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Show - Ihfln. iO HVrdilti &e , Ti BY W. P, EPPERSON & SON Entered as second-cla- matter ss Feb- ruary 15, 1911, at Kaysville, Utah under the act of March 3, 1879. Advertising rates on application. TIIE 1 novel math'mj and is njjprgwngt, Mrs. Robert Birkia, East Laytor; i.fcrnrinn, loirs Garnet Swan, bom (Kaysville, with the aids Mrs. LawrAbout forty peple met at the of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Gregory on Mor ence Corbridg, West' Layton; Mrs. day night to Lid farewell, tyilr. Alt, Jece Flint, West Kaysville; Mias Ida E, Richardson of Sherman, Texa lllansoru Wet Syracuse; Mrs. Jese of A. It1., Rai low,' Clearfield; Mrs. Minnie Lamwidowed daughter-in-laRichardson, and her sister, .Mrs, llal-- bert, We t Point. and the Dallas Texas fair. In spite o Ort Sunday next, October 3rd, there Tuesday, morning of the world's fu will be Eur.day school only in the and the Dallas Ttxas fair in spite diUnorning, 4i- a taiga jmmbLCotlhe the short notire art angeim nts, th people will attend conference in Salt affair was voted by many to have beer Lake t " icy, among the most enjoyable social affairs held in Farmington for someopening exer'taes of the Mututime. Miss Rhodit tl.ii k bang it beauti- als will be held on Wednesday, Octoful selection and Elijah Gregory uang ber 6, there will be a program and Home Beloved, after winch the two dame and refreshments w U be served. rendered for the special benefit of the All wnulTr? are invited. guests of honor, 0, My tathir. Work in going ahead on the rneet- were the pii,-en-t Among thu-,- . Office, No. 10 A. Epperson, No. 70 THE RURAL SCHOOL in a big Case car. Preari, every Sunday i coraiorinug, to wluch the publ.c fiintani Services JtaviteLr dially Minday school at 2 p. m.; preaching at W. M. Porter, Eav at ; pi r. pa-to- oclock 11 Kausviila if 'i. m. 3 1 Huxiietl, AYk tain J3SZfM A eS--- e PURE-BRE- ed n. Clothes! Farmers everywhere are btgirmla l to appreciate the ued for 'Iris. In da'rjmg He tctactlou of Ha herd Lull is of the greatest inporpure-tref- Made to measure Mens and and Young Men s Clothes in - tauco Hbcrd-fcwm-k- mi-s- D e a at treulmg-ioin- be in- - if t view. character!, tic of lard is as gicat in the evty calf born a that of the dam of the calf. If be is a i ure bred animal Used on grade cows, Ida Influence will be cure than half because bis tranBinkling powers of In breed cbamctenrUca will be c,n tli0 In another colntirTf in this isue The Reflex l the ammimcement that Kuysvill", will enjoy .some of the best talent in the imtthry under the direc- tion of a lyceum btueau this winter. If our'infeimation i correct, ibis , line the first' venture along the-made m Davis tounty Sind the people I of this part of the county me under ildlgationv to the promo ten far their .mteipute m this dlreaiou. Most of the-famou- s i NGPir i j i-- berf nmW J fm-TT- c rtainmirtT wik' il chur.K t t. The pen; b ho will w mi- ar hero havo n.kiunal reputations a lit UtnH alng their je pet live lines. nt Six inure new pupil- were enrolled at the North Davis High whool on 3bnaay bf this week, whose dam and paternal grand dam were not capable of pro timing 3(0 pounds ofbutterfnt In 3G3 thus should be used for breeding pur-puIt i if good results are expected. would be much better if this prunium and other lines Drop in and look over the samples ot i wire ret at 220- The prudent dairy- nun will Mlcct a calf from a cow whi h jroducod 400 pounds or juoie 4if5 lutterfat. , If fLcuu-- a of, bulla. ft&xa.jfl.!lis p itf riul i rani (Unis producing less than lUM poumls of fat were prohibit-- f bv riafe'taw it would be a long Mmh daiiiart has tip m achnneo J - and let us take your measure j GUARANTEED Satisfaction 1 v -- by unsi rupulous and ignor-, who have lold, for oi bin.' ng purposis and at low price, nun In! mala calvts