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Show .', r , ,o: ,o1 - . . 41,.,A4'..;i."-er,----- , ,., I'M ... - , Martha' l'esais,' Elise Nelso4i. Vonore for w Cambridirt. Meat.; for a smoothie 1.1nek Galli" Millie Aoderees. ma ere ;Marti Botolo- n- A. 14 Greyer. Junior Ilr.-- and- Mr, TOltr. Frank OMO Berger. P lAWIE visiting in Sa lt S J. Jeppesen have releLtwee, tweayatts ord.., i Mr. and Mee, Foster Mmonsen bays st home hews spending a few days ta this city end relativee after) visitieg Heide bavang spent the xit eot T. go tn Mr, e nd Mrs. almonsen so t mated. Idaho. Within the next le,w day Sir. Stmonsen will tak up work BRIGHAM CITY. Iwith the Merrill LAIDDOer 00111tOttly ill ' that city. ir W. pisrowe el Idinatil. eriter'i C. Wendlion Wallop I. Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. man., and ,soihop E. M. F ugme of Setamed ss dinner guests Mr. and sfintors In BrAgMr. and Knuilton. - ,i 1 .i4 . ., i i i .,.- - -i .. 4- irl, 3 , C W. J :,' - t 1,,, aon 1..1 'I . 15 i'1 '" i A '"'t ; I ..;' I'..',1- so. i rt i iX vt' v.,' - . I,1" ,' r , t- - ; 1, '1' i.1. . ote,i It , i i ..!1 t., e,, i . e 1 : f . rt ,,ii ;,,t , - s ', , - l i '''sh .. ,t1 ... ale r ' ti , I, i. .; ,:k i : , l',7 , s- - 3' r..a...,- -' ;- I -: .. i. ' i' .' ' 11 . '' rt; 3 ,, 71 ..,,, ,..". '. , et a - 4.1 11 :1,: ti li.a ;. i,,... , , - , - , . - 4 , , - i c.,-1,,,,- Complexion- Lotion! res mr.141mmts-PitsTnit-ireand ?ha wi-!- II s 434,,, surprised Tuesdayward evening et her game Fourth .by her Sunday eilS. Game, music and refroit were tee features of the info. entertainment. pin.ro h.en I Robert, inicerabli and Shy brulay trom----bursas,- - they wee Isom. by Will Bromit'T Of ,i;11,! ream who pent Saturday their. bleekburat has ;ono toMtlOalt:,Margaret with Mrs; bushman to visit her brother. Hyrani who Is i.i Camp teersiy. Mr. and kfri. Alford Ranson of Draper will make their home in American Fork. Ida'. A, O. Miller of Fibeliei. Idaho is Ith his sister. Mrs.. ',Jolting Syron eel and boom& Airo. Col Elton- back Much its i like : i btra. J000pit liriaby ood doolgater,, !walked to betp Mr. Hoover ronoorro It s WI Alitrgaset2 re ',i mams tuts wee' i woo rubbluor.it la. Aitos . At liAliL LILILli CAI aditit 2Ars. see a Sean again."---.to ....imams. ,Nicholson. in April Scribner. Aar. and Airs: C. E-- Huisit returned ..)ta alter alwmdins al nunclayweening ko'llnie of days al Dalt Lana with AIM! ' ,,,,. sirior--7-iNi- SECTION - . Mew lishin n Alien le grun,riod woun,la, ,,, ,,,,,, 1, g W 'WV..., city;Allem Ida?" who STO Tiettitif dolma ley, mates gathered key 0, at her ofhome hers. .an a fates,' it eartri tia arpeeding ' - krineetletrisr refreshment. were and enjoyed with bi. family, hero having ITta waif testis an th. 2alaeraed- 14,au i , sOuthern ttelt for the past aut par'ete '41' sud , 1 r - ,,,- . s ' - ,,,,,,, , t t v. II thir home in Richfield. morning spending the Idaho, af;et here. Thev 14 ., re xePan:ed r!":ar ail and Mn. Salt Leer ty P ratt Tholune,-A inarriarelieer wati"inrtml WI41- 4-11 ----.or .. or Provo to Al,In FloY4 i emons - 1trrniterit Jectliryiltal left 1 On Sun- -, -' . New a , - I Libiary-Booksor eoutnern Califorata day i ccneremorning oho wal spend a i.w weeks- Adm. krilittot Kotiol , and Alas ' left Etirealt ksider rho following books will be 11141d4 an- Intended for Tuesday morning MoudaY. APril 15: ' - 7 Ins tWItiornitt. ny grocer you two fresh I in A pleasant party was given at the l'" : , miocenaneen, lemon nod and store will Clara on nom your drug supolY of lsr, &nil Kra. P. C. Hood ritrawbo. thilia The you with threw ounces of e.ty. orchard ternoon n b nor tdhe birth-at FrId Embroidery. ernes Et ay -- ur thry ,..: young married the same white. Put these In a bottle Man of Patience. k; day of their daughter. Miss Leftism,' Isszood----;--Oin the Salt Lek. tcluple. The hrsde welt day Here ner biome a whole quarter most of the time was spent in gsomes Surveyle the Breed . s t &,kltsenter-Higuf Mr. and )Jr. Isaac; pint of the you daughter luncheon and the end following most wonderful lemon to- heck of ' of an excellent luncheon: partook 1 one mina paw itOnnie Peterson. Miss Bulb t for Health and Missling. .1.6411rinsitt' . W.A07441?; :beig:5Fir"ettiA7,1:ZIrli!i success. ordinary cold iiies Lavern Potts. Miss ' li: yeon ger, Mies e II. lints .Iri s , cream. Match mynner......Greneteme poems. ter Cora kol000nes ,f rialt. Lake eitY:., Care Educaeshould- - be taken to strain the Dorothy Arrntontr. Miss Gertrude Peter- -Thirty guests were erk,.nt and ePent' Merle Miss son. bele Petr Walt.Aliss , a very pleasant through a line cloth so no rr.ing -----i -) g juice lemon- pulp gets in.