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Show a 8 & t r r V r. T 4- - EVTXIXO KEWS T DES-eitE- to everyday jLVrebJ ib wto- a bond. amounted to more than a and larger interest U gravingw ! Anticipated this bond Ileep Truck on Them Request rr ? A on now entitled. i SwdTn 2:r-ioXlb:h- " ?utlfin N4 LUBRICANTS Worm drive deliver! jrrzt power, but it also dete'ops P- iiu f) . - iuetion; ernor of the bonnes tile Ttub at tneHotel Utah toda Ir John A Widt-or aoe, president of the I mverMty s thotn toaatmrr lor the Utah. dinher of the club nest haturddv eieAUwnrth injLwben Prof Edaard Wisconsin Ross of the Unlverv of will be the speaker The club w on' side-ta- g a number of other speakers ppu,. during th eommg eummer to aluo, f 4 Denver fer with ate and i he noal WAS APPROVED BY Mr from . OFDR.T -C- Off. People Notice Itr Drive Than .with Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets PUT OFF TILL FRIDAY nlmply face will no embarme y PIMPLY? WELL, -- NICIOC .asiaafwJsfiSS! c.sv of r. Chicago, April li.-- The William laaae Thomas, university r- feeeor, charged with dtaorderly conduct waa continued today in the moral t wheat flour per mont HvClnre to Wanhlii.i"'1 S W. McClure of tht N rrowry angteiatinn j fur Vi ashlngton, D. C the national eouneil K.Hcettaln iu attitude i OF OISE STATES ,"'menu Bill Favorably Reported to ,j ng jrr House t f Encourage Pro until of duction of Ores, Metals w4cretary And Minerals W'ool- - headquarter, all v h truck fr h... carols br the I) 4 I: I end wins houw. that ttrl wll save J v-- Dr, Widtsoe Toastmaster. friction unless properly Dixons Gear Oil keeps the gears happy sod bealthv It prevents metal to me'al con- tact. Ark iootorr fir- - a scenes a o. e Automoi DISTANCE REMOVED TO BEXONSIDERED The ! matter EwiatV-Srihiu.iM n en masazine. "'"given in the popular mr. rfnd others .Amern politan. magasm Nation! fogiphicl inulr orkx ar appreciate G Fanners UNITED c -- si on and differtnilal a:s kept frte of fricaon. Cse of Io..tnd 5 1, Roll Call May be Granted En Bloc to Thote Willing to Accept -- Itaorulte frr revived no- army recruiting offl fVjiartmsnt tie today from the 'w tha. that in view of the p white authorised' enlisted t r 'tf4 n officers cavalry regiment, re ihlnfr cavalry are authorized to iuM,t - () The aaatstant ecretar)i of the Fort tied appll-M Douglas wj f ;r'Vic;. Andrea's books to the without author. apodal Saturday wo pot W book - , from Washington. .. . included emral women s fashIn I himuatrd KctJy to Anwer Fee that ycur PjfJ LATE LOCALS-- d-J- T; Children's Books Not Wanted at Fi Dntiola jjj Dixon iiu; APRIL 15 1918 itONDAY 1- t -. (eW olgbta. Uke . . M QtblthcbOWd$andtbCBWf Edwards OUvC Tablets pr. court to neat Friday. ..i ibtjtutc forcajoroelj therta ivcref Mr a. R-Granger wife of an armyof pa.a after takingOOtbn., tirrTYf officer in France, with whom the eduEdward diva Tafdeta at , tod )oat aacflectlvwy, j cator la alleged to have registered fglomel la a hotel a man and wife lat Thura- - j gentld pd KuC tDftPad yfkni wf court It waa aald she day was not waa still at the profenaore home whero c aCTCTg ano imUtlfL Tahlcta if' Mr. Thomaa. asaieted by a aon, who ta ' Ho Ot who Wg oaTK a hospital interne, was trying to aoothe oT COTcd Wita i her shaken nerve. breath.! duIL ltftlCRS TIO gOOa" The eontlnuance was taken at the lively bad stance of Peter Siasmanwitorney for feeUng, COQSupon, torpid . dispositiof) OT pimply Thomas, who aaid he had had to prepare his case Dr. Edwards OUffl Tapiewmixed A large crowd, attracted by the nocompound Tegmfcle toriety of the vase, wa disappointed at awttholive oU; yoa wiU know them tho brevity of the proceedings There were a few whispered word exchanged br their dire color. P by Kinsman, Judge Graham and Prose-tutDr. Edwards spent few Htarr and the case for