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Show THE JOURNAL, LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY, Jr AGE FOUR. TuVsclayrpiemrXTJfflr UTAH Almost 3,000,000 acres of land of Americanism, The 10,000 posts of Bair where she will visit for Athletic Show Progra- mnow. in are included in North Carolina ' are tho arranging Legion Program for the athletic some time.1 Alfred and wife .cooperation with the National Wu--f game refuges. H"8 FUN! show to be staged in the new returned home Saturday even. has 154 accredited ITS EASY! before Georgia to ion at Association, bring arena over the Consolidated ing. the children, the parents and the negro physicians. Fish stories did you say? Well Wagon and Machine company, Eduration in during general, public during the dates of 'the Cache Barnett Cornish has them tuckThe 1930 Oklahoma spring pig. a proper appreWeek, Nov, County Fair, will be announc- ed up his sleeve after a two showed a 30 percent de-crop of schools yesof the what ciation weeks fishing at Island park. ed tomorrow. There will be from that of 1929. crease schools what the have done, terday Miss Louise Rawlins has gone on Tuesday evening, SepimYouths from Russia, Canada; the and of are doing, today followto Star valley for a visit. She tember 16 and one the are tonior-"HonBelgium and . Columbia OkThere was a man wealthy and vibe portance of the schools of -, oil engineering at ing night, with complete new accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ezra intimate studying more a ' well as as I the for row, parents life; Who thought hed buy wifey a prize, are each for Speed Cop Scratched night. Childs who visiting here honor programs . ; the teacher for living well. I understanding f the school system lahoma university. An driven by There will likely be a big show this week end. automobile So he railed in his daughter ; Dr. J. C. Anderson, Texas , u Kenneth Baugh and a motor- the third night of the fair, by Mrs. Fenton Hendricks and The above principle is a eon-individual alld the the And they went and bought 'er of A ns-- , $420960 seeks cycle on which Jarvis Freeman, using an ail star cast of for Leah Harrison were in attend- tractionThe from the words officer, importance of our schools I community, city speed cop, was riding, colance at priesthood meeting Sun- fotle. The teachers of American joutn health, work in the state, a overestimated.' be ramiot i They lided at the Intersection of day and while there they visited 100 percent increase. First East and Third South Boosting Peach Day Mrs. M. J. Harrison, their grand create impressions which only death- are the soldiers of defense for the & evercan obliterate. are the Bottling They is of streets B. inn Contest C. Crystal Call m BrigEditor, our last evening. Freeman public," 'Send in jour last line folure degtiny ot mother who has been ill for Attorney was slightly scratched and ham City, was a business visi- sometime. Thire is very little lasting foundation of democracy Furniture Evhange. Vi West 1st North, before Saturday, the message of Inspiration from O. while bruised. and tor in Logan today the first. A ease of improvement in her condition. aud our republic. Latest national comSeptember 13th. The last Ijne niust.rhjme with here- - took occasion to invite Mrs. Hendricks has been select- NATIONAL EDI CATION WEEK iL. Bodenhamer, . -- Sod Water will be g'uen to the Prize Winner. friends local , mander, of his a nuilber Furnishing Library ed as counsellor to Della Allen' The American j Legion recognizes - Final contracts for the fur- to attend the big Peach Day who is WIN IT! president of the Cove eduration as the bulwark of our TRY IT! burned should when Silk new held will be of which celebration yam, the nishing library Y. L. M. I. A. These two with and Saturday, Marie Allen as the other counnational life anil the conservation smell like burned feathers. building at the Utah State Ag- next Friday ricultural college- - have been let September 12 and 13. A .won- sellor, and Hattie Price as secby the State Building commis- derful afternoon program' is; retary