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Show fridiii , Fcbniiii y 26, 1526. ustttrrr vfac; JOURNAL, In u fac?"wasTailaverous j f the yellow glow. HI eye were " lien, and they seemed to smolder dully ms they strained at us. Ill c- Porto Bello Gold B. . Arthur Smith ArttnrD. HoUe toniskt brWNU Sams Smitk Tiie gunner stopped from the h milled ranks of tlie aftergunid. attark." But Indeed the attack was made We had not advanced four Upon us. blockpaces from the shelter of the house when fifty of the Invader Stormed out of the night, howling and We fired one waving their cutlasses. smashing volley that dropped a fourth A few pistol-shotof them, and charged met us, but most of the Walrus' men had discarded their muskets, prewith the ferring to fight jullass, and they were utterly disheayt ened by the unexpectedness of the reception we gave them. was a Murray's slender botlkln of licit tlr which prirkerta path through the densest ranks. On one Side of him Peter swung a clubbed musket which shattered heads and limbs at every step. On his other side Coupeau wielded a cutlass with equal s sailor-fashio- n dress-swor- d effect. A knife glinted In his Imnd. Will jou lie assisted down and be e out you hanged whole, or must down, SIher? htlled JIurnfy. He, like the rest of us. Ignored th blind niau. Our attention was fixed upon filter. Ins broad face ery calm In the moon light. Them there ain't exnckly "lempt- ins term, rapn Murray, air," silver ilUMwered teuiieratly. Couldn't ye be a mite more generous? I am serving you a dish no more highly sauced than that you Intended for me, returned my great-uncldryly. Now, sir; now, sir, remonstrated Silver. How enu ye n that? All ue done was to try and persuade ye lo give us our sliure o the treasure you havin eight hundred thousand pound stowed away Kecfal, accordin to jour own storj. And If we come lri by tlie liack door ater It, .why that was sos wed hurt ye lei st. Youd nrgue jourself to a block of It'e In hell. Silver. rejoined bv great-urIe Throw down that amusedly. crutch! Prop that knife Jou, .sirrah, Iew or whatever your name K! Sword In hand, he udvamed ahead of the rest of us, who were strung out all the way from the gup in the stockade. Coupeau ffasrtit his elbow, and Peter ami I close behind. "Come, he adjured them a second time. Im In no mood to talk terms, atid if you delay twill muke your end the more painful." Silver's lace went livid In the moonlight. A e. rasned the oneleeaed man like llie luds jell lush ns ldwdv-rns lef us In tonight Atid us Mtirraj continued to ad- vnnee, be struck out with Ids crutch. Keep off, he shrieked. Keep off! And then: cant reach him, Kara. Let him have It! Pew cnottclied with his knife hand drawn back. Aje. it takes blind Pew to let him have It, he emu ked in his hateful voice. llis hand Jerked forward. There was a Hush In the moonlight, and my great-uncl- e staggered, the flung knife Furled tothebift In hi side. I Htn stubbed, he gasped. - Silver hrumiished his crutch over bis head. Pews stabbed Murray! he shouted. Pome on. Walruses! I.ay off, ye James lads well not harm ye, mates. Treasure ..fur all, and no .. more yellow crescent moon was riding over the treetops, and we halted In the gap the attackers had lorn in the stockade to survey our situation by Its down the hill a group light. Half-waof the Walrus men rallied and commenced to fire up at, us; and Coupeau was for pushing after them, but mj great uncle chet ked him. N'o, no, CbiipeauT Yonder la John Silver, astraddle of the stockade. See, - Salt Lake Business Man Suffer ed Agony Five Years and Lived on Milk And Toast Takes Sensational Medicine, Gains 15 Pounds, And Is Like New Man. J I , rnnny Peter and I caught my great-uncl- e lie fell. Coupeau Jumped at the lil'ml man with a bellow of rage, cutlass raised to strike; but as he came within reaelt Silver