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Show THE JOURNAL; LOGAN CITY, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH. PAGE TWO i i I i J Miyyp1 THE .JOURNAL ....... EABE&FffSDANITfRfffcjgBFNgPPyf A?T JORDON Entered ( f lb Fwt mt -- day Sunday, -- f Logon. ftftb, RATES FURNISHED Off fPppiCATIOff is exclusively entitled to the ass tot republics Aodated frees W'm V h reserved. i f To-D1 W ay i1"' - , WJl!lIJI3iiIi4JI!I6IPll7!lll8llIii!IIM n '"'Yesterday ' .The above readings tfrh tifcen tfsom v y 4:00 o'clock each afternoon except Sandal. Tb -j- caterdsy Monday refers to Satunlrif'i reading- - fnOLMRIHY- - -- - -- r reeding eec i - RpGtfLAPannual buying event affording golden opportun'and th county, particularly ity' o residents of fpq city housewives, is "Dollar Day1? I the day when merchants of the city vaju-'vip with each orther in seeing wiich can offer the greatest cents the one hundred purchasfor ope dollar; and often for that er obtains values multiplied by several hundred per cent. Aside from the exact one dollar offerings are offered reductions amounting to many1 .dollars. It is a day of exceptionally merchant, who is throwing values broadlarge profit; not to th to cast, but consumers; general public. Always there can he founcjpmoiig the myriad offerings, some things that exactly rills the needs of the hour; and on past do- A. i i i 1 llar days we have' seen long qqes of purchasers lined up light, awaiting the opening of stores offering ,t gains. at Chapter If THE PETERSON REVOLVER bullet was flattened, but THE it bad a uuded but' a tumao life as IfacNair Suggested I had no means of knowing. See hers, Henry," I cried suddenly. havb ypu bid Jewrys cJorth ' ng checked ovejJ ; He poddej'. "sferry's khaki bljc lng clothing 'is missing. ff Tie couldn't have beep wearing oth kbakl an flanpels, hurst forth 'triumphantly.' I felt ''had ni', gained a point, s'1 Henry got up. Tm going into 4 town,1 he1 announced hrfefy. watched him' pajs' cut vritj) a was desfeeling ot uneasiness. r ba'lie yrs r Mao-Nai- It t count T Whom did you buy it from?1! h ' MacNair rapped out lfyde pretended to think. Lei me see, now. Ah, yes! An old uikn. he was, to pa sure. I dont know . his namp. I never saw hlof befhre. perately afrahf'of bis tenacity of Whet did be look like? - purpose. Turning to JkfacValr, I Hmn. He was quite old. I said: should say. hnd' bf less thah the ' irilddle beighV. ThatS About f all I "Yon know Jerrys innocence '' -- 'I jjrprin I A Complete Drama - J'''! in Himself - I L into a r"41 J. ; t Healthy LINCOLN, '"ni i lefVnp hWotjt Wow " The Grand . V' 0 Or Q Hell ! H si u( Hell Crack Your Ribs ! i 5 Vv Steal Your Heart With His Songs! M y: si A7D r I r 'With Hri Wi,t! OULL LOVE IT! A A ' 1 !13. &&& TBE4W and mST , To be produced oq f )V0V& JPAPHPP SJS ftrpipcd' ybJcoG 1 v An An Thing an Pr?fa!!r Siting iap.iSiPRg IJt EA , 'Yf'ERE riAfifiAiNs 4IY4JT you th everything in tbs worl to me Yon know my niece is freaking her peart over him. If yo i have got on to anything one way or the other ,tell toe what it Is. T don't bellevb theres an ounce ot pity in yout ' I dont believe it f matters ' to yog whether Jroung Jerry Js guilty or 1 Ji ? '"f- - 1 not! Frankly," be said coolly, It doesnt So long as' I hangthe pad or woman Who killed' pgden dont care whelher Its your Jerry, ffurle, the woman in black, Hubbard, Deacon, John Peebles, or bis v 1 ?I cat Polyandrla.' fr Hyde said smoothly. toniefr ' - tr" '!jybr 1 I shook my bead. N6, ' cost '$134,000,000.'