from cuvS r '.,1 . M nil TtatdttF LcimuIis and Sei'iiona have bctn vi king in Oglep. Mr. Cjul Call, Jr of Salt Creek, Idaho is visitiTig with his parent, Mr. and Mis. Cyril Call. Bironui r. No bull bum at.t M Ax -- to Measure lade Selection of Herd Bull Is of Greatest Avoid Contagious Importance Abortion and Tuberculosis. J high grade stock features. Uni tyta lishments,' artesian Davis High school orchards. Branch of O. S. L, railway frotnmain line to lake shore furnishes Shipping Tacifi ties doJH t , der-;- Co-o- p. Kaysville The House Butter Wrappers At, of Quality and Popular Prices. - A number of j tuple ftoih here went to Ogden Friday and Sutmdny to witness the parades then. THE REFLEX Kaysville, Utah Now for Crack-a-Jac- relative E. Tr Clark, is here view in r Ut. h Frepat aliens ere ude way fur the will v"it the Sta e fair loading of ig it lA - fiir the Oj scenery and and other pi i m of interest. den and Layton f.utonei at the spui mar the cinumg factory. Last Friday a breeze changed to Frofessor liammei made hi .lud a small east wind, but it is not quite in the fall for our occa- visit of the k'.mm at the High choul late enough sion heavy eust winds. Saturday a here to tenth music, on Monday lat. considerable shower sprinkled' this lie will eoine once ft week. part of the earth. was The Stake Primary wiiTast Mellum Contractor Sunday, began laying (mpletely reoiganied cement on Farmingtn sidewalk Tues- when the 'following were wt apart vm in Lunday.afteinon m t lent Held; day, completing nearly one Ido-Miss Marnm Ellison, Last I ay front and em-- of the court house. t'lio & , the most modern Mill Packed in the Neatest s FOR SALE Wagon, team and for sale at a sacrifice. Mut have Mrs. Iknry William and young sun money to go to the hospital. A, R vtaited in Ogden on Finlay and SaturRichardson, Farmington. Sunday evening. ' f day, returning an Ohio A. O, har-nes- Made of Choicest Utah Wheat Milled in Cool; young wife of d on Thur. paaway day last, September 23, after a painful and pro longed Hint. s. She suffered with kid ncy pnd heart trouble with many com (ita'ikion.c' Typhoid fever developed at thel aat. Several months ago she wav t ikon to her parent; home in Mid vale to be under the care of her moth er and there she passed away and was buried Sunday, September 20. She leaves tvvd small children, a boy 3 old and u biby 5 months otU t bho was Minor H.mh leader here at the Mutual. Hit r n e will be by all. Kho had a sweet, unassuming, Much sympathy is gentle iltapo-itiofelt fur her husband iii hta great are important canning estabwells, North anJ beautiful Mrs, Frumis 11, Nabkr ha during the puta wtk. llyrum Stewart has treated himself (5 Presbyteriaa Church,' KaysvlUe, Utah ed SYRACUSE inter-mounta- i Tr one-teach- er FARMINGTON ' j.t- tVERY-CEHEIHH- er The Rose City The Clean City County seat of rich and fertile Davis county. Home of the Miller Floral Company, the largest growers of flowers in the country. Location of the famous Lagoon resort. ' lias waterworks and electric lights. A tine place for residence. :urr September 23. Charles E. Venae Gr.. of ok Lale C. Known Everywhere As The VERY BEST ?r. ; paiiy is fund tang the brick. A truck loud of lumber aimed from Salt Lake on Monday. They c.piit to Mart Use link woik this week. Jkbif!