- - then this lotion eon, Ally Wichman, Shelby Arrigona, Years Corri-irt Th y Earl Titotna. and L,. George liumbia, -i- '' Lcr evot :7 :17.7 - la1 UPrILL, lect'or;: - lifgo , will keep fresh 7EverY woman knows that lemon juice Is Deed Li, bletarh and remove ouch bl emishei as freckles, sallowness and tan, and is the ideal skin poftener, ." smoother and beautifier., Used by day, this iweetly.fragrant lotion protects the skin from the evil effect Of""the', weather lin& Prevent roughness, redness, chafing and smart- log. At night it works in the pores - -- - . -.- Painting, . . Finck-Ric- hard returned on ignition Mrs. Frank Beesley f weeks two Garland: Dal-- at p Wettnisday Firth. after, . spending 4" ' Salt Lake City with ber mother.. , lads Relating to Anterica. -,, kfrn, Mary Sullivan. Mir- ritths Miss Genevieve Sullivan came nut .,. 1, from Salt- - Lake on Friday afternoon Oen. , the . with Jar. and for...a few Founders of Liberty in Eltime:i .. Mn. C. E. Finish. ertiordt:.a , and Conyers was the bootee to the mem- - turs- - operation. Stage, bers of er socialclub. ,A splendid Illusions. was served and the following dinner 1 and Varietlea whiter You St were-- prerent MarkMcChry at Fishes. Mrs, C. C. Griggs. Mrs. Ales Blight, bring a freshness and ,,, peach-lik- e -'- ' : Cornish..---B. M. L. C. Doty, Mrs. Nights.Cloth- --. beauty that. wins envy and admiration. Mrs. , and Members of the Elks lode and their -- Kinzie dt Cooky-She- lter Just trYW Slake up atinarter Pint. ladled, In- of a .. number with of this sweetly fragrant- lemon lotion vited together a dancing Part"' Inc, enoyed guests. the Account of entet: an Hnight-Aand mange it daily into the. face, and luncheon on Tuesday evening. The a - ' -- neck. arras and hands. it naturally party was a very enjoyable one for -all God. Atnulets and Scarabs et the An., etent Egyptians, .. to . whiten present. helps soften, freshen, and Mrs. Joseph Randall and daughter is I fiesionary heroes ...if bring mut the roses and beautY of any in Provo with her . all4 Heroines. f skim It work marVelOusly on rough . spendingI. two weeks sand 'Mrs. Jack titiattOtt-BGlazier, father, Storiet in the World-- esi , red tninds.7.Try of .trit;htileitos.' :and , "A), home at her who is et t preoent making it . ntortes. Pro. and Dharaill. e. E. Rife spent part of the week In Nivedita-Relig- iOn times IVA Oxford upper were the ISsit Lake City visiting with his moth- features of the afternoort": Pattison--PrinciMrs.. Attest Rife, Mies of Domeatia er and 0 platers. -- Versa-- Stalnecker ertai Dora Rife and Mr a- Clarence- - Thick-- Enginetring,.. the officers and teachers of the worth. leirs, Pollard-St- ory o f . Ypres. ward Primary association at her home Mrs . Wilford B. Scroept of Salt Lake - ti rYbu raohn C- alvin. 4 on 'rrittay afternoon; The time was City -J 0 week In Eureka the 'spending --n and devoted to doing Red Cross work and at thehotne of her father, William B. Sailor, , !!! Beachcomber. I dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. Byron Gleason , is visiting at Sitchelb schaufflee--Mot- her in Versa - and Miss Alia Donnelly ha" returned to ,,,,... Salt Lake with relauves and friends. at prose. Eureka apending a few weeksM rs. The ladies of the social tea club Salt Lakafter .. her aunt, . 'City , with at South Africa. Stet , met Mra.at .. home of the Driscoll. a Home Muskt The time was - bike- Ethel, laveorr- left Oft Tuesday - M kr. illt spent in waking bandages Light re- morning. for Stilt Lake where she will 'Album, freshments were served. her with summer irkillOIL spend the viniting Mrs. John Lions. Jr, wail hostage to slitter. dies Milne Laveen. the Indio of the Entre Nous club on tritntidolit 642:0- - VerMar&sufpamrtel pWaritirut.ial 1,Creode3:m. In Wednesday afternoon. Tholes present Futrelle..1.