the day tients afflicted with liver and bowd was over ere tbs Tablet Olive and A woman, who had obtained a seat complaint near the bench, continued work on a immensely efiective result soldiers sock until she saw the prinor two nightly tor one Take nastshe room when the cipals leaving better you (eel end look ily gathered her material and left also. See how much box. Ail druggists. Who knows, commented the prose- 10c and 2Sc per a huscutor, but perhaps Mrs. Granger band may get that sortraome day4 -- ITT Doctor Thomas escaped observation by tSo curious until bis lawyer called him forward He leaned against a door, looking weary and worm, until the summoned him. Jo. the backdeground were perhapsIn aa hundred fendants and witness heavy docket immoralconsisting wholly of cases of ity. Thoy are the speUalty Of the mor- - u ais court. Doctor Harry Pratt Judson. preai- dent of the lnh unity of Chikgo, when Doctor Thomas holds the chair of sociology, was expected to return RELIEF SOCIETY CO MI HEME. from Washington today. society held The Ensitrn ward Kelirf seaalod last conference Its regular Three Soldier Killed. when the evening in ihe ward chapel, usual evening eervlcea were devoted New York, April 15. Ttiree soldiers to th interests of the ward associa- killed, eiirlit seriously Injured tlOI and 5 rtljchtly injured esrly Uxlay In STUvE CONFERENCES. wreck ou the Ixm Island railroad ThP Parouan conference, scheduled near Oratral Islip, hew lurk. All of 16 end IT. m post- the dead and Injured are Mid to he to be held March held April 20 and II. (ftodomd u I p(on at laptiank X. Y. Doned to he JOSEPH r. SMITH. ! mb hei qu thf j ti ju thi los hi m ab! - a: "HO! vne ily In irjr his poei-u- ie jjOOVr 4 statement d THREE DEPARTMENTS will be non on lambs. Mr i two Week. alent Dixon Labrjotois atl- - -- Frcsndent K. E. Calvlu MaV JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO Fanfrc E Calvin of the i g a peii- com road n this XX. Pted, Qf Would Let the Government n line to Ei'abilihtd J Kiic . De-nspecttoI tt,f In Addition to Giving oRder and ran down ,T Niit Lake Conserve Supply and Di,fV etay from Ogdon for a feu tails Order Shows Methbaa found here Hereports tha n hoirw ! J Nrmraska not mill fieeed and Fix Price if pen;rtlj condition thr en makieir ods to Be Followed and makVuse' gratify mg. particular - . j asncul- P i' of Form W turial t msmfesr prospects. Necessary. making alterations and show tnait addirs Forms Used. soldiers reuufStfd issue Saindlm OpfraUiu i r - aJst to Py warnn position vutnA rot they are in a in War the Bulletin t and euth the usually paid soldiers j asEffing ing aainstgwindlers s ages will be paid to theMions W aah tngtomApriL Jit To make the latter appUThese parents of soldiers mi n them Bureau sisting at General orders iwsued bv MaJ Cen. mal to the local boards, who will pro-- J and I nited States independent of Ihe world Tempefsture r ffPv been have k on roof ( granted Instrument kiosk and by during war time by encouraging the requeuing funds lie b!her ,han th fo fyton C. March, sciting chief of reed as in the preoeduig paragraph p " fne home. telegraph, 'upon which-t- staff of the CnttFfr i$tsteirrmywhh production of necessary ores. metals t l?t"Tr.dorM0dmoTu,e'b.-JK"f wUIMuT. Contract Is Awarded T the Felt and minerals, largely Imported tn the regard to the granting of furloughs BuiMIng Bolon to who the olllcr by Auto snd Supply compn1 the tate past, Is the purpose of a hill favorably 47 con- - Maximum vc.t.rrtay tor enlisted men. to engage in agriculwork and au.h algnaturea will b with. J? hoard of examiners hi juried the reported today to the house The Minimum y.vicroay tural pursuits, contain a regulation aidcred a. voluntaryiheapplication, . . -- 3 . t r the state . num-contract for supply the Minimum If of m Ac moaning Igjr also to enable the 6 am or measure Is intended todai which It is believed may prove tnai-uabl- e bar 'ear automobiles prtv-n;I the for of soldiers deaired signify their, conserve to the government supply, r i am today ... .. . 