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Show H DESERET EVENING 'NEWS TUESDAY OCTOBER 8 1018 GAINS ALLIES HOLD I III r - WASHINGTON. Oct . The following casualties are reported by the commanding genera of the American ospesdiuonary forces: 7I .Rilled An action' . 197 UiMCg tn action Wonoded severely .. . .. IM - I4 .. . . . triad of wounds Died of see dent sad other causes Died of duismso , . .. . .. from aaupplaa accident It .... ........ D4 Prisoner To b Freed From Bolihevik Americans Keep up Their Soviet ; Annulment of - - Terrific- - Attack - Between - Brest Litovsk Treaty ; Treaties With Allies. V WASHINGTON, Oet 7. Immediate alma af the new Russian provisional government formed at the Convention at Ufa last month Include liberation of Russia front the power ji. ...i of the Bolshevik soviets, aoalhUlatlon tgC 4r i; f 1..2 , , , r. I J & of the treaty, restoration of treaties with the Allied nations and I continuation of the war against the Gormag coalition. These alma along with those af fect-- , 4 I tn ths Internal affair of. R&aaU ! are outlined In the teat nf the act con- t satntin the anpreme power of Russia. which was received today by the Russian embassy from the provisional government. The act was approved by the convention, which was composed of representatives of ail government and Brest-Litov- j -- .. .. r. Wpunded alghUy Total- . MJLLfaB '3ll ...... .... .. ...... 11 ,, 4 -- i IV ACjftrv.- - ?V Walter Lamp. Oakland. Cal Lravld Llewelyn. Butte, Mont. The Argonne Forest and Alfred A Lucbke, Great Kails, Boat. Wilbur, Bow. Wash. ' , JClayton antes Clarence Kabl, Jamestown. - The River fiteuse, Cal H. Prichard, Wye, Carlyle Ldward J. Stovena. Caryr1!la San Kranetirro, Cal BERLIN. Oct 7. via London Allied I drar Allen Mitchell. TVenver. Colo. troops havo reached the north bank of' Everett K. W toner, Sutter Cify, CaL tbs Sulppo In Champagne, according lo dijkd or worms. a statement from the German. war of- -' John J, Bohr. Hugo, Cola. Oca, which adds that at Isolated point Willie H. Morphy. Big Sandy, Mont. tbs Allies bars maintained their gams Died From Aenplasm Avoid rat. north of Ik rlveAi Alvin tX Goodale. Pasadena, Cat Between the forest and tbs ' Argonne river hfeuso, the German Statement says, tbs Americans 'continued their violent attacks. Tho reads: text of tbs ' tho Rubber y. Rimlngton Tooele. Utah. takneHt'WilelL Ft Laramie, Wye Chart! AwtrlliarRedlsdga, Moot. Osiocio Garcia, PmefM, jCvlo. - Roy LIrwln. D an font, LaL 1... Clarvnee B Miller, Arthur. Nevada. A. Odoanell. Oakland, CaL " Manta Frank It-- Worthier, Hunter. Wash. W Newton Bene, Lea Angelas, Marry B. Borgaa Congress Jet, Aria Geo I Bourk. Hood Elver, Or. T tos J. Butler, Camu, mah Hben Doan. Bellingham. Wash. Thomas Foetvedt, Red Lodge, Mont. , .Juntas B. Kowies, Los Angeles, CaL ft tills law, CLrvallla. Osa- , Mss eel Palm. San Franciaco, CaL Arthur leteraon, Vandal A, Mont, Martin L, Peteseo. Eacaloa CSL Frank R. Walt, Arroyo Grands. Cat . Wa K. Raymond, Saa Francisco, Cat Frank Edward Biggins, Cody, Wyo Dewey E. Haggard. Los Angeles CaL Gharlra H Taub, WUminguin, CaL Carl O Vln Jr, East KaDspt-UMont. Kenneth C. Loner, San Diego. CaL. Allen Science Perfected S. (el . J, . , statement ("hrtatnpber Gorman. Oakland, tay Siebesberg, Idaho, CaL ,T - !nt P7r old-sty- le, ths-rest-- of edges, and gets frazzled and floppy.- - 4 Hr & 14 -- ra ' ami wkiuat jmmr ttfairmami Jve mhatUt tt pt tkm , Lai -- p M is -- 1 I I , ISeciiAnkel Coeds ' wage-earne- ;J w States Rubbar Compsny d i rubber manufacturer. .They are moulded on a curve like a saucer. When : nailed flat the spring of the rubber sets die edges so close and snug all around . you cant p'ry tiiem loose. A - firm, flat tread to walk on comfort in every step, economy in the lemg run. " Pit HfU tow is Wxi, Am never gap. el Dmnae. x. ... - dll-cha- rs Usco" Rubber Heels are the product of scientific thought. They are the worlds best rubber heels made by the worlds largest V R-Bnlto- Joint: Never Pulls Loose Furthermore the joints war-winni- ng Rbeims-Neufrhst- t t h" e. .