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Show WEATHER. If you make your ad timely readers of ads will do the rest. js hmm UTAH: Fair tonight and Wednesday; not much change ' in temperature. A iNUMBER LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH, TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1927. VOLUME L. IS REFUSES GOLDBERG TELLS III DF JOLIET EMPTY PLOT SIGHT 63. Mother Under Arrest In Connection With The Death of Two Children - PRINCIPAL KILLING SALT LAKE CITY, Ms- -. 15, (JP) Mrs. Berhard Peterson, was, taken into custody this after-- ! Plan Laid to Poison Ennoon in connection with the fatal tire Prison Guard poisoning of two children at the Wholesale Escape InPeterson home March 8. A man whose name has not been discloscluded Upwards of ed by the sheriff is also being 1200 Convicts of Worst Fought Liberals Mother Left Shack Only to Be Caught in Blizzard Father in Lake-vieBlinding Storm Holds Victims Thirty-si- x Hours. llelates Beauty HLits Given at of Sinclairs Dramatically of Counsel Overruled in Shooting High; Hairdressers Associa-SchoHonor Student tion Convention Held Contempt Proceedings in New York Claims Accidental Oil Operator Begins Long Testimony Before Jury Weapons Found Under Hair Permissible for Porch. Evening Dress. Hearing Case. Motion ol w sought. Criminal Type. The children, Kenneth R. PetMarand 27 months old, erson, CHICAGO, Mar. 15 (JP) A garet Batemaft, 18 months old, NEW YORK, Mar. 15 (P) LAK.EVIEW, Ore., Mar. 16 NEW YORK. Mar. 15.(P) WASHINGTON, Mar. 13.(P) after last week a died ago night, A motion of the defense for Walter Goldberg, eighteen years Ears of the Lady of Fashion in Driven from a barren plot to empty Joliet penitentiary (P) eating meat which chemical an- of its 1,200 inmates by the home by threat of starvation on an instructed verdict of not old, today confessed to the 1927 again will retreat into obalysis disclosed, had been heaviaccidently with the passing of the ly to be trapped in a blizzard, guilty in contempt case of Har- police that he had scurity ly impregnated with a metalic wholesale slaughter by poisontwo small children were frozen ry F. Sinclair was overruled to- shot and killed Anna Harris, boyish bob. re- -' been has of the one of there was guards The ing boy poison. to death near here and the story day by Justice Hitz in the Dis- 16 year old Brooklyn high So at least, has American children of Mr. and Mrs. Peter- vealed to prison authorities and had all but taken the lives of trict of Columbia supreme school honor student at her master hairdressers association son. The girl had been cared for Chicago police by a paroled home last night. Goldberg who in convention assembled desided the mother and a third child court. by the Petersons following .the cohviet when a posse rescued them last Counsel for the oil man, who lived next door was arrested Further hints to a beauty a la The plot, set for execution death of her mother, a year agfl. contold had he refused to answer certain ques- last night after 1927 mode were given by Miss night. children, Peterson Two next other Saturday, is the third of The mother, Mrs. D. Y. tions before the senate com- flicting stories of his move- Alice F. Ryan, vice president of old and Melba, 8 a series behind all of which Sina, ments. left their shack in the mittee which investigated his the American beauty schools' years old, escaped a similar fate now looms '.he youthful sin-mountains last Saturday in the lease of the Teapot Dome naval According to Captain Ryan association. by refusing to eat the meat, of later figure of Nathan Leopold, GEN BARTOlEME VlQUEZ husJohn J. Sullivan, search cf food while the oil reserve contended that the and Inspector The bob will be cut longer, which they said tasted bitter, Jr., plotter and of deGeneral Bartoleme Vkiuez, who band and father was in Lake-vie- investigation was carried on tor the youth arose dramatically in she said. The newest is the arf - unnamed the murder in Chicago of little the LibImplicating tha fended of against Chinandega a quesand arf in which the hair is Shortly after they started months wrhile the committee his cell, after voley until he was driven to refuge man, Roy Larsen, chief criminal Bobby Franks. had been fired at him and drawn back severely on one side erals a terrific blizzard broke over was without authorit to exam-jtiowaa In Calvario church and later sheriff said Mrs. PeterIt was Leopold, the officers ine witnesses. This and other said: the mountains. of the head so as to expose one rescued by forces under General No- deputy the man loved her, and have' been told, who conceived son $aid I cant stand it any longer. ear, and on the other side, is ar- guero Gomez. Lost and helpless, the mother arguments were advanced in wanted her to 'run away with the original break in which Ill tell everything. 