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Show when he closes the deal. This property is one of the finest in Davis county and will furnish suburban homes for many farm ilies. A portion of the place is The Little Kingdom of Davis in fine bearing orchard and all W of the land has water rights in t the Davis & Weber counties can-located on the north A K. Nelson, the new black- - al- - It State road and is in of the smith, has moved his family desirable, to a portion of the Kaysville ; every way hotel building, I J Fred J, Marston and, Thomas l have formed a partnership George Judkins, the plasterer, blacksmith and' machine the is erecting a neat cottage mMiis business and have installed A place not far below the Clear- hP wood Iuui s.PIant ,Mr- field meeting house. J iron i , working machinery in the The State Road between Clear-- 1 new building recently erected. w l field and Layton is very rough (Both of these men are first 'A in many places. The road needs class mechanics and will make J surfacing with gravel. good in the venture. They are A J !r - it. UT tike core of' any - , r Albert T. Smith and Ora B.r-- prepared Jb. ?rom hoe low have entered the employ o !Dd 10 repalr'ng autc,m, MecrantUe - com- Clearfield the v are now ; l They SwMt Cherry Tree in Davia County Orchard 800 Pound Cherries on Tree, JmacMnea and pany in the eapae.ty of clerks. ppb packbg Davis county is that part, of the State of Utah situated beOrval Sessions is building a claim to have the- - only successful tween the cities of Salt Lake and Ogden, and bounded on, the west neat cottage not far from his machine on the market. They A by the Great Salt Lake and on the east by the Wasatch range father's homeland it is rumored expect to secure orders , for a of mountains. This strip of land, the most fertile in the world, is that he will take unto himself a large number of these machines protected from the storms of winter by the high mountains and wife before the New Year. and have a man soliciting orl summer heat is tempered by breezes from the great lake, making ders among the apple growers. J.-re-j of in Ogden, Jenson, climate America. The tillable land the most delightful Fifteen cars of peaches have in gentle terraces from the base of the mountains to the fused an offer of $14,000 for his the sent to market which have L side the been of on north down soil from the mountains place washed lake and is composed of ll State road near the store. This netted the growers from 30 to 40 through-atheagcs and Is hundreds' of feet in depth. price is many times larger than cents per box. Potatoes have not for the Suburban Home Builder been selling for less than 75 the assessed valuation. Davis county offers every advantage. Two cents and about 40 cars have i electric will Smith double tracked the E. traverse a Herbert and railway "again railways gone to market. Apple shipcounty from end to end, and at a distance of less than a mile head the Clearfield Mutual with ments are now on and six cars apart, connecting Salt Lake City and Ogden, while the tracks of Wilford Guthrie and Alvin Wood have been shipped. Prices are the Salt Lake City street car system penetrates the county for as councilors. Jesse D. Barlow, now better than when the first a distance of ten miles and will eventually span the county. A the secretary was also held over shipments went out and there half hour service will soon be inaugurated on the electric lines but will ask to be released as he will probably be a further inand more than one hundred trains a day pass through all parts will soon enter the L. D. S. tmsi-o- f crease in price later in the thecounty andelectricity is unlimited and cheap. All the towns ness college, at Salt Lake, season. For the next twenty have water works and electric lights, making it possible to have days an average of one car of apcountry homes equipped, with every convenience without the burples a day will be shipped. The den of taxes incident to the large cities The State road traverses sugar beet crop is now being the county, connecting Salt Lake City and Ogden, and is sprinkldug and while not as heavy as ed daily.' This road is now being concreted. was hoped is very good both in ' Most of For the Fruit Grower and Truck Farmer We did noT learn the 'roantity and quality clierhas here from sent Her fruit other berries, region. Davis county surpasses any tdd the handled Utah Fruit the her been truck farms and proby ries peaches and apples are unsurpassed oa .Growers association and most of duce the best celery, tomatoes, potatoes and other vegetables. the shippers seem to be better The best markets of the state are at her doow and her transroundis satisfied with returns than here- The Clearfield district , portation lines radiate to all parts of the world. tofore. For the Farmer and Dairyman Davis county is superior. All the cereals and other farm GEO.