- is anchored for kees with a few little nails audit. takes spy glass to find the joint. mIH keeeum - The rUsco, rubber heel m . Heel-Invisi- ble . old-styl- -- Dnatt was-quiete- It takes the repair man almost as nfcch time and trouble, to put e, rubber heels s for a on little girlto get ready for a He can put on a pair of Usco ' . rubber heels in about as little time as it takes brother Reddy" to get pinto the old swimmia hole. ; flat rubber heel The and rubber-cement with is set on die Ground nails. It soon gaps - In front of Cambral the For Tho Hews by H. Addington Brace, Forth of SC Quentln day heavy fighting haa been kept up almort HE wnpaign to ell tho bona shot anyway. Its kind of hard for nninterruptedly sines (he m Kid Is of In spite of repeatedly of the fourth Librijr Loan U me to keep up with September, the f re-- ta format lops tfiieesUos- -' There are plenty of bettor ft01HF under way You bav fob crowd. tha able lo obtaioy dot ' -- - . soldiers Iasol-jm thgn Tiki and tho forces which opposed ths success progress, hero wsrth .PseniiPJDHiA MB to) lowed with Internet-.it- a "Bo that If I doi stay out I'roolly constituent' assembly,' which Was Uiu present. (reported to it daily newspapers. which also bts attack overthrown by tho Bolshevik), Have you yet helped Ip make sure. nexer will be missed. You will agree Tho now government is expected eshonOs yourself. . that It with mo, I arb.sura, and excuao I buyin 0X. from fighting." Vw a ftidet ABw O wtttfc- - BlOAS pecially to bring some measure of or- Ins. and f. .3 rnSos 7 to the sfiernoon on a broad .Y. der out of the chaos to Russia, and the Tos cap't Imagine a sold lee talking 1L for Don't It that broks fct. of front granted Qusatto. sortb Allied governments are understood to that way to him captain, can you? t horn to be a big sijocee yrltbotit hope that It eveatwally will tos eeetry! who frst gained grbohd your help. Don't fallaciously argue: Ter (t wottM be oo unoro footteh with which they may deL me canal in tho direction r FMy income la so email, tbe cost for you to argue that because you la Its Interior policy tho provisiesal from tbs Bom wa pressed back of t, help a little in the bond government announces the fallowing sof Bsmlgny-le-Petlliving is rising so fast that it cer- can only you need not help at alL far as Rsmsueourt by guccesslul tainty atom: campaign la m to out wisest for stay Wa nocturnal This bond campaign hr ta bauir, a Erection of a stogie SAd powerfuT conn terattacko and to- nf this loan. u followed The elosoly enemy Rnsslan army beyond the Influence of ward our new effort, a truly as la any "I couldnt possibly afford to positions on the Alsne political parties and subordinata battle of our ooldiers in ths war-tor- n and raort than a bond, or two at buy tha Sulppo. between Pontavert the -through its military chief, to tbe Rus- and land of France. launched Basancourt. and frequently So that If l don't bur any- - it sian provisional government. Pontavert most. won't And, from tho richest mlRIonatro to In tbe (liberated attacks agalnut them near sides make difference lly any of ths!" on both r, we are the most obscure parte of Ruseia of democratic munic- and Berryau-Bsmentioning . rsad sad near bound IP take part In it to ipalities and xemstvos actually guar- BsvsncourL The enemy next time I eftn'do some- In duty was repulsed Perhaps of our power. general security and public anteeing . thing. This time 1 feel 1 may well theWeutmost everywhere. order. -may be poor shot financially. At Isolated point erastl detachments be excused. Development of productive force of maintained of We find north hold on tho a may it kind of hard to keep bank 1 sincerely trust that this is not tho country with ths aid of prlvsts cap- tho enemy attacked with the way up with the rest of the crowd." Sulppo. Tbs do I feel. If know ital, as well Romlsn as foreign, and strong you it is, of west and on Arnes the force what we can do to