1 did it and ranged so that the ear is coverstood between her children and lavor of an instructed verdict. him. He suggested that she do seven men was accidental. Anna and I ed and the hair curves away escaped after killing the storm but she could do lit- "While losing in this matter Butler Borah and away with her family and then a deputy warden, only to have tle. V hen the posse arrived the the defense won in its effort to were alone in the house. When 1 from the eyes. r they would be free to go togeth-e- six of the seven add two older children, 10 and 5 get bet ore the jury the state- came in she said hello, stopped , For evening dress, women murand and books Wet on to of for her Debate paper will wear long hair made of the sentemed ears old were dead. The moth- ment Sinclair maae before the work hanging said But I did not Larsen . er was frozen to the knees and senate oil company when he re- and stood up to shake hands. hair pieces, the construction of I loved them to der. talk. to We started was lopold, too, said the which is said to have reached It the third child was in a critical fused to answer. The two deciIssue April Dry ' I got twro guns that I had such a stage of development condition from hunger and ex- sion mean that the case will be is in a hysterical detailed stories over which the woman The bed a in hid and that they cannot be detefcted posure. They had been in the presented to the jury within a three weeks ago condition at a local hospital and officers are now working, who cali15 storm 36 hours. P) BOSTON, , Mar. from veal hair. lew clays after the evidence has in her home. I held the .38 Sheriff's men are searching for financed last Saturday's break ber revolver and she took the will be deep orange Senator William E. Borah of the man who is said to be an em- from the Joliet jail a break Amburger was taken into cus- been completed. Rouge each tody later pending an investigahue, eyebrows will not be so Idaho and President Nicholas After an argument between .32. We pointed them at of a smelter at Murray, ill which three of the six retion. lie contradicted the story counsel, District Attorney Gor- other and before I knew it my thin, and finger hails will be Murray Butler of Columbia ployee home of the Petersons,. a few captured in the first escape of his wife about their need for don agreed to strike from the revolver exploded. who are to debate miles south of here. polished with a pdarl finish reached freedom and shot to (University, Anna grabbed her left side, Charles Nessler, president of prohibition under the .auspices food, saying there had been indictment the count charging , a policeman. Tw'o later death then to ...e hairdressers association of the Roosevelt club in Symplenty to eat in the cabin. Mem- - a refusai to produce the books fell against a chair .and were Leopold is not hers of the posse wdio visited 0f the Hayvas corporation, a the floor. I became frightened. gave some facts on beauty up- phony Hall in this city on Georgia Churches with the latest linked directly" I grabbed the gunfrom Annas keep. There are 30,000 hairdresthe shack found no food. There Sinclair unit. to Floggings escape as told to officers by the 8, have accepted Object April from the ran house, and hand w as a still in the place. sing and beauty parlors in the form of the question as subLeo This was due to a claim of paroled convict, ATLANTA, Ga., Mar. 15 (JP) but itDelgoda, putting both guns in my pock- United States he said and last mitted by the club. It is: Shall Amburger said he returned the defense that a willful was oiiginal Leopolds the under 1 arousets. threw the guns home from Lakeview Saturday Georgia floggings have year 60,000,000 women .spent a the republican national platrelated that would have to be shown on Delgoda plotting, house. Thats a 81 of of congregathe church not ed He private total of $390,000,000 for beauty form of 1928 advocate the redid porch people report night. that count. the scheme to evacuate all. tions of that state to such an ex- inspired culture. absence of his family until Sunof counts remained, one 18th amendment? Four the next Saturday the peal penitentiary As he completed his recital, tent that an appeal has been T day night when a posse was hand, having been stricken out the guards with he said apkilling officers the police . made to the governor to bring.