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Show THE JOURNAL ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS SERVICE OVER LEASED WIRE, AND DAILY MARKET REPORTS, MAKES THE JOURNAL AN IDEAL PAPER FOR CACHE COUNTY FOLK LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1927. i ill r, .sirras stood and cast stones and arrows, etc., at the enemy. We have seen works of this kind in Colombia, and Ohio. Lawrence Hawthorn E McLean describes one of these fortifications which he She stood in line a long, long timet visited, which gives a fair Before the moment tame of the many works found For her to face th'e window bars in Ohio and Indiana. r THE BOOK OF NUMBER 49. MWintitrP'.i .y. No "0. MailToday MORMON IS IT TRUTH OR FICTION By JOEL RICKS FIND A BUYER FOR WIIAT YOU I LAVE TO SELL IN NO BETTER WAY THAN THROUGH .THE JOURNAL WANT AD ROUTE CA-- N mirmtii i litmus BBSR9BSSP VOLUME L. YOU YOUK BOYS BUSINESS Oil BANKING AS And A LIFE WORK i By ROGER W. BAUSON le A - -- tell the clerk her name The hill upon which this What Me Learn From The Old Civilizations ARSON PARK, Florida, Feb. 26. Mr. Bahson continues his Stilt hopeful, yet with eyes that ached, she sau him shake his head. lht' hlSt,,t' 01 thB okt American civihza-,vate- woik is located is the most elecommentsmilietenjeading grpupsjpLhusuieas. This week of anyifamil'a;r'rt1, the vicinity "There ought to be a letter here; he discusses Banking. He shows the importance of banks, Bat tion.s, and the Look of Moimon, and who has followed our and constitutes a spur, the sum Please look once more! she said. discussion closely, wilt concede that there has not been any theory Imit of which is about 250 feet .questions whether hanking otters as good an opportunity for a advanced for the peopling ot the New Woild, which meets all high. It is a short distance "No mail today! youth with capital as some other lines. His complete statement Oh, what a stab requirements levealed b ruins, and explains the man perplex- from the river, and surrounded N Of heartache or despair is as follows : Is often felt b one who hears ing cjuestions, which luxe bothered arcnaeologists, as does the on all sides, save a narrow Capita! Not Needed space at the north, by deep raThose woids' For every wherestory of the Book of Mormon vines. From the line of fortiStrange to say there ar bet- in on the farm c,t, tillage, For many yeais we weie told fication the hill is sloping, but ter opportunities 'in banking Folks ask and wait and fiiajf y before leaching the bottom of for poor boys than for rich that America was peopled tiomj MRS. T. WERNER .For that comenever wilt letter, tfflftt the ravines it becomes steeper, Asia TO' Behring's sfiaif, licit dKiysTlTnlikTlercliiRdiStlli'" No mail for you today! a! s in ible and nib ss inace and manufacturing, . banking t places a'N now been this theory has WASHINGTON, Feb. 25 declivities. was does not require much capita!. That it Pei Inqis there is a heart that long! abandoned, for the leason that Unauthorized publication by The stock of a bank is usually constructed for purposes of de-- ! ' To hear a word fiom you, nowhere in that part of Asia 'a newspaper of the photograph held by a large number of peofense is beyorfd all question. faj has any people of the American of a, Private person violates Perhaps your letter is among The position it occupies is na- ple in the community where the Those sadlv oveidue i and bank is located. This seems fo type and characteristics, been his, rights of privacy. and artificial the strong, turally found, and for the reason that makesi the newspaper liable for be defences exhibit a great degree necessary in order to create lie-- 1 damages, Justice Siddons of Confidence and interest irt the owing to the long journe is avenue of skill. Every ces.sary befoie a country suit-- 1 the. District of Columbia su- bank, Such other, capital as strongly fortified. The princibe able for colonization could preme courts held today. Jus- the bank' requires is is pal aproach guarded by four reached, the chances are that tice Siddons said the newspap- oy indirectjy, by the walls, with the addition of two er could not invoke the plea of dimtty they would perish. Then there Where a, majority Should walls. depositors. supplementary is no evidence anywhere of ai freedom of the press in defense of the stock of a bank1 is owned the exterior the enemy cairy the United colonization in The case was. brought againcrescent wall, and then successman it is not as likely one by States or Canada from the st the Washington Times coup as 'a rule to command the confully assault the gateway, they north, but all evidence shows paay.by Maud Peed, in Febru. fidence of the people. It is forthave yet to penetrate the that the Mound Builders came ady 1926. ress. They meet with a comconfidence, integrity, and judg fiom the south. ment that a banker needs- in walls calculated of system plex Fifty vears ago it was gen-Chile Concerned to mislead and bewilder. These tomicceed. This means order eiallv believed that the people the also are that young man with capiprotected . by Communism With , j the Mound who destroyed who is seeking a business tal which still add to the difficulty F noith-j from came the Builders, j can often do better by entering Besides this the walls are so ar-- 1 west, but even that theorv has! SANTIAGO, Chine, Feb. 25. some other line which requires would but few that ranged very Stem methods are being now' few advocates for the rea(F) r be able to pass between the' , , continued by Premier Ibanez to capital.. son that it is now generally! lines where a offers, a at Banking, however, time, they from conceded that the Mound Build-- J communismwipe out for young men fine must contest hand to hand with Chile and to eliminate opposi of opportunity ers were very numerous, that' Mrs Thertsa Wirner. walls defenders. These hav. the lurpnt integrity, judgment, and en , tion to. the .government. A mem they were capable of putting! heiress" of Rudolph Valentino, whose ing been who have not capital , paliby strengthened u,i'ergy av gieat armies in the field, and! legocy of a third of the late film stars sades would give an advantage I Banks want 5r.? deposits and the centhem! is become it who estate overcame , ths the nation said, may, the UsUof more than j oner wiw man the nergy would e which j besieged, did so for the reason that the.v ter of a sensational attempt to break10 htmdred previously oivaud abilit, to get deposits . still more difficult any Kit-Crender License Gets as ar New she above the is will, and pictured aimed were better equipSlang ordered to leave the country the young num who of assault. Within thedually rived in Los Angeles frsm her home plan JP) LONDON, Feh. '26 PARIS, Feb. 26 (P) Ric. Although the list is being kept climb up in a bank from office ' ped, and could laise larger are n Italy to protect her interests in the palisades may have been a was such mies. That there To succeed it is estimated that Mrs wer. holes or other openings, which Americans will find water pureciotti Garibaldi, expelled from secret it is known to be made j j v to con- people in the northwest, no one ner will get close to a million dot- would aU0W the in banking a young man must to and free on every table in a France after the recent Catal- - up mostly ,of communist besieged reafor the seriously believes, under the will, if It is allowed to M)ur forth a gressmen and labor leaders m Lonibjne the qualities of, abso- -, destructive fire, mew, fashionable London res- - 'oniipi conspiracy trial, is in nad various son that not a single evidenct stand ! taurant parts of the country, hup, integrity with those which successor the odor here. Taxi As we chauffeurs know little the of but has been produced to support to the Kit-Cot Three communist newspapers make him a good mixer. Usualclub, which was quick to seek new names of ancient this system military the theoiv. V9 dpwn- zation was built up m the vaM people, the advantage given by padlocked for selling liquor out opprobrium to shout at each ly the two groups of qualities The Book of Mormon says do not go together. The good of the Andes from lake this method or plan of defense of hours and is, Jo be reopened other, have started to call their! les they came from the south, Titicaca to the isthmus of may be much greater than we as a restaurant with the exenemies ? mixer or popular" young ' man Garibaldi, fnpeh when they colonized the coum Missionaries Home ' can understand. usually is not very reliable and or the narrow neck, or triple! press provision by the licensing; they would pig try, and that their enemies Panama, does not .command confidence. tra-- J On account of the natural of tell us Stake board for. to no is be fool." that there Logan Archaeologists same came from the legion. the serious young colonLikewise of the the of of fort the customers cocktail and hill, bar clivity The the of Mayas, are, disgracefulness The rums and the forts exman of good judgment usually in would be less liable to an east the from came who to be ! been lsts afforded opportun-has every to the Mexico apportion recognized tending from Missionary appoint? is not a good mixer. Being st and founded on the'sauit at the other gateways, ity to drink water and may have by the police court, which J Home Great Lakes, are evidence of ments. Logan Stake, Sunday, engrossed in his work he does Honduras of Yet be should this undertaken of the bay shores 'sentenced food. with one a to chauffear liquor only the fact. Feb. 27. ' not take time to make friends of eivihza-an- d the gateways carried, the This lestaurart, which is in fine of 100 francs for All evidence shows two points that peculiar type shouting Ward II. K, Merrill, and be sociable. As ft result, tower which the of temple party, tion. necessarily assaulting the basement Garibaldi fellow a driver.1' believe, at Capitol wheie archaeologists IL Bhauh Jr most young men ' entering and limited in numbers to a fewest Theatre, one of Londons Bk fit Rich Heritage colonists leached the American is the chief characteristic, H. Kim Ward B. 1st the towards owwould be a Logan banking always remain clerics, time, exposed, s, was