ought to be a good strong Pioneer Officers Meet with mutual teaminclude being held each day h- Pio- sion. These contracts certain items of furniture not rodeo and horse racing being Mr. and Mrs. H. Lester Bair Officers of the Utat in earlier orders as featured. had for their guests Sunday, S neers have been called to meet contained as curtains and certain Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bair, at the Relic Hall at 2 p. m. well are contracts decorations. The Thomas and Eugene Titensor on Thursday, September 11 2t to be filled acof Immediately of Ogden and Miss Mable McHappenings Have your fenders, body and the commission. cording- to Bride of Hyrum. Max Harrison top repaired by an expert. Quayle Recovering is The pushed being building has had a badly swollen face (Adv). LundahJs Iron Works. will Joseph Quayle-- who was gorNature and to completion rapidly the last few davs due to an ed in the left leg by an in- rpadv fnr use during the Tomahoca unruly molar. Thursday night "Marriage License. ot this KwfafbE theUTtofJ!Lg.uarter year., in Lewiston Dr. R. b Cove Section while From Marriage license has been Roskelly, who has recently- - loIssued by Clerk C. V. Mohr to covery, having spent a good Tax Revision League cated there, extracted, the tooth at the hospital. night at a be There will meeting and Edwin Harold McGregor Cove Mr. and Mrs. J. C. and Max is now smiling again. commerce of the chamber Corrine Frederickson, both of Fire This Morning room tonight at 8 p. m., called Allen and Mr. and Mrs. RayJack Calve, who had" one of The city fire engine was Ogden. i the local committee of the mond spent several days last the called out tills morning at the by greatest throwing arms ever Tax- - Revision league. week visiting Balt Lake and Citizens Watkins, b54 Prof. Wallace J. Vickers of the Bingham. They were the guests seen in Ahe Texas When; there" is road repair home ' of Henry league, now West Center street. Hot ashes U. S. A. C. faculty is the chair- of Mr. and Mrs. Mariner Hen- is a of harbdr police at Ing there is danger of auto had been captain ed the against man for this county. The pur- dricks while in Bingham accidents. Shoup, 324 N. M. side of a garage and a pose of the meeting tonight is Mrs. Clarence Allen was a Havana, Cuba. The damage to familiarize .(Advertisement) blaze was . the taxpayers guest at Mrs. Horace Bowles was estimate , t. ; 3.00. constitution- Friday afternoon together with with the proposed John Baison Recovers al amendments and to organ- the other members of the De Dry Agent" On Trial Over About and Mr. of Harvesting friends The many ize for the purpose of conduct- Lure club. -M. C. Rigby, grain buyer of Mrs. Hyrum Barson of Clark-sto- n Patent, Kid and a campaign for putting the Miss Agatha Hatch has rewas a business visitor ing comover will be. pleased to learn Newton, a at the home from turned amendments pleasant he Satin. jhr-tcounty seat todayr Mr. ing election. soru 'johiv visit with inends and relatives Rigby says the harvesting in at Swan Lake. She is rapidly ering nicely irom an operation about Bensons Enjoy Coast foi . appendicitis which he un- his section has been This clever recovering from the effects of ; completed this season. There A communication derwent last week. from Bis- a broken arm received some are only a few scattered farm- hop sB. Benson from his new time ago in a fall from a horse. .dress. Pump Miss -- Hazel Nelson and TCllda ers whQ .have yeLto.. do their home at Huntington Park,- - Cal- -- Our old time friends Mr. and EXTRAORDINARY. VALUES line: . Gnehn entertained at & lunch- thrashing. ifornia. gives the Information Mrs. Joseph Titensor were visiteon party Sunday evening at members of the Ben- ing friends and relatives last the that dresfor calls Efficient the to lines are a delight Their trim, are going places week. son the home of 'Miss Nelsons mo- India Student Here of Punjab, and family to their Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Titensor Then, again, the new higher waistthe Cajinder Singh housekeeper. ther Mrs. Henry E. Nelson. The effect things seeing