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Show V MARCH WHEAT Open High $1.17 $1.18 I.OW $1,181-- 4 Close $1.18 3 a rrrn mi 1' A 3-- 4 A 8 3 t 1 UKNA Q 1) 1 11 WEATHER I'TAII Fair tonight anil Saturday? little ihange In temperature. Fair north, unsettled II) VllU: probably withl oral snow flurrieit poutli portion tonight anil Saturday, , , A NUMBER 38 LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1930 VOLUME LIII. Object to French JClaim for Large Tonnage of Ships Great Britian and United States Combine To FIRE Persuade France to Lower her Demand Would Involve Building Program RETAINS POST AT HEAD OF CACHE VALLEY RANK flGACHE POULTRY Senate Confirms I HughesNomination As Chief Justice Judge Greenfield Pro- nounces Some Exhibits Comparable to Best Display at Other DESTROYS Inter-mounta- E big - J ? Death Ends Romance '4 Vote of 52 to 26 Comes i After Hard Fight by Opposition in Senate Mr. Hughes Will Take Office Monday, in Show's. Fair Draws Much Interest February i 24. I With Judge Charles A. GreenBy Richard L. Turner By De Witt Mackenzie, field of Butte, Montana, complet(Associated Press staff writer; (Associated Press Staff Writer.) on ills of the ing york Feb. 14 passing (AP; Washington, The Mercantile exhibits .Thursday, Joseph A. AnLondon, Feb, 14 (AP) the barrier of senate Safely past derson secretary, was ready this United States and Great Britain approval, Charles Evans Hughes combined and. got quickly into All With morning to announce the prize Contents will take office on Monday, Febwinners of the seventeenth annual action this morning to try to ruary 24, as the eleventh chief show of the Cache county poultry persuade France to lower her Destroyed Damage of the United States. justxe sensational claim for 724,000 tons breeders association. The exhibit four-da- y A denunciation Several fiery of naval craft, a figure which started Wednesday morning. Febof the distinguished statesman would involve her building 240,000 close will 12, and ruary Saturday Thousand and Just as. the very peronnlflca-tio- n tons in the next live years. evening. It Is being held In the of Ums spirii-- of "big business'1 on Stevens Center Sidney building Early in the forenoon Premier Stamps Saved. ended last night in a vote of 52 street. Stunson. MacDonald, Secretary to 26 for confirmation of his nomAmbassador Morrow and Senator Judge Greenfield made the Idaho, Feb. 14 (AP) Castleford, ination. Tar-dieu Robinson met with Premier in Judging the various pens Fire of undetermined late growing steadily Opposition, of and M. Brtand and Marnner yesterday destroyed the or.gin cockerels and cocks, pulhens, Castleford and recalling in its intensity the lets that in the Rhode Island at the house of commons and Mercantile company and post-offi- ce battle that ueveloped in the senred and white Leghorn classes closeted themselves for a serious building here, w.th all its ate when Andrew Jackson nominthe were conference. as not exhibits if good contents, causing a loss ot several famous ated Roger B. Taney, better he had others than any last thousand dollars and threatening Frances figures Issued Scot Dred decision, of the author seen at shows which other poultry quarter rtf tho town,. for- - the proven ip Ihola he has attendedthis season In reaction from every other deleTheodors O'Donnell Hackers hus- numerically incapable of refusing The Buhl fire department prethe lntermountaln created region. total the Indeed, gation. Charles of Kalispell, Montana, confirmation. vented of the flames to adThe young pen of single comb band, Ladies Night something akin to consternation jacent spread committed suicide four months after Report Castleford citITankly gratified, Mr. Hughes in Rhode and the delegates believed they izens bu.ldings. Island owned Sec reds, by their marriage when he was unable to New early this morning continued oespoxe ms appreciation A. have at least one month of in- to carry Anderson of the raise funds to routinue her studies. of theYorx retary Joseph water in buckets to pour nonor and vtsi respon-sibuh gh Bank tense worry cut out for them in on the ilames Hotel Eccles Condition was At named as the They were in Cleveland at the time. association, still ris.ng irom Kerhad come to him and. tnat to solution this vital a reaching grand champion pen of the show, osene stoves m the basemens. a acknowledgment of addea, public understood was was from and awarded sweepstakes of problem. It his tnanks for tne generous ex- At the annual meeting of the the show. Among the young pens. Mrs. well informed sources that it was Three men in the building A. E. Shraeder of the American Me R. Gee presslons' that he saa ne had rehoped to persuade France to re- when the fire broke out escaped. R Mail Line Entertains With Talk stockholders of the Cache Valley Edgar Everton scored sweepstakes ceived from ail parts of tne naand Travel Reels on Orient duce her total to something like W. Gager, postmaster and owner of Banking Company held Tuesday, for the prize old hen in single .. tion. the substantial growth of the in- comb white Leghorns. From the the structure, said he saved his Sees Bodies 550,000 tons. and ideals The principles reladies stitution