- i 4Pai?wm-sO Cedar Oil all for I tie on GARDEN RAKE No. 3 size heavy vanized tub and hoard gal ?i;oo PERCOLATORS galvanizer ijpr at u True eVperedr $ 4 fA Ahaffw Ogdpn," said Nathan flyde. He telepTiobed me about tt, , at six oclock last nlghtl What did Ogden say?" MacNair f t inquired The dealer chuckled slyly. Re asked me Fbf Id $on) 'Flu! Alex petersoq revolver "Furle had lold ml. Lsaid It had goae krid I thought hed fump out of the tele phone At me,w Whos got vl barked. 1 fold him and he cool) , ' Sf!eJ- - and black enamel aARQEW doWn f a. Experimenters of the United ' Agricu- States Department Of lture have developed a sou as fer- a by Of product in the manufacture ! cocoa and chocolate. tilizer1 of pleasing pdor-- lVt quart aluminum fancy pattern "Tpc Temperci- Steel, 7 in. size - Woven Willow' ' medium size aa MU ! .! $1 QQ fiARRAGECANS I fV sieyfr PLATpi!n ft Knives and 3 silve S 4 match f plated forks to t i !1.Q0 pisiiPAijs, rnmtrtd 3 aa .y HP ( ' ,JV in. size Clothes Hampers J ! poa) 'hod, bo)h', 'ltrhe ' engineering Copenhagen firm won the first prise In an international competition "f 6 r plans for a free port and harbor estimated to at Barcelona, Spain, - Pitcher apd 6 passes hedidnt. "Have you'Any Idea where the revolver came fromT Not the allghest. I thing he realized that we didnt believe Mm tor he leaned forward With A confiding air. r "Heretf A tip thatll stir yon np. e'sold'ti4t gentlemen.' f fcould 1 A lion f fl'CEPAR u 2. f N9PT7IMAIN. 1 ' MacNair looked at me. "That was why Ogden telephoned you, So far as we know," MacNair 1 podded unhappily, overwhelmed jvent on, ffyde was ftp only one by a Sense of failure. It I had gone wbo knew you bad that pistol. td Andrew at once he' 'probably How Old fs her f would have been alive now. About eighty " (Coptfriah:, tif), Vm. tr arrow Coi Hmn! He wouldnt be likely to f fight like a wild cat," Why did Andrew Oflden want revoWerl it It ten "No. Although he ft a man ot thr Petereon s H netted wKti Ogden'd deathf The unusual vitality," story ' ift eentinued tomorrtw. mgr sets W4TR come He pat on his glasses and felt in the (ail of hi S ftprflent he fumbled there. JHs'h&nd came away emtityand1 1 guessdd he had been after pis' ouli shnff box. You wfere going fo say, Jlr. Mae Nalrf te inquired blandly "That thp name oj tpe man yon bought' the pistol from 'is Turl41t t ' MaCNalr raimed ohL Hydh chucked. Perhaps It was. vtr. Abueer"ejmj,'urle.'! ,To whotfj wchutinUed 'the Iron wllle, and leered' down Jinfo' the adjacent I' " Shrubbery. f Nothlhg else hers," be muttered. ? I did not feel eaual to (facing Lucy in my present state of 'mind, So I lunched with MacNair in town. We were Sipping ottr coffee When ' my companion said abruptly: YoU cannof definitely recall any Single detail of the persori of that man 'you fought 'with this morn S9 Pll , are qnlf) Wel),)tftoTOe( TchA 5S ES Fivij Days Dcalnninq flay 13 bfafcNair Ignored bis pretense of Had be a1 wizened forgetfulness. hp little fdee the cobr4ot' saddle leather,' red rimmed eyes," a shock of unkempt white kair, an yegi&?s on a wlr pnd the look of who bai. Jet us say, prospected tot gold all hls lifer ( ' 4 I thought Hyde was going to Joss his temper, Jn) ha gave ul Ms sip smile jdstead. MhcNair4 Jqnettion jl It t remember ot him." Dear mel'this memory of mine!" back left-han- d 5 f " on me, he Turning top drawer of opened the the desk and began to systematically examine ltd contents. ft mj reds was to be that of Watson f as determine that If Should an' active one. And so I began b'close Inspection of the1 library. 