poised his crutch like a spear, leaned over and1 drove the sharp spike of the ferrule through the gunners eye Into the brain. dropped In Ids tracks. I ha done for Coupeau, Silver shouted again. "Don't make Long John do It all, tndsl There was such a rush of enemies, such a how I of exultation, as took my breath away. Im yon hold Murray, Peter," I said. Ill finish that precious pvtir." And I ran In at Pew, albeit more warily than Coupeau; but the blind nram and certes. If he was blind hii hearing was so marvelous as to make up for It retained a clubbed pistol, which was a serviceable weapon, at dose quarters, and Silver covered him overhead, Jvlth tlmt deadly, crutch. J Cou-pea- if John Silver, Astraddle of-th- n ,to sliot Jhe , after-iiarthem, Imt our people Yi a (flint feldadeji he Is helping up another fellow. Theji their pieces, and many were already have been cut off by our charge, and. engaged with the party we hud Just If jmi please, well deal with them driven out, who swarmed in again first ' through Hie same gap. Those of the James then who were nearest were I will admit a for of pang sympathy Sliver, lie was not more than tweuty palpably lukewarm, and Silver, atop adyards from us and by dint of well-nig- of the Stockade, perceiving his iik redilde efforts, with the other vantage, thrust his crutch atine and continued nmn to boost him, lie had succeeded trumpeting 'liis rallying In salug tlie stockade and was sit- cries. s Murrays a goner, mates L ting Dime, with his one leg dangling ! siiark-hid- t Theres only the Stockade. shotded-'-tB- d 1 Cou-peau- . Inside When we discovered him he started to swing Ills leg over the top, two Buckskin left. C.o easy wl they for ye to fight about, evldtnily intending to abandon his Jameses, Naught divide square Put whet Iter because of James lads! Well companion. something the other man said or be- - with ye. Men swirled toward os from all f cause, be feared he nuLst Injure of the stockade. thp James1 crew sides In dinppiug the eight feet to the with the Walrus, and where ground without anjone to check bis mingled at all twas faint-het fall he Ills mind our him-Sel- people-fough- abruptly changed and f.o ed about toward us very resol- utely, ei.ing bold of the crutch which -- Fung ft uni Ins neck by Its thong. ihe man at the foot of the stockad fathered b!tnpf together like S rolling serpent and plucked a long knife from Ills belt. He had been In the shadow- - until then, but now the moond light shone over his torso and we linn Tq? the blind man, Pew. He bud and eje-blmd- e Iqst JrMjjreen Maxfield n rtedlj and to no purpose. We were pressed back, ami presently were put to It to avoid being surrounded. Wego to tier house. Boh, squeaked Der Janies men dont fight Peter. for ns no more. He lmd SI arrays limp body slung over one shoulder and 111 retained Inin hnrrel of his musket the stock had been demolished; but he ran easily beside me through the sand, reitched. tbe blockhouse alone $! Of Springer Cow 793-R-- 791-J-- Thatcher eoal Co and ; . ly by the HCUK DRUG CO., and by the leading drug tores in every town (Advertisement) vaulted the sl.uto perish by f,,, '"h'1 nf Few! And in a moment when uppurcitlj- he had snatched - j ,,lr fr,m defeat! of Mechanically I earned chest Sold ami silver .Ingots from the heap treasure and built a burrhade aero. the doorway. But nothing came, Feet in "the sand all unwind the titoi klioiwe ; Voices (Tilled, questioned and argued; an oci usiouul "as fired no more. Flints triumph find been too amazingly coin Ihde for him to grasp, and evidently dissensions in the pirates btIiKs us to what the next step should shusli-shushe- ; j 'ld j , i j In- North. Phone 809-- Logan. NICE ROOMS For sleeping par t Tbe Palace. Jonrna pose Building, 77 West Center 8t 2ndhaud The hour glass we lmd fetehod from 1!ie Ro.va! James stood by the