-e-Problebeeides the regular members were Mn. Monday evening. tbeAffair being in the of Call ill.. Stet .. Lee R. Taylor. of-- Saffreeti,- st a "baby sithoteer." Many 1 Douglas nature--o,Hutten.. BO Sul Miss Flora Hula)). The time was beautiful and useful gifts were pre- - - Leseock. and istetion. . '- - t :11.111 taken up in needlework and social mooted. and an evening of social en- LebtaDo. Triangle. - trrtatnrortit was followed by a solen- were setathat. Paint.r,lefreshments .,... vaftee...4..r&hpeinsosa. ed . dd luncheon, ... s.. Mrs. P. C. Dixon had as ber.gbeit oohs. , 11 recently adopted a beautiful little baby Mrs. W. her sisters. girl. Wednesday Comstock-Tuck-M- s-In Stories. . tra . Miss May Ryan entertained a number Thurman and Mrs. kL Chatwin of 961 e Parkerve-Cruisat the Deep Sea of young folks at a party which was Provo. 19.1 .., Scouts. in on home . Monday night lira Robert Blain of Spring City, giten at her and Mies gannet county. has returned to her honor of Miss Aithes Hunter Adelade Parker. who were here from Sindelar-Ni- ste home after a three weeka visit Bunnies in Farafor a visit with Mists Ryan, way Lands. A. T. Roylance. ,i Mra with stater,. Ogden her . " Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wightnian era The evening was enjoyably spent in ss tar Bola and ;whin dancing end a fine Inacheon was t visiting in Silver City this week . Girls. thetr son. .Waylin Wightuven and few- - served. Sniith-Pl- ays, au.d Pantomimes .., ily.. Tableaux. Mrs. R. L. Wilson was hostess to the 1 after-ian on Garland at Fairy Matron club, Yrilay Xerrt noon. MARRIAGE LICENSES Tale". , - Theisa-Wirel- ' Red Cr02.11 work and refreblinteuts wetv Patrol at Camp- .., serve.1 , ' Brady. ' Mrs. James Nichols went to Salt Lake', , ndu Williston-HiTales. Albert p. Dimmic. Holden. ttak and Wedneaday lor a few days' vi.sit Wan Yard-T- op of the continent. friends. and other E. huaband Ida. Charlotte her J;teloon. Albion; Keel of Mr. and Mrs. Virilitam S. Jlancock, Garfield, Utah. Winfield ....,.. .. -- - .,.....................0,......,...6,.... are- - visrrtity here AndUtah. president V. L. Mrs, L. Flake. Snowflake. Aria, their of daughter, t'haries -' frorn,..Kieteme,wilapawha .,...,.,.,,,..w, iette..,Wednesday DEBATLNG '''''QUESTICCIS. rhiannallte-;- ', T he hotness served dainty Data month visiting wait her ',pent -ilqydr'eKettrt'Nk9firb:eliftitE4Le.14 $4, lir. and 3trs. VihtiVeWlit and the following members were pees,. daughter. Mrs. Charles Crab's. 1.' lif'"''''''''"'' aftsurr. home SIIIING evening 'Wednesday returned Marcella Tex. A sliver tea was given for the B, Bledsoe. t. erne' Alvin lOtelt Ett Ctirlite Dallas, t , :rcefi tr. and EVANS. with IMNRY here visit a er short F. Froman Dillon, Mont.. Jolt; tensen. John S. Christensen. Elora of the lied Crops in - anditertiamin Torist twill is a bat they call the sott diagonal material that looks se Mamie Teters. Huntsville. Mo. Bingham. rooms Tuesday aftertice:unimtigial , )!ntett. Annt le rin Debating being one at the Wallas. Mn,. Kari Keeler '.'entertainedon ranch like gabard.no. This suit is champagne twill with nese collar et WIniain A-Florence Johneon. Eugene Hillstrom. refreshment s 'were served and Ina- - tual ha ths M. L A.. this year friactivities club the M. of bell Lo Tamminen . entertained Hardcastle. John Hilletrom, Oliver, Mee, or the linen. la dandy. a There w. turquoise the linen at the culla. Large bone buttratil '' O. Forsgren, in honor of mrir Walt decided that a book was steed- -' Aram 1Minerea (dub members at her, home day afternoon one and Nageba Apos- tons fasten the tyldly cut tunic. of their members, hien, bothPlowatan end Opal Knudson enters Thuntday afternoon, ed which would orseaut the oultiscs of Salt Lake. King Drigas, to make near future the in who R. Robert 'amen rit clear. ceedahle. and ruecinct way.. In e Alexander...And Jessie vvi,,ee a ' her honor of their brother L'arl. who dee for an extended trip oflihnie.hloti.olnoko.and to Bur- Pitr.hkdorsi.sho ' 'lle,eeyed. and - music. Refreshments were Miss Vera Amos has returned 31aohtnouandenryin "ThErae !imisoksolet reeled on Wednesday for Washington. Wyomigng. Bertha