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Show PAG ft hivTuV WCiiiH Mr. and Mrs. C. T-- LaCjCIUi Cannon and family spoilt the midVeek I I I, 30727 Dat unlay, August 20, 1927, vJAi? 300 line 6 in. x 100 Cue Aug. OK Newtpp CJ KL Ca. in Salt Lake with relatives. Mrs. Stringham and daughter Miss- Ruby Stringham spent last week-en- d here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ilulme. : fc i0 The officers of the fifth A trouseau tea was given xm departure for Boise," Idaho, H E QUALITY rJ SU ward Belief Society entertained . TIIE N Saturday by Miss Effie Spenst, where she will apend the coming the members of the Belief Soca bride of the week. winter with her. aunt Mrs iety at the ward ammusement . Miss Edna Pederson enter- Franklin Smith. A supper was hall Tuesday afternoon. A pro- tained in honor of Miss Effie served. Covers w cm laid for gram was rendered. Refresh- - ( Spenst, whose marriage to Nor- twelve guests. Cards followed meats vrere served. man Maughan took place this the supper. Mrs, Julia B. Nibley spent the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford W. latter part of the week in Salt . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spenst en- Smart entertained at dinner on . Lake.. Mc, a fWa with tertained Mrs. James S, Saturday , Sunday .Mrs. Effie Brown Mr?, and J. wedding supper in honor of Gregor of Ogden, A bowl of chose Massive a 4Bear Velle research, exhaustive After engineers E. Greaves entertained at a crankshaft their daughter. Miss Effie pink tea roses formed the centing Crankshaft in preference to a slender for these reasons! ( 1 ) Vibration is caused by two crankshaft bridge luncheon Saturday evenSpenst and Norman Maughan er piece for the table. Covers due to rowerimpacts,andit"6pring, movements ing of last week at the home of who were married Tuesday in were, laid for fifteen guests. due to transmission reiatance.(2) Logically .Our shorter, thicker Mrs. Brown on Third The East the Salt Lake Temple. Miss Mawine Smart entertain crankshaft is less subject to these influences than a long, thin various small tables at which . .Mr. and Mrs, Norman MaugOne.' 3 ) A short 4-- Bearing Massive Shaft, by Its ed the group of Bluebird girls and great weight, eliminates both twist' and spring -the guests were seated for bridham left Wednesday for an ex- of the Primary organization of and, hence, vibration. ge were decorated with sweet- tended tour through Southern the eighth ward at their sumThe Velie car is Specially Engineered for Long Life, j tables luncheon the After peas. Utah. mer home in Logan canyon on employing such features as an Airplane Type Motor, s Rubber Shackles and arranged for bridge.. The here with Mr. Partridges Bishop and Mrs. William Wor Monday afternoon. in every part. The following ladies were ents, Mr. and Mis. C. W- - Ilan-- hih score Plize was awarded ley entertained at a family dinVELIE MOTORS CORP Moline, HL ner party this evening at their among the ones who received sen, Mrs. Partridge was formely lo Mrs. Lewis Edwards. Sixteen Repremtativer3rWrue for information concerning the Velie home, for Mr- and Mrs. II. Pratt an invitation to attend a tea at Miss Jennie Hansen of Logan. jguesta were in attendance. Franekite. Veiu sales average 17 greater Is Co,miin C. MrsCarlisle John 1917 daws In 1926 and they art snU moamnjl and Mr. Mrs. B. Mrs. was Kate Pratt and Preston Wright, formely Ogden Monday August twenty Miss Dorothy Worley, whose second, given by Mrs. Joseph daughter. Miss Katharine Pres- arrived here recently from Berwhere Mr. Carlisle marriage to Mr. Pratt took Morrell for Mrs- John Franklin ton, arrived home Sunday from keley, Calif., place a week ago. They arrived Ellis, Jfiss Virginia Scowcroft, .Denver, Colorado after a mon attended school at the UniverA, full tine f here this morning from a short and Miss Blanch Browning two ths visit as guests of Dr. and sity of Calif. They left1 TuesSixes on two day for Beaver, Utah, where wedding trip for a visit liefore fall brides; Mrs. George Bel Mis. A, P. Preston. chassis been Mr. has Carlisle C. appointMrs. Bftks E. Mi a. T. P, make to to Joel Hinckley, going Jeppesonand $1163 to $1633 ed of the county superintendant their home. The home was ef- Cardan, Mrs. V. P. Cardon, Mrs. daughter. Miss Louise Jeppesoif fectively decorated with asters, Kenneth