door, and I remember that I tinned it twlee before peter tapped my shoulder. He Wants jou, lie said, Murray lay witli liis head In Moira Inji On his face was stamped a waxy pallor. His nostrils were sunken and pinched In. A crimson froth showed at the corner of his' mouth. But lit e tawny eyes Mazed witfi the' fire of his spirit. A I stooped over Him a mocking gleam radiated from their Mack depths, and i.Is Up moved in almost voiceless spevh, I nodded, and the Horry, eh? mockery became more pronounced. Would have won you boy In time. Moira wiped tbe dreadful bubbles from bis Ups. You won't carry out plot? he uneftft-querahl- asked. - Twoutd be dishonest to promise." I answered. And 1 (lonbt If we are like to live much longer than you," The fingers of one hand fluttered strangely. ley. Apply C,- R. Russell. West. Logan, Utah. - ...... ... . 1 ; OR SAIJJ Logan. for me. Just think of it, alter five jears on milk and toast. I now ent moat, potatoes and all the side dishes and dont have a run tide ot trouble. Ive gained 15 pounds, and am back at my business feeling like a new man from head to foot. tell jou 1 could talk K.nn.ik from sun- TiRO till' darter Karnak 13 sold In Logan exclusive I exclaimed. And Is It you. Bob? Oh, Messed saints, imt Im that glad. I thought Is that Peter? yon were Ja, said Peter Atid what will ye have on you shoulder? Adead man? Is it him t shot a few minutes back 7 "Tis Captain Murray, I answered, making way for Peter. "Oh, Queen of Heaven I Sure, were In bud a sc. We are, I assented grimly as I followed Peter inside. Have you a r ' light? , She took a lantliom front under a cloth, and its scanty rays played with the shadows over tlie rune logvall and the pile of runt barrels und kegs of bard-tacand the clumsy stack of treasure. Peter laid my great-uncl- e gently upon the earthen floor there was no softer bed and began cutting away the garments from around the hilt of tie knife, which was still fixed In his j right side. And why didnt you fco with them?" I asked. She .gave ne an .Indignant' t . f look. ; i, L ''"And be leat$ thd limidf am not tlmt kind of friend. Bob." Peter looked up from his task. Yo" got to watch dot door, Bob. Andt, Moira, you bring me some rum. Maybe Murray gets back Ills sense before 1 suddenly found myelf unwilling to believe it could be so. He cant leter! Ja, replied the Dutchman patiently. Pretty soon he goes. He bleeds Inside. 1 stumbled to the doorway with my head lit a with I. Murray dying? 'Twas incredible! That tremendoti personalitj, so masterful, so aloof, dominating all with whom he came in contact, KHltily compounded of Wick- edness, greatmss, wisdom and naive vanity! And explain it how you will, 1 suddenly discovered ao admiration for him which had been growing for months heneaih mv surface resentment. I'p to this tiiointnt I had detested him. But I choked now at Hie Whatever lie thought of his death. was, he wag no coward. And there was about Ilia end In this sordid, hap-th- e hazard fashion, stabbed by a blind plun jn the dark, a redeeming touch of high trairechv He, whose ambition k 804-- 833-- 2 modern WANTED furnished near light house keeping lumber doors windows und kindlings. 69 the College 'Fifth ward prelefej Phone 1007. West 1st North. Live salesman to take FOR SALE Coo4 home with 4 WANTED over a well established Grand acres best land some fruit, berries and out- - buildings, at 685 n. 2 E Union sale territory In Cache Vat H. A. Moira! us Dellver- FOR SALE Two homes and good lot close in Enquire 343 E 2 North Phono 1121-I after ! -- - VS&- V-f- . on the side opposite the door, and ciriled It cautiously, no little eon- eerned for Moiras sjtfetv, for pistols popping mid cutlasses clashing In several directions close at hand. With the moon obs tired we could not see u nmskejs length ahead, and as I turned in toward tlie black oblong of the doorway I tripped over a corpse. 