help make Of personal Initiative. met you do not fully appreciate the sig- theBut Etienne. Hers slag his. attacks bond campaign a glorious triumph Legal regulation of commeres and 8t nificance of the bond campaign and no success owilpr to counter-attack- s. with we must do for our country's industry. as a potential that your Development of labor legislation, . sake. to Champagne bond ..responsibility battle front On the buyer. of labor and protection regulation of thsea waa a lull in ths fighting yesterJL- - then, you have not-yg helped our sold now Suppose-pnnf Irrxr the conditions of employment and of bitter combats. fighting so get Into action at day after ten day near to France, by buying bond of workmen. nnd valiantly Orfenll Etienns. 8t. once. Tomorrow, when you draw Relative to questions of supplies, tbe Netr enemy went to his captain on ths ev of a your week's attacks by-t- b pay, sign a Liberty Loan government stands for abolition of Autry, partial Strong battle and said; recoynotterlng great -state monopoly of wheat and abolition broks down were IT1 get into application blank and settle for ths Captain, I dont believe of fined price, continuing at the same-tim- thrusts on tbs rest of tho front -- Dont. .delay firat a day installment.,. 1 have been ths battle tomorrow. to regulate distribution of prod- repulsed. Ihe Argonne and tbe Meuse thinking things over, and have con- longer. , ucts existing to Insufficient quantles. the Between violent their continued Americans and will organise slate warehouses attacks that I might a well stay out. (Copyright. ltlS, by Tbs Associated The center of gravity of ths cluded -with tbs aid of private commerce and enemy's attacks Too know Tm not a very good on both Newspapers.) lay yesterday 1 va soctettaa . , ides of the road -leading from Charoea-tr- y . Tho national convention, it was to Romagna."waa composed of ths present members of tbe constituent aasemh4V and representative of tbe temporary MORE WAR PLANTS government of Siberia: the regional government of the Ural the tempor.WILL BE ERECTED ary government of Ee'honla, of the Cossacks of Orsnbnrg, Uralsk, Siberia, Irkutsk. Semtretchenek. Enlaae! and the WASHINGTON. Oct. 7 Tbe war deAstrakhan; of tbs government-o- f today that It had Bashkirs, ths Kirguia, ths Turkestan partment announced totelor Rus- - authorised construction of three addiland ths A war trinitrotoluol factional and Siberia, of the convention of plants , Fwr Tho Deseret Sens by JVatoar BnL and Zemstvos of tory, to cost ll.47S.0OS. is to bo erected f b operated by and will Ista Ural and the Volga; and the Siberia, CaL, at Giant. - Chaytox IS... ths Giant Powder company. parties and organisations social demo-- j Socialist revolutionist Sulphuric sold plants are to bo erectold H Company stopped right crats fmenchevlks, socialist labor par- ed to Pennsylvania atOne, to enet and WELL and covered itself witk glory will be built Emporium, ity, constitutional thedemocrats (narnd-ina- l the 1.60,(WS, will he built last night And whats more, wo sot social democratic svohoda. of other, to cost Both bo will operated now styles for the rest of these birds j organisation ftdelnstvol and nf the as- - St Mount Union by tho government. social Ion of tbs Rebirth of Russia.' over here. Wo glv n real, honest to goodness, American party, and w knocked em right off tho Christmas trea with It. I guess they'll bo talking about It long aftor this war Is finished nnd forgotten. la tho first place theres a, lot of awful fine young women over herd who are working ns army nnd Rod Cross nurses and T. U. C. A-- host-en- d lAtorrjwi Las wtutvb Salvation Army glrla, nnd Children. bo imx they all treat na soldiers ilk we waa Jilt Crown Princes , or something (tom. that. For n long time wo been wishing that w. could pay back a little all the nice things they dona for na so the other day some of our fallows wont to our Captain nnd said wed Ilk to get up n little party and Invito nil ths American girls aronnd here Coarse