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Show f THE WEEKLY RfiFLEX, KAYSVILLE, UTAH - Tin SCHOOL Drosses School Till DRESS Tin SHOE BUSTER BROWN SHOES SCHOOLCHILDREN'S SUITINGS 25c a yard and 29ra yard , BOB ROY. CHECKS i School Dresses - 29c a yard -- , -- Our Prices on our Ked Tag Shoes - cannot be duplicated, facturers prices. Fancy Stripe Serges, Latest, 59cyn. Dresses School - For the Girls, the Little Gents and Youths even at- - the manu- - . SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! SHEFFIELD School, Dresses & SONS, DEPARTMENT KAYSVILLE, UTAH T. frleClure Peters at Law. KatotIU Roller KlUa, V.g.iUbl. end Fralt Canning eitebllihmeet, end Brick Plant add ateadllr to tho (rest woaltk of tho city, Oeneral Faming, Fruit and Ve,etblo (towing for ship, ping and canning are Important lndne-trlo' Haa a County High School, Churches and new Opera Honsa. City Water and Electric Lighting arc for Invoetmont. Homo of the Redes and ltd printing plant. a. Utah Kiystllle, OEOROK B. HANCOCK CLAUDE T, BARNES HANCOCK & BARNES Attomeys-at-La- Halk.r 11 w Phone Bldg. i Wuatohlo33 SALT LAKE, CITY. JAMES Ti HAMMOND y i ' 7 , ' e Monday. Attorney end Counselor it Liv Rooms 3 6 McComick Block Fred M. Bromley, of Echo, vih'ted friends in town Sunday. Mrs. Emma J. I) Strong lias UTAH been very sick durng the past SALT LAKE CITY, week. J. R. GAILEY NOTARY - Mrs, Dolly Brown of Afton, Wyoming,, is down visiting with her sister Mrs.-- J. 0. M. liarnos.- - PUBLIC.., Miss Mattie" Thornley With Barnet Banking Co.,. Kaysville from a two weeks visi' in Denver and Colorado Springs. lias-returne- d ! G. 2). Putledtfe PHYSICIAN and SURGEON and Residence on Locutt Street near Bamberger depot. Utah, Kaytville , Office Mr. ancPMrs. Will Varney, of Ogden were Kaysville visitors the fint of the week, Bert Sumption of Spsingville, is t pending a few weeks in Lawrence Coles is. reported as being ill. we will bet good money that the serpent didnt catch him. Mrs. Emma J. D. Strong is ren odeling her residence on Locust street and when cor.iple.t-ethe building jw.ilLbe much improved in appearance . John v Graham will send two can of lambs to the Omaha market this week. Mr. Graham topped that market with lambs both in quality and price last year. --Next Sunday afternoon "Mrs. Wtbb and Mr. Holmes will sing tty duet, Love Devine, all Love Excelling, from "Daughter of at the Kaysville meetTiaras, 1 . ing Iiousj. Thomas L. White and wife, of Llurley, Idaho, are - in the' eity visiting relatives and looking after business interests. Mr. White boomreports the Burley-countr- y and ing eiops fine. Mrs. Emily Sitzer and liei; little daughter have arrived from thiir horn, in Nebraska' and have taken rooms for tl e school year wi.h Mrs. G. D. Rutledge. Mrs. Sitzer is the musical instructor in the Davis county schools William J, Thornley and Clies-fe- r .Nald left Peterson, Morgan county .with nine ears of lambs Tne sdaytyf or th e 0 : hah a market. The lambs arefim and will wergh in the neighborhood of 70 d Jed McFerson of Clearfield, visited in Kaysville Saturday. Miss. Mamie Barnes was very il Tuesday.; Shirley Barnes was very n sick . The Most of the Best for the Least for Cash Kays-vide- . DR. A. Z. TANNER - - GEO, T. BEESLY Dont let your Horse Suffer! Crystal Springs , ICE Now is the time to give them a good tonic. : Dr. j v Cadys Condition Powder put them back into condition. will Phone 7 24-- 3. . J KAYSVILLE, UTAH Sausage KAYSVILLE PHARMACY (Always Something New) Myron W. Thiltips, ' Confectioner KciyJ'dillc. Utah. The Invincible Fruit Grader Capacity 3,000 to 5,000 cases per day. Built by E B. Parker, Riverdale, Utah. For sale by Ercelsior Fruit and Produce association, Clearfield, Utah. Are You Looking for a Way to Save Money ? Second Hand VE HAVE IT BUGGY and SINGLE HARNESS are offering Ladies- - Misses and Chil- OXFORDS 50 per cent. Discount We en s tadies SHIRT WAISTS SKIRTrONE HALF PRICE For Sale . Worth Investigating . and AILSTRAWLandlANVASS-HATS-5- Phone 59-K- per cent. off. -I Kaysville Exchange Bob White and QystaLW hit e Soap 8 bars for with-relativc- s.