'T is on joiir ewn head your death will lie, nij man, said a cool voice. 1 can hear jou fine, and if joure not d. FOfl SALE Dodge touring oar. quire 353 No. sl. West. Well sir, this Karnak has stop- pod all mv Doubles and avoided what looked like a sure operation 1 HEAP Heifers dizziness urinary disorders and other kidney ills and has found relief fronf hll this sickness and suf- fering, that person's gdvice is of untold value to friends and neighbors. , The ftftlowlng case Is only, one ot 'many thousands, but it Is that of a Logan resident. Who could ask for a betler example? '( James Carlson, retired farmer, 359 w. gecond St W., , says; "I suffered with backache, caused from weak kidneys and as poon as jl got down to lift .anything, my back stif. fened and shooting pains j went across my kidneys, The kidney secretions had to.be passed during the night. Doans Pills, from Riter Bros. Drug Co., eased the backache and , . strengthened ray kldnej-sPrice 80c, at all dealers.- - Dont simply ask for a kidney remedy the same that Mr," get Doaps Pill . Co., Carlson had. Foster-Milbur- n . lUfr.s., Pa ffalo7Nf.-Y(Advertisement) CALL TUBS RELIABLE TRANSFER MEN J. W. AULT and SON. 80 acres in alfalfa near Jpbone FOR SALE Newton. Full water right. Easy IIUG AND CARrET WEAVING terms. Cardon Company. Mr. H. C. Lloyd, 137 We3t 4th body, fell ofl in weight, rouldn't do day's woik and manj times Just 0"ew down mv tooth and quit foi Ih7 d a v7T sfieiit thou sands of dollars but could find nothing to reach mv capf WOOD WANTED Phone 76. 3ft a v WANTED Young Calvrs. Call FIRST CI.OSS ALFALFA-e- - Irrigated farms . i. 374 S 1st 3 12-1- cp-o- right-of-wa- right-of-wa- share-holder- lad!" Bond And his flngr closed lovingly on the jeweled trinket, picking at the Ud he ws wont open und shut in moment of perplexity. The tuwny eyes flirted toward Moira. Take care maid good blood in her. Family, Robert breeding land- marks in mind wotld." I'll do what I cau." I promised, seeing h expected an answer. or more, hf reMight plied jviib the shadow of a smile. Pew' knife kept you lielng duke Moira " A pause wliiiri Slolra wiped hi ihH-vvo- rse . niQpth, (To Be Continued.) OP CACHE COUNTY, UTAH . H. B. Johnson, Plaintiff vs Lou I Purser and, wife Jennie Purser, De- - fendants. To be sold ht Sheriffs sale on the 12th day of March 1926 at 11 o'clock A. M, at the Front door of tbe Coon ty Court House In Logan, Utah, the following described, property Commencing at a point Twenty-hln- el 59TTrodsHouth and Twenty one. ( 21) rods West of the North-ea- st corner of the Northwest quarter of Section Thirty-fou- r (34) Township Fourteen (14), North of Range one(l) West of the Salt Lake Meridian; thence running South Nine (9) rods; thence West Seventeen (17) rodsr thence North nine (9) rods; thence East Seventeen (17) rods to thf place of beginning; containing In all One Hundred Fifty-Thre- e (153) ? square' rods, more or lest, Dated this 15th day of February to-w- it: 1926. FONNESBECK NELSON & Attorneys for Plaintiff. M. L. PET TERSON, Sherlff ef Caehe County, Utah. (Advertisement) -- LEGAL NOTICE? PROBATE AND GUARDIAN ' gun NOTICE CONSULT COUNTY CLERK OR TUB RESPECTIVE SIGNERS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION the First In Tbe District Court of , Judicial District of the State of Utah Jn And For Tbe County Of Cache, i In the Matter of the Estate of, Erie s, t: ve His colorless lips parted In a jfhastly smile at the shocked disbelief, lq my ' face, This Will be end of Flint. Kill me kill himself. His fingers fluttered again, and Moira whispered 'Twill be his snuffbox lies after wanting, Bob And as 1 fumbled for It in the wreck of H coat she added But twill be his death does he use It the once. J hesitated, but the fook In his eye Impelled me to give It to him. SHERIFFS 8 LK THE DISTRICT