ho 1 CHILD HITES said that would bs fins nnd that bo d any way ho could. help OBft. FS8 ALCOHOL'S Wei! the rest wa easy. There was an awful nlco elderly Y. M. C. A. wo mart C1L0UEL FILLS FOR that said she'd chaperon, nnd then w simdatinjtbtStod hjr invited nil the nurses in tbs hospital near here, and ths Salvation Army alt of them couldnt glrlaoff,Ofbutcourse BOWELS a bunch said theyd coma get i so wa borrowed the Town Hall that tho Hotel do V I lie., but. really they call ala t a hotel at all, and then w got Thereby permission to have our regimental band come over, and then w saved ap and Give California Syrup our cooks to fix up s fine iunclt got Mkbtr nnd n fruit punch, and then we decoratif cross, sick, feverXABCOtK Figs Mineral. Nor ed the Town Hall, and along about I oclock, when the girls began to arrive ish, constipated. ' everything certainty did look gay and fest ivs .Well the officer waa alt there and Look back at your childhood day. 'just even the Colonel come, and pretty Remember aWA another Insisted soon some of the boys started danc- on castor tho oil, calomel, catharttaa had the How ing, and- - then everybody hated bow you them, was It (sow fotugbt of life. their Just time Why tike slipping back homo for an evening against taking them. -war and people With our children If and forgetting nil about different. to tho old form of getttng killed nnd everything tike that. Mothers who And when It was ail over the whole physto simply ctlog don't what realize they AhcfufulBcorftjf company formed a guard ef honor nnd do. The children's revolt la took nil the girls back to-- where they !ConstlpfloondDurrto Their tender little "Insides" nr and-IhGood night, ived ftnd Fcverish todies." Just exactly Ilk we Used to do Injured by them. S If your child's stomach, liver and back boms LossorSuKr No matter what may happen we bowela-nee- d cleansing, give only Ijma.WtfaUFrefroa-gy1to that and aint going party forget California Byrup ef Figs" Its bet those girls who have been action la Ill but, gentle- - Millions I working so herd to make Other people of mother poaitiv. keep thl harmleas "fruit happy wonltAver Xorget.lt sitber laxative handy; they' know children love tn take K; that it never fails to T CnrrscnGco AMERICAN PRISONERS-!- N clean the liver and bowel nnd -- w den the stomach. And that a teaspoonful pfEVT tomorGERMANY 1480 given todayves a sick child row. Ask your druggist for a bottle of WASHINGTON, Oct. ? Member of tbe American expeditionary forces who "California Pyrup of Flgn." wMfcrh an war identified of haa full directions for babies, chilhave bcn prisoner in Germany numbered 1.489 on Oct (. dren of all agea and for grown-u-ps raid an announcement todav from the plainly on each bottle. Beware vf offtoe of the adjutant general of the counterfeit sold here. Bee that It la Copy of Wrapper addition. uhrtHan army made by California Fig Eyrup com. tertied to Germany have a have 1 sailors heldjq Constantino-p!- . pany." Rrtkiae an ether kind With contempt Advertisement. . "Flanders L ' ' Rubber worn out Opens at the Join' Bledsg in ietlea Frank J. Morrison. . Albeqwertjoa, S. Boyd E. Ashby. Kowbtrg Ora Henry Poisler, Olympia. Wash. Stephen F. Fberley. Portland. Or. ' Howard H.Frdtnhokd. Tacoma, Wash The When nailed Flat it Sets Snug tlU Often Pulls Loose Mid , K Built oha Cutw The OrdmanrRuBBer Heel Set wuh NaiU Help Make Sure- - : German oeasoo Western Casualty List st 1 Turko-Tartarst- of ' for Infants and f.!oth.jrs Know That Dll Ecnulr.3 Casforia Alwaya ttodthe5kslBp5 Bears thi iryjTr?rrrr' uejlio Signatoe of Optaflbfaflji ' do" -- gsa d. L- e we-en- ng We will win this stl-do- tia wdsS r J r' ... WOT: ' t" Nothing else realty matters until tvs do! 'In P ' Sewing Machines ..s imorUEADS A - a 10.06 NIXGKU DKOPHKADS. tnd Tp ...$12.00 t tt Ths Flavor Lasts 4 NEW KliKCTlUO WASHING MACHINES ...I- SAA0 EAST TERM c Walker Electric Supply 15$ SOL STVTE-ST- Co . belt Lake City. P ( a VwWse By tho Week' or Month. V TnESELH-USSHL- Y HEUO : C cirl. |