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Show Utah THE WEEKLY KEFLEX. KAYSVILLE, QUICKEST RETURNS ON HOGS yesterday heart failure after an illness "ol mile, nortr. of Were you to ask the man who makes nrbnn nd tn0ntf . ",v 'but-twwill weeks. services Funeral Davu county his principal occupation ha UhU and be held Sunday in the First ward tab hog raising follow's that business. ho 6h,e he walk. Surrounded t, .... why , ernacle. Because it is Sdoubtless would say, ,bnck yard two bankVI Mr. Captain Johnson, formerly one of feting quickest returns on thth Kn ttn ehurchea'and same man has perlod, A sood p.ace to live Miss Edna Evans of Salt Lake City, money.raisedThat or horses, but, as e cattle visited relatives here Sunday prior to haps in favor of Mrs. Moroni Mos leaving for Oklahoma, where herjys, the comparison is very sicn.. i husband is stationed. hogs. j Glen Eldredge cf Newcastle Let us take the brood sow. The visitreWillard who has just Fackrell, gestation period of this animal covers ing relatives here. covered from typhoid fever at the four months,, as compared with nine Frank Smedley was quite sick last .home of his sister. Miss Annie Faek for cattle, eleven for horses. .While to his home the cow or more brings forth but one Week with appendicitis. rellthe in Blackfoot, Idaho, last week. calf or colt the sow farrows an averAmelia Sessions ij suffering from The calf or colt, Miss Martha Cornwall, who is a age of seven pigs. kidney trouble and is very sick. three' about might . be years, nurse in Salt Lake City, is visiting after whereas the litter of worth 150.00, J John Winegar has joined the avia- with her sister, Mrs. James G rones. d that time, the sow, in tion corps and left last week for Miss Cornwall expects to leave for difference a or worth should be $270, France this week, where she will be Texas. In other words, the of about $120. engaged in Red Cross work. sow will produce offspring that will Mrs. Cecil Robinson of Murray is Horace Holbrook and family are sell for five times as much as tie provisiting with her parents. Mr. and staying .with Mr. Holbrook's parents, duce of either of the other two Mrs. Irwin Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hoolbrook. Mr. animals In the same length of time. Perhqps this should be inducement Mrs. Roy Burmingham of Salt Lake Ilolroqk has just returned from New where he was honorably re- enodgh for every farmer and stock Zealand, City spent" last with her mother, leased from a three years mission. grower in the country to have at lehst Mrs. Mary McNeil. one breed sow on their place, and cerJoseph Naylors hay stack eaught since the food administration is A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. fire last Sunday afternoon, burning up tainly attempting to stablize the hog market Grey Friday, at the home of Mrs. L. four of five tons of The hay. for the protection of the pork needed A. Williams, the nurse. fire department was called and for our armies and those of our assoon . extinguished the flames. The Mrs. Emma Jenkins and family sociates throughout the world. is unknown, but it. is thought have moved to Salt Lake City, where cause children set it on fire. that the her sons are working. STRAYED OR STOLEN $25.00 reward will be pkid for inHeber Reed has purchased a farm A CORRECTED ERROR formation leading to the recovery of at Delta, Utah, and will move his In a recent issue of The Reflex an sorrel mare; white strip family there this, week. item was printed stating that a dance my in face, flax mane and tail, wire The home of Hyrum Hogan i3 ffiven at Bountiful by the Bountiful scratch on right shoulder, had bay to the Red Cross netted colt when lost. Lost from range in quarantined for measles, their daugh- - auxiliaries sixty-fiv- e dollars. Our attention has ter'Ardelle having the disease. Morgan county. beei called to the fact that the B. T. HARRIS, - Chas. Huffman, who is serving in amount as printed was far below the Adv. Layton, Utah. , the navy, is expected home this amount netted and ' turned into the week on a twenty-da- y , furlough. treasury of the county unit. As a UNOCCUPIED SCHOOL BUILDINGS Mr. Robert Smith of Denver, Colo., matter of fact the amount was the AND SITES FOR SALE sum of FIVE HUNDRED and Miss Fern Evans of this place, magnificent