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Show 57TJ JZTJZXttJL, LC3AH THE JOURNAL PUBLISHED & BY-EAR- Bondar, I8 . Lake.1 70c - Press The Aeaoctated Preea It exclusively entitled to the, nee for rejmb 11 cation of all new dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in thla ' paper and alto the local newt published therein, Ail right of repahlicatloo cf tpeciaj dispatch herein arc tlto - ... ay - - v BAROMETER READINGS To-D- . Hans Petersen was operated on for appendicitis on Thursday E- R- Miles of Smithfieid was in town Tuesday. Calvin Reasoner was a Logan visitor Tuesday. from Salt Lake, Wednesday. , W. S. LamoreaUx was up LorenzO Hansen of Wellsville was in Lcgan" Tuesday. His mule express running to the O. S. I, is a great sue ' ; cess. John Andersons delivery horse ran away on Main St. Wednesday, John Me Alister ran out in the street and haldted him before any serious damage was done. Fred C. Kidgell was on the streetwith a broad smile on his face Thursday. The 'reason was the arrival of a fine boy at his ' house. , - 1 Rain 7 Fair Change , 29IIII1 lfn2:i!lil!i41!H.f!I!tfi'II!7!Ii!S;i!!9!!IirJ0 Famished Exclusively 250 by The George Matthew Adamr Park Avenue, New York Do not forget the services iiT the Tabernacle Monday morn ing at 11 oclock. 4 Club, Wilford ENCAMPMENT Roland GRANDSON Baugh, c J Lo-;a- W ed ,an-nop- t J J I anx-IS,1- , , -- with f convulsive movement of her bine veined hand. "She died last spring. Joan's warm young hand went out Mark had been "thinking of "her td cover the cold boney one. since yesterday! The thought sent a Oh, pom dear! her voice pulsed little warm glow through Jean. Not Y , ; ,symiiathy. , . even the disturbing, presence Of the Emma Tlakings hand was withPrim could ess blot drawn her but ndt brusquely, and after mysterious from hts mind! She .had the grce that harmony marked tho ofto feel eiightiy1 ashamed of that. fice; quiet work became a pleasant thing "Joan, tny dear," she told herself Jpanyeven retain ted the intrusion of severely, growing impossibly fba lqnely Sundays. vain! ; Yet Oven these wdre lifted. At the , As the winter days pasWd Joan nhorLhand . clank which she 'attended herself Into her work with a Joan pieit a (short plain faced girl flung fierce energy which swept all before with merry dark eyes. She wgs nara. Before it. that rush of industry and ea, rather tmpostngly - Donaldina even' Emma Hast- Iwia more becomingly shortened to unfailing good-wiings antagonism had faded. To JoDonny by all who knew ans secret astonishment she even Plain unpretentious Donny hej. won a few grudging words of approv- ed a chronic case of for al from the Site slender goIden-haiFeJoan. secretary. One noontime, as Joan pat on herfbronght her home to have her whole hat at the office glass she caught the! family capitulate at sight. The of the older woman behind, ises were a noisy happy family, The girl stepped aside but the f eryone g and whole-othe- r motioned her back. gome, from 24 year bid Tom studying "Thank yon, dont trouble your-- 1 to be a dentist to eight year old self, she said ih her curious, precise Patty, the "baby." ft was the first 1 can wait." t way. fiome "corilact JoarTTmiT made siflce Emma Hastings .waiting for Joan, she left DoreeyviUo and it soothed ! Orfnmwl That was astonishing! that instinctive ache which had but mere astonishing still 'ways vaguely dwelt in the bottom of was the barely perceptible hesitant 7 her heart. fit the 'secretary alien Joan started er time especially But there away. those times when , she stayed all You are to Tutu h I night and listened chatter going she paused. thought rising out of The dark, wbeA Joan Yon want me to stay! Joan ask- felt, her heart go faintly sick yvlth ed with perfect good humor and something Ifke'geif-horror- . Pomiy Bestarted to pull off her hat. was so young so pfasmfrehed. meant If you are going side her Joan felt ViryOld aid guilt"NoI with no one perhaps you Will eat ily wdse. Oh, that hitter path ahe with me. had walked ,tnce she had jtora her-- . By the time Joan had , recovered gelf from Hughs arms the heart! from her surprise they had "reached breaking dnvs in the grey house Es the small trim