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Show T THE WEEKLY REFLEX W. P. Kpptfsoa KATBTDX1 IS MIST Son, Lmsss UTAH Ill TARIFF BILL V THE UTAH BUDGET -- A number of promlnentChrlstlar Endeavor workers met in Provo, June 14, and lield an Interesting session. More than half a million dollars been spent by Salt Lake for opprAting flrtfivtfinohth expenses during-t- h ef this year, The Falrview tabernacle was dedv tabernacle wai cated June 15. built by pqptilar subscriptions and it fully Work is to be started immedlatel) the improvement of the Box Eldei county stretch of the automobile high a ay across Utah. Activity in railroad circles in vari ous directions Indcate that before Ion the Uintah basin will have one oi more railroads through it. Seven playgrounds, including tw parks and live school grounds, havt been thrown open to the children of Salt Lake. for the summer nionths.-'Morthan f 1,000 worth of beer, whisky, wines and bar fixtures wert confiscated by the sheriff of Salt Lake county in a general raid at Bingham. While hi tubing hts team to a wagon at Bingham, Charles Crane, teamster, 41 eld, was kicked in the stomach hr a horse, and la in a orUioal ti e fj i i! yas condition. Slit; men are at work on the Be ver irrigation project and within a short tin 3Q0 men wlll be engaged there. Insuring an opening of the project early next year. Henry J. Erickson, a former saloonkeeper ef Vernal, won his suit against the city, receiving a Judgment of for liquor seised in a raid on hit place after the county went dry. Under the auspices of Ensign stake, ene of the wealthiest and most populous in the Mormon church, that d nomination will eatahllsh in Salt Lak a boarding home for working girls, A committee representing the unlb Pd commercial clubs of Salt Lakt county is urging the county commie sloners to till a bond election for voting bonds to improve highways ol the cousty. A Salt Lake company has been awarded the contract for the construction of the boys building of the' Utah Industrial school at Ogden. The cost of .the new structure will be approximately $2J,000. 7 President 1L M. Rowe of the Weber club nt Ogden, has been selected by the governor ns a member of the stats commission which will have charge ot the Utah exhibits at the San Francis oo and San Diego expositions.- Charles Ducheneaura well knows real estate dealer and horse ownei who has resided in Ogden for mors than twenty-tw- o years, died June 13, In San Diego, Cal., where he went la search of better health a few monthi , $1,-40- 0 . - it 4 1 Five hundred delegates representing Eagles' aeries in Idaho, Nevada and Utah, Were in attendance at the ses stone of the annual convention, Aerie of Eagles, in Ogden on Tuesday, --Wednesday and Thursday ol this week. Badly bitten on the face by a dog, son of Mr. and - Mra the Niels Peterson of Mount Pleasant U recovering. -- His nose and right eye-ild were torn and five teeth knocked C ouL Thirteen .stitches were used to cloee the wounds. Old Folks' day will be celebrated June 6. Following the custom of making all men and women ef 70 and more years of age guests oi honor at an annual outing, preparations are going forward for a picnlo this year in Brigham City. With nearly 100 delegates in attendance from General Wedgwood camp, Salt Lake, and General McCas key camp', Fort Douglas, the annual encampmentof the United Spanish War- Veterans, department of Utah, was held in Ogden June IS. The applications for parole of Har-veBass and William Reese, who arn serving forty and thirty years, re spectlvely, in the state prison for the killing of Fred McCabe Thanksgiving eve, 1902, at Ogden, are to be resisted , by parents of the dead man. Brigham Paliantyne, a business man of Ogden, was accidentally shot and killed while hunting rabbits near Tri-Stat- 1 time-honore- I d - H -4 TWFiVE PEACES OF YEARS MORE LORD WAR SAYS Ar Eleventh Hour Discovery Followed by an Amendment by Majority Members of Senate Finance Commit- - . tee to Correct Blunder. & Washington. An eleventh hour is that the sugar schedule of the Underwood tariff bill had a joker in It which would have operated to make all refined sugar dutiable at 2 cents a pound, and nullify tho provision for free sugar after three fears, resulted Wednesday In an amendment by majority members