-lonrTsi-lo- The work f the Hoys and Girls clubsr of Itavis county is easily the best at the State fair and is receiving its full share of awards. The exhibit is located in - a tent near- - s f 4 .one-teach- ArtK'J Er.' :2. r of Raise, Idaho and Martha M Be: L.lta Brown of Salt Lake City - We suppose there in no community in the United State1 .that vOould not look with powerful dtspleutcrrcmr TbiTR'cIu Hf iil jq Mi M GetT man who was known to be in the hab- rude Miller and counselor;, Roumani it of swindling children out of their Rol'insoh and I.my llemt, Scu-tapennies; but hundreds of communities Nettie Drown, Treasurer Lina Wo in the United States swindle children Clans Leader Ro e Ki.owEon, Pri p A. L-- . ( Lu t out of something much more precious dent than pennies, with never a blush. The nly spent a few day, ui limb, but Mrs. educational gold brick, which our fa- Richardson p nt nearly two months in is thers celebrated, palmed off year Farmington and in. Suit Lake City, on a after year great number of which she declared repmtediy to be and the time of her life each day apgirls. country boys Not that our fathers celebration pearing to have been a grand climax, was unjustified. A. little, ill equipped, owing to the efforts of so many people country school is much to make k so, Among those friends better than no school at all; but it who deserve special mention aie the remains today in many a rural com- Relief society as a body, with whom munity where it has no more busi- ihe met frequently while heir, jB.shop ness than on oxcart would have as a A. L. Cbuk and family, Mr. and Mi. pleasure vehicle. A string of little, Hampton and Mr. .Willie McDonald cuuhtry Bridge, now' of Suit Lake City, Mu. schools, with a course of studies not Ri hard ion Duly learned to love at all related to country life, in a the Moimon people and apparently rural district where many farmers carried with her biaeerc love and good own automobiles . is a scandalous will of everyone who met her while fraud on country youth. here. The consolidated country school, graded, well housed, well equipped, with adequately paid tenchers and a course of studies knit up to country A prosperous farming and rich life, is the farms best asspb Satui community in the northwestern Fine portion of Duvia County. day Evening Post. farms and homes, wide fields and 0 " Scptertt-- w s iLiCL.vLt MARRIACr ran by elec Mty. y Subscription $1.26 per year when 1.50 per year on paid in advance. overdue subscriptions or when -n- ut-paid in advance. TELEPHONES wmixer is quite 1 hor-ltae- r. Clothes Suits k They are going better every season. We have themmade especially for you Cleaned Pressed and Repaired No $281 Endymion, Grand Champion Bull. pay LATEST MODELS which did i at pay for their keep, but a long I.i.e of puro-buaacvjbtry. In j; a bulla from other hues Jliad Satisfaction Guaranteed or to $15-0- 0 SNAPPY PATTERNS d wno4l xotbi y am boalUi-i ipoitant to avoid conta-giotat-- . ab.ut, a and. taberculos isfactory jouag bulla cf breeding ago ltkv-especiall- ctullv. eam.i t nava ba puriha-e- d and tlu'ii.ueitis always bet to have a young bull growing up to take the tac of the older Lord bull. Co. Stewart-Burto- n y p We-eontinueMo-po- specialsfor Saturday -- st- aaasEss3 August nnsTiVi:rK 51 Eromjhe S. NIELSEN & CO. Housetops General Blacksmiths and Horse Shoers We manufacture and keep in stock Single Trees, Double Trees, Wagon Reaches, that are strong and dependable and sell ' - at right prices. we wish to proclaim the ad L w Vnon State BanK ERVIGE is one of the features of our business of which we are justly yroud. Combined w'ith the element of SAFETY by the years of experience of our officers and directors, we of --J fer our depositors a highly desirable BANKING CONNECTION RALPH H. J. Peery, W. J. Parker, vantages of having a hank account with us. Safety and carefulness, combined rt a desire to be of service t our officers and directer. in the ehtimaRon rf our merchants are a few of the why you should have your account here. fevr-L- . w. E. Ik UTAH National Bank m Dr. A. V. McIntosh, Cashier Vice-Preside- nt 1 - r Exchange, 'ROMflSOF . Liscenced Abstractor And Notary Public , Utah nouf 41 Kaysville Wt 4i-- J. -- Grants Place Kav sviile, E. HOAG. President Vice-Preside- nt WhitaKcr DLMIST 24th an! Wah. South East Comer v BOUNTIFUL, UTAH. iH . :&22E32K Davis County . Office tot appwiatiueaU. Faraangica, F. C. - & MTId2 -- . 1fci |