C. Ikeler, Mrs. Luther of Ogden spent Sunday here schools of Beaver County. Miss Ruth Nibley, who has "wenty eight guests were in M. Howell, Mrs, F. P- Champ, with relativesMrs. George H. Champ of Pasattendance. Mrs. W. A. Geisking of Den- attended the summer session at .,31 o'b Mrs. A, II. Thompson enter- adena, Calif., Mrs. Thomas Farr ver, Colorado, arrived here last the University of Calif, at Sedan - . - $1635 tained at a bridge luncheon on of Smithfield, Mrs. Bobert An- week for a visit with her par- Berkeley, arrived in Salt Lake 'y F.O.B. Molins g f afternoon at her derson, Miss Dora Wright, Mss ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jensen, this wepk end. Thursday Mr. and Mrs.' L. W. Ilovey Dr and Mrs W. E. Worley of home op east center for Mrs. Della Morrell, Mrs. C. Y. Can. Sait Lake spent la.'t week end have arrived home from the George If. Champ of Pasadena, non, Mr?. Bay Egbert, Mrs. B. G. Mrs. Thatcher.; here as guests of Bishop and Northwest. Calif. A powl of golden glow Budge, Mr- aipli Mrs. Jqmes Austin four silverticks holding yellow Mrs. Bay B. West, Mrs. E. G. Mrs William Worley while on candles formed a charming Peterson,. Mrs. Harry Parker, their way on a motor triR to Packand Miss Margaret Burt-d- n 20& North Main of Salt Lake are spending center piece for the table. Cov- Mrs. George Torgeson, Mrs. Idaho. ers were laid for fourteen, and Guy Cardon and Mrs- Nellie B. Miss- Margaret Wilkinson ar- the week end here as guests of T5 ismurri rived home last week end from Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Cannon. bridge followed the luncheon-Th- Langton. LQNO vfltli 1 IPS score prizes were awarded - Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Larsen en a few days visit in Salt Lake. Miss LaVon McMurdie, who to Mrs. Seth Blair and Mrs. tertained at a dinner party on Mr. and Mrs. B- W. Evans has been one of the Leaders Jiarry Parker, and a guest prize Monday evening at their home and Mr. and Mrs. John T. salesladies since its opening iii compliment to Prof and Mrs. Quayle arrived home Saturday here is leaving for Salt Lake to Mrs. Champ. The Misses Camille and Hath Henry Otte, who will leave in evening of last week from a City, where ?he will continue Mr. and Mrs. William Whittle. Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Plant Sr. afternoon in Mrs. Anderson's arine Christiansen entertained the near future for Arizona, motor trip through Yellowstone her schooling. She will also take A number of ladies went. to and Mrs. Carl Buchmiller and honor. Lancheon was served. vocal lessons. at a Bridge luncheon this after- where Prof. Otte will resume Park, t the home of Mrs. Nels Johnson Mrs. Carl Anderson motored Miss Mable Hawkins enternoon at their home on east first his work in Music, After dinner Relatives, here were called to Mr. and Mrs Bobert P. Ilagle sura her and to Salt Lake Saturday. South in compliments to Miss games and music were features and son Bob and daughter Mary tained on Thursday for the ThursdayThose gave Logan Wednesday by the death present were: Mrs. Buchmiller Ida Thatcher. A September of the evenings entertainment Louise of Salt Lake spent last Misses Verna and Mae Bitter prise. severof spent Henry Stoddard, who until Mrs. Mrs. were in atten- week-ens twenty guests bride. The various small here as guests of Mr. of Salt Lake, who were visiting Anna Margaret Thompson,' weeks here with relatives, the past two years had been a jal Mrs. Peterson, Sophia, ' here. Luncheon was served. and rooms were decorat- dance. and Mrs Wilford Smart. Mm. Carl Anderson spent a resident of Richmond. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Andered with, red roses. Covers were Miss Ruth Nielsen and Miss At the beginning of the even- Merrill, Mrs. Lena . relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Thilip Blair of wlJ-A.1 Johnson, Mrs. laid for twenty four guests. Af- son 'are receiving congratula- Joan Cardon spent the early ing progressive buncho was Mrs. Matilda Anderson Mrs. Logan spent Sunday with Mrs. Johan-son 1 ,es C. Mrs. J. of a Olsen, u! a Emily ter luncheon the tables were tions rtipoa the arrival part of the week in Salt Lake played at three tables. - High with . Blairs I' tertained parents, Mr. and Mrs. quilting Mrs. Frans Anderson and arranged for bridge. SeOre and bora