of the senate finance committee. Underwood In the bill of the Patch standard of color, whichThad been In tariff hills for many years. It waa discovered, made applicable to all refined sugar a paragraph from the bill relating to confectionery, which included the following words: Sugars after being re fined, when tinctured, colored or In any way adulterated, 2 cents per l" pound." The majority members, of the finance committee had their attention called to this matter by Senator Sheppard of Texas, who was petitioned by the chamber of commerce of Greenville, Texas, to look into the provision which they believed might defeat the purpose of the administration and the majority in congress aa to ultimate free sugar. Balt Lake City. Press dispatcha covery and private messages received here la h forty-secon- d Franco-Prussia- quarter-centur- L the-mate- rial e - Countervailing Dutlea on Live Stock and Wheat Stricken Out by Committee. much mooted Washington. agricultural schedule of the .Underwood tariff bill was upset again Monday by the majority members of the Senate finance committee, when a motion was made to reconsider action taken earlier In the day approving the free listing of live stock and wheat subject to a countervailing duty. The proposal now is to strike out the provision for a countervailing duty and leave cattle, sheep and hogs and wheat on the free list unrestricted. Members of the coigraittee said that probably wpuld be done by the majority. Goldfield Con. No Longer Listed. Snow ViTTe7"Bo' II Id e r co u u I y A coin Consolidated New YorkGoldtteld panion. Charles Field, tripped and fell Mines company btock to the volume of his gun being discharged, the eon $35,591,450 was summarily thrown off In the theNewYork stock exchange Monday tents striking YJallanty ll face, death being instant for refusing to comply with a rule of A report submitted by the chief ol the exchange, the Ogden fire department to the Burglar Bagged by Painter. board of fire underwriters says Lake George, N. Y. Frank Cardinal that school buildings ot Ogden, with the exception of three, ate fire traps, of Hudson Falls died from a bullet and notwithstanding the fire drills, wound received in the home on Lake n the children could easily be caught la George of Henry W. Watrous. a Edward K. Campbell, tbe new chief w waa bo blaxo horn of York New a la many the buildings. artist, justice of the United States court of A campaign to raise $300 or more In trying to rob. claims. order to hold a typewriting .speed " Owner. Awaits of Gold Nuggets Two Killed by Explosion. contest in Salt Lake during the Na- Bag A Kan r ef gold Hutchinson,bag Unlontown, Pa. Two men were tional Education association convenestimated to killed and property worth $30,00 was tion, has been started by members ol nuggets and, gold dust, awaits be 000, worth $10 any heirs 'damaged Tuesday by an explosion in - the local to committee appointed estate of j the plant of E. I. DeNemours DuPont to found be. who the may make arrangements for the contest Mrs. Ann M. Bernhart, who died re- - j Powder company at Fair Chance, near - Proprietors ot many hotels In Salt ?5r here. take have signed an agreement not cently in Davenport. Iowa to" increase rates tor the National Doctor Killed by Woman. Education Association- - - convention, Or" Brink Savannah, Ga-Dr.which will be heUD there July of a this ley city, was shot of the Studebaljer corporation physician local Private homes and boarding housei to death in his office by Mrs. Eugene automobile plants are idleis a result will be thrown open to convention H. Whlsnant. a widow who. after fir- - of ihe strike declared at the' comvisitors. ing r-- sVt at the physician, killed panys No." 34 - plant, according to , cULms by the strike leaders. Well-know- - Guy L PROVISION MADE ALL REFINED SUGAR DUTIABLE TWO CENT8 A POUND. 