one One was on the which expanded (ontment. The mumficence of Mexico- - the ing to the peculiar construction dilly t Either they are ball, Lyman Pederson. King popular and northward through Londofts west coast of South America, gayest champagne Charles X to his friends is . Logan 2nd ward (ward corner- - lack the confidence of the bank St. Louis, of the gateways, to a double to United States, othei m southern Peru, and the night clubs until it ran abeam bringing a heritage of many ence) E. B. Spencer, Wm. W, officials or are hard working . eastward to western New,cross was in the vicinity of theba? and who millions to never Smith On account of the complicat-kne- the licensing authorities, the President of Owens. grinds without much of an acJoseph of Honduras in Central Amerilanded fashionseveral hundred civilizaWardthis Car of E. J. 6th ed France. construction of am quaintance. However the young this for Logan the it thing work, Unfortunately ca. The ruins testify to this or charac- - way pe safely inferred that it able patrons in police court. In President, he will have to turn Bale, W. R. Ballard, man who has the absolute con-- . its limits, nor tion, the tact, for at those points Mor- - pad been several times assault fact, there weie so many of Book fidenee of the officials and alWard John the 7th still over to Logan tenstics. the this government. ' oldest rums are found, and mon in club was when the it chief so has a host of friends whom the locates D. J, Sutton. e(jt and after each attack some clearly Eight downtown buildings Schenk, trom those points evidence raided that the officers had to' Central in can bring into the bank as he con Ward Jaredites the of deemed was insecure 8th (ward Logan 'part and the under them will shows that colonists went out city until certain revert toground ahead very and the point S. Cardon, James deposi tors forges L, .Build- - delay the round-uAmerica, ference) (Mound 29 strengthened. the President April into surrounding regions celebrated were pT i in westerners, very Anderson. race persons Rapidly, perished, 'the 86) on this year at the expiration of a vv TheNepbite colon v landed Yai I vs. Country Banks . Near the fort and inside were permitted to escape. The Lon- Logan Hth ward (ward lease. of retreat It the is N. of Council and don, line W. mounds W. which The very debatable whether were Temperature Tuo Henderson, ference) evidently SJ to Tuvpfhtes on the reward a Charles, King before the used a3 signal towers to give tie Central Free Church. Coun-- h a large city bank or a small W. Merkley. f nf Honduras lust as the! the Nephite aimies friend, Monsieur de Chantere-inCumorah at cil battle to Larward the of N. j country bank offers the great-se12th forts A, opposed great Logan gianting warning neighboring ev idence shows gave him the use of the of Panama and pe0pie 0f the approach of liquor license to the restaurant, Isthmus est opportunity either for the from E. Hawkins. T. had civilization land for 1000 francs a year The Central Of or men northward through as evidences but of investors, fire the Providence J. ward 1st A, Fung enemy, licensing of justices with thte provision that the ' ,an in the are maintained for long periods biggest prizes Voiko (course a to Hickman. al e TUicaca , and JJuptd the Hulme, granted permit thereon should beMissouri, Illinois,1 found on their summits. sell liquor under strict regula- buildings Providence 2nd ward S. B.the large city banks; but the ' along the as, Arkansas, mountain valleys come the property of the to western - Indiana and Ohio, Great engineering skill is in- tions. competition for these prizes is C. P. Cardon. west coast to the lstm9 Nocrown which happens now to Mitton, York, and that is where variably displayed in protecting great. Many prefer to be ward-C. be the Republic of France, or; River Heights Vnnseouence'the signat towers and old forts the points most exposed to at- Vicar Shifts Service hl toad in a small puddle Sf Reed Dunn, f, Bailey. So as not to interfere with should be torn down if dehae any ruins 1823 when are found today. small toad in a big pud-than a care exerhas and been tack, Swiss and German Meeting x been found. In the Sunday morning breakfasts manded. "The Book of Mormon says cised against die. My own observation sugany Sermon J. his Smith. flanking Ruber, ,, Joseph Smithy had The government already has t in their wars, the Nephites movement that might be made of his parishioners, the Rev. gests that the best opportuni- uew of and T. of 5cities places St. Matthews their sale Stevens, one for employment and in- - y ties of fortified the site, the negotiated enemy. by in Invented A Germany cap had never pah- New up S. Kent Ret vestment setting Church, Hotel which on hy are' in a mediuiryT E., stands Road, enthe The number these of for automobile drivers has a sized in South America, and ha or ,a(les of timbers against which closures are has the shifted from 46,006 to hour of his 0 The for francs. Ohio 8,000,000 city gina, very great, wind existence, . visor that can be used as a idea of 0f earth were