- g, fi s T5he the chickens go without water when you can buy a good sanitary drinking fountain at the agents for same? House OR LEAF- - POULTRY FARM ' Utah Kaysville, . UTAH NATIONAL oungn Man! 4 . i ..... 4 ; RALPP E. HOAG, U. J. PEERY, fEDQHT - BELIEVE Pre.; ;' W.J. PARKER, A. V. McINTOSH, Cashier Vice-Pret- .; WHIG WHISKEY But wt-- d believe that Bttle Good Whiskey b the house is a GOOD THING IN CASE OF SICKNESS vhm m doctor cm to had fulck. J, Tierjtrman bAm II kb baaiMaa to daal n XVhUKsy and Wine that are atoolatT pore. It h adviaahla to alvaya hart a Bttla aa hand. An , 7nion - -- State SanC - Joun tixtlrr UTAH ... .Capital and. Surplus $1 80,000.00 The Utah National Bank has always maintained a position of stability and offers to its depositors and clients a hanking service of exceptional value. Checking accounts (large or small) are cofdiahy invited. Dont you know that a Banking Account is a necessity? ' Start one now, either checking BANK OGDEN Tice-Pres.- - of Quality" "Why let j . ..r.. Co-o- p Kaysville Flies -- WHITE 0 will-hoo- hnsingJI.Ue--..Iloclo.rw-Xh- ; t .Leon M. Strong and Keith Barnes e x peet to sta rtsJiooL'at Telephone 99 R. tTiTTFrof U. on September 15th. Office Hours 2 to 5 p.m. Mrs. Josie Jacobs has return Layton Building, Layton, Utah. ed from Blackfoot, Idaho, where p mndseach. she spent the sUmmerT N. G. Smith,, of Farmington, M. sevBarnes former manager of the Mountain John Q. spent Fresh and Cured eral days in San Pete- - county this States Telephone company, has week. received a call to head the L. D. S. missions in South Africa and ' Miss Ruby Phillips has been Will leave for that country about Gunni-son.l spending her vaeaton in His 15th. the of September. the guest of her sisterMrs. be will at Cape - headquarters Robert Jamison. Town. Mi. Smith is a clean proMiss.Ona Jolly of Monroe, San gressive young man and will be Ptle county is spending a few a credit to the work-i- n which he OUR SPECIALTY mk8 here with her sister Mrs. is called. t . Fred A. Sheffield. Ice in large or small Dr. J. E. Morton has purchasEarl Pardoe, of Ogden, and ed 1914 model Buick touring quantities. lit raid R. Clark, of Farmington, car.a The machine it a daisy and spent Sunday in town visiting f great- assigtaneeto the : Arnold Mr Barnes;" Highest Prke Paid-- : Doctor in getting over the for anything a : Dr. and Mrs. Claude Q. Can- country in the practice of his proButcher Can Use non and children, of Salt Lake, fession. All of the practicing spnt Sunday and Monday in physicians in this ptrt of Davis town county now have 'machines. How The Kaysville Meat Market Elder Frank L. Winter, of Rex-bur- nire it would be if The Reflex could trade his job for an Idaho, visited in town dur- mn ADAM BEESLEY, Prop. M. D s sheepskin. f -ing the past week, the guest--oArnold M. Barnes. It looks as though the north Miss Ella Hill of Salt Lake, enj of Davis county is to be hard who has been visiting Miss Marie hit Jy so many of her citizens KEEP OUT Ihe Idaho. Davis to Openshaw, returned to her home (going is Burley, to leave at a county place poor Tuesday evening. are this we time and afraid that SCREEN DOORS According to the postal eard many of the emigrants going to In regular, szes.in .metal received -- from Dr. Terrill - there the Gem state ' should think Well are Sea Serpents in the Idaho before leaving. About the time WINDOW SCREENS lakes. The eard has a picture on Idaho has passed the pioneer it showing one of tTu monsters stage all of Davis county will In all the ergular sizes 1l-sry- beuunbraeed. JmJ3all,Lak.e ,and "framcaT Odd sizes made to he would not lelieve there Ogden. These cities are bound order. were such creatures if he had not to. grow and make great cities seen them. - Perhaps he is telling and they will have to reach this JOHN BARTON, Kaysville, Utah the truth about the matter hut way. Lard TELEPHONE NO. 1. - KWVU.L5 'Attorney and Councelof GASH STORE U , tahniquopCorticl |