3 anniverBerlin The twenty-fiftof accession of the sary Emperor William to the Imperial throne waa celebrated .Monday throughout the German empire as a general holiday. The commemoration, which had been deferred from its actuul date out of respect to the memory of the emperor father, Frederick, coincides with the anniversary of the triumphal retu rno fb I 'grand r ath e r a t the :;tr6iyri6U bead of hlvvlctorlous army after th n war, and was naturalROBBERS HOLD UP TRAIN ly marked by considerable military display. IN SPITE OF THE OFFICERS Emphasis however, was laid also on the peaceful aspects of the emperors y reign industrial and Civic develojtnents and After Being Surprised by Officials prosperity of the Country. While Dynamiting 8afe, They The presentation of an address from Escape With $25,000. (ha American Peace society by Andrew Carnegie, R. S. Brookllngs of St. Louis and J. G. Schmldtlapp of Cincinnati, Springfield. 111. The midnight Diamond Special on the Illinois Central railroad was held up by two masked robbers near Olenarm, ten miles south of here, Tuesday. Deputy sheriffs, city police and newspaper representatives, summoned by telephone, came on the bandits while they were dynamiting the express'Car, which they bad made the engineer out off from the remainder of the train. One of the robbers came suddenly upon Policeman O'Leary and G. E. Marney, a reporter, aa they crept toward the express car. Covering them with lis revolver, he forced them to line up beside the car and took O'Learys weapons from him. Sheriff Moster and othera of the posse opened fire on the robbers, who fled to the engine, taking the engineer with them, and forced the latter to proceed. A few miles further on the bandits again stopped the engine and express car, when another automobile from Springfield bearing Chief of Police Underwood and others came upon them. Again the robbers jumped upon the engine and forced the engineer to pull out.' This time they did not stop until near the city limit of Springfield EMPEROR WILLIAM. The robbers jumped off the engine, orthe englneerto go on, and. disdering gave the emperor an opportunity ot appeared. The express messenger says there bringing out this aspect of occasion, lie responded to Andrew Carnegie probably was $25,000 in hi safe. congratulations on the completion ot Felt Once Too Often. hi twenty-fivyear'1 peaceful reign Philadelphia. On the annlvarsary with an emphatic, hope we shall of a fall of forty feet, in which he eshave twenty-fivyear more of peace. caped injury, Hugh Walker, a painter, EmA temarkable story showing 6b years old, waa killed by tailing only conperor WllliAms attitude towards a stitutional monarchy was related Mon- four feet During the last fifteen he has several times had falls day at the celebration of the twenty years and twenty-fiv- e fifteen of feet,- each fifth anniversary of his reign by the time escaping Injury. faculty and students of Berlin univerTwo Killed by Storm. sity. Professor Otto Ilintxe, professor of constitutional and administrative Montreal. Two persons were killed, history, declared that the emperor several were Injured, buildings were himself had told him years ago how blown down, the teats of & military he bad first disregarded andthen de- encampment were leveled and elecstroyed the standing appeal made by trical service for' miies around was Inwhich Frederick William IV of Prussia to hi terrupted by a thunderstorm successors to -- abolish the Prussian swept over this section early Tuesday. constitution. DWARD K. CAMPBELL . FARMPRODWrSON FREEL1STT - r Wished From Ranch, Bandits Are Reported to Have Wantonly Do-atroyod Property.- a General Holiday. no-fu- Ji After HavfngTaken Everything The; Annlverssry of Accession of Emperor William to Throno .Celebrated ThroujhoutjGermany aa Twenty-flft- h e ago. . t i --' RANCHERS TIED UP BY ORDER Of REBEL LEADERS AND FORCED TO BEG FOR THEIR LIVES. HOPEWE SHALL HAVE TWEN "I dlcate that James Alma Cunnlgham Jr., and Roy Cunningham, sons oi J. A. Cunningham, Sr., of this city have been painfully injured by Mexi can rebels in an attack which the rev olutionists made on the Cunnlgham ranch, known gs Hacienda de Ooncep tlon, in San Luis PotosL - The- - rebels to have numbered more than 2,000, and after taking everything they wished from CONGRESS MAY REFUSE the arnch, it is reported that they destroyed everything that TO ACT ON CURRENCY wantonly could he burned or damaged possibly food, clothing including pictures, ranch houses and other prop trty or tbe Cunninghams. Growing Determination on Fart of tho The messages declare that the thre Democratic Leaders to Reviao Tariff Cunningham boys were tied up fot 'and Depart for Homo. four hours and that James Cunning ham was repeatedly forced to beg hi his knees for his life. of-tare-repo- rted P g, Washington.