- - T. to-crops including sugar beets grow to perfection and her rich, moist f bTenTne Ind ta grazing land, and pure artesian watrria the dairyman's .paradiss, Land is Cheap still coming on as there has been in Davis county when location, transportation, soil and climate are taken into consideartion, and there is plenty of it for sale. There .are eight great canning establishments which pack- millions of cans of vegetables .and fruits every year and furnish a sure, cash market for all the tomatoes, beans and peas that can be grown. Phone 24-- 3 Three-fourtacre tracts with irrigation and city water, electric was heavy, and the quality KAYSVILLE, UTAH lights and power current within one to four blocks from railroad crop boxes as thirteen As fine. high can be purchased from $250 to $500 per tract, many having considerable .improvement and farm lands from $250 per acre were harvested fromroneof the young trees. Growers received KEEP OUT and up according to location and improvement from $1 to $1.33 per box for the For the Man of Small Means some peo: and good apples' and still willing to' work, Davis county offers every inducement and pie think there is no money in SCREEN DOORS there is work for the children in the berry fields, gardens growing apples. la regular rres in metal the canneries. Schools are the best in the land and if one deinformed two the home been Reflex has The found be at great sires more social life thin is to Stewart, of- - Farm WINDOW SCREENS cities ofthe state are at hand tCLsupply 'and. satisfy, the most. that-Myrhas an option on the 120 : ington, exacting.., . In all the ergular sizes owned acre farm by the Woods Davis County1 Needs has and Cross frame. Odd sizes made to esCapning company men with capital to make the fullest use of her lands and to . into orde-r. .. , , hadAhe property surveyed, .j .. tablish plants for the manufacure of all useful articles along her tracts acre ten cans every one, two, five, and Util many lines of transportation. Utah uses 30,000,000 tin which he will offer for sale JOHN 8IRI0H, why not make, them in year and they are made - Back East plants, - Davis county ! We need evaporat ing plantspreserying s is that of our use make to factories product vinegar and pickle now waste. For Information Concerning This Land of Opportunity A address the. Commercial Club at Bountiful, Farmington, Kaysville, Loss Your Gain. Our Utah. The Kaysville, Reflex, Weekly or Clearfield , Syraouse. or $22.00 2x4 12, 14 and 16 ft; Per IL ft. 2L00 . Why Pioneer While The Little Kingdom ot Davis Calls?. ... 2 x 6 and 2 x 8. 14 and 18 ft. Pet M. ft. 18.50 Nice irrade 1x4 8- B&& Eta Cedar Star COUNTY n; EFFICIENCY N. in-jsi- de - (Not agitation) we believe to be the real thing in advertising. We dont believe in spending good money telling that yon can get something for nothing. Thats against the law of compensation. We do 4 j- iV!' -- de-cen- ds C. lieve, however, . be- that yon will find the kind of goods yon want. at the price yon willing to believe yon will are perfectly pay.We satisfactory get efficient, service from your purchase. Hundreds of people are finding that true here ev- -- - trans-continent- al . 1 BEESLY Crystal Springs ICE - Caprrifta 1911 bjr TW H. Hack Co. ery day. IT There are, oh, so many need. want and things yon M The New Dress Goods, Silks and beautiful ar ray of Trimmings, Laces and Allovers ; Gloves, Hosiery and warm Fall Underwear. A line of Union Suits from 50c to $3.00 in cotton, wool and silk mixed. A line of Childrens Bine Serge and Black and White Checked Dresses that any mother would like. . Then the ever efficient Tailored Suit on which yon can always depend, and you can also depend on our having the very ,one for 'you; and such a line of dandy coats as you never saw. The materials are ever so beautiful. You ought not to live another day until you see them. Paine & Hurst WHERE THE WOMEN TRADE. t OGDEN, UTAH. - A j the Flies ow - , UTS, , t 1 1 OtIE HOUR x 4 No.Tv x 4 No. 3 V. G. Fir Flooring G. Fir Flooring Pine Flooring .i.imiuruit'. 1x4 4Common No. 2 Clear Fir x 4 REDUCTION IN - x TIME Ceiling 4 No. 2 Clear Fir Ceiling No. 2 Clear Bustio and 8 No. 3 Fir Bustio x 1x6 1 J! Los x 1x8 All New Stock. Act Quickly Everything at Beduced Prices. SALT LAKE 740 So 6 West. Between Salt Lake and Chicago Via inn PACIFIC SYSTEM Before LUKIi it r - 1 H C Oil - LT.Osdcn S P- - .3:25p.m. Phone W. 501 p Known Euerynhere An The VERY BEST THAN OLD TIME nhifi ' nil a. o' ONE HOUR AND TWENTY MectkmMINUTESEARUER'niAN SfEta&r New York. OLD TIME S Oby Ticket OSce 6 flour 6-- 12 the. most modem Peeked in the Neatest Manner. Milled in T PET CrlUl UiS IT . " 50-bor- se Made of Choicest Utah Wheat , and Gas Engine Every I H C engine that leives the factory has been proved reliable. It wpuld not have the IHC mark if it were nt. It has passed - -- thorough tests, is made dependable by correct building ht the hands of slaled men, and du able by the use of only jthe best materials. Then, to back it, I H C responsibility goes with it long as the engine runs. It is by far your best buy in the long run. You can use the same. engine for various power work about the Tann It is easily porta--' ble. No matter what you needs in an engine for irrigating or general wak yon will find that some engine in the I H Clite meets them. The line includes all styles horizontal or vertical; air, water, or hopper cooled ; stationary ..portable, or skidded; built to operate on gas, gaso- line, naphtha, kerosene, distillate, or alcohoL Sizes range from 1 to power. I II C oil tractors, ranging from to power, for plowing, haulier, shredding, threeb- ' mg, road making, and other uses. There is profit for ydi in a visit to the . IHC local dealers. Gej catalogues from or write to the j October like.-2:X- Succession of Fi O eliminate drought you must have an irrigating plant; every farmer knows( thats true. But to run an' irrigating plant with success and . give the fields water when they thirst ' for it, yon must have an engine that you can depend upon always to pump the water. The engine that will satisfy you (completely is an . 2.00 87.50 r... 29.00 21.00 25.00 29.00 30.00 25.00 is all Gone. Elective Lv. Salt a Here Is COUPAIIY GEO. E. ROMNEY, Mgr. t i h , a I!rrt:trr Cciz7 Clacorperkadj ' ' I r - .U c! - lC-- j J |