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Show J V ;UDTS J? IHIav. You losMIhfS Uvlovy The Time, Let Us Figure Is nJith You We handle International Fabrics which are always in the lead, not only as regards quality, ' i - - ' - v ' , ' but in the richness of design and their superiority over the commonplace. .v'' ' ' m As the styles change you will always find them here. We give you real and complete value for your money ' iUQTS Telephone No. The Most of the Best 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Major enter-- , Mr. and Mrs. John T. Smith of tained a few friends at dinner at their Provo motored from the southern home on Saturday evening. metropolis to Kaysville Saturday. They returned home Sunday, taking Irvin Crowley is in a Salt Lake with them their two children and Mrs. hospltarwhere he was operated on for Sarah E. Taylor, who had been visitappendicitis. He is doing well. ing relatives and friends in Kisville. I KAYSVILLE ( The largest city in north Davis County, fine place for residence. Kaysville Roller Mills, vegetable canning., establishment and great brick plant add steadily to the wealth of the city. General farming, fruit and vegetable growing for. shipment and canning are Has the important industries. Davis County Central High school, churches and new opera house. City water and electric lights are inducements for investment. Home of The Reflex and its printing plant; . -- and-fr- uit 1 up-to-da- te Jos. C. Clive and Edward Roberts Arnold M. Barnes entertained a few of Salt Lake City spent Sunday in friends at a card party at his homi on town as guests of A mold M. Barnes. Monday evening. Prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. George II. Blood of Lawrence Young and Tyjer Barton, and Preston, Idaho, were visiting with the consolation prizes were awarded to relatives and friends in Kaysville over Ferris R. Thomassen and Vernon Lay ton. ' Sunday. Pansies, asters, carnations and other J. Oriel Burton, tm of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. sale. Robert for R. W. Burton of Kaysville, and Miss flowering plants GarWilliam Smith was home from Phone Utah. Ward, Miller of Layton, were united Kaysville, Mattie field yesterday on a visit to .his Adv.-tin marriage in the Salt Lake temple parents. Reflex joins in conLealand Mocker entertained a few yesterday. The Early Simms of Burley, Idaho, is friends at a theatre party at the gratulations. visiting friends in Kaysville. Wilkes theatre in Salt Lake City on Mr. and Mrs. Geo.' Swan, Misses Miss Emma Swan of Salt Lake City Tuesday evening, Mollie Barnes, Nellie Edmonds, Garnet spent a few days in town this week. Swann and Messrs. Mac Swan, Arnold Miss Blanche Jonas entertained the Mrs. R. W. Barnes of Kamas visited members of the Eighth grade graduat- M. Barnes and Jed McFerson, attended the commencement exercises of the relatives here Sunday. ing cUbs at a social at her, home on Dee in Ogden on Frihospital evening. Thursday Fork of Nelson spent LeRoy Spanish day evening. Miss Marie Openshaw of Salt Lake Sunday in town as the guest of Harold A leak developed in the Davis and i with Miss J. Bishop. will spend the week-en- d Weber Counties canal east of the Estelle Epperson and attend the comMisses Mollie .Brrnes and Hazel Riverdale powerhouse last week and it mencement exercises at Davis High. f Lake in Salt City became necessary to turn the water Bishop spent Monday now with friends. from the canal to repair the same. Senator John W. Thornley is several days absence, The job has been completed and water home after at John W. Burton, the sheep man looking after sheep shearing. He re- again turned into the canal. ports his flocks doing well and k big ports good fleeces and the sheep doWalter Ashman, an employe of the crop of wool. ing well. shops at St. Joseph, has Bamberger GarSterling Morton has gone Clarise and to this city from moved his Sanders Misses family Faye field where he has been employed in Messrs. Fred Kershaw Ogden. They are occupying the James and Williams one of the big mills. and David Day motored to Salt Lake Criddle property at the corner of LoWe buy hats often. Call and see the City on Sunday and were guests at a cust and Sixth streets. styles each week at Kaysville Mill- theatre party given at Pantages theJames T. Underwood, father of atre. inery. Adv. George W. Underwood of Kaysville, died at his home in Salt Lake City on Good pasture for horses and cows. WHOOPING COUGH 15, and was buried yesCall on or phone L. E. Bybee, Kays-villOne of the most successful prepara Monday, May deceased was 77 years of The Utah. Adv.