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Show UR;ASSRTOEMT F TOYS iS PRACTICALLY ..CCEJPLIETE Dolls lc to $6.00 each, Doll Heads, Doll Buggies, Dishes, Ranges, Work Boxes, Books at all prices all the best ones, etc., Naval War Toys, Tinkertoys, Electros, Blocks, Banks, Crokinole Boards, Archerina Games, Rook, Roodles, Rummy, Dominoes, Checkers, etc., etc. Toilet Articles, Auto Robes, Lounge Covers, Mackinaws, Sweater Coats, Blankets, Fancy Neckwear, Shirts, Suspenders, Fancy Ribbons. Fruits, Nuts and Candies at Priees as Low as the Lowest Come See Our the Goods-No- te You Will Buy. Prices-Th- en $ f Si lJUiMlJ UlLil Telephone No. The Most 1 of. Kaysville, Utah the Best for the Least Cash J The Surprise Club gave a party at the home of Miss Olive Abrams last Monday evening. There were thirty guests present. The time was spent playing games after which delicious refreshments were served. KAYSVILLE Urrt eltf In north pUeo lor mMne. Ublo and fr.lt Mining MiiU. and (rmt brick plant add Btondilf farm to th. walUt at th. city. for .hip. frvit and wgrtabl. growing tnduatriM. n.nt and canning ar. Important Haa th. Davi. County Control lliirh achool, churehaa and n.w opora houaa. City watr and oloetrie light ar. lnducmriU for Horn, of tho Inl.nd Printing printing plant. company and Ha Th fin. mUb-lUbmV- nt Gnrl In, : Kill Lester Gleason is the author of a great booster article published on the first page of the studeqt body paper issued at the A. C. college at Logan. the la Barber Martha Lester is making good at the A. C. and spending Miss in Centerville. is recognized as s live wire in the Week Salt student body. Miss Enetta Patillo haa gone to Lake for a two weeks visit and poultry breeders Farmers Mrs. Taylor Rouchell who has been should now be preparing their birds for exhibition at the January show of seriously ill is reported some better. Arnold Barnes entertained a number of young people lest Friday night Canning company has ' The Kaysville declared an 8 per cent dividend on this year's business, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cooley entertained a number of friends at their t home on Wednesday night Mrs. Claud C. Cannon of Salt Laks City is visiting a few days with her M. 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Barnes. Mrs. John R. Barnes was called to Salt Lake today on account of the illness of the child of Mr. and Mr. Richard A, Hart Ole Layton, principal of the school at Afton, Wyoming, is expected to spend tho holidays at his homo in Kaysville. Clarence and Maud McLatchie, who are teaching school t Auburn, Idaho, will spend the holidays at their home in this city. Arthur Anderson of Ogden died at his home this morning. Ho was a of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Williams of this city. Mr. Sumner Gleason is anticipating a visit with her son Ernest and wife, at their home in Los Angeles in Jan-- . son-in-la- the Davis County Poultry association. cards and music. The guests were as Hanson s Electric Dr.W. E. WHITAKER It pays to show your stock and prize follows: Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Callahan, Dentist Mr. and Mrs. J. Geo. Barnes, Mrs. ' no other as stimulates pride winping Salt Lake (Sty; Vi Block West of Barnea Bank Geogehan, Office Joseph J method can. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Stringhani, of . Phone 41 Mr, and Mrs. John G. M. Barnes Bountiful; Mr. and Mrs. Gage Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Parker, Mr. KAYSVILLE - - UTAH entertained the members of the Utah UTAH KAYSVILLE, Mrs. and Mr. Mrs. Van Allen, Canning association and their wives and and First Class Thursday evening at their home on Pierce, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard, Mr. and Lpcutt street The dining room and Mrs. Herbert Harrington and Mr. and Motto WADDOUPS Quick Work: Our living room were decorated in pink Mrs. Joseph Wright, of Ogden. 45-- J TELEPHONE and white carnations and ferns. The ATTORNEY-AT-LAcenter-piec-e was a huge FOR SALE One lot and brick resibowl of violets. Smilax was also used Suite 610 Judge Building dence with large sleeping porch, on in artistic arrangement upon the Salt Lake City, UUh NOTARY PUBLIC table. Covers were laid for thirty East Pine street Will consider any Woods Cross, Utah Residence guests. The evening was spent with reasonable offer. A. J. Curtis. Adv. With Barnea Banking Co, Kaysville ' y' Shoe Shop Rod-ma- n, : f Up-to-d- M. L W cut-gla- ss J. R. GAILEY - w vary.' -' Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Nance, on Wednesday, December 13th, a son. Mother and son are doing well and Gib is correspondingly happy. ' Mrs." Sherman Ingles is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. C..A. Epper-soMrs. Ingles is en route to her homo ' at Windom, Minnesota, from Green River, Utah. Barton Brothers report their business progressing satisfactorily with every assurance of continued success. By the way, they are offering some superior bargains in their line. E. McLatchie will depart Friday for Gannett, Idaho, where he will visit with a married daughter for the next two months. Mr. McLatchie haa not rTaeexkmhiSr..daughter-iiteenear,sfroit Milton Mrs. . Phillipsjof Felt City, who has been spending the past Idaho, few months with her mother, Mrs. Emma J. D. Strong, expects to re turn to her home the first of the n. . A number of young people gave a shower last night for Miss Bessie Webster and Benjamin Flint, at the young lady's home. The young couple will be married next Wednesday. The Kaysville Primary is tendering The Best Gift of Furniture is the lasting Christmas gift the gift that is never forgotten!. . For the largest and best assorted furniture stock in the State you wffl find the BOYLE FURNITURE CQ. beyond compare. Assortments are -- large-' tfie prices are most reasonable. From now pntil Christmas we will prepay freight on all goods purchased, Compare cur Other with in values lines One State.' the any to and; prices pricf all and that the lowest. -- Home of the Famous Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet i ' 1 ' .. Ogden Agency Monarch Malleable Ranges The Best Blade Gorilla Bone, a miscellaneous shower at her home, this afternoon. Miss Bone and Ivan Sessions will be 7'Tiss married next Wednesday in the Salt Lake Temple. 1 |