sucworbd.ak.. it Mrs. days here Catherine May. both of Marshalltown. The Missionary' Ii, C., where Se. will enter the or- - --ley. bloho, after spending theEadies' alienist John Mr. and is' A tells how to chonso a subject tor de-as Atd met Wednesday afternoon with with ler Parents, accountant. dinante department , Iles. son Pierson and Hereon. was sehems color H. Amos. S. tho effertieely Jenkina and Mamie L. patrioticOut Benjamin Barrett. Mission work AMERICAN FORK ,. carried have Been visiting in California whollirs in the table deeorations. A was to China how Koehn. evidence. meetof Bastin the both of of choice . the rebut, and subject sandy. returnad to their home in American Ina. the members preoent each ............ low cut bowl fined with bluebells. area David W. Smith and Dora L. Croft. various other matters in the conduct giving Fork. sed--for the eenterplece and the pla,o 'both of enterville. TINTIC Harold K. appropriate readings on the topic- - Mrs. . son or mrt. Ell- rs. Cleo Sinclair and Reidy Drees J. of a debato. C and favors were he keeping with than. Er9wA. Brown an Patterson DaVid E. Howard and Lillian interesting-retardgave IA ..hoole, G. 11 you wish you association to Min, 1104,14...jziarrie41 idattinticy, itio"Yild.' ....tro,94,,xwatf,i Pk Ab , recent JiyaniamitLostootista ifitilt''''''Veilolell'a both of tiateh, Woods for' as Callfornia. 'k'earny. III a ten n furleave er911, -Leo for y they i of the Abgries. ftsremuseett and Mr. f lough. dinner nocteties of the statts at Sait r Pr"eri"c5L '14'444 end ceii-- a 'a: stiiiiiitt. Niel Mn. Nelson was a ,,ssit bet with tew Knudson entertained with a LaketLaka Mitts Mallii Thervaideon here spending Floyd a, yhee Dorothy chipmart or Logan hi, visitor Fri day. both of Salt Lake. City. without this volume. It is the Yew, day' Y Baldwin. number of reading and musical num- - here aosiatod the hostess Ltate Fellow in classes of young people Mr. small , the guests of her mother. Sherman of Los for serving dainty Angeles. Cal.. thing parents. Mr. and here were rendered by some of refreshments. Local people who were., visiting at and Myrtle L. Bradford of idagna, Utah. who are engaged Chipman, Sr.. this weak. in the party were thetyire. James Clinton and her Salt Wileon Ohre were, Mr. guest's Those of Mrs William C. Roberta of Sugar week Steele Laite and this D010141. Amer- Fred City AlslISH FORK. , , - three imal) children have visited for and Mr E. F. Birch. Mr. and Mrs Idaho, and Florence E. Koller of Sait BOrND IN CLOTH.. . ; and Mrs. C. W. Knudson. Mr. and him', ican Forks latest volunteers .. 710 left Fort Waidamer Call. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley' Dtuislas Tuesday fternoon for -; Lake a weeir-vilt3,14 and Mrs. George A. N. E. Dahle, Mr. and Mrs. R- - A- - WilFlori-- i DESERET NEWS BOOK IITORK Mr. and Mrs Floyd Knudolort.cia, tHicks and tHorsiy. Mrs. other relativist D. WiBaldwin. T. fmnild etoire E. son and Mrs Huddieston of Port An- p, ifoII entertained the ofti- they will take trp military! Mrs. Main W. ' Miss Bene Spencer of Evanston. Wyo- leers of Sego Lily Came B N. of A. son's husband is in lbw military' sere- S. C. Jenen entertained at a rides. Vitali., and Clarice G. Klein of ..ming.34tsis Muriel Horsley. Mime Juno; e tbirthdaY Bangor. Ile. pfitorta i 1, EA atirht Wednesday evening ii.e4 Oren. work, ice.m, fti evening . Thurrday Price. Miss Olive' Jensen. Miss Irma, girl friends atBooth sibitertallied Ity Moor. . About Joh, at oft"' 1"'n"r r hr.!' Rodney William McKell of Salt Lake candy pull Tuesday oecuPted the ttme. Tr... hordes' Florence. ani.: Marjorie Knudson, Dr. evening it being a her ilinnsir in EL Saturda honor and Bernice ed Marvin en' and of re t. .'' ber spent by , birthday. An Chief's. ill present daughters Blanche and Mar-- , visitii 4 mmhers of the Iore fam II y a d(11'n..S.4'''- -' J. W. Slime. M-r- Frank Rasmusaen, and yeyable time was spent. t gavot and Miss Andrew AL Anderson of la n en juju ... ening, li h ich included im,la Measkan served a!Coverswere laid for 12. l'itYcy Knudson. Mr. and Mrs. I. i t Utah. and Alice May Rolfe Orangeville. of Hunter. including Pratt were ths disinty luncheon.. Besides the members . DIE n d ' d