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Show r 51 Oo17 kj?1 Prt of tha great State of Utah, situated between the cities of Salt Lake and Ogden. Its terraced lands marking the recession of richest in the Intennountain Wert aruf are adapted to the growing of almost everything that is useful to man.. Its climate is the best in the world, its scenery 5 sublime, its people kind and courteous, and. transportation facilities the best. Davis oounty needs and has room for 10,000 small farmers and .fruit growers to make use of its partly improved lands. Hundreds of poultry raisers to produce eggs and poultry for market It needs vinegar and pickle factories, to make use of the apples now to waste A Jelly and preserve factory going oond class fruit to be had for a song An ice cream and butter plant to take care of the 12c. gallon milk shipped to the cities It has T?, muiclrc 01 J?11 x?Tj openings' for all kinds of gapm occupations that can be based on the manufacture of articles useful to man and necessary for comfort and happiness. The man of means a home in the Best wanting Chmatr and Best Fruit Growing Country In The World will visit Davis" County. TheReTTex is the official booster of this favored land and can put the' home seeker wise to neglected opportunities. Acre and a half plats in good towns with' water rights, dty water, electric lights and electric cars, set to 'orchard; from $500 'to $1,000 The Reflex can show them. it, Bt Lo-catio- n; Forty-eig- ht Columns REACHES EVERT NOOK AND CORNER OF DAVIS COUNTY. VOLUME X KAYSVILLE HUERTA ABOUT AT THE EIID OF AND FARMINGTON - THE ROSE CITY, County ml et rtcfc mnd tartll Ditli county. Bom o! the Miller fiord company, the largMt grower ot hot bouee Seven In the Inter Locdtm ot the funouc mountain ruuntry Uwc rreort. Haa Water Works and Electric Liable. A lee place tnrnwldence. It NUMBER 4 FARMINGTON UTAH, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1913 Mass Meeting. In mess meetiftg assembled Monday night the citizens of Farmington, after a lively contest, nominated the following city ticket: t For Mayor, John" A." Bourne; A. for councilman, S joblorn ; -- foe eouncilmen,t year-term- s, Daid L. Rice, E. B. Clark and George (. Kuowl-ton- ; fot city recorder," Edward Wellinj; for city treasurer, Harold Robinson. E. A. Cot tell is the holdover councilman. The ntereht e meeting centered. around the contest for the nominee for mayor. J. llenry the Wood was backed for and a position by large following, his friends were busy wurkiug for bis nomiuation until the time for PEOPLE INJURED TWO YOUNG BY , IEING IT, HOI THOOI BUGGY Thomas Cossey, of Rockport, Summit County, has Leg broken -- Miss European Powers Give Notice That Unde Samuel Must Be ObeyMiss Mamie Hess is in Mori; ed United States Must Act Three Propositions Are Being gan for a few days, visiting with LeoneToone, of CoatviHePainfutty Injured- - Theresuitof Racing While Returning from Dance in Syracuse District Last Night. Considered at Washington. relatives. Mrs. A. B. Richardson is slowwas Thomas 16th more aggressive ly Mexico City, October, Rockport, Park City. Mr. Cossey sibility of from an' attack recovering with Emmett visiting misThe diplomatic representatives .course of action by the United of typhoid fever. Snapp, of Summit county, had the j hia way on was' and of France, Great Britian, Spain, States. Three methods of dealfortune to break his left leg by Syracuse, home A from dance when a the was born to .Mr. Cuba and Norway, ing with the situation are bebaby boy Uautemala, from a, buggy thrown in being accident occured. Mrs. and Sears recomMonday. Parley at a conference decided to ing suggested as open to the the Syracuse district last night. This is their first boy. mend that their respective gov- Washington government: The injured man was brought to a A message from Syracuse anMexiFirst There is the ernments send warships to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rigby havt in office the of Dr. nounces the fact that a young Rutledge, .. co for the purpose of affording suggestion' in official a new daughter, which was one u two oclock Miss this Leone Toone, of Coallady. legation guards, should conditions circle8 of a military and naval week old last Monday. but the break was also injured was when ils ville, morning, m, require. A member of the demonstration which would Berve 1 hoiuas between the kuce the and . leg hia had Cossey thigh Mrs. Anna S. Perry, of Clifton, diplomatic corps made this state- as a precautionary move in case to was it decided take to is him. beleived but not it broken, ment tonight. He also said that a forcibly policy later is requir- Idaho, is