31 until such time as the omYact may control In sofving the wt.hea lo accept auch furlough, leieand distribution, and. If neces. m today J b reque.ied by .3 and eimilsr problems in Utah it is graphic authority will 5 prove unsatisfactory to the rue Thed sary, to fix the price of those mawhom today officer upon Sam a the commanding on 3 terial. believed that under those general orslate standardized the ure Is mada from the adjuvant t m to. ay eU fhe Approved by the secretaries of war. ders a number of men may be ob- application mileage baei- for the grant ng It am today general of tha army a navy and th interior, the btH was hidders Noon were number. lowest aratlmr-thtained at almost spy time at Fort of the today people auch furtoughe introduced by Rep Foster, of Illinois, of Ihe j I IxHjgias, to carry the situation in the of men requMied and the number and was reported by the house mines over anemergenc local board through who h the requet fields fair which committee has conducted hear--Tnighl New Suits Filed. may w.e forwarded, glvlna th. Furloughs' ssy the orders, ings on the subjeeL Mr Foster la chair,71 with alight also he granted ee bloc to men that datlon of the eootmandlng temperature man of that committee. are willing to accept them upon re- department Lm.UuoUn a .'irm.',! Krgm, humid.., 4. pef cent THIRD DI9TRK f f Ol RT- Practically every man who appeared quest of farmers when the time to be called on for vtcavSer data fee before the committee indorsed the bill, ItaMritlvc FM aj Ella Mo.ay against consumed In traveling from the post tural conditions In the PrtJ.,Ar thj.. the !5i committee reported, 4Tour commitkpril to the placet of labor will not exceed irict and telegraphic tnstrucuops believes that, if proper encourageOfficial Washington . 44 hour. the commanding officer J A Smith against- Xf r F OReJHy, tee Garden and Flouer Soeda xf all , jaent egraes ment is gien the producers of these Tentpcrature-rto recover 5,do0 darrit- - f f mjuneA The general orders. In addition te i kinds. BAILEY A SONS , 1 East lad most of them can be develproducts, a a to to to . as method been details have Alleged 4T Attends Stone's Funeral South Advertiaement. giving mtf sjtervi . 4n our own country for our own v .... Highest yesterday followed and form to be used suit of being ran down by an auto-f- oped month iavt year f noeds for the army and navy and for OWly it Highest inin th s month mobile e 1874 .1 otter. since In this necessities 1 i. life. civil Higher! fj-pOfficial Clara R Braash agatrt 'r tlfred T france to parents Lowest this morning Washington, April 33 W OMEN OF THE BIBEE. ...-We know that our country Ja now 3 It is the Intention to make uae of r p sesston Washington turned from its war du24 Faerber. et al , to r .. book month last to on Lowest this year so short the authority to grant furlough is which necessary pyrites xtC By Willard Don. Th only Sevier County 14 In ties certain to attend of the funeral Venice, since premises 184 today month In this men for the accordance with iOaest acid enlisted Only a mukgng sulphuric Pyrites Senator William J. Stone of Missouri, on the eubject obtainable. a it mor by . in W Welbern H Wells Normal for yesterday been act of March 1C, 113. to enable them' have from and Adopted imported Spain remaining. H number felbern 4J Wells, guarjM nd litem, Mean yesterday to engage in agriculture during the have been necessary to carry chairman of the senate foreign rela- limited Relief Societies as a reference private Joseph K. Cowley of Venice, Accumulated thl against Edwin and Alx? M Cov