1 proceeded to fhe little railed balcony outside. Here') cams upon something that 'moved me deeply. dusting pf gray. white powder in size pnd form Avague!) mans suggestive of the Sore of shoe. I knew the powder might iave been deposited theliigiil be-fofs. iijppifti fSe Up b I A Huger into the powder, I put it to my ( 4 longue. Cement." I muttered,. "MacNair!" I called. When I pointed to the powder, hg tlropped onto fils knees and tasted ' Hmn! mnsed. h Cement, Liooks as if Come one who bad stepped ft cement' had Stood here. E puzzled' add thoogbiful, f got up nnd his vSBJErJ ' r Psleraon revoivee frorq.Furle. 1 : 1 if Ed Bl m - E)gp3HH?; C3J0Q r TtFFflrry-fPSH- I. i Movement Neb, May . fi 'S- W TH?ay camThe Grow Healthy Chicks (PH A national paign1 has 'become movement.' It Is designed to check the tremendous inorailiy ' rale ol chicks during the first' eight weeks, J t'r of their-live- s i George Jessel brings to thp screen in Lucky Boy every one of his amazing talents. He Is in this singing and talking feature production, presented by Tiffany-Stah- l, a complete drama as described by Ben' Hecht, and he bursts Into Songs many times. It will be the attraction Thursday, T Tfiafs different Sins t w German scientists have Invented an electrical process tor Saking- pighls compressed hydrogen that i Can jbe shipped- - l .containers long dis, tancfs jjhectly from water.' Two ?e"7 hymn' examination. f Chick g - r WP 16-1- ' i & - , Thurfs. Yf. St. 8 A SOUND Picture KiUecl Screen Will Soon Talk Friday and Saturdays at the CapInstalling The jUtest itol hTeatre. One of the features Improved Talkie Equipment of this Tiffany Tone picture id af ' arid dancing chorus. s singing HEAR SEE For the analysis of metals a V nil scientist pad developed a' device; AD jfhe Bjg Talkies Here in 'Which electricity Is used' to' Soon melt, boll and finally evaporate! steel, its 'gased being Isolated for r "i i .RFMW gions in America, t A hot1 desert Vind, blowing o the- Sand dunes caught hlbTpk. K -- s - i ' desert Then things- - happen rapidly. The native guides desert, taking the canteens of water with them, and leave the two crooks and their - prisoner E. S. Chamber City, May 15 to whatever fate -- - par- - Continued from' Rage One Ben Hecht, author and playwright and who Is at presept engaged in writing George Jessel? biography, says of jthe 'staG' 7 George Jessel 1?. a. complete characterized, drama, perfectly brilliantly equipped with dialogue, gesture, , t , . i, ' I t up. Rosa Reilly, stage and movie critic, says that 'Jessel has a parte trick In singing, He can put "aft unearthly sacredness into Jazz. Or he can stick barbaric "spnsuousnesk v 4 , PARIS, May 13. (RJOne of two things is surely going to happen in the fashion world. Nor-nf- al waistlines and tuck-i- n blouses art going co "be the fancy of the tew and Ultra Slender, or TSondd corsets which- assist the wearer td the fashionable flat front are ' " t g6irig to 'Come' back. Cries of horror pan be heard inj dress shops when Mrs. Average Clidnt starts to try on one of trie new tuck-i- n blouse suits with belt- ed skirt. Th6se suits look so slitn, and 'lionchalant on the mannri-I quins. .But on the average woman bulges and rolls where lines should be smooth and straight decide her, very quickly to stick to one