here for a few days. ,the L.,D. sTlTbspital at Salt Lake that iier injuriesat . will prove the diplomatic representatives ed. For the present, however, She is just recovering from l a Emmett serious. It "seems-thhad recommended a tempearte at- the president and his advisers are serious illness of a few weeks ago. by a narrow margin his support- - before, setfing Miss to Toone Mr. and Lk Cossey lrk titude in the matter of Mexicos concentrating on a constructive h'Vtram and Flint, Mrs. Fred Tree, of Syracuse, er mov.J to make the non.in.tio. were in a buggy returning home . solution the to use uuammoua. Bourn. of Mr. of Washington. by reply peaceful has been visiting her three weekp Mr- - t'- - from a dance and with other measures. A vote of thanks was tendered a,mtmk Washington, October 16th old the .home his of at were th 80 grandson ,Jr. parties racing along the k'1S ktTJ lrl Ilia Administration officials, up to Second Many officials think .- and Mrs. K. - B. to Mayor II. S. Daynea and Mrroud Park The nto oparents Flint buggy was- - in the hour of closing ".the govern- a seres of strong demands made associates; In" office"forcffn'cut d1'H,kH! some he where manner friends. The had Gregory. upset throwing the their City ment departments today were upon the authorities at Mexico doctor entire tried to him to to the ground where' party persuade J. S. Clark is without advices as to the result City to force, the immediate elimito the were Lake at Salt run over by those go huspital they in nation of General Huerta would his parents and has almost fully of the reported conference without he avail and but. were was Miss Toone with. they racing Mexico City of the entire dip- complete the record of the United recovered from the effects of a BILLION DOLLAR OUTPUT. taken to the I). & R. G. depot is employed at the Syarcuse canlomatic corps. This development States in attempting to assist' as paralytic stroke which he sufhis continued to tand ning factory. journey in the situation, following close the nearest neighbor, in solv- fered last Thursday. ' of - the Product of the Value Wilsons sharp ing the difficulties of the southupon President Sheldon Tanner went to Sandy United States Smelters and Re- for quicksilver, are all stated note declaring that the United ern republic. It has been sug- Wednesday to play in a concert and bullion. foreign ores, fineries in 1912 Exceeds One short tons in the table given in There "was anmatte, lawincrease States was shocked at the of over some officials of The there. that, given gested by Conservatory Thousand Million Dollar. Mr. Dunlops report. lessness of General Iluerta in should sueh demands be ignored Music was called on to furnish 62,000 tuns of spelter made from Increase in 1912 over assuming a dictatorship over the American government would five musicians, and Mr. Tanner Value of Platinum More Than a domestic ores, while that from foreign ores was about the same Mexico, was taken to mean here be justified in throwing its sup- was one of the number selected. Million Dollar a Ton. in 1912 as in 1911, The total valthat foreign governments might port to the constitutionalists in metals value of the The prohas 1L Wood returned J. efjust .. the north. bring pressure to bear in an duced j:rom domestic ores, foreign The extremes in output are ue of the spelter increased from Garland from ten a. to trip days shown by the fact that 1.3 tons $32,663,964 in 1911 to $46,755,228 fort to compose the situation. Third The United States could Tremonton. He has the ores, matted and unrefined bullion r General Huertas decree taking fomrally announce its absolute and United in the or refined platinum, 188.1 tous qf gold. in 1912. smelted Life Continental the for agency well unto himself legislative as termination of relations with the Insurance Co., and as an evidence States in 1912, according to a,and 4,471.4 tons of silver were ARTICLES ARE FILED BY as executive powers has swept Huerta officials, leaving it ' to by J. P. Dunlop, of the covered from domestic and forof in of the that crops good part aside all hope here that Huerta the influence both of the conAVIATION COMPANY eign ores and from foreign matte the country he wrote up $100,000 United States Geological Survey, and conwould while unrefined the with was bullion, regime stitutional movement and Liberal $99,5798,618, compared life insurance policies while - in 1911. The fig- - production of pig iron, the Corporation Intends to stitutional government or be able elements in Mexico, to secure the of $787,727,776,Carry on to cope with the incerasingly elimination of Huerta and the there. ures are approximate, as the larged