their the and Rotarians flock of Sessions but ( stamps of lost Wilson $350 and during past year demands in with a coat Since Italy parity service witn wr.tch to Hotel numof s, and lating the was pubi.c the which at at came dinner the Bountiful sweep-stakecock expansion burned. the j seemed gathered trance, there nothing forlife 25 years ago entered I Mine Ladies Victims of customers ber in for public all Eccles last a IS' comb Rhode evening departminThe single Dina G ranch, Italian foreign- - Castleford Grange,-- occu. and which i have tried to exempheard a - stimulat ng- - lec- ments of the bank was revealed land red. ister, to do but to enter a claim pying the second floor, lost rec Night AmPresilify the annual of of public otf:ce, he said,I A. E. the ture Shaeder by report ' a by tor similar' tonnage. "The opin ords ' and" furniture, Cockerel sweepstakes went to At least .one Logan resident was hold unaltered. Mr. Shraeder dent Frederick P: Champ- and the William Ewer of Logan, ion was expressed in conference piano, without insurance. .The erican Mail line. o of the mine When Mr. Tar. resigned' week-agseveral picture reels of reports of the other officers. The of the Cache associationpresident present the-nig- ht Grand! building, that a two-stohowever, circles, with frame showed of Orits Mines ot new the in home Standard because first his failing banks year Monday would hold his hand for the pre- structure was one of the first travels westward through the single comb white Leghorn. The explosion at Standardville in Carhealth and Pres.dent Hoover .subsent and await developments, built in Castleford. ient, the Phtllipines and through was marked by a substantial in- whining hen for hen sweepstake.', company on bon crease In, the amount of savings was the exhibit of G. W. Barrett county Thursday, February mitted the nomination of Mr. Palistine. since Italy already has Indicated in individual of Benson. . This was a Cornish 6, when the lives of twenty per- Hughes," it seemed proBtblff that The final of the attendance deposits as well that she neither wants nor apedntest between the two teams of checking accounts, the resources hen A Rhode Inland red pullet sons were directly - snuffed out his appointment would be spprov-- .. Richmond Cqw proves such a big navy. owned by L. 5. Smith of Logan with three Tescue . workers later ed by the senate without opposiRotary showed team No. 2 led by of the institution now remaining It was understood the campaign James Norflett and 8. E. Clark consistently well above $2,000,-000.0- 0 carried away honors in the pullet losing their lives. Mrs. Me, Gee, tion. The determined objection to persuade France to reconsider wife of D t. Harry R. Me Gee, that arose came as one of the with increased activity in class. as winners over team No. 1 led by Hangs Up 30 Day her claim would be conducted on was in Standardville on the night most surprising developments of Wallace J. Carlisle and Wendell all lines. Particular reference was a basis similar to that employed Much interest in the show has of the appalling traged. of the the present congressional session. W. Barber, team No. 1 losing cy made to the perfection Great America in approaching by Mrs. Me Gee, who is grand lecIts first manifestation was in one man. The rest of the Ro- bank's organization and the sys- been manifested by grownups ind Britain on the cruiser problem tarians were entertained at the tematizing of the procedure in all young alike, and the seventeenth turer of the Ladies of the Eastern the vote of the Judiciary commitThat is to of the two nations. annual exhibit stands out with Star of Utah was in Standardville tee on the nominat.on. Ail the dinner last night with their ladies departments. say, France will be asked to state 122.3 Pounds is Showing of One with five of the banks sev the best of previous shows of the lecturing to and training Eastern Democrats and administration Reteam attendance the Twenty losing she needs specifically Just why of 20 in N. F. Bullen were pre Cache association. The officers of Star members on that fatal, night. publicans voted for approval, bearing the brunt of the enter- enty six stockholders this total tonnage and why she to this the the organization have given much Mrs. Me Gee has just returned but Chairman N'orr's and Senator Herd addition in sent and contest costs. has The tainment f needs the tonnage she specifies in been going on for the last six class in banking from the school time and attention to making the from southern Utah, where she Blaine of .Wisconsin, allied with each category. has been lecturing for her lodge. the Representative N. F. Bul- meetings. During that time there of commerce at the Utah State exhibit attractive. independent Republicans It was said that America and lenState Dr. The full list of awards will ap During the meeting at Standard- faction, cast taeir ballots lor renow in atten- were only five absentees out or a Agricultural College under Great Britain were prepared to danceof atRichmond, tax revision Wanlass was in attendance. Ap- pear in The Journal Saturday. ville, she reports, several ladies jection. r ecognize ...France's right, to build session ofthe - thespecial - Continued - state - legislature, Five who were- - present were informed Norris then began what wasad- proximately 850 shares of 4he; more cruisers. France once had has received the information that their husbands who are mine mittedly a hopc.ess battle, but one outstanding stock of the bank a sizeable battleship fleet but she that Just a cow in his herd at Rich were represented in person or by gas experts had been called to the that toward tho end gave promise for abandoned these big ships Standardville mine to aid in loca- of victory. Quickly, he was Joined proxy. As a result her mond has made such a record smaller ones. in tests which have been made Trust Department under The ting the bodies of the explosion by other members of the indebe to such said that is position showin as Trust W. the victims. Mrs. Me Gee saw a num- pendent group, and one by one has Officer, valley Hovey, probably L, fleet action not could she go into not been -- equalled In any other ber of the bodies being taken Democratic members took their ed a healthy growth and includ, because she .lacks the core of a part of Utah. were 122.3 from the mine later. reported ed in its activities stand with him. Late in the day, pounds of fighting fleet, namely, battleships. butter fat in 30 days. While on her lecture tour, the yesterday. Walsh of Montana, the Three the continued successful progress to Again, France is anxious of a ton, or about that, of the liquidation of the Farmers Logan matron lectured at Eureka, acting Democratic leader, after know how far America is pre- quarters of butteraft would be the record Price, Green River, Myton and he would vote for conBanking companyover oftwo Cache pared to go on disarmament and production of such a cow if mainyear Standardville. She v reports the firmation changed his atutuae Junction, taken what the United States attitude tained for one weather delightful and the coun- and let it be known that he urould year by a single ago and upon which the stock' toward the League of Nations will cow. holders .have so far received 75c try beautiful Especially intereit-in- g cast his ballot for rejection. be. It- was understood Colonel 50.7 pounds of butterfat is the was the trip over the moui- Their strength increasing, the upon7 the dollar of the par value Stimson- would assure France that for 30 days which the of their stock, which is reported .America will continue as hereto- - average An on Man Continued Automobile Five Paee BulContinued from Page Fouf cows 20 Mr. which herd of the State Banking DepartHouses Discuss by len maintains .has made. ment as being a successful liquid Continued On Page Five To v. ! I Company Its Estimated at Dollars co-me- nt, Stockholders RotaryHolds Hear chief-justicesh- of ny E 1 of ry A Butterfat Record on-Pa- HENRY FORD TO LITTLE PROGRESS T Both Resolution to Amend SIGHED STfllBlEffTS Constitution - as TEll-O- F lates to LDJlUIEUilEHJlflYliGJflY in House. -- it Re- - Taxation-Amendm- atlon. Following the reports, the i rectors of -- the institution.- - werere ent Defeated ; , Four) (Continued on Page - nounces Intention Spend Rest of Life anc :$ 100,000, 000 M Fortune Founding Trade FOIMLII. Utah Woman S. StllATOR.DIMS FROiil IDAHO DIES IN 4 fe- MlllTOi - Fort Myers, Fla. Feb, 14 (AP) Killed By Auto Henry Salt Lake City, Feb. 14 (AP) announced Engaged in Prosecution of MorFord has mons in Southeast Newton Mother Fourt-teen Both houses of the Utah legislaYouth Disappeared About devote the rest to . intention his Idaho ture spent the forenoon sessiotf of Months ago Men his Merchants Should life his and $100,000,000 of A1 Accuse Each Other today in debate on their respec--to Mana, Utah, Feb. 14 (AP) auto- fortune to the founding of trade Answers Call At tive versions of a resolution Washington, Feb. 14 (JP) Fred lthough Kenneth Huffakers schools. as T. constitution it and member amend injured of the United struck Dubois, the fatally Be Cautious of mobile 14 Feb. Wooster, Ohio, Hunter He said he had not yet decided States section of the internationOther than Mrs. Jessie Worthen of Melvin Horst, hunt-- 1 lates to taxation. Local Hospital to last on' their number or locatiqn but al Joint commission, and a formthe Jail in an was lodged he and amendment since he disappeared nearly defeating that some of them would bb large er United States senator from of house Ad Solicitors ed the in offered the accident, resolution 14 months ago, was slain the day following night would and that they adsaid there was no evidence institutions Idaho, died at his home here tohe disappeared by one of two representatives, no concrete Mrs. Maria Jensen Jenkins. 