the& .. Mrs. J. Barrett was the honor guest rUPpt of Mr. DROPS OF MAGIC! following Se' Emil A. and Mrs. James Adams of the society titer? were present as P. Malmberg of Sandy 'and guests: MrLI Red erele .ITIt On ii,--at a. farewell party on Friday after- - tyogy. .i,tety Hamion , Mrs. Ed Collett,. Mr. andi The ph L. of Mrs. Hilda of Mrs. bison borne Lake. invited Salt the rsFrank at la StUb'IS. guests. noon. Needlewor k and a dainty lunch, Mr. and Mrs Nate Robinson Mrs ".11The time James Moore Lewis E. Schwaker of Sugar City, wers;Tom Mesteorn. Mrs 31argaret AVareer,John di being spent inere the featuree of the afternoon and hosts W. bloorstgal.a ReIdaho. and Myri U. Hooper of Los An- and Mrs. RaLY party this week. the RedCroas. doing work for 'served. CORNS LIFT OUT the party included Mesdames Barrett. guestsatweredinner sirs Mrs. Charles Mr. W. S. Itobineon. of The, and Newton Fred! We lOtt, Cat Miss , were this Chrietie Chime nes pleasant- - iron c v isited John C. Thomsen and Lydia G. Hap- Tuesday with Rev. and W SW Mabel Wg et Salt Lake City worth. a Theo. lira, bee; of Grover. both I Wyo. Mrs FityLawrence Kesler rof Ogden its spending a few days in Mammoth , I,eo L. Warren and Minnie It Crowe. . f ., 11,....c.".rieJeasee..entertained on born a D wi.h visitirg larth bee'parentir.--Mof nianclooT.--IdalioSo simplerDitifralittle 'Mrs. L. O. LaWrellee6 di Mrs. William McComb M. Henrichsen and Johannes of the kappa honor in Thursday evening The ochool orncere and A flaagensen. both of Salt Latta of Mims Evelyn' McComb. Freezone on a corn birthday ers of Sunday ?h. Third . ward . touchy at W. thet splendid dinner was served. Johnson. Idaho k'alls. Ida., . George gohn T. Spencer!. home of Mr.and-MrsOn and Ethel L. Stoddard. Rigby, Ids. instantly that corn stops hurt-pleasant atparty was given laat Frday evening and gave the Abram Weblin and Mrs. Burnetta G. of Miss ----the bums, -evening .. - andii party. Mr. havelMiktre'd The time was spent Mahlin, both of Duncan. Ariz. inzi i en yotilift-i- t off sith 3tra Spencer- and their Carl W. Johniton family -- 't in music Parsons. Tounm Etto following and -and games. lived tn Spanish Fork for the both of Bolt Lake. past slatt guests were prese ic.11,17ni;t(il...cliyitScmoiwth... the fingcrs. No pain! Try it. Yeara, taken have z. and g Mae They W. Arvin Gen. L. ,prontinent st, Tiffany Taylor. DA& 'Unite the religious work of the cont. munitpa in Lillie Steedman, Ittas Nellie - both of Salem. Utah. .. y and will be greatly missed by tan. Miss Earl Cbarles 0. Hill. Jacksonville, Fla.. Lunt. Royal Cornieh.- milMr. Spencer ham taught, ton Cornish. James many friends. E. Rosa rota:. American Durrant. and Brady-anKenneth . in the schools and has also enUtah. Iva . The family left ILew.as. gaged in bunesia I. of- the- te Mackentrang and Hazel gave - WiiiillO for Sandy. where they willtheir leader. Kingsley Saturday , Thatcher. a very Johnson. both of- Minato. Utah. make In At home future. the the: thir , eve.r I party on Friday hi end- wueie were enjoyed pleasantMr.surprise Thatcher will leave tomor- a nine. chElEbtatil---Tsertied. 4 Couldn't ... Take .Advice, LaVern of Beckstrom Benkun , Inimie,Wketilrhilter.rhrwitrme. Thum the club iLtirtained ' Lady. were the features. Be Farmer 11 Wouldn't a afternoon.Ilefreshments were! The repels' present Were , like devil Mr, and ' businesio meeting. I..Ntra. r aar M Barnes. Mr. following Ray i Th .' earls ward a Leland rave of the Mr. and Mrs. Jahn need. Mr. . corn be tbe a "Better Harding, eon; farmer, eve Brigadier-Genershower al we have ,or and Mrs. Kingsley Thatcher. Bishop for r'r 711I's ela n" re fleck,Monday a ...,,,, o ,, tme; Thomas E. rhatwtn. Mrs. L. Prancia. .row while you sleep!" wt. It Mrs, Beteraon, This remark. addressed tO me In air. and Mn. Lloyd Moore left Thur.- - 11Ire. W. J. Whitioch, those Mrs. Margaret Brown, about my sixth year by my great-uncleta) tnr Malts. 'Idaho where they spend' 3,1. ',ow!, , sir,. a "farmer in central Indiana .litt,m, r On their ranch. They were; Iit,e,on.i , as a food Anted as tar as Idaho Balla, by ..... long in my memory. There lingered M r'. 17,..nrge 11001410Whe Win yANt ...Oere wee no disputing, his philosoph r. cor, . i I 1111 11.4 daughter.