output of pig iron record- - General Airship Business, With Sheriff Harris and livery stable value given for aluminum is ed in the United States,' amount vigorous fighting of the con- establishment of a provisional Ernest Walker went to that for consumption, and includ ed to 33,802,685 short tons. The Headquarters Here. stitutionalists. , government with which the keeper, Articles of incorporation of Three Methods Discussed. constitutionalists would negotiate Salt Lake Wednesday to hunt the imported metal in addition yields of refined copper, 734,032 and hired a horse who man the and of the domestic Intermountain Aviation comtons, 338,806 from to the production tons, spelter, Both President Wilson and for peacend arrange a free Tues Mr. on from Walker also were ever made. the. buggy filed largest pany of Balt Lake were Secretary Bryan are turning election in compliance with Mexi- day, pretending he was a travel- ores. -- Increase Ironand in with the of Big the clerk and value The quantity county Tuesday. pos can law. over in their minds the The company, which is capitaling agent He drove to Salt of the metals are given both for ' Aluminum Lake and disposed of the outfit domestic and foreign sources, but ized for $20,000, with shares of be would that land extends the The aluminum of NEW LAND FOUND. for a small amount. value $1 consumption to add the each," plans to engage in the it is necessary a long way north. . The report 1912 in was short 32,803 tons, metals recovered general, business of. buying, ..sell- While in Steed canyon Tues- of the secondary The account of the find by the indicates that there may be an increase of tons 10,000 nearly show the tug, manufacturing, renting and Russian expedition under Com- volcanoes on the land so dis- day John W. Steed and his two in 1912 in order to over that of 191 L Pig iron pro leasing aeroplanes, hydroplanes and the extent vast of When cubs. two sons refinery killed a like mander Wilkitzky reads covered, .and the , temperature of grand of the smelting industry in the United duction increased over 7,750,000 an,j other forms of aircraft, and fairy tale. It has been supposed the water taken near the shore they were about of thes short tons in quantity and over to give flying exhibitions aqd that the regions ordinarily ac- would suggest- - some- - unusual way through the canyon they States -- As the value in value. Of the pig gage in passenger and . freight is exwhich sighted a cinnamon bear and Two secondary metals, cessible to navigation in the source of warmth. 4 iron about per cent was smelt- - traffic. the bear clusive of gold, silver Platinum, Arctic has been pretty fairly exThe land extends 23 degrees cubs. Mr. Steed hit C. A. Tyler is president of iron and aluminum, amounted to ed from foreign ores. plored, and also some of those east and west, according to the which escaped and shot the two over The of is ,8piegeleiHen,'the in quantity it A. J. 1912, $7,000,000 tree climbed for which a Haufman, company; cubs regions not so accessible. They report, and it is quite possible and other ferr-- l vice president ; S. D.Huffaker, returned home reasonable to assume that" the all were so well known that the that its discovery may indicate safety. They 1912 amounted in marketed alloys derived secretary and treasurer. These, likihood of there" being further a great continent with high with the skins of Bis animals and total value of the metal domestic which with A. 2. Ash, W. N. to short 368,126 of. toils, and from the Hill, D. flesh. foreign a their of discoveries in that region were pleteaus and solid land, even as portion . from 39 was derived cent , reWo E. N. and G. Morgan, ward and per sources by the smelter sm&lL But there is a vast area fur as a few days journey from ores. foreign States form United the the directorate. fineries in between the meridian of Bering the pole; corresponding someMARRIAGE LICENSES. r O" amounted to over $1,100,000,000. Nearly $200,000,000 in Gold and Straits westward, and 'north of what to the antarctic continent valuel HOME EXCURSION VISITORS' Oct. 10. Douglas V. Watson, A portion of the increased Silver. Siberia, which has never-reall- y that affords access to the south Via due to the much been explored at alL Vessels pole. It would be quite in ac- age 22, and Mary- A. Johnson, in 1912 was The gold coming from domestic for Short Line silver, . Oregon prices both of average higher 22, Ogden. have gone through from time cord with the general balancing age ores amounted to $93,451,500 and the but East and pro: , of zinc, 11. 