66, a out at the preliminary be situated in various parts of the day. men during a drinking party, ac- - j yance wax made brought of ten children, died at mother country, Huffaker Merchants Bureau Indicate of 78 to National was the Dubois The problems presented. years of age. He investigation to signed statements at- - tion A desire to do all in his power had been confined to his home the hospital In Logan tola mornrf Investigations at Salt! Lake cording was to blame. to them by special astrlbuted ing, following a three weeks ill- - . City, through its General Superin- sistant Huffaker, 25, of Magna, stopped to help the young men of the only about a week after contract- ness. Walter J. Mrs. Jenkins was operated tendent S. C. Updykfe. has inform- Mougey. proseciftor after his car had struck Mrs. country find their places in the ing a severe cold. gallstones and seemed ed The Journal that advertising He had been in W orthen and rushed her to a Salt world, he said, was the inspiration health ubn ha!d continued ito J? Betti; ng along nicely until He said that his for - Lake hospital but she died before society some for folienors are operating throughout r but time plan. u , . ,,, uiiuii e The woman was said owes young people the opportun- active in his duties with the in- a blood clot set in near her arrived. this territory and securing adJ25!!!to substitute an income tax ?.Ian!-Uthrough ity to be educated for useful ternational commission, which is heart. for the preseftt mUitiple .have vertsing SdnSde ture Deceaseds was the wife oL John was he said ;; Huffaker tion. The information from . this Hanna another. taxation of 'mine bushy, engaged, on. controversies Jenkins'-and, vT,k - citizenship. Newton and was bom an of apout the fund A with bureau gives the following: lights Canada. (blinded by joint meeting August D, 1863 somewhere Having a definite plan, he said, declared the other killed the to create an endowment In Newast- - preaching car. on section the Canadiah to here the with Invest his jaed he Intended money discloses the fmoy My investigation while braska the plains crossing . resorc in his own way and did not want was just concluded. R. A. Their alleged revelations cameiln fo! lowing facts regarding with the pioneers. She was the was Crawford born in Dubois who from persons sponsuggestions breakeman Senator George lid war da, a passenger of Lars and Mariam Jen- after they had been questioned Utah Prospector never made or saved a dollar on county, Illinois, May 29, 1?57 He daughter - Angeles. t1 sen. The husband and eight almost continuously since Wed- - 8 working .out ef3ure, Yale a from A. million, should how he university Senator fic graduated spend California, on the Union Pac survive as follows Oliver nesday morning. They were the Part ta the debate, his colleague Mr. Ford blamed much of the in 1872 and later was a delegate children Irvine interrupted Dies crime Railroad and Who is manager and result of a new story told by Miner Pebble. Idaho; Way man. And Jenkins. and on fifteith the from in failure Idaho and veTai racketeering editor of THE RAILWAY JOURN- Junior, son of Char- - from Salt Lake county Wilford Jenkins, Freedom, and inwas He men fifty-firto schools teach congress. of his young .times to question him upon AL. Bryson Building, Los les Hanna. Von Berton, Moroni how to fit into the world. He strumental ' in obtaining admis- Wyoming Mrs. Richfield, Utah. Feb. 14 (AP) Angrles. Cal forilla, who has emHanna signed a statement in statements. George McCulloch. Jenkins; In to statehood Idaho of sion belief that anyone the which he said Conald coaxed the1 Senator Musser declared the Thomas F. Gillin, 81, prospector expressed Idaho and Mrs. William ployed solicitors Who are Pcgram, was first the , become afterward 1890, and is dead despite , the should learn a trade and and highpowered confidence Horst boy into an automobile in Newton, proposal would in effect bar and miner from that state, serving, senator in. some line of work to skilled of his mends efforts heroic men, many of wnom are not rail- - j a garag0 near the Conald home Ryan capital from the state of Utah, a mazing ten. The schools which he plans, Mr. from 1891 to 1897. road men but instead imposters an(j slew him. Mougey said. on Tues-irand facetiously offered an amend- -' 83 ve him ftom to con- - the New ton Ward chapel Intense heat drove Ford 'said, would be self support-- 1 After his1901 as a are and cla ming theyn representing o ciocx. Conald declared that it was ment which would provide it Wednesday. at aay would In Republican,! ana Academic ofk e rescuers would-bbe'gress ha. subjects of the rn official the boy in the should not take effect until the th Hanna who a stroke o taught in the lower grades and he became a Democrat and waS WHICH IS car anti thenputcried: ill nrprnie,inn8 RaLroad crossing gates of the My God! capital now In the state has a Gillin, crippled na- months several ago was vocational subjects made available a delegate to the Democratic FALSE, and they I believe Ive killed him ABSOLUTELY to paralysis lazv tongs design have been tn- reasonable up pull and! f904 opportunity were iu conventions as soon to as tional students they axe been scour ng their advertlsNeither told what became of stakes and move out' e () it t : i . fr ( fea-jh- of' wSr - ! I or-L- os 630-6- i ? -- t tr t t st 31 . 1 g. , publ'.-atio- i -i -- 1 tion, Merchants in Logan and Cache Valley should heed this warning. confessing I that he had (Continued on Page been Balt Lake county joined the de pght) (Continued on Page Four) His widow and one as well as mechanical training,', no avail. he said. survive. daughter ' v 4 , electric (Continued dn Page seven) 1 power when a train proaches. ap- - . I |