- - intelligently planted and- - tended,undcost. grows at night tut well as by oubtedly choke of xeed demands day. Ilet-thGRAY HAIR REMEDY PAYSON. Judgment, and the preparation of the soil and the subsequent Care of the i Mrs Joseph Barlow and children of TO Calm reeeare a 12411" et 17ullta growing corn exact hard labor... MY Ss,t A few cents boys I ihnr bottle Tbst Will Darken streaked. r have returned home after a its best. earliest Impressions Of farm life cani a ' Elated tire Hate' pi,asint here with her of Freezone at any drug store. not be dissociated from the long, la; )4r. str.d MM. Oscar Loveless. parenta. 4 This is sufficient to rid your feet borious days. the monotonous plodThe lbsses Nellie Curtis and flap- 1 I or streaked Gra faded can y. of hair be o of evt-rtla h Jones returned the incidental hard conk loft corn, or I 1 Monday evening' I inintediately made :black.- brown or ding -., from conetant chorea". the anorehensions corn ,salt where Lake. between the also they toes, all P '1''''''''" attendd11,ght brown, whichever shade you de- as to drought or flood. The country Slettl cocoa i 'it the: 4 finest. sugar. calluses, And without the slightest . b Y the use of the fOlieWing rem- wasmeeting held Monday afternoon' , sire cousins .1 visited In Indiana and Illi-- 1 soreness of irritation. :ktrs limy Monson t. etlY that you ran make at home: It doesn't , and baby daughter were nois all too busy to have much , r'',Irt,-,- 1 horn. sunday afternoon from hurt at all! Freezotte is ibe muck .L-NMerely get a small box of Or.::x I ni' - talked ot -- magic ether - , d3vg vtgit Mt Pleasant with Mr, powder at any drug store.- It costs time for play. I toted, to stt-o' : thel lb., , I and 1 discovery beside or fence ''h .- J.0101s011 Monson- - ' the ra'":1!: 1 tramp boys 25 and !only to no extras of Cincinnati cents, the buy. So l'its genius. Artimeela White.- - ans ' httla4Sissolsre it In one ounce of water and they- drove the plough, or watch. the easy. I 3 lb. home returned have from a or trly the 14 the hair., Full direc- - girls milk 'a. Ls,,.....nt visit in Solt Lak with her 'comb it through ' an 4 ' homeoppressed by .overmamering ; daughter and husband. Mr, and Mrs tiont for use come in each box . i 6t Walkingshaw. , )03cco4 You need not hesitate to use Oriest sickness. And when the .night shut , : , and the insect chorus floated-Mrx. LAyina Montague and daugh as a S100 gold bond comets In eaeh down 41.r Mril. the Into Cowan. the Frank have quiet house weal , . 1 guaranteeing the user that ries Intensified. ; IN ' ire :n Salt Lake with Mrs. Cowan. powder doe's not contaM silver, lead. P ,d...,..:Mer. Mille Edna Cowan. and his father foreb.ers My CO. , wer3 -, ani mercury , line coal alat3 Kra sulphur I- -"tmtl' Ir - - - 1 lMce)""lek .'the- born end hred Since 1152 afternoon for tar pr cod uc t s,or their derivatives. left her Banda, San Francisco s if YOU they --scratched the earth all the way to. their old home at 4;allipolls.tGet 11' it, 'cost- boa Paper Hanging, 11, mr mccornsick wij.i., he AwAy, want ,to try it before buying a box, from North Carolina- Into Kentucky ita weeks and Mrs. McCormick send us the cotipon below and We Will end' OrrintoTIndiarro-and-litileteht.--I Cleaning,..r.1 the children will remain ail swum- - :send had just returned, last fall. from a I you a free trial package.. 'Window Cleating, , to Visit of the my grave . grandfather Mrs. Clifford Bale was hostess on , IltREE SAMPLE In a country church-yar- d LAS In central 0110k kit afternoon to the ladies of the Calcimining, tr.".., (Men Manufacturing Co.. Dept, III which- - the- - corn Mood Illinois, ,4,PY Hour club. Sewing and social 101 Ikvkman St.. New York, N. Y. In olemn phalanx. when I received General ,House Cleaning. the sunrises and dainty re: I have never need,Orler. Please a note from my hay, ownd me Free Trial package 7.,I,:.:i3,1,,,,nvdrizt. at Snyteld'er, .. Spanish in in whom I had Konettally looked for Phe'ne 'Wasatch 4256. , ' h eti friend s. 4 plain wrapper. atavistic tendencies. From hie school Mr, Waiter Hiatt of Salt Lake is hers . in Connecticut be penned these dei Names. .. '' James Matt. :; ,.'"1.