unoccupied school buildings and were married in Salt Lak City Mon- AD SEVENTEEN DOLLARS, tfce ,The sites in the following localities are been sum in has that turned largest offered for sale, the size of the day. from any single entertainment in the hereby plat in each case, except Farmington, A' son was bom to Mri and Mrs. Al. county, and so far-awe have noted being one acre: Farmington, Lots 2 Mills of Nevada, Monday, at the the largest sum that has been turned and 3 in Block 10; West Kaysville, near Rushforth residence; East Kayshome of Mrs. Jane Ann Holbrook, the in from such an entertainment in the ville, near William Butcher home: state. The Reflex is greatly pleased West Layton, near Richard Scoffielu nurse. to make the correction. We believe residence; East Layton, near Daniel B. Earnest Grant and family have the record will stand as the Bids will be received high wa- - Harris property. moved to Echo, where Mr. Grant will termark in Davis county. up to nine oclock a. m., March 4, 1918. The right to reject any or all bids be manager of the Deseret Live Stock is reserved. Bids may be handed to Ranch. i Board members, the Clerk. or the SupForgot What He Needed of Schools. erintendent From Mt. the Giliad, Republican, Mrs. Henry Smedley came down BOARD OF EDUCATION, Ohio: had an tThe editor interesting from Syracuse Friday to visit with her TIIOS. E. WILLIAMS, some By when a time ago, sister, Miss Mary Jane Waite, who is experience Clerk. came to office this young gentleman ' quite sick. and asked for a copy of the Morrow Mrs. D. C. Welly and Mrs. Welford County Republican. He scrutinized it PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Barlow left for San Diego, Calif., last carefully when a copy was handed Thursday, to visit with their sons at him, and then said: Now I know! Consult County Clerk or Respective What is it you are looking for? we Signers for Further Information 'Camp Kearny. me a wife sent after My inquired. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Call returned NOTICE TO CREDITORS bottle of Chamberlains Cough RemDavid A. Kerr, Deceased. to their home in Gooding, Ida., last edy, and I forgot the name. I went to Creditors will present claims, with week, after spending a month here several stores and the clerks nameu to the undersigned, at the vouchers, 1 . with relatives. , over everything in the line on . the law office of George Halverson, No. David Ecdes 605 Ogden Building, shelf I'll try except Chamberlains. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hardmans famon or before the 15th day Utah, City, ily have moved to Salt Lake City, again, and Ill never go home without of May, 1918. DAVID R. KERR,. where Mr. Hardman is working on the Chamberlains Cough Remedy.- - The Administrator. Republican would suggest to the prostreet railway. First publication March 7, 1918; prietors of stores, that they post their J. I. King, former O. S. L. agent at clerks, and never let them substitute. last publication March 28, 1918 "Woods Cross, moved ha family to Customers lose faith in stores where NOTICE TO CREDITORS Salt Lake City Thursday, where he substituting is permitted, to say nothof Charles II. Turner, Sr., Dehas been promoted to assistant freight ing of the injustice to makers of Estate ceased. agenfT Creditors will present claims with goods and the disappointment of custo the undersigned at Farm vouchers tomers. Adv. The Indian, Chief White Elk, and Utah, on or before the 1st day ington, wife, who are visiting with Mr. and of August, A. D. 1918. MILCH COWS FOR SALE RUTH A. TURNER, Mrs. Earnest Burnham, gave some of the Estate of Charles II. I have three or four milch cows for Executrix very interesting talks in the Second " Turner, Sr., Deceased. ward Sunday school last Sunday, and sale, cheap, if taken at once. Date of first publication March 28, MRS. NATE SPAULDING, also sang two or three selections. The A, D. 1918. Adv. chapel was filled to its capacity. Farmington, Utah. ' Nine Mrs. L. W. Smedley died IlOlNTiruL of ; j o ; r HrS H H JAPANESE "FIGHTING WITH THE CANADIANS ; r j i - 1 v nurse-returne- White kid, champagne kid and grey kid are all new Easter styles to be found in great abundance at our store. one-thir- These are shoes of the very latest styles in color harmonies and will