to re- - ships defb lency tions committee, who died at hut home by the pur- -this important ore present farming season for theultural' S tover 120 00 Illustrated, 75c postpaid. h Sevier county, with the American eg trnral damage POM of augnmntlng J4i, agrl. monj They must now be relieved We here yesterday as the result of a work. Cloth. n suffered to have Juries to t.. d by excess Jan since alleged antes France lornmand-Accutulatt ten per cent ln loU of eta For this rtpson should and j peditionary forces in can our own sup-gl- y paralytic stroke suffered last Wednesproduction Discount, develop me run down bile being by an a.t ' of pyrites. It will require about day The family and a congressional and over. parentg.-tpart as follow. w.whin ihe yules here announed when-- 1 bO0 Precipitation tons of sulphuric acid an- - committee wtit accompany the YHHty to DESETTITT N RtVS ROOK BTORH. vsr it appear that th granting f Onn more week ha passed which U heeds manur the is nually ofk Mo r wherw tt wilt tie Main Jefferson' Tht uch furloughs wiit' emtrlhqeo to het'hftngs flundsr here gt Tatture munitions purpose for whi h they were intend-- a fine day, just like aummer quite Total for this month The report also dealt with manga- ln slatp Wednesday at the Missouri eda Hut it is desired to reduce to s muddy, but the glorious old sunshine Accumulated deficient nese. now imported from Brazil, chrom- capital. ... Burial will taJca place, at Nemonth minimum ihe interference thereby makes up for that and sulphur It added, Tungsten vada, Mo , Senator Stone's old home. ium i P seated in the progress of military! Iawt night at the Y M r A we had Total since Jan in making hardened steel since Jan and preparation, therefore, a nle ifttle concert and three or four Accumulated exie the resi- - andnecessary Irwising impao- - J a1 is believed that sufficient quanit iumw whenever the furloughing of an nl boxing bout. Today I do not know 1146 hast Third MJih April ia. dence be ean secured in this country tity 31 Althena interferes jUftt hat I will do. probably I will go Relative humidity at a.m today listed man substantially Reuben Colorado Mrnpson. a r f has a considerable quantity LIEUT. 1 with the training or preparation of the out for a stroll or hack tip against Rrlatve humldttv at 4 p m yes- born in j. &"Yorkshire, acvd.vHoXoU- development Sirrpaon IT' bo 2.S TO ofesachich few is a.mambeMsome-walV'o- e fsnee-tis myeaiF tISST iimpson Texas and Louisiana have -b Seal the appl ions' nil! deni! in, survived by the folic rg children largo amounts of sulphur and Yesterday the French were doing probably Ohservatlese. which case the reason for denial will pme our of Weather hmma corner and on the Tr, Agnes F.euin, Ethel, threshing the purest fn the world Mrs Evein Iveridge ann two be. l adorned upon the applliation Fur-- t I feuall IS KILLED they do it in their At 4 a.m today. All these mineral are necessary In Funeral nouoe later log ha granted under this order wlU harna feut lt was stf nice outside they . war and the government ought to have Grandmother Recipe to bo for abort period, lorgei) for seed- - K,A out ln the sunshine If you could the Y 4a If needthem it G. G Anns right Mrs trna Young, ed for oang Ing and harvesting time The ma be tbeir threahing machine you would the prosecution of the war and A of oi L wfe eg officers iouug of Logan, m by commanding posts, four hRva gfJOti iattKh given it takes only keep her Lock Dark, industries at home This bill prot tah died in talt Lake umlay Mrs. our tamps, cantonments division, and de- - nwn and one, horae to rlin u and vides that the government may guaran- EL San Antonio, Texaa April IS LleuL H2 lours is the (laugh lf Mr and lira tee furloughs will not he buahag !a a good daya Wf,rk One B part irtentsto tfu a Glossy, BeautifuL