candy store' where !mees twilight World the memory of Emma Hastings had eaten lunch fori Elmer Iarchera sneers! Long after years and were sharing a' tiny wire-- , Donny had fall asleep Joan would legged table It was a painful meal. He with wide eyes staring up into the E!nuna e unaccustomed dark. Slie wanted1 to talk to Hastings' into Bociabtlity appeared to one for comfort not , Donny the frightened her, but Joan had experienced not Emma, Hastings seen behind the mask at last. She! with her cramped outlook someone someone put herself out to be her most charm-- who would understand ing self and suddenly checking her Mike Mark. , sandwiches! of bites small, regular (Monday An Interrupted. Talk) , Emmett and Reuben Pederson. WELCOME TO BYRD : Committee win also provide This ' V JHILE the NaHrgil Summer School conducted at the the transportation for the n (Continued frotn PageOne) Chorus-touttake" School Girls. Agricultural College may easily rank (as" the High was much standing annual event of the institution, at least aside from its Lewiston. This chorus will rend-jh- r Gardens and selections for because he found himsome musical graduation 'exercises, the annual Farm Encampment; which .beYbj direction the under the program self alone in bpwing apprecia gins t,his year on July eighteenth, very naturally excite, the of Prof. A. J. Southwick. , tjon'of the reception since his greater interest ori the part of those beyond 4he Scholastic age ; alDr. J. M. Bernhisel, mayor of companions of the flight particularly the farmers and their Wives who haVe "made the Comweretheir changing ready' desert td" Blossom as the rose; followers of the greatest basic Lewiston has informed the mittee that he will have an- clothes and could not join him. industry upon the success of whoserefforta all must depend.-Tof the meeting nouncements I want my associates with this work the college gives its greatest demonstration of imade in the Sunday meetings, the chief purpose for which it was founded; instruction in agri- -. tomorrow July 3rd. He has as- n.e, he complained, but II. A. Gibbons,' personal representaculture and in the home making arts,- in which it has performed sociated with him the presidents tive of Mr. and Wanamaker Locals Bureau Farm of three the active and state wide service "through the work of its excellent, Sheldon dAffaires a and Charge they promise Extension pcfyjk-- division, carryirfg its technical'and practical in Lewiston attendance from all the Whitehouse urged him to satislarge training and the fruits of years of experimental work, direct to wards. The meeting will be held fy the eager crowd which was th farmers and their wives, producing immediate results. in the first ward meeting house. demanding a sight of him and Then once each year, at a season when most convenient to It is "planned to have at' least he complied. A few minutes the three other ' men members of later leave'lhe fara fot-- a few days, the farmers, their wives, and often fifty or seventy-fiv-e at scrambled .into improvised eos- Chamber and their wives their families in the various parts of the state, and in southern the this With and joined Commander tumes tend the meeting. Idah, form carat ans jto journey to the instructional ' center, group and those from Lewiston, Byrd on, the balcony, The private entrance to the bringing thgm jntd direct contact with allthe advantages the it Is expected the meeting, house hotel which the fliers used was great school has to offer; its faculty, laboratories, dairy, and dairy Vvill be well filled. This meeting- ia the first of a with decorated cattle; its 'great chicken raising experimental work and results, series the Committees oft Eauca- - (handsomely and an American ,,prenc1 flags its4 experimental arms, where .they have opportunity to observe lion and Agriculture ' corridors the and jparfta college achievements along these lines, and the farm, wivep have plan to hold wthingr to their suite were massed the line people of the larger settlements also opportunity to observe concrete results attained a profusion of hydran-o- f to form chset c n The interior an(j palms. ,of home' ptonomics, and .both farmers ayd their wives