-tCnam is terday. tions in use for this disease berlains Cough Remedy. S. W. age and was for many years a resiMr. and Mrs. Henry Steed, and Mr. Blandon Springs, Ala., writes, dent of Kaysville where he was rated cough as bad Our of all and Mrs. Jos. Steed, Plymouth, mason. bby had whooping could have it. I as an expert brick most as baby any in Boxelder county, spent Saturday Rem gave him Chamberlains Cough Ob- The high price of leather, brass and town as guests of their aunt, Mrs. Geo. edy and it soon got him well. furnished a powerful insentive copper F. Patillo. tainable everywhere. Adv. A for stealing these commodities. few months ago more than 1000 3 leather belting was pounds of stolen from the Kaysville brick yard, and up to this time has not been posi7 tively located. About three weeks ago -a quantity of brass oil cups and other 24-2- 3. . f. v T Gish for the Least Kaysville, Utah fixtures were removed from the machinery in the same plant. It is also reported that a great quantity of the copper rail bonds have been removed from the rails of the Bamberger track between Kaysville and Clearfield. If copper becomes much higher, one may expect to hear of the trolley cable's disappearing. If the people of Davis county keep their eyes pealed, they may find a cache of copper richer than Utah Copper. SPRINKLING HOURS At the meeting of the city .council last Monday evening it was decided to divide the city into four sprinkling districts as follows: ' District No. 1. All that part of the city east of 10th street. Time for sprinkling, 7 to 7:30 a. m. -District No. 2. All that part of thd city betwen 7th and 10th streets. Time for sprinkling, 7:30 to 8 a. m. District No. 3.' All that part of the city between 6th and 7th streets. Time for sprinkling, 7 to 7 :30 p. m. District No. 4. All that part of the city west of 6th street.- - Time for sprinkling, 7:30 to 8 p. m. FOR SALE DUROC HYDE & SHEFFIELD JERSEY SWINE Building Contractors Registered Stock Old and Young We build all kinds of f Single Comb White Leghorns buildings .50 Extra fine Laying Hens and do all kinds of cement con- crete work. 10 Cockerels and Eggs for Hatching. Let us figure with you Frank Hyde Kaysville, Utah. Kaysville Utah yJj BIG: r w -- S eason r -- - 7. e, f. Mc-Clint- 16-in- ch easy to acquire -- easy to install We Congratulate You ' all help to simplify the matter of an Electric .range for your kitchen. Many styles and sizes to choose from; theres-aElectric range for every kitchen, every the prices of the ranges include purse,-anall cost of installation. n d . Century Edition The factory representative will be here, demonstrating the . famous Finest Sheet Music AT 10 CENTS A COPY represents the very best value as to engraving, printing, accuracy, fingering, phrasing, quality of paper, etc., possible to buy. Why not have a larger lot of choice pieces and save money too? Come and let us show you how fine Century Edition is. K LIES JOHN DEERE MOWERS BINDERS DRILLS BEET CULTIVATORS I,- - RAKES SPREADERS GAS ENGINES, ETC. Layton Drug Co. 8 per cent Money for long or short time. Loans to suit all needs of time or payment Also a few good lots, both business and residence and some acreage for sale. Loins on stock securities, for long or short time solicited. See U. There will be the biggest apd best display of FARM IMPLEMENTS. -- properly set up and running,' ever demonstrated in Davis County. best classic and favorite compositions, both vocal and instrumental, has been standardized. CONSOLIDATED PerGentTuJoney easjr tooperate MY 20th SATURDAY, HereB some real news. Means money in your pocket The price of nearly 2,000 of the S. ADAMS, WAGON & 11ACH1E COMPANY . Layton, Utah LAYTON WE WANT YOU ALL TO COME When You iCo. M, Utah Power f Open &LightCo. Efficient Public Service a bank account, satisfy your self that thereJanQjayestiQn as to the solidity of the Examine Our Condition and you will be satisfied that your money will be as safe as the Pyramids. Do .not wait to get a large sum of money, start with what you hive today. mion S'tata BOUNTIFUL, UTAH. 3an( Rik"- (standardized) ForAII Livestock EASY AND AFC TO USE. - j MITES. CUXES UANGZ, SCAB. WO WIcJSCaATtJIES. ETGr - DESTROYS DISSAS3 GUMS AND DRIVES AWAY FLIES. non-IRRITATi- nc. EFFECTIVE. IHCXPEKCIVEIa T ME IDEAL DIE9 |