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Show Be' One of Them And be sure and have a pin or ring &MIIUJIPL LE like all of your class mates. - They We make anything are beauties. in the jewelry line. you want ad Quaint Mothcr. s boyelpark Goose " Book MAK.ERS OF JEVELRY The WRIGLEY Spearmen want you to know and to remember always that MUNDU IS1 SALT LAKE C1TT BUILD ROADS IN MOUNTAINS Cheaper Kodak California Finishing Tf you will give us the convicts tet build roads through the mountains there are 7, 500,000 acres of. arable land on the eastern plateau of that Sierras that can be opened for settlement," said Charles F. Stern, highway commissioner of California, In supporting the bill which passed the California legislature to permit prisoners to be employed in road building. California prisoners have not been employed in this work other than In a small way around the prison, but the need of opening the mountain districts has started road building by ' tn DvlapinJAny iiu roll for 10 Aoy oUo Tilm Pock for 20 cento Prints 3 coots to 5 cento Pool Ctrft 5 cento oech A. R. ElcLNTTRE DRUG CO. DEPT. A OGDEN. UTAH - EASTMAN KODAK AGENCY Ao Sho Understood It "Madam, you are a little run down. Yon need frequent baths and plenty of fresh air, and I advise you to dress in the coolest, .moat comfortable clothes; nothing stiff or formal. When the lady got home, this is how s ho rendered to her husband the given to her by the doctor: He says I must go to the seashore, do plenty of .motoring, and get some new summer gowns." Philadelphia Times. ad-ric- The Essence of Politeness. , little girl paying a visit alone for A the first time waa carefully instructed how to behave. "If they ask you to dins with themf her father said, "you must say no, thank you; 1 have alIt turned out just as ready dined. her father anticipated. Come aloug, Millie, ..said her little friend's father, "you must have a bite with us. "No, thank you, said the little girl with dignity. "I have already bitten!" V Ducks. Bridget Wa fond of waiting at the door of the church and complimenting the priest on his sermon. One day the priest remarked after an un- usually strong hit o blarney": Now, Bridget, you know that your compliments fall off of me like water off a ducks hack. ' Commissioner Highway Points Way for Opening of Arable Lande Convicts to Be Used. How He Grew Up. "Dont complain when the children around you make a little noise, said ' the man with a kind heart. Remember you were once a little boy. Im not forgetting it, replied the 1 man with a perpetual grouch. "1 was one of those little boys who are always compelled to sit around dressed up and watch the other boys having a good time. Washington Star. The Great Attraction. First Girl I like a man with a past A man with a past is always interesting. Second Girl Thats true, but I dont nearly as interesting as a man with a future. Third Girl The man who interests me Is the man with a present and the more expensive the present the more interest F take In It Exchange. think its -- Temporary Wealth. What lias become of that pretty w si trees you used to have here? asked the traveling man. Oh, khes an heirees now, said the hotel clerk. Somebody died end left her bunch off money, eh? "Nothing like that cation, thats alL Breaking Shes on her the News. young man, an only son, married against the wishes of his parents. ' A short time afterward, in telling a friend how to break the news to them, he said: Start off by telling them that I am flead, an then gently work up to the A climax! Answers. Specters erf the- Past. "I see a man has just been arrested for a crime committed In 1S70. "That kind of news makes me ner- vous. Why sor "When I wss a young man I played the cornet. Louisville Barbarities of War. She (viewing the flagship). What -does he blow that bugle for? He.1 ThttoO. She.- - Tve often seen it en their bnt I never knew they had a special time for doing it. Life. flxfety First have an excellent mOLlQ.Lt or railroad, sir. Safety First confidence in the public. Yes, sir. Ajjd we live up to It ener trgvej g mil? wjthont LTISm. to-Pjr- Wing .first, MDQLEYS brings joy in greatest measure for its small cost. Because it lasts longer tastes good longer and benefits you . ; more than any other form of confection for anywhere near the prisoners. The act Just passed the price. lt modeled after under which excellent results have been obtained. The highway department is authorized to make requisition upon the prison department for the number of convicts required, and Is to organize and maintain the camps as well as supervise the road work. The prison department, however, retains control over the discipline of the prisoners, and, although the national committee on prisons and prison labor believes better results can be had under the West Virginia