receive in- acttheandyallediscuss j,reas a plans also was the' these At elaborate sujt demonstrations structions and witness, by experts, decoration. floral results of "'ku?1; scientific Jrfto? .withwm of of years study for the schools they absorb concrete whieh ' were augmented by .and experimental work, in tabloid but most- - potent form.,, It course be of a temporal nature scores of and bouquets' gift occasion. It the or to fit the made but would be difficult to overestimate the value of this work, from all parts of France. will be the practical side Df re- plants dollars it has atWeil to the agricultural pfoducts of- the state.; Dr. Although Bainbridge The Farm encampment will Toe the scene of a Lilly occupied ligion; , urged CoAunander Byrd not to use his voice because of his three days session, beginning with the awakening college crimes and exhausted condition, the gallant With in. moving pictures the 6:30 CHURCHES at M morning, and concluding flier insisted upon American time the being oclock in f) the at evening; a dance beginning few words to the a 'saying an'd of recreation agreeably divided between periods of study French and American reporters , .AVARD : FIRST ; ' -- - J eluding" sports, games, music aAj play. . whib awaited,, iint at ,fhe. hotel U''i .v" Edited by DR. DAVID IL REEDER, Kansas City, Mo. Ther Will be,!a4muscal Th4 ;coni mairder" spoke, a 1 ih ,Jt )k a period of profitable stucv t- and at the santfe time a most narfor all rer by the Boy : Scouts veryC)W voice' fri; English and INCREASING pleasant summer outing. ixi( the den ciiy on sth&- campus, focal a and t5010 POPULATION: Think of the tons of alfalfa, the monica qu3rtet jrs, Gibbons, "who had ar- - Many years vag I made, in. a pub- beets, onions, cabbage and numerous ;in attendance.- Its popularity niay judged from the fact that by Mrs. Margaret Worley trav-forthe suit for the lic 'Jhe prediction that in other vegetables, and the bananas attendance has increased each year until at last years encampa patriotic talk by 1 rnf-- ejers translated fhis remarks in-- time lecture. the rate of increase in popula- that can be, grown on an acre of were registerthousand m. three ment was more than to French for the reporters tion must be controlled by man. ground- - A combination of this E; Hickman. 7:30 p. that titde I bad noticed the form of growth will make an ac, ed. It is believed the attendance will e still larger this yeSr. orrow-evening, representing the Paris papers, factAt that animal life wag rapidly de- ceptable as well will food. citizens generally and am glad to be in France, creasing while njan life was , "The cohege", Chamber of Commerce I Heretofore .we havd had, and rapidly .ward Eleventh conjoint The reSaid. , even now have most the commander crimincreasing. , , My extend a hearty welcome." Inder perfectly natural conditions inal igws against thestringent Mutual Improvement Associa- ception has been overwhelming, dissemination and With no aid from' fne study of of any information that would limit tion have prepared It very inter- in fact, rather disconcerting. food'or sanitation h population df the birth rate,' but in the very near In touch ing, briefly on the the earth has steadily doubled every fat use we shall be compelled to esting program for this meeting on, Sunday evening July .3rd and purpose of the flight to France, fqur hundred years. Under present pass laws of the opposite nature, scientific houioculture and ,aaitg-tio- and the bearing of children will be will be favored, witfi a talk 'by Commander Byrd added: We are doubling In about cute a rare and much coveted privilege It has been stated that a hundred years, that will be limited to the physicalPresident Joseph R. Shepherd we tm at rate the Jf present keep ly and mentally fit only. of an airplane with three of increase on the sutgect of Marriage, j trip , without wars or pestiThe of the which will' doubtless be very in- -j engines andfour passengers is lence the population of the world future' will notstatesmanship be the study of the ' science an in of advance would soon be so dense the that it effect upon the voters and how best of the following have tereting and .profitable