- - - - ..7 his brother, Ur, visiting 2,7' '7' 77 ' ! ;zt hpr Mends. Street...... National Houseaeanmg Co ion4A,Na ''' - - "'Veili.E"AlittliitVAIPreiligelin - woreffulthat q ,,,ZUtave decided never to za,,,, State the school was marched n''''''t prs,r,,,,t,:doulaw,0:c, teachers Pr--- the at her home : three miles IPA farm where s , 56 Post Office Place. .., (AdytkrtioPment) 'on Thaosday afternoon. 'Social. ea. I picked beans all atterneed and , 'then i - , ..-' 4 , , . - ,- Cervalla. erican FOrtearne--Pranca-Bea- da-et- . vt Cayley-t7hakes- peare ' -- Adlik ..sa TroPical-Actuariu- edfish ' m " )fril; -- ' - , - 14 n Humme---Africa- ' , trand-ges-tor-you- r- Los'Artgeleir-----.0;...:..-,t....,e- k ..Bomba--Ghoat'-..,- . poetry-11110- -1S1. ples - -- Safroni-Middleto- , . - ily-Hi- story , --- -- -- - - . , 1 11111 lo . - f - St.....-Ba- . 2L-G- eklen - . - i . Feattle-,,Neeeepm- eee. - he-i- - ff s . . riteele--russ- et v !,, , , at - . ,........ DEStRET. EVENING .NEWS ..S;tItRDAY 'APRIL ' 13 1913 l' - ",.'-ii- ,ts-- - ,..1. ,,, . . , 3f,LILL Iti.Ite i,- --t' - - 11 ; , , , . ' . .. lb. week Horsley. Earl J E. Idots and rind Mrs. James Knudson. Alestrs. went to Salt Lake City weed and Jay Koudeon Mid tee, al,e,,es Oral Harper ,lolddr,t,,.: r4ol'iltl,m11;t1nresie;er).,,,a,r,i r writteedio eiyinionziemlitnatt:netribtromtherca. ;11Nri Fort at cit The Ieagle. Pertinent of the of Erantton Wyominc, Earl kotka- - mi., ... part wasin tornitimtintOntO 51r, WerIntoOnt tef week taltathis clutysvisiting her pivotal'. P,11. wbo leOVOS the severs.. i Hiss Krtudeon Is attedding scan,' at Oiashirigron, D. C. to enter . ,tbe Universa l. !Arlen of Naiad, Idaho. Went le-- trice mi., Koakt,rti Kindergar.1 The olto meeting of tt afirrneou With hOr &UM. Mrs, Crookston. in is Visiting Der ten club held Thursday nos -- well at' lenst.n Fitat crape". Preet,,terian the one of the soldier 1 tht, la trate. Keith Lam, Pettingill Mrs. Abel ta tendert Kearny. camp at Tour ''W net 1.,10,.. III triainwth . his Boson, the sublect beingeelerdid ideas ',ermine a le day furlough lielli Mir i' hilt Might Be" '"me Wtilarn Utah. of ' trionde and i'elativea in of Idawere developed in ELthe votoey follow litighy. ed Mrs. W. J Chandeler t n3 An open nature, and he; is visiting in this city. a guest of end ..,me instrumental aelectious ono sirs, George H. Entr mr, Wert given , te,diele , Charles TillittOn of Ogden Tee Seen Lily caolyi et the Daughters, Mrs. linkharn visittog o f th e Po neert eno,ted Thurtdav ev- e- spent thWoreit eel in 1:iuire nteg merTri-rvi'- gri Hannotr-isfy. f water, Where the mein bcre aith relatives and tana, la viaitiog Mar seeitiOn A very elitendidof program vocal a that In city. friendt e Was carttd out coneittiog son of Mr. II. P. Fortgren. a real:rig solo y ',mat, Lafayette jeneer, on a Watkins. violin Foto hY and Mrit, ,,,Jitte Jensen. isat borne ' by tailMrs: Ellal'eator,' San Fran- Of tbe itie furlough from Fort beott Ivry oho 1"1 It m.o. Mr Jeneen if l0f)iiing given of the late Mrs Ann It Burt his with to volt i as and and ie. neon glad irvii2e le in.. well h Airs. Vele were atio tnri., again, peelail ita.reettlus. W. A C ittrlan of NePhi s sumber i't "I.P',"us "1 br ;Vt..", Mr. and Mrt. few ria y g Of that. week in this rrlittal Jeripeop,A. West and Wqris E. I.k..1,.,t, 'letting Jude end 5irot J. 1J,, Veil Mrs trlaue.,,,,1 ht. Mrs. ,tozeph and Dr, and Mrs- C. II. Bryan. Mann. , tin Saturdae everting 5Irs.JD J. t) Can ,vvva.........--- , Dr bThor erenged a dinner pa,rtythe LEHI. Judge hay. r busbande birthday, c rear hert tile even bait hundred . mark in fife's journey. - Tn.. ratite ii MI risme ece a hug,- birth dey eiieo caarain ciar,re roller, who' pa a trpi M r Fort trout s wt."l'al, home for A weeriCs furiough with its Di eandis f the t Cnirne ,i,. twit werinostay :veninglighted ea,e, Cardie, members Catiforlife of his by rairrie eieriti mil). ;ra hi, new poet. Po rt Artninr, son. of Mr. arnati ons aere,I for nisi- - Captain,. Cotter is the aay of bperaph,, of the used in the decorations and the family -end Mrs. J ta. Cotter and Is Ofilo United , Guests' entire in the enroyed a pleasant. reunion. captains -W. A. C.I younge,t Mrs and Mr were force. present States fighting Itra,an of Neabt, mr, and mra, ti cl A min mreilhif wart held in Orr Lehi V. Call Mr. and tO . V. Mrs., and Mr. toDerially call. last Saturday W. A. Call. Mr and Mrs, c. Kitahernacie the treed of the third Libor , -- - Itra of 'Willard.' emphasize Bryan, MIs El iza- ,Da vis tY insn, Mrs Eliza Nelirt and Esther Stewart, W. Toting; Jr. of Flan !Alto Itieherd Of ' American; of Prove, George Morris HI 'meeker of. the evening. Thri Evans:was Pelee Nitwits rile Idaho. and Fella ladies' band was in atteridence J.nnitaeorwm., Florence Ehudson and 1 numbers.