Wednesday, August as guests of Phylis Durhan, score prize was won by- Mrs. week. of last Peart. day Joseph motored score A. F. Stockton Charlotte Johnson. by guest prizes were awarded. Miss Durham wras formely of Seth Godfry and low Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wad-douThe Misses Camille and Kath to Ogden yesterday to meet her Logan. Miss Willa Henderson. Mrs. William Barrett of Buhl of Lewiston spent Sunarine Christiansen entertained husband oiK his return trip Miss Violet Nielsen left SunComplimentary to Mr. and Idaho is here for a visit with with Mrs. Waddoups here C. J. day York. of the New house and a from at party Monday relatives. for San Diego Calif, where Mrs. Floyd. Shepley J". Mrs. H. mother Blair went to day Maggie T. Mer-r- i Mrs. Seth Mrs. will as Tuesday at their Summer home two company, weeks she Penney spend Mrs. Rene B. Woolley and. 1. in Logan Canyon. The guests Salt Lake Thursday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. J- P. Ames entertained at a three children of Sait Lake arrived G. G. Hendricks left Sunday were Miss Dantzel McGee. The where she spent the remainder llofacre. course chicken dinner last evSpen several days of last week here Sunday for a isit at the,jiere Mrs. for laid Misses Martha and Ida Thatch- of the week. were pjer a .business trip to Omaha, Covers - Mr. for Wieler daughter Mrs. ening. Harry jad Nebraska. er, Miss Alice Pederson, Miss Mr. and Mrs, John Chrlstian-se- n accompanied by Mrs. Alfred Mr. and Mrs Shipley, Mr. and home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M.jlIaiw Markon sen. Kirma Peterson and Miss Marand family spent last week Turner left Tuesday for Galt Mrs. A. B. Ames of Ogden, Miss Thompson. In a letter from Elder Rusjjjsg Virginia Hall and Miss Mrs. Edith Lewis Sorenson Olive Hendricks, left last week sel Hendricks to his parents, end in Salt Lake. jorie Smith, Calif, where they will spend Othelia Uhler of Omaha, Neb., Mrs. II- J. Hatch entertained Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thatcher two weeks as guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Ames and of Mesa, Arizona has returned for a visit with relatives ht Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hendricks, table at a dinner party Mrs fred Thomas, of a at entertained Mrs. Farrell Johnson of Logan, to her home after a visit of Salt Lake before Miss Hall bridge informally . .. he stated that he had had a bcr and and Javender .flowers Monday afternoon. .At the end Wednesday evening in compliMrs. Georgy here hofne Yellow, to in San fine visit with William Funk with, vyeeks Jensen her of the afternoon tea wks served ment to Mri and Mrs. Bex Kim- daughter,!! Mips ,Alfjerta Jensen 'made up, the 'decorations;. The ter Mrs. Lawrence Webb- j Francisco after .spending the and) Lamell Merrill who had Mr. and Mrs, tylllfanj ball Santa Monica, CaliL A, and two little kms aecompany-e- d ShppleyS' Jeff this moaning for summer with MrFand Mrs. been released from the. British Mrs. here of KenneUl'Thckmore formed the entertained at a dinner bowl of nastertm-nwith' Mrs.' Jensens mother Lewiston; Montana,' where he Brigham' City is the guest of H. Ray Pond. mission and were visiting plac-t- T Covtable. party Thursday evening of last center piece for the and sister, Mrs. Flora Wooley will take charge of the com- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos-- j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Merrill. of- interest in the European week. The tables and rooms ers were laid for twelve. store there. and Miss Ilenie Wooley of jSalt panys Webb. countries. Elder Funk Mr. and eph her were decorated with red snap and II. On Wednesday evening Isvaelsen W. Mrs. weekLake arrived homo this Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Kennedy 'at Salt lake and Ogden, Merrill in New arrived entertainYork Leo for sweet and Mrs. Squires dragons peas. and pink end from a two months stay in two daughters left yesterday k Monday. August 15th, Covers were laid for twelve. Af- ed at a theatre party in com- the Grahd Canyon of the Col. their home in Ogden, after and family left Thursday of last' John McCarrey, A. J. denhall and Mr. and Mrs, Mvron Talbot for with relatives a visit Wilma, two daughter weeks ter dinner cards was the enter- pliment to Mr. and Mrs. Bex J- W. Dollar arrived here this spending a pleasant and friends in Southern Utah, left Saturday for Sugar City to(of Lewiston spent Sunday here tainment Score prizes were Kimball After the show a sup- week from the east and joined here with relatives. Mrs. Kate McCarrey Smith 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ed. Webb and daugh-e- c awarded to Mrs. Bennett Blair per was served at the home of hk wife who has spent the sum is seriously ill. who ters and Clarice Ruth returned Mr.