Instructor at a fixed price for two years so that Markham, flying Nelson Third Kouth enlisted men of or above nmn feeda and two bmd th(. gtraw granted the operator and producer may be as- KVIly field was killed this morning strett The bvplj v. '1 l e , ken to the grade of first sergeaiit nor wul hand The fourth man, whkb was bya e s and inter- - sured of a reasonable profU for a fixed mhen the machine in whih he w&e for funerai mixture of Bage Tea Th granted n ah organisatjon jn time It is believed that we cannot flying with a cadet dropped, into a tail-g- and Sulphur for darkening particular instance, riiCitL gray,, thal has been ordered or la in tran(.t- wonian and band cuttm. Th, a ,h full p,tlh)nK of these mfheral spin from a height of 2i0 feet. Th streaked production from point, of moblh.ailon or trainand faded hair la grandH fester mUI. Id Eu- - and metals without tfels guarantee Pope j cadet, hich they (r,ad Henry Heary Kagrve ' name was not whose given out, and a en all tarkatlnn, ing lo point of Riester i l son of Mr and Yeatman of the war industries board was not seriously hurt. - Markham s mother recipe, and folk are again gen Mrs Newton B of Aibion, Ne consumers are already trying to home was in Turin, N. Y. a,h" t:1Znh'orYerer,oiL,;an1,,Lr. using It to keep their hair a good,( died u y handay The says .oj control and to get hold of all importa- even color, which la quite sensible, a lot J bod Imi ftcnahtrd wad tiona. L Ljuum soC we arg living in an age when a youth-futra n today for tci is and intermenL the government should see that an in the Army. appearance is of the greatest ad- distribution is made. equitable t P brlstiaa home At 4SrrMa her 4 11 u1te hood administrator Hoover strongly Httle hike tf vantage . .ru 0 14 t V u lord except that epough pay will be retain- CAtiday, i,urango Nowadavs. though, we don't hao . to meet allotments in ,n!L. wur 42 ed in ea.h Pul mb a iderson. Aprik , hristma The army camps have added anwife of S indorses this bLL t,rand Junction th -P the troublesome task of gathering the 3 fosse on t Ho date of this order, war- - when he ndefson died s 66 he age of Helena tlT other word year to the of come shall home and vocabulary It asys &2 risk insurance and pledges on Liberty would be a ds iSKhful member of the Kansa mixing at home., 7 sage and the slang, "Jawbone. meaning credit. mighty pleasant evening for j dpp of Je ua cftiist of Latter-dabond. thmh and Washington Has Not Did you pay cash for tha uniform. All drug stores sell the tonight to attend t 5b from aiie this fhurlough to speciaifv qualified ex- the addition of, country by am here to do t product, improved I 32 ned'd In the erv ,ny ll , or evcrTncu?' t She had fumark, her n w Und petiqof intheagriculture Received Any Advices Bill4 called "Wjeth's m3r COQntrT I nited Ntate i veil in i Xo; it' jawbone,4 meaning that he other ingredients, of New Orleans 66 icq vsard for 25 years drpirtment 'j'u It in XLra. Ande- 5 ft a survived d Sage and Sulphur Compotmd agriculture may be srnmed by the bought It on credit. by her , sccreary of war upon 15 56 No official because nobody can dis- and f e th firen. Joseph HerAiril Hpplication a very Washington, 4'Ver collection popular to up taking man and Ed. Baker Wins therefor by the screiarj of agrUul-tur52 .. f word of th, reported resignation of buy a present for the sergeant," says a cover it has been applied. Simply orj 1ullman or in the servUe of agri uitural n Idaho ts no is how with the Count Czernin had been received by soldier who is going through the moisten votir comb or a soft brush Loffrewo L S Arrr 3ft u Bond college, established under federal law Dix. New Jer- the goternment at Walkers Liberty ?a'tp with k and draw this through youn today, but all offi- camp with a subscription paper. and regularly receiving