-?-- ) velopments- - he lest week at both ends of the capltol have Indicated a growing determiner tlon en the part of the Democratic leaders of congress to pass a tariff bill and wind up the work of the extra session without action upon currency reform or any other important subject The tariff revision bill Is to be pushed to completion and laid before the Democrats of the senate in caucus before the end of this week. In the meantime, nothwithstandlng President Wilson's repeatedly expressed desire to see some positive action taken toward the reform of the nations currency system, congressional forces of the party in both houses are showing a disposition to defer action on monetary reform until the regular session opening next December. WOMAN KILLED BY Water Right Policy of tho Government Announced by Secretary Lane. Washington. "The lower the rat charged to consumers by electric power companies, the lower will be the tax which such power companies ' must pay to the government Secretary Lane of the interior depart ment announced Sunday as the heart of the policy adopted as to the disposition of water rights of the government Mr. Lane has pending before him several applications foi rights to use the public lands and waters of the navigable streams for the development 'of electrical power. He is . opposed to making use oi these waters as a source of revenue to the government hut is in favor oi BOMB. requiring the fullest ubs of them fot Exploded, the benefit of the people. Package Which Wrecking Home. Sherbrooke. Quebec. An infernal machine sent by mail killed one woman and mortally wounded another when opened here Tuesday. The woman killed was Mrs. Theodore the one wounded Miss Bilodeau, her sister-in-laThe force of the explosion hurled the latter across the room and completely severed one arm from her body. The house waa Opened MONOPOLY PROHIBITED, . Bllo-dedUi- .. wrecked. The package arrived in, the mall about noon and the two women were bending over it untying the strings, when it exploded. The police have no clew to the sender. BOYS PRANK CAUSES DEATH. Pulled Open Throttle en Engine and Causes Fatal Runaway. 7T Buffalo, N. Y. A small boy went Into the New York Central railroad roundhouse here Tuesday night and climbed inta the cab oLan engine. lie pulled open the throttle and as the en gtne started forward he Jumped. The locomotive ran wild through the yards at a speed1 of forty-fivmiles an hour and crashed-bead-into a freight train coming from the opposite direction. The engines met with terrific force. Engineer Fred Ludeke was al most Instantly killed and the fireman, William Froelich, was so badly hurt that he died a short time later. e on h PUTS PRISONERS TO DEATH. - MRS. SILAS R. BARTON Months imfor prisonment London. Six of the most prominent leaders of the militant suffragets' organization and one of their male supporters were on Tuesday foaind guilty at the central criminal court? e conspiracy to commit malicious to property, and sentenced to from sue mouths to twenty-twmonths Imprisonment. The trial has lasted several days. The- - women were officials of the Women's -- Social - and Politics l"unlon, while the man was Tdywlj Cluj ton, an analytical chemist. Twenty-tw- Payne-Aldric- Terrible Revenge Taken by Incur gent Leader for Federal Rut. . El Paso, Texas. Thirty federal soldiers were executed by the Insurgents under General Francisco Villa,' said American refugees, arriving here Wednesday by handcar from the Interior of Chihuahua otato. .They related that this was done in revenge of a ruse by Chihuahua federal which proved unsuccessful when VU las men attacked two troop trains at Bustlllo, Chihuahua, last Friday. The federals had asked permission to send two trains with women and children COLLIDE, . FRE1GHTSTEAMERS thronghrihe rebel line. Villa agreed -but on seeing the train, approach One Survived Shock, But Fate of laden with soldiers he ordered eh. at Other Is Unknown. tack. Besides the capture of thirty Calumet, Mich. The ore steamei prisoners, who later were executed Jesse Spaulding, damaged to an un many of the government troops wert known extent "lnfc 'Collision 'with thi killed.' coal steamer William P. Snyder, Jr., h missing on Lake Superior, some HENWOOD GUILTY OF MURDER where, it Is thought, in the vicinity ol Kewwenaw point The distress signal! 