mrs. Evan Ellison, Miss Lucille Bourne and Joe Stevenson. Miss Lizzie Green, who is employed at the First National bank, was called to Grace, Idaho, the first of the week. Wallace Cowley of Cornish, Utah, is' visiting relatives here during the v eek. , Fire destroyed twelve tons of timothy hay and a gasoline baler Tuesday afternoon at James A. Whitesides farm. The baler engine evidently backfired funLUbe fire. The loss is estimated at about $500, James E. Ellison and family, E. p, Ellison, E, M. Whitesides. .Geoffee A, Evans and W. R. Skeen of Ogden left John Alma Green, who died at his Saturday morning for Canada.' The home in Syracuse tart wyck, was burPfriF making the by automoied from the Kaysville tabernacle on bile and expect to he trip two weeks. gone Saturday aftetmoon at 2 oclock. The Mr, and Mrs. Charles Nalder are speakers were: Bishop Frank Hyde, a party of young people chaperoning Joseph Bodily, Frank Naldcr and H. J, in Weber canyon during the week. Sheffield. The deceased was 63 years of age and was a resident of Kaysville Those in the party are; Misses Be- Edison, Mary Whitesides, I tha for many years. He is survived by his wife and the following children: Mrs. arion' Eern Whitesides and JDeal Mess Martin Wlggilt, George II. Adams, Layton; Mrs. Wil- - Smedley liam Simpson, Kaysville; Alma, Carl, Mirland and Ralph Green. Interment was in the Kaysville cemetery, George W. Wilcox Was able to be down town the first of the week, 1 , tei after being confined to his home on SUNDAY SCHOOL OUTING AT account of sickness. LAGOON, AUGUST TIRST Mrs, Emma Galbraith was called The Sunday schools of the two Dav- to Burley, Idaho, last week on account is county stakes have arranged for of the death of her daughter-in-latheir annual outing at Lagoon on Mrs. hay-eau- ght i j --- 3 a a a -- -- M -- 3 3 t TANLAC The attention of alt 'local boards is directed to the fact that the function of the office of provost marshal is not the selection of men for individual induction into the various staff corps, but is confined to supervising the mechanical process of inducting registrants who have been selected for individual induction by the staff corps and for those induction requisitions have been made upon it Captain Fitz Gerald called attention to the necessity for a strict compliance with section 25 of the selective service regulations, especially rule B. Dr. E.H. MOSS Doctor of Veterinary Surgery and Medicine- - and y Vet-inar- Dentist BOUNTIFUL, UTAH Phone 75-1- 4 ' Apron yard Percale, per yard Dress Fancies per yard Best Grade Calico, per yard 12.50 values in Lr dies and Misses Tint $1.50 grade I.. 1). S. Garments 30-in- ch ch I 1 -- r I . . G inhams, - per pr-op cil Li , grade I U S. Garments .J preparatidn is an extract of a combination ofi'MI l4RootSj IIerbijA Barlvj?and. Berries poscasing, medicinal -t 4 - ft v tiarnienus enles and banded to produce the be.--t results. .$2.49 3 Mens lv-Shirts, sizes 1611 and 17, $1.50 value As a SYSTEM PURIFIER, TANL.VC contains prop-...73c erties of teet Ublo origin and is devoid of any mineral in- JitLSGiL ECONOMY ANB"KEiin,SSEtp$ ciEturbing the dlgcrtion and thatmay affect the bowels 5EAI.ING J.YR1! Comrlete. -- AaT TO NIG AND C SYSTEMT5 U?JFlCR,mLAGTas ct yrtth gwiiurM c r ami an unpi eetti e?ted sale. "PRICE: n.bO Per Bottle L-t- -- - , .Layton Brag Company Where Counts' Quality of tablets is also e xtensive, both as to size of sheets and qualities of paper. In Stationery Supplies we offer Pens, Ink, Pen Holders, Erasers, GOLDEN RULE STORES Originators of Low Prices KAYSY1LLE Kne Rulers, Fasteners Rubber Bands, etc.-- DAVIS COUNTY DRUG CO. KAYSVfLLE, UTAH, t . Kaysville Opera House ! Saturday, evening July 27th FARMINGTON J- Faname - J- - 4-I- - J J 1 - IN & J. V & Where is your "first beau now? The light of lh flame may flicker, but it never quite goes out, " does it? Afteran induction orders. n.u Pis d - Our staff corps to apply direct to the pro vost marshal general for ' individual J 26-in- iSi quirements be entrained for Fort Logan, Colo., on Monday, August II. In order that check may be made at once cases of men held as draft evaders who claim to have registered in some other state, Captain F. V, Fitz Gerald yesterday sent out instructions to local boards to immediately advise the adjutant generals office of results achieved in these dragnet drives. j t These instructions in part are contained in the following bulletin: Needless to say, in the course of these wholesale arrests many men are apprehended who claiin to have registered in some other state, often far distant from the scene of operation. Telegrams of inquiry to the states claimed as residences by such indi viduals are immediately dispatched. Draft executives should remember that such men are generally held in jail pending reply and should make every effort to reply to such telegrams of inquiry within the hour received. Captain Fitz Gerald says that many local hoards are advising registrants who .desire individual induction into a csa 2 3 1 TO CALL PHYSICIANS The first order for drafting Utah physicians of the age and qualifications specified In certain clauses of the selective service regulation was received yesWday by Captain F, V. Fitzgerald, draft executive officer for Utah, from General E. H. Crowder. There are but three men in the state who come under the requirement" of the call, Captain Fit Gerald says. They are to be white registrants who are in group C., qualified for special or limited military service only, and who hold a degree of M. D. The order from General Crowder says that all registrants in Utah meeting these re- 0 w, Robert Galbraith, Thursday, August 1, Arrangements Miss Frances Richards of Balt Lake are being made for the stores through ''ho has been the guest of Mrs. G, IX the county to be closed on Thursday Rutledge departed last week for a visit with relatives in Logan. Our line of box papers is especially fine. We have them in Linen, Laid and White Wove, also in fancy colors. im &.-Snn- c ld. Nothing reflects character in correspondence as does Stationery. Our line of Correspondence Stationery is complete and the styles are right, whether it be for the maid, the matron, or the young man who writes to his sweetheart. For the farmer and business man or t he professional man, we also have proper Stationery and a large line of supplies. years,-Mexic- ali absence -- of Mae meets her first and risks husband, home, po--. sition and wealth Jn ' ' attempt to clear his name. You' simply must not miss this great, thrilling story. |