COURT IV lor sale at from $40.00 to $80.00 per SHERIFF'S SALE acre Long time payment. Small payment down. 6 per cent Interest, Call or write to Stewart Land & Live- In tlie District Court of Tho First Judicial Diet rid of the Ktato of stock Co. Logan, Utah. Utah', In Aral For The County of 50 TONS. LlCERN HAY FOlt HALE Cache, 680-J-Phone $8 00 a ton, Mary B. Wilson, Plalniiff, vs A1 Pr ori deuce; Bert 'Wilson, Defendant, To bejsold at Sheriffs sale on the 20th day of March, 1926 at the front FOR RENT door of the Couatj Court House at FOR RENT Furnished bungalow. Logan,. Utah, at 10 o'clock A. M. of Mrs. L. Cole. A. Applj said day. In County of Cache, Utah tbe following described property to- FOR RENT Furnished or unfurn- wit: ished Modem borne 71 E 4 N City Commencing at a point 66 rods E. Owner Fred J. DalL Cache Junction from tbe SW corner of SW 14 of Sec 4, Twp, 14 N. It. 1 E. S.L. M., and Two room Furnished running E 17 rods; thence N. FOR RENT7 W 17 rds S 7 rJs apartment J3I W 2nd N. Phone 734-- J to beginning, containing 131 sq rds i Also commencing at a point 67 rds. E. and 8 rds. N of the SW Corn N. R SW -- of Sets, 4, twp.-4- 4 f 1 E. S. L. M. and running thence E. FOR RENT Four rooms Inquire nt 126 ft. more or less to y 309 North 6th West. Of U. I. C. R. R. Co., thence NW y 180 ft. along said more or less to a point 106 ft. more or less N. of place of beginning; Call No. 7 thence 8. 106 ft. more or less to place of , acres. Dated this 23rd day of, February DKKUNQCEXT NOTICE Cache Valley Duck Club. 1926. M. L. PETERSON A corporation, principal place of Sheriff of Cache County Utah. business, Logan. Utah. Notice There are delinquent up(Advertisement.) on the following described stock on .SHERIFF'S SALK account of assessment levied on the J9th day of January, 1926, the several amounts set opposite tbe names In The District Court of Cache Counas of The respective ty, Utah. follow: f Thomas Muir, Jr., executor of the $10. estate of Thomas J. W. Hayward Deceased. Muir, W. B. Jonea $10. vs John J. Rozsa et. al. Plaintiff, Alfred Jensen $10. Defendant- - - . , E. Claud Jensen $10. To sale on the at sold sheriffs be Olof Nelson $10. 1926 at 10 oclock David Nelson $10. 12th day of March M. at the - Front door of the Alfred Olson $10. A. In Logan, Utah John L. Pierce ." $10. County Court House Ben C. RiclA $10. the following described property ,, ' , L A. Stoughton '. $10. W. Commencing at ,the Southeast $10. $10- - corner of Lot one (lj. Block Five I. P. Stewart A. a. Stratton ...... $0. riat 'D Logan city survey thence (75) feet raA Geo Tilled $10. rndning west Beventy-fiv- e D. A., West . $70. thence North two (2) rods and ele venCLl ) feet;, thencv,Eft.( 1 0. Ir.vjh UIX. Qhas Whitworth fL. Il.Witht $10. (75) feet; thence South A. C. Lund $10. two(2) rod and eleven (11) feet S. W. Younker $10. to the place of beginning. Chas Wlnnergren $10. Dated this 15th day of February And in accordance with law and 192$. FONNESBECK and NELSON, an ordef of the board of directors, Attorneys for Plaintiff. M. L. PETmade on the 19 th day of January, so ERSON, Sheriff of Cache County Many shares of each parcel of such Utah. stock as may be .necessary will be ' (Advertisement) sold at the off lee of tle, company. No. 45 North Main Street, Logan; ting plants to develop an addi. Utah, on the 19th day of March tional 95,900 horsepower. 