8econd Trial Results in Death Sen tence for Coloradoan. from the Spaulding ceased suddenl) after the collision during a heavy fo Denver, Colo. Guilty of murder In and the Snyder, which had backed the first degree was the verdict in tbe clear, was unable to find the other in- trial of Harold F. Hen wood for the jured vessel. killing of George E. Copeland in May, After a long search for the Spauld- 1911. The jury fixed the penalty at ing, Jthe Snyder, which was badly dam hanging. aged above the waterline, was forced Henwood dhot George E. Copeland to attempt to reach Its home port Su- Sylvester L. von Phul of St Louis and - perior, Wls. James W. Atkinson In the barroom oi a local hotel on the night of May 24, Motorcycles Collide. 1911. Copeland and Atkinson were Oakland, Cal. Miss Nataki Sultlff, bystanders, and were hH by stray bulJoseph Souza and. Wesley Hoffelt wera lets. Copeland and von Phut died. Sunday as a result of instantly killed In the firs trial Henwood was conon on a sharp victed amotorcycte-collisiof murder la the second degree curve.' The young woman was hurled sentenced to imprisonment for ad over a fence. Ufa SUFFRAGETS CONVICTED. From Six to EUmi-patdoa- o Law-breaker- Fourteen Americans Killed. Fourteen American Washington. soldiers were killed in the recent four days flgCvting on Jolo island, tho Phil when General Pershings Ippines, command finally subdued and disarmed the rebellious Mores, according to a report to the war deportment. On the list of dead were Captain Taylor A. Nichols of the Philippine scouts, eleven scouts and two privates of the regular army. Railroad Shops Burned. Salt Lake City. The shops of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad, an entire block of ten buildings, were destroyed by fire Wednesday night, the loss being half a m.llion dollars, fully covered by Insurance. Three firemen fam-ag- o were injured. The shops will be rebuilt '"At" once "About 800 employe will be thrown out of work tempor arily. Butte Mayor Wine. Butte. Mont Mayor Duncan of Butte a ndthe conservative forces of the local Socialist organization has triumphed over those members whose sympathies lay with the Industrial Workers of the World propaganda Mra, Silas R. Barton, wife of a new The 1. W. W. members had demanded Mayor Duncans expulsion from the congressman from Nebraska, Is the Socialist council on the ground that he only daughter of R. L. Metcalfe, rewas not upholding the Socialist doc- cently appointed governor ot the ... T zone.-- trines. f r wffragets on Hunger, Strike, London. The six suffiraget leaders who were sentenced to terms of imprisonment Tuesday for conspiracy began a "hunger strike Immediately-aftereaching Jail. The prisoners de dared when sentence was pronounced that they would refuse to cot and would compel the authorities to release them. , - Issue Orders From JaiL Mass. A statement urging theriiosiery mill strikers to' reAaln firm in their demands was issued from Jail by Carroll L. Ihngree and Nathan Herman, Industrial Workers of the World leaders. Trying to SUrv City." Brownsville, Texas. That constitutionalists are endeavoring to starve the city of 'Monterey, Mexico, and force the federal garrison there to withdraw, is the Information teceired her Sunday, -- Missionaries Buying Girls.' St Louis. The missionaries In In. dia are buying young girls by7 the thousand at 10 cents apiece In order to save them from Immoral lives 'ii the temples, was the statement mad In the local Y. W. C. A. Sunday. . Twenty-fou- r Injured. Saves Frenchmans Life. Paris. The life Of a FYenchman taken- prisoner by the federal troops la Mexico was saved by the Intervention of Jesse H. J ohnson. . Ameri can consul at Metamoras, according . to Information received here. ; - To Collect Rentals. The Sonora state government ha appointed a . realty most ot them women and children, commission1 to collect rentals on ali rear-enwere Injured in street ca property, including that of collision on the Grove Cour Take lln says letters received hem foreigners, Americano In St Louis county, Sunday night Te will protest women probably will die. St Louis. Twenty-fou- r Douglas, Arjx. persons, -- d A r |