the hearts content. Willard Han- of Idaho Falls were visiting table was centered with asters, India, has just arrived at collines and smart details are- - quite . business-lik- e . in Willard friends and relatives in Cove covers were laid for eight Utah State Agricultural sen, son of the late enough for any daytime occasion. In all the spend the Hansen of- - Logan, is bishopT-o- f and Lewiston Sunday and Monguests and ttp evening en- lege where he will In footwear shades and materials. wanted working the ward at that place. A get day. year joyed by music and social chat. coming school toward a Masters Degree.' He acquainted party was held last Thirty of the members of $1.95 to $2.95 Values Albert C. Titus, student of will study agriculture, with the week. The Bensons attended Cove ward were in attendance to agHarvard university, is guest of major emphasis given at meetiiig Sunday. priesthood time. EXTRA SPECIAL THIS WEEK Mrs. Varah R. Armstrong for ronomy. Mr. Singh is the sup- and had a wonderful, No doubt this will help the gov- Bishop Benson extends a cora few days. He is here, spend- erintendent of a 600 acre farm various organisations as most AAAA to ernmental experimental Invitation for friends mak- of them were officers and teaching part of his vacation which he has been dial he has used in traveling over at Panjab and to ers. California southern ing absence of a goodly portion of the United I granted aIn leave Quite a number attended the make a visit to his home. this country. for study States. airport circus at Logan Monday. tho A We carryselee-tioIf you want to see some very The most PP- largest fine specimans of foxes, minks, ular Keady-to- - T of Ladies ZMnrlMl.rt 49 .North Main ('teas 1ltnto Wear and Mil- badgers, skunks, raccoons and Coats, Bats & TI tt am i rT r Dresses at Roy C. Lyle, former prohibition rabbits, just dron Into J. C. Allinery shop in len's place and have Raymond edministrator, on trial in Seattte town. prices. a .Price Style show you around. It keeps him charged with accepting bribe from i , fl rum runhtrz. . t quite busy preparing food for mm them. The meals are kept in a refrigerator which works automatically keeping the temperature always the same. Miss Mable Wheeler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wheeler, What This .Man Has was taken to Logan Monday where she underwent an operation for an abcess on her hip. Accomplished At last reports she was rallying on" the Word of 22 Lectures nicely. Wisdom in the ward chapels The officers ' of the primary association held their regular . of Salt Lake City, Ogden meeting at the home rf Miss and vicinity, Leah Hanson. There was a full 150 Lectures over KSL Radio, attendance and an instructive Salt Lake City, Utah. Light remeeting was held. This freshments were served. 100 Lectures at Nature-Wa- y association is one of the most 'Institute, Salt Lake City. succesful organizations of the 20 Lectures in Hotel Utah, These officers meet at ward. Salt Lake City, Utah. the homes of the various members and discuss waj3 and 14 Lectures in First Congremeans of taking caie of the gational Church, Salt Lake children. Utah. City. has Christensen Leonard 8 Lectures in Barratt Hall, started threshing for the Cove Salt Lake City, Utah. farmers and the wav that old thresher turns out the gffain is 8 Lectures in American Lenothing slow. From the looks gion Hall, Ogden, Utah. of the stack out here he Will 30 Lectures in the Hotel be sometime In making the Dr. Ralph I. Shadduck rounds. Bigelow, Ogden, Utah. Fred Titensor was hauling 8 Lectures in Smithsonian his grain to the carsj today. Business College, Ogden, Don hasnt recovered the use Bio-ChemistUtah. ry, LECTURER, of his arm since giving it a t slash last spring but manipulates the lines very nicely with ' ' the other hand. He has to lay AUTHOR, "Credentials of off on the heavy work but keeps up his end every where else. T, ETC. Ralph I. Shadduck The 5:30 OSL car ran into Grover Allens durkevs the-othMcFad-den- s of Graduate Bernarr day and slaughtered half a dozen and made "auite a few College of Drugless others go hopping around favChicago, 111. Healing, LECTURE TITLES: oring spots here and there. National Post- of Graduate Mrs. Lulu Perry and children Graduate College of MediSEPT. 