alone containes fifteen, hundred service. , U bankmentg be lots population. will other and tjeu buildings to sun the shade and legion and protect Working in a small were; ot them. Enclosures knowledge up. Platforms to be Breakfast sold In later. front country the Yetnmowu appears addition, found. gov. wearers eyes from glare or apwhich they were r ingide of clearly ibu Jok of Mormon (Coniinupci on pap? fonrtoonl' t (Continued on pace thirteen (Continued on tae ten) proaching lights. .uirv, the 'defenders! (Continued on Pk Ten) , YE B - d i j ( j I - r7l , () ! , t - I tt- - ir t g 4 - 1 sink-hol- i! es j "'l r Journals Weekly The 15 tb - Features From Europe Prfn - an-estei- b at - I port-estat- - rs Kit-Ca- t, -- i at J s, , j of-t- he super-cmema- fjre-Yoik- w -- nM-abl- e es p con-Ci- ty 99-ye- ar t ! e, n, pre-In- ca i th : W.;7 - F. '' thNePhjJtrufrJV 100,-00- I. - 1 IF YOUTH BUT KNEW.. stretched up to over, six feet myself, weighhad one hundred and seventy-fived a and and education work hard hardened well are muscles by bov can have humble felt fit to tackle the fellow who had kicked a in it 88 to begin using r me out of school. But when I ran across' him he was not the giant of my boyish con- p jrtvmately for me. my father educa-H- e ception. He was just a little bit of a chap, and instantly all my thirst for ned that I should have a good attend a pi revenge vanished. arranged for me to Um-;Yale to Then and there I decided that revenge ' school and then go ro that it was a thing not worth-whi- le; was a had I In school, however, That first lesson and senseless mdeseipable. This mv teacher and was fired. me ever since in all my relations has guided can hurt only the man t taught me one of Tittleha ver with nfen. Revenge learned. I was then only a it. ' as harbouring heart he teacher was a giant My After leaving Yale I went to work as an than in tooks, and in the apprentice in the shops of the ordinary no doubt I was at fault, ! Pennsylvania Railroad at Altoona. Here 1 that downstairs uch a vicious kick lie was, quickly learned . .another -- valuable ' lesson. d to myself that, giant though The annual shop picnic was a red letter day ' of the mens year. There was no prohibition aid some day get even wth .hlIU Mecha the fter I was graduated from j at that time, with the result' that many of I alc, at engineering course assets HI A PS the most valueable wil e, -- -- shriv-eled-u- ry y. - out-of-do- By W. W. ATTERBURY Iresidert, t ( Com right . . The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. lfi27. fdinou Features Syndicate, Inc) the workmen did not show up the following resentative of authority. Unless you re- lower down in the organization do not f , morning. cognize authority there can" be no discipline. either. The morning after one of these affairs Without discipline there can be no organizaWhen you give men scoie you are also the foreman of my gang was in a belligerable to give them credit for results, I am can ent mood. He pounced on me and as I was tion, and without organization I nothing and always ready to give credit to those under not at fault in any way, sharp words en- succeed. He suggested that go back i me and they learn to give it to those under them. This permeates the organization. sued, I was reported by the foreman to the apalogize, to the foreman, I recognized the soundness of his advice The problem that confronts an individual shop foreman, who sent for me. (Knowing I was right and that the work I did was and agreed v This incident taught ,We two in a large organization is how to attain reworth more than I was paid for it, I was things; aThe necessity of discipline" and how cognition. ;Many believe spectacular per- to gain formance is necessary. They wait for the ready tO quit if called down. I walked up subordinates should be treated n and good Will to the foreman prepared to tell him to go their opportunity to perform. ' j man and hot a men is to blazes'. Instead of calling me down, the the way That I believe in giving usually wins authority foreman began to talk to me kindly and freedom to exercise their1 own initiative. piomotion. The. .successful meeting of Since I have been an executive I have fob , emergencies, or the efficient performance, quietly. Remember, he said, you came in the "lowed the policy, of, givingjny subordinates of unusually Important missions "are ' the service of the Pennsylvania Railroad as a absolute authority within their spheres. spectacular things that sometimes attract, f N When you 'give a man freedom to work attention. ' gentleman. Never forget that. Do not forsuccessful a of he has resBut responsithe , undertaking of tile sense, get either that although you may not something out, pect the man under whom you are' directly bility, and just as a judge in a lower court problem of every day performance is the working, you must respect his position and does not relish having his rulings found 'usual measure of ability to take on .an do what you areJoM, because he is the rep .Unwound and consequently reversed, so those added responsibility,) , lT I I . A |