-fotmed as quickly as possible. be put in their cof because of a typographical erto God Sheepmen Hold to Exclusion started Orders In arsenic, say is about to who a, those guilty Mrs. Amburger, parently justice. v ror. resolution adopted yesterday the! foe help me and swooned. After to becbme a mother for tne, to Only Applies let to declined Hitz the Justice revived police been Leopold planned the original he had in a council, represented Annual Meeting fourth time, was critical; ot took him in an automobile to Senator W. H. King Christian escape. Delgoda made their penitentiary these condition in a hospital here. the jury hear the testimony congregations of counsel W. had he Littleton in said Martin he said where a house executive story to printed today in chief to the petition Amburger will be brought oil op-- 1 thrown the guns away. Both and ExHerald the is of tor the Chicago Woolgrowers using the Utah being that Lakeview for investigation Georgia declaring on his weapons were located under a Section of the Cacne National was what to out- as erator friends his Ftom aminer. of soon a.v. the as in the eyes which will be taken up Sinclair not iporch at the address he had 1 orest held their annual meet- -' orders like that which "has bar-- i disgraced a i tied $ 8 ,000 w htch i he s i d e- as the woman is in condition to mind in advising to answer questions belore the in Ixrgan yesterdayr ; t mgMembers teil of ;rea Senator King of Utah, from Atlantic Constitution, brought was to finance the flight of committee relating to Teapot of the association Haiti a congressional party of 83ithe recent acts of mob" violence 'himself and his picked associ-wer- e Dome lease the validity of which Chinese Gunboat present from Cache Vhl- - arrived at Port Au Prince Sun- - in three eounties into public ates first to Detroit and thence Justice Seeger had then been assailed in the American ley, Bear Lake, Malad, Ogden, 'day an(j wa8 greeted warmly by notice. In Toombs county, it was .to Canada and finallv' Shoots court. Moreover the trial justice Brigham, Layton, and Kays-- . President Borno, the state de said, masked bands have held Mexico, Says Decision Prebel decided had he Destroyer that announced for Palos Verdes, Mexi. o, was the ville, and plans were perfected partment was, advised today by weekly whipping parties Not Yet Given that the questions which tor the hand.ing of the grazing Commissioner Russell. The total per- place . picked, as the refuge - for a more than year. ' t . President Bomo, whcrexclud-- " clair refused to answer were duringrthe season of 192 L. ; sons' whipped it is estimated, those who escaped, said , DelWHITE PLAINS, N Y the oil inquiry. American destroyer Prebel was! president H. W. Harvey and'ed King because of his attacks was more than 100-- In this coyn who obtained his in- court Justice ir- W-S- ufa statement filed on by Chinese troops Sun Secretary Hooper of the Utah on the legislation, proposed a tv and in Treutlen county, where, goda sinclair.s letters in Span foimation from ll. F. Seeger, who presided to the senate committee it was day near Wuhu, on the Yang-ts- e . the . editor of to toast the President.' of M. the Flanders, II. which he in recent Browning sparation river while escorting a; to place bet ore the jury United States, to congress and Soporton News, was whipped, translate, suit trial, today characterized aagreed members Standard Oil launch with which to the visiting officials, Russell the Constitution correspondent coloquy among that tlu as a lie a published report which had down 'previously Jiao Vita gx V. these Chinese He spoke warmly of the declared, ' said. his investigations men perceded tne voting escaped were to live in the New York American tonot to ask the oil interfered, it was learned today. imal work for the Biological cooperation of the United Stat showed that two groups have,. lu motion of a dethe Mexic8n town jn day that be had rendered a to was under taken the law The bridge of the Preble pertaining Survey, and assistant district es, the accomplishments anything operator intotfteirownith fuHs unighed by Leo- case. cision in the tne Teapot lease since the gov- struck twice but there were forester Ernest Winkler .were j the treaty and the collaboration hands andshowedthosewho a. e! frjends Qli The justice made known his ernment had entered suit for re- no casualties on board. the of the high commissioner and in favor of law and order,, present and addressed said the original mg0(l& attitude to Richard Paskett, covery of the reserve. of lines to the on the different w'hich he American The the treaty officials, . Manned for the escaned replied meeting Masked bands in Tombs coun-- j i said clerk oi the court, who took inhas been of the greatest v vave whim)ed women, the had been ex- Chinese fire with machine work. which The T,( jury f ,, J, ,.j the faesldes to his chambers a note from was made j value, the commissioner con- An assessment . Leopo hands These took , and Recalled guns. was Associated Press asking if the cused Senator-Elewhile fcontmued on Pass Thresj . The American minister, John which will provide funds for the tinued, have paraded In robes and other! in the box for the in- regular work of the association speak-an- d published accounts were true. their placessince last Wednesday. Van A. MaeMurray of has