11 A returned to their home at Salt Interpretation of the cine and Surgery, Chicago, Word of Wisdom. A Health Message for all Lake Sunday evening. They have been visiting with Mrs Exclusive , Cotton Prints to Wear Rislit Illinois People. Perrys parents. Mr. and Mrs. of American College Graduate M. Morris and H. Price. Price 12- - How Colorful SEPT. One Thousand Utah People as Now, lndoorsor of Physiotherapy, Chicago, Miss Luella Wheeler accompaCured Themselves Through Illinois. nied them to Ogden where they Home Frocks for Later Fall After All Other Methods Had Failed. Four Years in spent Sunday with - Mr. and Mrs. Zino Hendricks. under V. G. Rocine" ChiSEPT. 13 Preventing Old Age. The Most ImMr. and Mrs. Hendricks encago, 111. tertained Saturday evening In portant Lecture Ever Given for People Past Licensed to Practice . in the honor of Phillio Hendricks. A ' If you're looking for that famous , Thirty. Nelly Don Dif-delicious luncheon was served States of Illinois and Orelook ference in frocks at this nominal price 77 well, and bunco made up the .even Jesus SEPT. 15 The Sermon on The Mount. gon. ings entertainment Those preA as Lessen on Great the exclusive Lectures and '1200 More Psychologist. than fast the the the colors, to finish, fabric, sent were PhilliD Hendricks, Ina ' Hope and Happiness. i Given on Mrs. Mr. Fenton Allen. and models. prints, the styling and the adjustability of the Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. Alma and Allied Subjects. 16 Nerves, Emotional Storms, Hysteria, Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. Rom-re- y Such a frock, for many times this pricewould be re- Work Given SEPT. How to Cure Them. What Nilson and Mrs. Vernon They Mean and . . by Dr. Shadduck Ii Chicago f Hendricks. markableand thats why both the discriminating and Doctors Attended was SEPT. 17 Beauty Diet and the Psychology of by Miss Donna Frandsen, daughfrom Almost Every Section ter of Nils Frandsen broke her thriftywomanwill select several of these new Nelly Charm. A Priceless Lecture for Women. arm Sunday afternoon In fallof The United States. Pons at $1.95. Sizes Fourteen to Forty-foing from a horse. More Than 1,000 Sick People ,SEPT. 18 Chemical ) Types of ; People. Bow Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wil- Chemical Elements Control Personality, in Utah Have Been Helped liams of Treasure ton were . and Success. Health i , Towards Sound health by guests of Miss Elizabeth Sunday. Dr. Shadduck in the last SEPT. 19 Curing Exhaustion, Anemia, Low Mrs. Mary Webster of Logan -Year and a Half. Food Chemistry. . Through Vitality is visiting a few davs with her The followers of Dr. Shad-ducsister, Mrs. J. C. Aljen. work number close SEPTl 20 Acidity, the Chfef Cause of Human Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allen Ailments. What it is and How to Control it. Mrs. Lavinia Allen to 100,000 in the United accompanied COLLECTION'-!- Green: Discount Stamps. We give S . as far as Tremunton. Saturday Lecture May Save Your life: States. where they met Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bair. Mr. Allen Joumed ,to Hyrum with Mr. and Mrs. jsvaa; Dante Rumor Here Again i Dame rumor Is going &r town that Lee Roberts of The Journal office is engaged to a young woman formerly of Logan but now of Salt Lake City. Lee was questioned but no results could be obtained, and the young womans name was Withheld. I. How Would You Finish It? 10-1- one-sho- of. I Ej)lj! - LOCAL NeWS o New House Dresses Personal Footwear Pattern -- , Seamless Pump In street and hasMhanew. that -- sier latest autumn ! , - ' smart J Bs n Announcing a New Selection of Famous , 1M pbp-ula- at 0 Nell'DotT'Frbcks ati.95 Hear This Free Lectures on- - . . Health And Practical Psychology ' Dr. er BIO-CIIEMIS- Non-Mormo- Hotel Outand ry 4 ry . Post-Gradua- v ur Guaranteed to wash, wear and fit 'Ken-mrgt- Mae Shop Shirley &H 'i i aaa 1 en ks 8 P.M. Mezzanine Floor GL |