federal funds, j 40 sey and Mrn J K nadleir of this city. Portland. Ore were cial Interested In the "I haven't got a sou, says a private hair, taking one small strand at at i deeply upon application therefor by the pnasU jr-Funeral St. I out Will be anints 1 dent or other executive heads of such the absence of Mrs W Mont 'St Paul . "That a all right. It's all Jawbone," time, by morning the grav hair dts- -j nounced l.u-4 report and It waa recognized that the su farloiiaha ,r. Kerry and Mrs W F Adams whow.r.'Pan Ileo was the says the other, meaning that credit appears, but what delights the ladies undoubtedly Charles Harold Aldoua Charles development 4S voluntarily accepted by the persons de- detained elsewhere on of Czrnlnz declaration wl H be given for the amount until pay mrh Afan Francisco nnAg.,tPi. Liberty sonr' of outgrowth aird Franco had been ready to talY 'day haritrN Hn besides MnYivldual applications for furloughs work, todays bond drawing at Walk- - i Seattle beautifully pound, Bringhurst resfl - Yhat co us, a Say, you can got Jawbone puttees darkening the hair after a few ap-- 1 peace. suhmitved by relative will he on Form er store was conducted by J J O Ton-- 4 Sheridan at the 32 family r Ce down so at and 165 P M. ai of form gen says will whtrh sos," luasLitceeL another, Tha It also produces that aoft O, I4 juithe residence at t Franebtea, 3? funv furnished th local boards tiaveler who wa In the store at the Fpokene32 meaning that a certain store la selling plications. iiHftr appearance of abundance O c OCjn - noon with Bishop W The winner waa J Ed Baker of Toopah Event Furlough Billed leather puttees to the soldiers on which and may also he granted en tme For Big ashington so attractive. is This ready-- 4 Kranhi bloc to men that are willing Ha acto the shipping department of Walkers Winnemucca in charge. Burial credit. was This is the first employee of Yellowstone farmer "tore tept them Upon preparation is n deliehtful toil- j The word to Provo Week Jaw.! scold End of meaning when the time to he consumed in Walker who has won who desire aT' bond y rank HoMsaab- - In a local or talk offensively, has been in com- et requLsUe hospital, traveling from the post to the places Walkers store is giving away a $56 - Sun rises, 6 4i.jum . sun sets S 07 pm I fyara It Is notmon use no long that It in in the dic- more jouthfui appearance. 46. died ,ed F u class tionary as a regular word but at first intended forthe cure, mitigation or Provo, April 15. The annua da will bf 4HROUIKcU carnival will be held on the T" flelij it wan pnre slang. ptention of disease Advertisement 4 rrdrirk She Jawed so much I couldn't live fTdwia Dover Edwin Saturday. April $0. by the students of FredrM k Iovt'- j years old, died at the BlY V , the Llgh schools of the with her," testified a man who wan toe tioq e of i s zr other, Frank and the Provo city schools. The suing for a divorce. It is an expresW io r I, .wo avenue, Satur-ol- 4 county for the cham- sive word, as nil slang words are, and ri T be held B Y U class will compete will iiisral tii in track and field events, the when a man speaks of a Jawing womn Wh1 - - pm. from tho parpionship school for the high an your mind's eye visualises her at will compete high lors o' itpj ,,i Co. Interment schools the city once, her Jaw wagging busily as she i will championship and cemetery. Plant Once When You schools for tne school championship. scolds. Flans lUabrtk Hauar Kwlaht Hlizabeth There win be special features, among "Slack Jaw" is another vivid expres- Maxii e i mt daughter of Mr. them events for girts and stunts by the ston. "Dont give me any more of VOG LKKS FtIUTY exCommercial scout and ili club, t Knight, died at the Froo hoy slack Jaw4 Champ Clark ex- f oh h street, ercises and class scraps. The day will your