- and Miss Amy gale ftmr "The Thelma Wriet. rillit Without s iris Sang, to bootees was beri . Nelson boy A. Etna presented three J. The aortal club en lionday evening. bonds in 1.,,tecouts, wbo "old 10 or inore . geets Ste, the second Abrahamson, Mr. end Mrs. Foeter WhitPie T. Gil-- ' The boys honored were BYron OHL who mullion, lin and Mrs William who tiold Hi bonds: JitlePh Mr. Tiller. ney. Mr. end Mrs. George and who Morris rroM 13 Roberts, and bonde. Mee 3. roott,M.neWilitintory. Mr. bonds. iolel WhiteCharles Mrs. I . J. long, Mr., and . Goodwin entsirtelniti at a . I Mrs. It Lparty Wrth. In afternoen Friday entertained oil birthday Mari Ctlytnnti ire ses. of her honor Lapriel's. daughter. 10 Monday evening In compliment to lair children en- About brother. Elder 1larvin Wright. who re- - enth birthday. aftthe games. afternoon playing eently returned fro m a trileSIOD to the loyed The hostess "erred er which refreshments were of reed. . northeren statesMr. and Mrs. Virgil Goatee Sugar I d,nner to 14 guests arid thein remainder of the evening was pentlistening City. Ida., irrived in Lehi Sunday for to musical election' and a number et an extended visit with tentret1 and friend. They Sr. now guseta of Me 1 Mr. Mrtiebtie mistramare---experierice. Included Eider Marvin. and Mrs. James H. Gardner. The sorest Mr.1 Miss Blanch Webb spent tut week Wight. Me and Mee Orson Tingey, Mies Melba---- Ballnee of I Mrorlitorte444eletmeMs. awl Aterrealislitng with Lake.-G. ..alt ii. air. mai the. A bundle "bower was given Tuesday Mrs. Oliver P. Mr. and Bergeron. Mies evening to honor of Mrs. . Delta Mrs. Clifford Tinges Thelma Tingey, Miss Amber liamsom Broadbent at the home of bee Mr- - and Mrs, David Roberts. dies Bertha Tirigriy. The members of the L. B,11. telub Ir. and Mra II. C. Hldbrook. 1,0 L I were the guests of Mrs. Fred Holland have recently returned afternoon. The afternoon was 'loner, field in New Zettiand.aitein'il Friday -- le. friends Geltivtiomo'., ireilb;piaPtif it itatastrassiiMrs. Mary Ktrkham Call. ler. ' 1't- 41 t i ; Californta. .L." .1,-- 4 i: : - "I''')1 ' .,,.. Mrs. ,, -- . ,. -- 4. . . ,,, itH 1 -- , , ses-- - Boxeld,,- tire-ho- ,--ro-dectie 1- .111- t , ;, ... '''IL i , oli r:-.- ' ' : l " 1 ,,. a. .. r ! f.il ,, , .. ': --- . ....., . 4. , 1IT , ' 4'....i - , 1 If: : Neninm-Crenonni- ytr.. , n- - s Pi C. , , , 1, ;, agra r, rj .. -- . ;, t ' - - 11111 i . 9 caucone-tresi- I ay - -- Viratar, US. Marine Corps tribute -- . 1 , , nrs.' s 1 e, - , 2,...,"Kr4 - , ,.. , At your grocer'sin cans:: atablespoonful : vt . 1 y ! - I lb. makes.. : - - . the-co- ws - .. '' I ' , - - I - A HOMEi MADE S ; - . 1 cup. - , . '-'J-zi' .4 st isooa - -- , House Cleaningl - -- - -- - -Paper -- , .4 . , , 19 I: I (27111 BP,Am. .. ' '.'. qiiii;omaAin,..,a..1.-M.1.1!,,,- :',7,- -- TV1)11tartin ,- . - - ' I ,'-- ' , , .' : '' I , c01-PON- myallil Shocot - ... i tt.,,,, '- ' , - -- fifteen-year-o- . ... ' ' - :- el btOl-fartn- the-boy- , - , , , . , , . . -- - ld lit , ......., . . ., , . ' 1 ttratilirthyer-lienbeheewiu.1- the on chocolate" (and Waller's word it) of us who must "carry on" at home can look to chocolate that will yield the utmost' strength and nutriment in proportion to the In Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate you get chocolate at It is sustaining, nourishing foodan' ideal blend and pure ii 1 - tEilood7ralUe of , If "men fight ,t - . Anat i ..... 1 re 7,,'' : - '46'''"' . d01131 01 , - it- - I 66 , (5 o, I . . -- 11 1. i t . ' asssist-!0el- ,'" bate. I I , - - , - .... ' l i . . - Just-a-me- - ;, e ''t , .111 .. ), ,..,1,1 ( t d f gearngen.club ', '.3 ,,:'' , :'. ' ltivI-1300t- " . ,......., :7 - , - . |