piedej costumes with belts at the" modified wastelme. ! There lttills are plenty ot hip line be!ed frocks left in fatlaonable showings. ; The old fashioned WDrid is revived from obscurity in saleswomens vafculkhes. WitH tactful references to mannequins who now appear to be stomachless as well as hiplcss, they manage to convey the idea that skirts whh norm.U waistlines should not be attempted without preliminary work with a ntassago ' roller. - t Air Funeral For George Jessel Ji t Hormj Waistlines F)es of Embonpoint 6mce only th) may happen. prisoner has a chance of leading the party 'to safety, he is uni chained . and with his freedom comes a drastic- difference in tht condition and situation' of the ' i ' party., n p; r ei fasttiesses sweltering pf it? surrpbfrdiftg 'country, John Gilbert "is flrawiiig HUza 'F. Chugg, Providence, May 15 lrgg and enthusiastic audiences to the Capitol Theatre, where his latest I starring vehicle, Desert Nights, opened The story is a thrilling ond, and ' - realistically dramatically told.Of'' Its locale is a part the African IdesCrt where men And beasts alike, fall within a few hours if they are cafnpelled to go Without water.' In tills dramatic settipg the three leading characters play dufi their absorbing story of hate, revenge and love.'1 , Gilbert' Is Cast as-- ' the young diamond mahagei of a large mine, who is held up by a master crook and hitf boguk- daughter after they have won his confidence.' n Besides f taking a Vast amount of diamonds, they make hinr their prisoner and force him to accompany them as they. set out to cross the treacherous sun-bak- "Wednesday will be Dollar Day, and we advise our readers to look over the splendid bargains offered for the pccasipa by gan merchants, to be found in this issue, and to take advantage 'Of them ; for lik Christmas, pollar pay cpmeg but opco a year. r Reached By Gilbcrf in Hew Role . In a vivid story of grim revenge, set amid' dark 'Africa and' the day- exceptional v "Indeed. tVeli, lefs sea What " hed gdt to asyTor hfinseli. W found Hyde Ut his office at the rear et pip gloomy shop.- H4 shook5 Bands rw1& mS and'iii 1 1i troduced him id MsilLrali1 1 repebb. ed on the streilgtb ef hit grip. ' "Dreadful affair up your way last Too ilgnt, be tdndofed riered, shbklnj! h(s fgaunt pill edd. "A di'ekdhil bdalness! Bib saw, fd my amaze eagle eyes, merit, gn$ibt 'and hy actually blew bis nosd.fvi suppose the boy Jerty 'hisnT Aimed up, yet 1 r "No, I replied brief!- -. Mr. 'after our interest is That you sold mb yesterday ifterneott figures fh thel'Jaie.l wish you'd teir ts what you know I about 'it"- -' '',A the pistol," be said suavely. No, I (Joht know anything sbotft safw-I- t was 'tSie of Alex Pdtdjt sons and bough; fj on ypnr at - Press Member Of Associated JU ? Tb to kuowledoed hi$ blackmail each poker tending Ogden ya bitAdding to the mystery are chip the'iUs&wery of ft npeo&men of f ADVERTISING 'l i f papt out Ot srwopsrsj Opden jtnd M pattpoki record o tt pearly paymente Of if leAo- - a tck A Editor In the week except Second Claaa Matter y Ptfioe-ever- Pramatic feaks " PUBLISHED BY vt' i' IS 1929. Monday, May f 2 coat baked white, 15 ena-m- el ; quart 5 ELECTRIC LIGHT Globes, 25 to 60 Hi These are good quality fancy chased pattern. We also have Galvanized 10 galteaspoons and tablespoons of lon size . 1thp 6ame pattern watts ...1. 1.00 .t $4 l.UU These are standard quality, any size you may want, or assorted sizes, if you wish. |