j Washington to on a voluble claimed the opponent with close bonfrea. i marches r wit. triumphal j announcement hatjr. be mlc and a dance in the women s gymnasium. floor of the house ln a heated debate a tr & Roberts and EL M Hiclcen few yqsrs ago. 4 fcrUt "ffcAk- h- in a local hospital, areCoach "Jawbone" has leaped Into Instant general charge Ernest Shumway Chr, h, and a na will Indirect ,j yeara the high school event. popularity In the army cam pa where tive of Orrn n died April 14 The ta " b mOT' bodx u w - J - ph W hn Taylor un- offhh.DR nMr,y VPr'X,r VOGELER SEED CO. dertax ne y ,or tf.bacf,- - Cl"th,n n, h" s Funeral announce- - H Sm.M JLll h..ih.raeofthoEy metr v t. soon later, get into things. probably the girls events will scout halt Lake City, I tah. activities, 6 raak be managed by Misees Aigie Eggertsen everyday slang .everywhere, for it is kaji ink Shay, an triar r of age, died attend Lyle Cropper, and the district new and vivid. Kansas CityJRar. far the l!a q ttfts morning. The schools will be directed by David both the undertaking era Secretary Arch M Thurman ofcomf r will Provo Commercial club will be ln pariov be anr j mand of that organization -- -t 1 inf-lab- th.rufl.' , stribution w teher - fiid 14- aofi-pl- 1 ... 1 i j .... J 1 guar-antee- '' II. c SOI me ov Mi of 4 po MChurchN Intelligence, . v . If. taJ fn nu he ar gi ov ii as c) m lo In er ai re P fc - flff yPfVate T4 re-7- 1 i; Tt I t 1 Pi j I ,lh Cl t I f tj n St..' SETUl 1 , 1 j liHl, Lv-- Kwg4a-rti&ae- d grand-tluiure- n r w Lo-g- ds , old-tim- et ;v i i Lba-aou- Thia-ahout- Jawbone ce vt A (t mur - y n, ready-to-us- 1 ) 4 V , 44 hua-ran- , l&V Hey-inir- n, ; -i at, A rit gr i at v to-o- se TOr-th- oee - : batur-igetne- ni ill. 1 You only j i b,i i r H ; . r n & ! j- - ' I i r A Success i t ai .Walkers store is giving away every day a $50 bond to buyers of Liberty Bonds aU this Store. . r hari het! a h b Tr 1 serri I ' errn at g, K t ?!.! l A THE BGYS IN THE TRENCHES NEED YOUR HELP Buy your bonds at Walkers Store and get a ticket to the Daily' drawing. , . . J. Ed. BaKer, cf the shipping' department of WalKers Store won a $50 Bond at todays drawing at WalKers Store. P) H - I'S-t- Get tin, on In the world 1s not fost-- a mat- ter of chance. Success la not obtained by i ) r 4 j IU at tot Habit i ( Ap- for Harold Caroaron, of Jtm Chsmwou, - who died at Lak, i Thursday, will be chapel, , mth wardFlrat and between 2 pm. Wednesday, rt i was stationed in t! 57 th aero squadron h , death Henry Oam- -s ho left his regiment t to attend the funeral, h remain, to this city be presided for ' will mllet.-fs Ik. rtortwl" t - vf luck. Nearly every rich man began as a poor boy, and through steady, n stem a tic saving formed the habit which brought him success. 1 If yon want to be, somebody in life, acquire the saving habit yourself. Deposit leatt IS per cent Jour earnlngs'eaciT' week In this safe bank. We add 4 per cent , m compound Interest. hr ' inr w u or kternal life. Is the title of a new1 hook trestlnc pn the d i trims of th Church of Jnsus rhrlet Of latter-da- y Saint. R wrt"eT is h.p(, any for youn, people hv Kt'thi p lnn F. Parry. It"la Just the rtsiit book to flv th boss and a rtris nndoretandin, K.mpr hrnslr of the round In cloth, with nld title J,0 peaes, lar print, Th cent. price po, pihV 7 Deseret en ('Books Store, Salt take koi ewaTfTf'SeTuent." THE SIMREE BEACTY of th atones shown hero win surely appeal to the sense of good lasts of those who visit Gods sera. The Bank With MERCHANTS BANK liwm lak. ORDER NOW suwiw Nil Talin-tuuk- . tori Was. S008. Kinds of Tile Work. Si "T j. Ifeatker Capital Elias Morris & Sons Co. Opp. personality - JOHN R, Vlrr-rrr.-1, q. cas aT SaH ra, IWdret MOBOM Chart.. liritp H.,... l. ImIX. MLTbat, LAMI CITI, iriif kli m4 Thirdtot. iKiTK TT.U22 X ,X |