system, where the prison department maintains the camps, both the convicts and the state of California will assuredly benefit under the new legislation. The men are to be worked under the honor system, and the prison department Is empowered to grant additional .good time allowance to convicts employed In this work, 'conditioned upon their loyal, obedient and efficient cooperation with the state. To bring about the earlier completion of the state highways which will make the Isolated regions accessible, the bill went Into effect ninety days after the adjournment of the legisColorado legislation, It affords healthy, wholesome exercise for teeth and gums. It soothes the , Nothing abashed, Bridget replied: "Yes, father, hut the ducks like it" lature. Reporting the successful passage of Todays Magazine. the act to the national committee on An ill Wind. prison d and prison labor, Mr. Stern We expect to use from writes: the advised old "Cheer up, boy, married man. ."You know tis better 1,000 to 1,500 convicts on our mounto have loved and lost than never to tain roads, and a year hence will have loved at all. Yea, agreed the rejected suitor, jingling a bunch of keys in his pocket, "better for the florist, the confectioner, the messenger boy, the restaurant waiter, the taxicab man, the theatrical magnate and the jeweler." New York American. FREE VJRBTTE FdDR Every package throat, relieves thirst, steadies the stomach. It aids appetite and digestion. . To help you remember this delicious, helpful refreshment the WRIGLEY Spears have produced an elaborate jingle book the Mother Goose tales revised. You11 enjoy it For FREE sample of the new PEPPERMINT flavored and copy of this book, fill out the coupon or send a postal today. Yfft. WRIGLEY JR. OO., 1322 Kmoner Bldg., Ohioago. Reminded. When the autumnal frosts toucb with tints of red and yeW the Quality of Helping Wss All RlghVJbut low foliage the gray sky, doesn't that against In Qusntity It Left Much o to Inspire thought?" you, Be Desired. ''X'Ft certainly does. The reds and r yellows make me think of the Job Jecky hsd been asked out,, to s ahead fme tending the furnace, and grown-uwith dinner. Swelling me think of the dust the grayaYnake botpride, he took his seat at the when I sift tJtoashes." tom of the table and looked round slightly awestruck at the Imposing Agrss collection of aunts and uncles. Sadie Say, honest nd do you like escaping! Then his attention became fixed on "Well, growled Bill, "can you blame the ancient relative who was carving Maggie? it? Ladles Home Journal. Pauline Well, shes got 2 'N an enormous turkey, an bis mouth watered as he saw the Alg helpings heart an she means well, but Sadie Neither do 1. Puck. t7'Sly being handed round. You Need a -Loves Way. But the carver, who did not know "Of course, he hasn't any money, A textile made In China from raw much about little boys, cut off a tiny but Charlie saya love will make a silk can be burled In the earth fc year for Jacky. portion You Have Should way. "la that the part of the bird you without deteriorating. Yes, 1 noticed It will, said the mpmmmm, like, my little man? be asked, as the father. "Thus it's made away with Although there ars hundreds of prepa- servant banded Jack the plate. about twenty-eigh- t dollars worth of re t Ions advertis'd, there U only one that Jack looked at It for a moment, and as a rem-- y efclly stand out electricity. for diseases or the kidneys, Uver and then handed It back. . i. madder, "Yes, he said; 'Til hare some of is not recom- 1Iyr. Kilmers Swamp-Roomail (nded for everything that, please. . .swore certificate of purity is with er- "Do you ever expoet to be married?' You "ay receive a sampla weu, mat depends., it I can find. . bo of gwamp-Roby parcel Cass of Must. a girl With a million or two who; I Address Dr. Kilmer a Co.. Bing, not Roofa don't ."You're smoking as much as you doesnt want to be married for herself 'mbSZEi of Did your doctor order you to wear out they drv out. When alone. slse mention this used to. .IX&tot T"00 I stop?' For properly made they dry out I As , "No. Tm a martyr to fashion. very slewly tad give the best service. Quits True. ') Him. Imply Showing W.bat's fashion got to do with Do you know that girls often thiifl ' what are you doing to Wil- smoking?" more of a dog than they do of a man lie? asked the .schoolteacher. If you saw my wife's dressmaker d before they are married? "He wanted to know if you take ten and milliner bills you wouldn't ssk "Yes, and Tve noticed that they of- from fifteen how ipany would remain. such a foolish question.