1926 at three oclock p: m. to pay jr the delinquent assessment thereon, A survey of French aiir lines together, with the cost of advertising has shown that France leads all and expense of sale. Charles Jenkins, Secretary and other nations in the developTreasurer. No. 45 North Main St., ment of aerial transportation, IMPROVED- of Interest to Logan Folks When one ha had the misfortune to suffer from backache, headaches, MIsfcEIAANEOUS ALFALFA DELIVERED. Call 588J2 Phone Why, I could sav enough good things about Karnuk and what this remarkable medicine haa done for m. to fill a ne'spapet," declares H Maxfield, of 257 H. 5th East, Salt l,ake City, member of the firm of Maxfield & ORrttn. Battei y and Ignition Kxperis. Whj, I was told that 1 had cancer of the stoindfJi.tJilcera. of the stomach and Was ordered to the hospital for an operation, explains Mr. Maxfield. "Believe, me, for ten years I just .sutfi red agonj, and for five years I lived on nothing but milk and toast und pet Imp an egg or two Mv stomach Hit like it was tied up in a knot, and I had a teirihle burning bonsanon tn my stomach all the time, a sour, gassy taste, sick headaches and awful stomach cramps. I had pains all through my j 1 ' FOE SALE j What My Neighbor Says Classified Advertising - n tv Yonder FAGE FIVE Classified Advertisements must be paid In advance.-O- ne cent a word per issue. Minimum for first Insertion 15 cents. 1 e D. Howden We LuCAN CiT?, CvCnA COUNTY. UTAH jtiM'k-markt- Logan,Ltah.iAdvcrtigemeat) The inventor of an electrochemical process for preserving flowers and leaves (by plating them with metals is experiment in? with the plating of furs NOTICE TO CREDITORS S. Larson, Deceased, v Creditors Will present Claims with Vouchers to tbe undersigned at hia place of residence in Lewiston, Cache County, Utah on or before the 18th day of April, 1926. Date of first Publication February 16th, 1926. John Eml( Larson, Administrator. C. W. Dunn, Attorney for Admlnhtrator and ior estate. ; NOTICE TO CRFMPOEK I tv th watteg ,of ,th .estate (of , I Joseph kt 'pjublson. Deceased. will present Pialm&lvfth vouchers to the undersigned admin- -, istratrlx with Will annexed,, at her i residence at Logan, Utah, or at the office Of YOUNG A BULLEN, 6 Commercial Block, Logan, Utah, At- -, torneys for said administratrix with will annexed, on fr before the 16th day of June, 1926 i - LAURA ROBISON, Administratrix with Will annexed. YOUNG BULLEN, Attorneys for Administrates with will Annexed. Date of first publication February I8th 1926.-- ' Date of last publication March 20th, 1926. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate .of having- - developed Jong interna Gottliebs Schwartz., deceased, Creditors will present claims with aional routes in preference to vouchers to the undersigned at her domestic ones. residence at 595 E. 8th N. Logan. Utah, on or before June, 28th, 1926. More than 15,000 mothers ANNIE S. SCHWARTZ, Admioi- have been aided by the Michigan trlx. JESSE P. RICH, Attorney for mothers, pension law during the Administratrix, , without impairing their soft- last ten years. ness. SUMMONS The American Womens Club At the close of the year Aus- of London, which reaches its In the District Court of Tlie First Of the State of tria had developed water powers silver jubilee this year, ha a JudicialIn District and for the County of Utah, with a capacity of 489,600 membership of more than 1,100 Cache. horse power and was construs- - women. May H. Gordon, Plantiff, rs Ed. vard Gcrdon, Defendant. The State of Utah to tbe said defendant; You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons upon you, if serv- - . ed within the county In which this action. Is brought, otherwise within thirty days after service, and defend tbe above entitled action; and In case of your failure so to do, Judgement Will be rendered against you " according to the demand of iha complaint which has been filed with tbe Clerk of tbe said Court. This ae- - . tlon 11 brought to dissolve the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the plaintiff. Fonnesbeck A Nelson. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Address, Harris Block, Logan, Utah. - (Advertisement) -- -- Tests by & scientist have indicated that a grain of sand hag to roll a distance equal to about 3000 ' miles before it become? round and polished. |