Show A SANITARIUM What n a 1 Scientific Observer Hai tobay to tobay bay About John I P Hadley 11 lid I while In charge cheree of the Untied United States weather bureau at San RAil Francisco contributed un lilt to a Il prominent on 01 I Ithe the climatic conditions of California In which the tho following statement rip aim peered geared Theoretically California should fur tur rush the best beet and a moct varied health retort resort and sanitariums In the United Stole Slates Within her borders borden almost ev tv every cry ery form Corm of wasting wa disease dictate IU should find the tho means of ot temporary If tt root not perma permanent neat nent relief This theoretical statement from In an unbiased scientific I lie standpoint U la shun abundantly abundantly dantly dandy continued by II experience The cool and bracing coast climate devoid of or any all trace of DC malaria extends extend from the tin northern part of or the state Itt to 10 the extreme south There lucre Is III the choice cholee l fit he e tween this cool humid Atmosphere und and the tho dry diy warm atmosphere of ut the In Inland inland land valleys Of OC altitude there Is l yet yat lIt a 1 greater greAler elf Prom From Plain Valley Vall y WO feel below billow ua sea a level loel to the upper Sierras or above any altitude can call be IJo selected and comfortable homes homel be found The Th peculiarity of nn an almost rainless summer during which the Injurious germs aerate of oC animal and vegetable decay are destroyed Ile troyed by lIy thorough dedication Is tl one of tho the striking features at or Cull Call California fornia ernle clIm ate During the rainy season It Is IB usually too cool to facilitate fermentation torment anti and the result Is Ie except along some Omo of ot tho the river valleys ulle an 1111 absolutely pure purl at tit The ocean winds entering through the several everal coast coant eon t ol are lire tempered by the Intermediate area parsed over and often orten receive desir desirable Ile lr able abl healing propertied by taking up the resinous odors of the pines and rod red redwoods woods of the const coast range The Th skilful acquainted with the climatic conditions should find little difficulty In selecting a beau locality beauty ty where climate and environment will do all nil that those these agencies can ron ever Iwer do toward the lime restoration of ot health There Is enough of wildness to keep the mind constantly engaged and enough of oC civilization to satisfy the tho most exacting People Ileo le whose systems are charged with malaria or are run down by overwork find Immediate and In many cases cn permanent relief In fn this Invigorating sting climate te For descriptive Illustrative liter Iller literature literature call on or address D It H Oray Gray general agent S Par Pac Co c 0 JOl 01 Main Maln street Salt Halt Lake LAko City It Itah u f I |