-- . ten do afterward So I took ten of his marbles to show him and now he wants them back- Made with s toft center atphalt and coated Lost snd Found. ' When all ether fall to please with a harder blend at atphalt, which "Well, why dont you give them to husband lost bis "Mr yestertemper Try PewleeiTo Ceffse. him, then? keeps tha toft saturation within the life of the roofing from drying out quickly. "Cot hed forget how many la left. day. Well, from the way my husband Good Rood Through Mountain Pass. If one doesnt believe that honesty Guaranteed 5, 10 or 15 years according acted this morning I think It's very Is tiie best policy one should try it. to thickness guarantee backed by the to Work. Ought facta have doubtless very Interesting likely be found it. I wish you'd send largest Roofing and Building Paper Mills m. Alas, I have never been kissed. . to relate." over and get it. We don't need It." in the World. "That shows lack of enterprise on California is the last of the western Sold In your town at reasonable prices by your part. Your sister ljn a fiance, states to employ her convicts in this a Liberal One. your own dealer whom you know. Usually I believe? way, and It la hoped the new legislaPa, what Is graft? General Roofing Manufacturing Co. "Yee. tion Is a step toward the reconstrao SlfUtofrw son, Is a sort of tip pockV SWM my Graft, mmd SrtWW, "Why don't you meet him occasion- eted by the servants of the tion of her whole prison system along people. CMeece TwkCbr riikAUit fete to ball? Lonlsvllle the dark ally the lines advanced by those who have m tlnAil re taUrft Drtnd lef- -S Courier-Journa- l. null at LmAf heart of convict the the welfare The Reason. a is of There great deal snap about A Giveaway. Bottomless Illinois Roads. that marching. d deep-rooteseem "Ton to a have While the American submarine that R0VAS9 Ee CUSTOM No wonder; Its a crack corps. &W,.V0 aversion to wrist watches. mu cross the ocean and com back on SpscisMta prices : UoM, Silver, Lead, tl ; Gold, : I "Ton bet Oold KTdh Just have. JOe Zlae or copper, tl. Kalitas wd BsyM (woen sr yAis. Silver, Tie; suppose they one helping of fnel is n great machine, It Is. envelope b4 fail price I let eentoa application Mads affcs lb real aod Immss Messhould become so fashionable that we the perfected submarine will be able is Time . Carboaato Nat. Bank, money. Load villa, Colo. ses brawls. Tks iemk hpd to weer em. Every time a fellow to travel on the bottomless "roads In but It's mighty tough If time Yep, dub ssdsl My pawned his watch the whole town Is all southern Illinois after n rain. W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. you've got to spend. would know It." Influence ef Automobiles. Libby, MNeSl Her Idea, In spite of much lingering prejuWhati your idea of a flirt? he dice against automobiles their InfluChicago asked. ence In Improving roads Is everyOh, every other girl," she replied. where in evidence in a way which Look cannot be denied. for the Fitting Reception. . "How do your women audiences Help Strawberry Plants. triangle take to your candy-makin- g lectures If strawberry runners ars not rootOh, they Just eat em np. ing well throw a little dirt over ends of the runners or places at which The only blusterer from which, a plaatlets have started. brave man will take a blow Is the wind. Supplement the Pastures. Loss, expense end risk hasten in the wake of withered pest ores, unless supTherp is a tax of 40 guineas la England on motor care of over (0 horse plemental feeds are promptly supplied. power. a. peuSia revyr Uprooe "And you pay only fair price for it. OVaait (Ivea. O The Greatest Tax. . Wko keae It costs the American fanner more When the ana shines lay aside a No baking powder should sill for nxxe. to feed his Insect foes tS&B It floes to little of your enthusiasai for a rainy SALE Fort children. wisest bis Laaabif JSawarn,Mw 1 flay. Wlaace 11. a Ski f kaa(, LAW. Men. The kaiser could hove rid the world of flies, of mosquitoes, of consumption he could almpst have rid the world of disease at lesa than what this war is costing him. , The speaker wss Dr. Harvey W. Wiley. He continued: But men are like that. It is only big, grand, heroic things- - that attract men. "Alexander wept because he had no more worlds to conquer. But no man ever wept yet because there was no mors coal to carry up or dishes to help his wife with. , Couldnt Blame It. The hotel was not s very good one, and the traveling men knew It. Nevertheless they were obliged to go there when they came late at night to the little town. In the middle of the night one of them was dimly conscious that something' was wrong. Suddenly be realized that the trouble cable from a leaking gas Jet. "Wake up, Bill! he shouted, shaking his friend violently. "The gas Is If tfr GOOD ENOUGH AS ... p Medicine the Best nt ot ot Certain-tee- Roofing - imnmimii New Ai Delight Chili Con Cams 42-1I- Iibby WHY NOT 9 KCis fill and pastry than the old fashioned single acting baking powders. a aswsaws i it really lighter, nicer biscuits, cakes Wmaa ft H' AZj tF |