22, copper, Oct Shidds, age Roy to time, and there have been of nature to have such a great metals other than that from foreign ores, matte and To Denver, Omaha, Kansas dreams of navigation from the land and high mountain ranges Denver, and Pearl Julian, age 18 duction of all increas- bullion to $19,964,010. The value lead antimonial and ' Lake. of Salt gold St Louis, Chicago, MinWhite .Sea across the Arctic in the north to correspond with of the silver in 1912 from City, 1912. in ed and 1L Elmer 23, Oct Hazard, age many other points Sea to Bering Straits and thence those in the south. domestic sources was $39,197,500 neapolis various the of HasThe 22 and October and November Minnie quantities of Cincinnatti, southward . There have been and that from foreign sources December25,20 and 22nd. Limit 24, Undoubtedly the next great sell, other in which are 90 given Lake Salt of metals, City. age 24, some Actual expeditions of that to the Arctic will be $40,989,817, a total of $80,187,317, for tons expedition in long sale. William 14. date of IL from reports Clements, Oct. Survey kind, but the seasons are so fitted out with view of exploring ' or nearly $11,000,000 more than days ferro-alloy. and., al' West . variable and open water is so this land, to measuring its age 27, of Toe son, Arizona, and pig iron, in in 1911. the troy ounces for Franlittle to be depended upon that distance to the north, and to Margrett Belles, age ,23, of uminum, To San Portland, Seattle, The output ot nickel and of precious metals, and in flasks PacLos the old dream of commerce with fixing its geographical eontour Provo. other and Angeles platinum valued at $17,936,800 cisco, 22 Coast the White Sea and Archangel with scientific exactness. In the ific November and $1,732,221, respectively, was points 22. of 20 that center December and as the and 24, port derived almost wholly from the meantime, this Russian discovery has never been realized. must be recognized at one c f foreign ores, matte, and bullion. Long Limits. See any O. S. L. The extent of the discoveries gerat importance, geographically tin was de- Agent for rates and further parThe small yield comRussian the rived- from foreign ore, as the ticulars. reported by considered, and the world will r ty unknown. of mander is, course, domestic ore, which came entirely j , await with interest the further The have Kaysville I srfclx that to purchased He was prevented from making I from .Alaska, was shipped, to) Clyde Bishop is suffering from development of that great lznd Pure stock .of in a complete the packputting further exploration by y Great Britian 'for smelting. The a broken collar bone the result discovery in the north. Drr-- a, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Tobacco r value of the copper from all of a runaway Saturday evening, ed ice; but if the land extends Chi Lien supplies. In fact everything usually found northward as far as its bulk to $242,237- - He had hitched his horse to sources-- , amounted zi Smith T. . J. that store. is It reported from east to west might, indicate, in a nrrf Cia Dreg 160, an increase of over $63,000,-- 1 the buggy and was preparing to home and Doctors of the his here of prescriptions be when the apple there will evidently has sold the product I cxka, a specialty 000. The production of copper, get in the vehicle in Fountain Soda ail exa further Sanitary cf best point for any strictly from domestic ores increased over horse took fright and threw him orchard bn the trees to Charles the attack peditions that may 65.000 tons, while that from the to the ground, a wheel of the Smith of Clearfield, 1st (113 pe for Boost home. Kaysville. Lets at north pole problem. Her? ycur tsszsj foreign ores and matte declined rig passing over him. At firrt har- It is, of course, not at all cer- ! bushel and the tuycr.vrZl Yours For Good Health, tons. The lead from all it was thought that his ahoullrr 48.000 tain that the land thus found ex- vert the ere?, a 13 C L-g was 6,000 tons less in was only sprained but ca sources zri, tends northward for many de- jurt ec a fcto 7 t.-quantity "and $540, 000 less in "val animation by a physician, ii ecu-U grees, but since the commander is cue cf ilz ue in 1912 than in 1911, the de- found that the collar ten x saw high peaks far beyond the nzully, czl tl3 xzzl--- -lx cline being due almost entirely broken. He ii gettirj tZ- - 2 ' L. H. YIJ-t- , Prescription DruggiM, Prop. CExvi-1r;:V. Point at which te found to a lower smelter recovery from right at thii tin. tha pre "t-c- u four-year-ter- - - Coh-scyo- f at-th- . ever-re-curre- nt j6 to-mti- nu $200,-000,00- 0. - . ! l( re-rep- . - , -- -- two-thir- ds ferro-mangane- se -- - s, com-merc- e, ANNOUNCEMENT ta t 1 f-- 2, f m 1j 'AYSVILLE PHARMACY r |