- and Mrs. and Mr H B- Craggs. quires. Joseph Peart. me? here withhe? mother Mrs. , Mrs, G, S. Hales of gait Lake Mis& Nofa1 Eliason entertain-eMrs. John Lutie and daughit RICHMOND Wednesday from a two months! Mrs. .Milton Ensign and Eliason. He son left Wednesday for their ter of in California. at dinner Friday evening in spent the week here with her Freedom, Wyoming spent Miss Eva Jenkiqs and Mrs. W t Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Wilson of hei.ie at Stockton. California several days of last week here compliment to Mr. and parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Parker and daughter, Miss Ora Mr. and Mrs. B. Munson end with Mrs. Bert Danford. Ogden were the guests of Mr. after a visit here with her Partridge of Salt Lake. Crawford. Packer, motored to Preston last at their The table was decorated with Mrs. V. II. Lehman went to evening to attend a shower giv- tertained re.atives Mrs. Paul Merrill Wednes- - ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lar-da- v Miss t)ralie Cragun of Smith-fiel- d she home Saturday evening in honsen. Salt Lake Thursday where yellow garden flowers. en of was a visitor at the home LaVeria evening. Mrs.' by Cutler Mrs. Cecil 0, Cooley enter- spent the remainder of the Preston in compliment ttKMiss or of their son Paul who will Mrs. Noah Woodland enter- Miss Christine Christensen Lilly Greaves Eggels-jo- f tained Friday evening at a week. Ora Packer, a Septmeber bride h'ave Monday fokxkie Swedish tained with a children's party! n of Ephriam was here Sat- - for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Thatcher, Twenty-fiv- e bridge party' in compliment to for her little daugh- - onlay to call on Mrs. Lodiey ,Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Largpn guerts were pre- mission. A social evening was her sister, Mrs. C. S. Hale of. The Imperial Glee Club, Mr. sent. All friends of Miss Pack spent and luncheon Aas served. Olsten. motored to Salt Lake Thursday. Salt Lake, The guests were all' and Mrs. A- J. Southwick Mr. er who formerly lived at Prest- A farewVll dancing party was 5dnesday Mrs. Wood-Marion Bair and little Miss Bonne Ephriam j seated at four small tables for and Mrs. Luther M. Howell and on. at ihe opera house Thurs-- , land and Dr. and Mrs. E. P.on (,f Provo have returned to the week at ParkAdamson spent giyen City. bridge. At the close of the eve- Fred Parkinson left Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Berntson da evening in Pauls honor, j Collrun left Wednesday for Og-- j their home after several weeks Miss Lea Merrill entertained ning refreshments were served. for Idaho Falls to attend the motored to Provo and spent Mr atm Mrs. V. A. Pitcher den to attend the American v.th Mr. and Mrs. G. M. the Kian Klub at her home of the last week end. Mr. and Mrs. J entertained The home was decorated w ith a district convention with a dinner Sun- gion convention. Thomson. A social Thursday afternoon. Kiwanis Club. variety of garden flowers, C. Johnson accompanied them day evening in honor of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Nelson afternoon was Miss Annie Rasmussen and and lunMr. and Mrs. S. E. Needham on the trip. spent high score and guest prize was and iMrsAO. L. Shepard and Miss Geneva Poulson of .awarded. Sixteen guests were spent last week end in Salt Lake Salt, ft Thursday to attend the cheon was served. A special Mrs. Robert Anderson spent family of Brigham City Lake spent the week here with American Legion convention at feature of the luncheon as guests at the Hotel Utah. present. was the early part of the week in Mrs. Jihn?packman enter- Mrs. John enOgden. Miss Beta Olsen entertained McCarrey. gilted walmlts which contained Mrs. Samuel Christiansen Ogden. Nt Circle the her at tained Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Giv Hendricks and Mrs. C. B. Johnson