please the most artistic. There are little mysterious touches of the artists handiwork in these styles which help you to be modishly attired. SEE THE WINDOWS k Sol-unte- er s , . S s Canadian troops now on some leave are Japanese soldiers who have been many months flghtlug In the trenches. They are wenrlug at least one wound stripe. Photo shows Private Klyozo Tomoguchl wounded In France. Among a Bnadl Emy Get in on the Offensive TO GIVE DETAILS OF CASUALTIES AT FRONT BfflgggagggagagffiasggHsgaragaxga VeaUWamited American, Red Cross Organizes Bureau tcuKeep Relatives of Soldiers Informed. .. To give relatives of American soldiers details of casualties at the front, the American Red Cross has organized at national headquarters a bureau of communication, of .which William R. Castle, Jr., formerly assistant dean of Harvard college and editor of the Harvard Graduates Magazine, is dl rector. This bureau supplements In a personal and humanitarian way the reports of the statistical division of the war department which gives to rel atlves official notice when a soldier is reported killed, wounded or missing. The anxiety which naturally results from the official report to relatives that a soldier has been wounded or is missing will, as far as possible, be dispelled by the bureau," which will advise in detail the nature and extent of the wound, and will gather evidence from comrades in arms and at the hospitals and rest camps regarding those reported missing. Any information of Interest or consolation to relatives thus obtained will be transmitted to them through personal letters, while messages from the wounded will be conveyed through this same agency. The information on which the bureau will base its reports is gathered through a central office in Paris, under the direction of E. Gerry Chadwick of New York, aided by Rev. Robert Davis of Englewood, N. J and thirty assistants stationed at the base hospitals and rest camps to which soldiers are generally returned following important engagements. With the increase of the American forces and participation in the war, .this number will have to be greatly .increased. The information will for the most part be forwarded from the Paris office to this country by mall. For the present the bureau is reporting on all cases that come to its attention. However, It Is probable that with the increase of reports from the front. Information frill he sent only to relatives requesting it, except in cases of those imprisoned or reported 4mlss ing. I STEPHENS BROTHERS LAYTON, UTAH ta Hats Tlaat'SlMMJit COME IN AND BUY t The Kaysville Milliner is ready to show you the newest and best in spring and summer styles. Easter is only two weeks away, leave your order now. We are here to SERVE you, , Men GetBig Returns on Moderate Investments, , LANDLADY Declares BARS to spooning in the parlor of her boarding house. She-- places - the- - parlor- - to the same class as cabarets and theaters. The parlor ban will save no small amount of gas and fuel, she declares. A cigar-stor- e owner was refused permission to use candles. He then com plained he would have no light In his store.- - Ile-w- as advised to, obtain bottle of lightning hugs. On Mondays hot dogs must leave their kennels cold. Use of gas to keep free lunch warm in saloons Is positive ly forbidden. -- $40 CAPTAIN AT 22 UTAH SEEOURSPECAL OFFER m GUARANTEED Ware YEARS Ohio, Mao- - Youegett - Company Com mander at Camp Sherman. , Capt. IL today holds the distinction of being the youngest cape talh at Camp Sherman, O. Captain SEE US FIRST KAYSVILLE Parlor Ban Will 8avs Qai - $20 MERY SPOONING and Fuel. Big returns of quality, value, reliability for moderate prices we carry Griffon Clothes for that purpose theyre up to their aim. Test them for yourself theyre sensible clothes to wear.' KAYSVILLE. - - - . . er Watson 372 TWENTY-FOURT- H - 7 anner ST. Clothing Co. OGDEN, UTAH when commisKllngler was twenty-on- e sioned, and he passed his twenty-se- c ond birthday last August. Captain Kllngler commands Jefferson county boys In Company K, Three Hundred and Thirty-secon- d Infantry, and although 80 per ceait of his men are his senior In years, they all swear by their youthful cap." tewart-BurconC- o. ....... GENERAL MERCHANDISE KAYSVILLE Only the Reliable Advertisers Use UTAH lb Hb |