Kentucky, Barkeley, declared. he the! Among The justice, previously inform- first time to carry on the poisoning ing for the visitors, ''made regalia, hear- structed Frank P. Lockhart, the known victims are : A man who; Januel . Tellez ed of the newspaper story, had They immediately began to the consul the and responpredatory against to campaign at Hankow friendly appropriate said to have deserted his wife,. statement general Sinclairs ' the- se.'" dtlined to see the newspaper ing in cooperation, with Makes btop.Uver , another whom the masked men committee on March 22 investigate and if it is proved animals senate t .4.men. fine! a had not think did (Cannational Littleton. paid the that read by party jn TeXaS ToWU f T. W. Peterson of Hyrum and In his message to The Associ and it was violation of for a Headed enough Folks are lodge Florida quickly responsible, tonese) aled Press Justice Seeger said Hodges of Logan were prohibition law ; a married Texas. Mar. 1 5.(1 b protest with the Cantonese Joseph Liy .ED0( for Nevada Gold Field the there-wano truth in the story Nevada Senators elected president and woman accused by her assailant! ' Manuel Ambassador authorities. yjexicanBill and Alfred Kearl of Lake He said he had been working Kill Gambling of misconduct j a man who was,Te.jez arrive1 here today from Woodan MIAMI, Fla., Mar. 15.(P Frank Frazier of drunk and lazy , a father, t'onf Mexico City on his return to his night and day for weeks in There are a number of beaut- town, Frank of Malad, and Deluged by requests for over- and Clark 15 ruff, Mar. attempt to arrive at a decision Nev., CITY, CARSON daughter, a preacher and a t in WashinRton after ten iful new gladioli on the marRobert Byram of Ogden as di- land routings to the Weepah married woman about to become-n and he was positive that a de- The bill to legalize over are lists ..The this ket a)Sence from this country year the ensuing year. gold fields, the Miami automo- a mother, all charged wrtn, cision would not be handed gambling in Nevada which was that the only pur- in their temptations. rectors for " whelming on bile club started work today the down today. leg- The old standards should not be ' " of house Immorallty. the of his by passed trip was to visit his pose ' a mimeographed' map guide to The Constitution said that out; Furthermore, he added, - he islature, was killed In the sen- neglected lor big displays. Or- Major Borges ijrolier who serve applicants did not know when it would be ate today. of all these whippings, which; have nothing else to give Islands better der early, for the glad market have their intention are common knowledge, Canary not one, expressed the reached bill handed down but intended to I Kaid the anibassador. When the is an early one. Late orders i Nevada of departing for the been punished. man-ha- s take his time about it. to capithe visit senate today, after being pass- will be able to get only second a bad peasant LAS RaLMAS, Canary Is-- Klondyke. One applicant told not has Walker Governor yet. assembthe President ed on favorably by ,ith second Span- club officials he had more than commented on the council peti ta, conerred lands, .Mar. 15. Scientists of thT Senator Scott of Las cases. Colles on routine matters, met a fill Friday, to ly arrived Bonifaz ish gunboats enough eager passengers tion. States Department of Agricu- Vegas objected to its introducnumber of friends there but this morning from Cape his ten passenger bus leaving attachlture have iriiproved the treed tion. Under the senate rules a For making accurate mea- here with policemen have there is no significance Norwegian Major Tadeo Larre this week:. pound motion was made to reject the surements of machine parts a Jubi it than of goats so that two 110 other visit to ed with my been equipped bicycles of the animals will produce ' as much bill and this was done by a vote device has been invented that Borges and the othei Uruguan made for was purpose production in Italy with the front wheels mounted Rayon 11 w aviators whose plane was remagnifies errors of one nf 9 to 8. my sfck brother. I am jnilk in a year as "an last African the; year and it is on runners and the rear ones visitingback wrecked off, kilograms cently inch of into an quarter cow;. to my post at Washpound better X-coast on their attempted flight estimated that twice as much provided with Spikes for use going No. 2. them shadows' and inch a seek IF projects you. ington streets. covered snow v ill be manufactured this year. 'over IF you want an able to pay from Italy to Uruguay. ,on a screen. job, ! s- Am-berge- r, 10-yea- rs - ns j - " 8.S5L; . -- 1 re-tus- al - multi-millionai- re ! - Jordeab -- he-o- bt i 5 J at I Sm-Ma- r! , . ... - - . . 1 1 f J - ct " - -- j j vice-preside- s - wide-ope- - at - (PThe - , tnou-sand- . I want-advirtis- tenant, want-adverti- se th e! |