for i aviation The Presidency of the as ' the machine is would be necessary to destroy all to secure votes, but how to increase both old and young, and a gen other forms life, even the quality of humanity. her of Commerce and the Com- - been appointed to make H their eral invitation is exteftded to larger than the ,plane3 which now scientists ofare animal We are just approaching the most speculating! upon to make Athave crossed instruthe personal the public." The vocal and previously the possible use of trees for food. tremendous mittee on Education are deter-- 1 special duty of the achievements To iuy notion that would, be an world's history. f the business men afid mental selections will also be lantic, but the' primary obMan is realizing ;! mined that the Good Will ject of the trip was to land on impractical solution of the food more fully that whatever man can dependable pledges that very good. j It takes years to grow a conceive man can achieve. We can "- fingat Lewiston on Sunday eve-the soil of France, It was problem. tree and even if all uf It could be conceive the changing of the vast the tund at-Jmeeting, well be shall IGih While thg Gideons are placing meant to show the affection of changed into food, the quantity deserts of the ning July eartji into the most tended with a' large delegation their Bibles in I1 Pasos hotels, America for France. We did not would he quite limited. Many tonB productive gardens. The jungles of S. E. Di Needham, chairman, and from the organization we trust that they any ill slip a want to go beyond France and of vegetable growth could be grown the tropics, where the growth of W. Geo. I. E. Squires Stewart, length of time and vegetation is so dense and rapid other citizens ofjhe city ho decouple to the man who makes the sentimental side of the trip in the issame no doubt or experiment That it is almost impossible for ns there Sire to go. A spocial com'mittee ,Mrs. J. A. Hqlme of the B. P. W. the rates. ' is highly important. for- - the Temperate about its value as food. Zone to sense , ' s safety! GIVES Sej-vi- FIXTII WARD Conjoint program in the NEW FRIENDS Sixth ward Sunday evening will CHAPTER DO consist of the fol owing' num- That Thanksgiving ride seemed to mark a new beginning ' bers ; Prelude: talk. Wilford' D for everything. Joan found herself strangely anxious to get to jporter; V0,&1 solo, Horace the office the next morning.' She rose early to shampoo her Baugh hair, shaking it over the hissing steam radiator until it fell in i . a gleaming mass about, her, face. ' She basted a new white satin SEVENTH WARD collar in the neck of her dark blue'dress. ; Nor was it coquetry Singing, choir and congregation, "America ; invocation ; anthem, choir; voal duet, Rdia and Maud Cooley ; vocal solo, Mrs. Esther Lymarumale jjuar-te- t, peared early surprisingly early. Mm vtiw JliIrtfng8 gpokl "The Flag Without a ttbruptly Hastings had not yet come down and You took like toy sister's girl- - Stain ; patriotic address, Prin- to without stopping remove his heavy Same hair and eyes" overcoat Mark came over to lean One Marjory. Joseph Hansen , "Stav in Joan found herself strangely elbow on the files and smile down at lous to will the of keep good thisjYouf Own Iack i srdj bixtn the ;irl. strange woman, "is she living m.Ward Ladies Glee; instrumental 'Ive been worrying over yow ever nie,eV is Waiting fortrio, . The since yesterday, Joan, wondering if thxvLttVfiTe71y0UT eye - World arroee the1., ,, Jean - McCann, you were still stabbing yourself with table were suddenly misty. . Mias the Sunrise, that knife iif pride Reaftyr Joan1' Hastings crumbled a piece of bread Hazel and. Phyllis Speilst. eh Yesterda- y"Bishop Jafdrne was ever from Clarkston Friday, Xha above readings are taken from THE JOURNAL'S barometer comer stone of the Brigham. Young Monument was laid his teeth owed, an even white line, l 3 oclock" each afternoon except Sunday. The "yesterday on I Yon ought to chloroform that pride Thursday. reading each Monday refers to Saturdays reading. s of yours; ita a menace to public FARMERS CHURCHES iiov; JOAN LOVED THRU Mrs. Alfred Hanson was down from SmithfieId,Tuesday. Walter Hoge of Paris Idaho w'as in tow'n doing temple worje. The city was laying the 12 inch mains from the Ricks corner to 1st South William Napper father of Cyrus Napper, was up from Salt ' . . ST HAIL, PER MONTH, In Advance BY CARRIER, .PER MONTH,' in Advance A D.eeount of 11.00 Per Tear will be Given for Advene ". . , Payment for a Pall Tear. ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION Member of Associated muirrtay, July 2. 1927. By GLADYS E. JOHNSON Editor Pott O files every day in tbs week, except at Logan, Utah, at Second Slaaa Hatter , 0Vn CGOri'tY, Thirty Years Ago ENGLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Rate CAGE'S L AUGUSTUS GORDON Entered at tti Cr, s I . , ll n hero-worsh- blue-serg- - e CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN NOTICES Sunday, July3rd. Bible School at 10 oclock. The senior and adult classes will study Sayl the First King of Israel. A study of Israels ip d n ev-he- r. e firstKTrig-witialtowista- : . lead-Chamb- er j , . SSL some-plung- e i 1 , -- ' . 7 ( 1 1 . - ; -- k - Home Health Club - 1 d; ! five-hundre- J, tom- , " i s ACTIVITIES AT THE LO EAtl n, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Cham-compos- ed meet-.canvas- e 1" J . , , FINNEY OF THE FORCE By F. O. Alexander see the worth of our American government and the value of a written constitution. Morning worship 11 oclock. The theme of the sermon will be The Nation and the Church. Should the cjiurch1 kpeak whenmoial issues are Involved J Should the ;chureh uphold and stand for righteousness r rtmjchitxu jn. vplyed jvith fierisoftfilitiel it fn the life of the ftation? speaks . , , , t wnat UOyQU expect the Just church to do m helping and keeping America Christian and a great' andfnighty nation? This is a jthdme that every red Shou-d'-th- I e blopded' American should be interested in and should be think-n- g about,,. it, can be go directed by man that hundred times our present population could be fed and clotaed without reducing its wonderful fer. a tility. The present great flood, said to the greatest calamity in the history of Apierlca. has spread billions of dollars worth of fertilizer over the vast inundated area and for many years Jo come those that have lost much, will gain a hundredfold more by reason of increased produc-tiobe We have many thoughtless calamity howlers. Wnen, one Speaks or wntes of tne tremendous increase in population they have a- double nt. .They arc incapable of looking beyond their own little horizons Don t let them frighten vou Just do your part. Help all the you can. in all the was youpeople can and every time you can, and God's ood earth will continue to an abundance for all mankindsupply All readers of this are at liberty to write forpublication information upon any ubject pertaining to health. Address all communications to Dr. David H. Reeder, 3131, Main Street, Kansu g City, Missouri, giving full name and address and at least Bix cents in postage 4 LI H NOTESAnemia is puzzling Dr B. Dear Doctor Reeder. r- -i have read about a new modality m jus; tm', treatment of anemia, said to hove been discovered in far western ol lege. I remember that you once told me of a case f pernicious anemia that you had cured. Thats mv trouble right now, and according t0 the best information I have been able to. secure from fellow practic-ioner- s my time will be up m than a year, as I am said 1o he,.sSa desperate case in which blood tran fusions will be useless. Please writ" me about the case you told about and may I come to the treatment of my case? Answer It was, four years that I told you about the caseago Dr, T. He had closed his office, was settling his affairs and suppose,) he had only six months to live. A former patient of his had been success fully treated by my method and advised him to go and do likewm,. The good doctor is not only, stqi alive, but doing a bigger practice than ever. He is much closer to you than J am and tf you will go to hint he will treat you just as I treated him, and you will soon Le in the old office and yod will know that all forms of anemia yield suite read0y to the right kind of treatment. You will be welcome here if you prefer to come to me. - 'f dom-busin- - |