an announcement of the enIj. the members of her bridge club tertained at a bridge luncheon .Miss Carmen Parkinson left home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. are at Blue Creek, with Mr. and kft Friday to attend the Amer- x Friday evening The home was Saturday afternoon of last week last Friday for Boise, Idaho, gagement of Miss Merrill to Mildred Claike Mrs. andliss Hugh lican Leland Hendricks. convention. legion decora! with garden flowers. The guests were seated at small Lazen Bright of Lewiston. where she will spend the fall MMr. and Mrs. L. 0. Sorenson! special guests. Inez Christensen Call of The marriage will take At the close of the evening re- tables for luncheon, which were and coming winter with her Telford were place Friday- of last weekthe mo- - land Mrs. Ann Hope spent Sun- freshments were served to decorated with sweet peas. Rrtd Aunt, Mrs. Franklin Smith. Lake snent a few days of in September. The luncheon. twelve guests. Two score prizes ge followed the Mrs. M. B. Ilovey entertain- thers and daughters of the two, day at Logan as guests of Mr mst week here with relatives Mr. and Mrs. J. Forrester were aw arded. Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Mrs. P. C. Nelson. high score prize was awarded ed the Gleaner girls of the sev- Richmond v.urds held anout-''"'- J were Salt Lake visitors WedThompson ' Mr. A- - C. Mrs. R. E. Berntson to Miss Emily Dudley. in at y10, Mrs. Marie Johnson has campus enth mutual home at ward at her Preston Sunday with nesday. The junior girls of the Y. entertained at a chicken supper Mr. and Mrs- Bobert Ander- Tuesday evening. Games and turned from a visit with her Mr. and Mrs. Willard Warner Judge and Mrs. McIIarris at their summer home in Logan son and family spent last week music were the entertainment M. I. A. had the luncheon inVbildren in Idaho. Mrs. C. 0. Peterson of Salt spent Bearlake. on Thursday here with Mr. last of The Beehive girls end at Dakota canyon Friday evening Refreshments were served charge J. L. Shepard of spent the week here with and Mrs. C. Z, Harris. week in compliment to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Berntson Twenty girls were in attendance ranged the program and the .Lake was Mrs visitinjf here durin'her daughter, Ernest William returned Thursday Mrs. M. It. Berntson of Salt returned home to Salt LMe on The home was decorated with Gleaner guls had charge of the the Vek at the Johnson.. home of her here from a weeks visit at Paul visit Lake. The table was decorated Sunday after a, weeks a variety of garden flowersMrs. and parentVMr. Mr. John E d. Peterson were of Idaho, with his children there. sweet Covers with with relatives. peas. Mrs. George J. Gibson and Andersom Franklin spent Friday and Sat- and - The Misses Oretta Hall laid for sixteen guests. daughter Elaise of Salt Lake Mrs. C. L. here home ErasMrs. Funk, urday . Mrs. with are expected For Ernest Miss Afton Thain and Miss Edith Smart night guidance of aviamotored here and spent Friday joyed the swimming at the JohnsonMrs. Leonard U.(tua Lucile Blair entertained at a from California this week end as tors ' of Mrs. F. A. C. pool in the afternoon. field guests A number of friends of Mrs. sen of Smith and Mrs. Hat-- , beanTof IigSt at canyon party at the Thain sum- where they have spent the past lamp JhSs Mrs.F. P. Champ and Mrs. Mrs. Anderton wnt went mer homo in Logan canyon on two months. to an elevation of a few feeUbove the Jfl)!ri5Ow0f,V0ntM Partridge George Champ motored to children an Twr and Mrs. J to see thrir home of Mrs. Andersons the ground and Monday in compliment to Miss along an airi Stoddard i'itllediKigh.e, am vi.fflnt Ray spent Sunday at brother Ambrose P. Merrill who daughter, Mrs. Sophia .Merrill, Carmen Parkinson before her port runway without dazzling Fairview, Idaho, the guests oflied Wednesday evenihq Wednesday and spent a social fliers eves. - j n EST AF.ljii FJassIve FoiasBopring Gsrassutshat Eliminates - Vacation h super-strengt- Over-Strengt- pilless-Noiseles- par-w.- cr h I - - - Mrs.--Ermm- - - 'O' AXg? fZyl r V a. t Worley Velie Sales D-C- - - - 1 e - ? - lunch-table- d 1 . en-se- n, Fn-Mr- s. 18th-Mrs- -- ps - - re-evr- - sjs-turn- ed , Sc Roh-mi- ) ai : s - Men-wee- - - - lit-vis- Mrs-Scot- par-an- I - Le-''is- ;t' a - - j - . j 1 j - - s. Salt'ke T J . |