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Show syi t i- Jt .1 i WHEAT MARKET (AP) July 14. Wheat, July $1.57; September, $1.53. Corn $1.06; $1.08. Oats July 45c; 47c. ffHE WEATHER CHICAGO, Mostly fair Tuesday and Wednesday; little change in temperature. ' . LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH, TUESDAY, JULY 11,1925. .VOLUME XLYIII. EXPLODED IDAHO CELEBRATES THE FINAL n No One Hurt Nor Damage Done Officers at .. Loss to Account For Placed Under . Bomb The Magistrates Chair., AMERICAN FALLS. Idaho July 13. Two generations of Idaho empire builders came into their own today. Thousands of Idahoans, the exact number will never be known, though it is reckoned by the celebration com mittee that close, to 10,000 came today to lay the cornerstone for the American Falls dam, a silent, immovaible barrier of concrete, rock and steel that will create here a lake 61,800 acres in surface and store 1,700,000 acre-fee- t of water to be released as needed to nourish the crops on farms stretching many hundreds of miles along the course of the Snake river valley. It was a great event, spectacular and colorful at the surface, deep in its significance, rich in history and potent in prophecy, Idahoans of a dogen years ago fewer in number, but nevertheless aggressive and farsighted, would have enjoyed, dedicating this dam and assisting in place ing the cornerstone. But it was not their lot. Theirs was to plant he seed that toddy is yielding LORD WILLI NGDON - NEW(By Associated Press) A YORK, July 14. bomb was exploded in the traffic court today, with no casual- ties. ' The bomb has been placed under a bench near the magistrates seat. A panic was caused by the explosion, but no damage was done. Officers are at a loss to account for the bomb. e- LOAN v ASSOCIATIONS -- OF STATE HANDS 7 IN (By Associated Press) HARRISBURG Penn., Freeman July G. Freeman-Thoma- G. C, I. E., G. B. E tiret Viscount Witlingdon, wfcs brought back to Can- 14. Seventeen building loan as- sociations in Philadelphia have ada tho grand shield of the chief city been placed in charge of a spec- gate of Quebec, seized when the Eng. ial reputy of the state banking lieh stormed the city in 1759, and preto tho Sussex department. They have been un- sented 160 years ago Col. Alexander der examination for some time, town of InHastings by whose arm General Wolfe their insolvency being establish Murray, died on tho Heights of Abraham. ed through overloaning on officials said. pro-ipert- y, -- f COMMISSION MAKES COOPERATIVE GRAIN MARKETING - BE : ii SPECIAL WILL INTO, CONTINUED INQUIRY SITUATION (By 'Associated , Press) fruit. x WASHINGTON, July Press) Interstate Commerce ComJuy mission has ordered jt special inwill marketing of, grain continue under the name of the quiry into the agricultural, and Grain Company transportation stiVtion in the Marketing which a short time ago decided west, in view of the petitions of upon a dissolution. An effort the western railroads for rate will be made to stage a financial increases.' The hearings begin conte-bacDirectors voted to at Chicago September 1st. State return the properties to the four commissions are cooperating in x companies which were original- the inquiry. ly merged, but will ask an opfirst. tion for one year to purchase Milner Death Causes But most likely there were them out right. scores of other prophets whose has been lost to history or Omission of Dinner word MEXICANS MURDER whose thoughts never were ut14.-- Tht (By Associated V k. to Rhodes Scholars AS THEY; SEE FIT (By MEXICO CITY, Press) July 14, (By Associated Press) OXFORD; Eng., July 14 The annual dinner given by the Dispatches from Monterey say Rhodes .trustees to the Rhodes sch olars-- will be emitted this wounded in a fight between because of the death reyear armed forces of two rival politi- of Lord Milner, It is cal groups, , , thought the custom of the annual dinner will not be revived MEXICO CITY, July 14, until the njew building, which Newspaper reports say a Spanish subject was killed by Agrarians ers of the Rhodes Trust, is com on a ranch In the state of Durango. The Agrarians are re- pleted. Past dinners have been notaported to have laid a. siege to the ble for the eminence of the before ranch and ishot him speakers. English statesmen, introops could tome to his aid. cluding the prime ministers, making them occasions for pronouncements of their viewg on Imports and Exports n and empire questions. Balance , Strike; cently , Anglo-America- (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, July 14, Foreign trade in j the United ' States for June showed an exact balance between imports and ex both valued at three hun- ports, - dred twenty-si- x millions. A favorable balance of a billion dot lars was shown for the fiscal " year endedJune 30. TWO HUNDRED 7- - FIGHTFIRES (Bv Associated Press) PRIEST RIVER 14. Ida., July Forest fire Conditions in Exchange Rates Enable Many Swiss to ' Enjoy Paris Show (By Associated Press) PARIS, July 14. Profiting by the height of the Swiss franc as compared with the French, entire tlubs, chambers of commerce and other bodies of Swiss, with their families, have come over the border to attend the exposition of decorative arts in numbers that compare favorably with the English and American visitors, Switzerlands contribution to the exposition is one of (he most important, considering the size of the country, at the Grand PaL ais. All the old historic .cities have sent imposing displays of national forest where fifty fires were Btarted by lightning Saturday and Sunday of the have improved. Forty-fou- r fires are still burning with many under control and two hundred mei fighting the fires, theft? burghers' handicraft. the Kanicau Be Turned Into Overruled Objections Taking Full Responsibility For The Conduct of Court. Battery F. of the 145th field artillery will go to Fort D. A. , SPECTACULAR STORMS tered, Maybe Nathaniel W Yieth, who built the trading post at Fort Hall in 1834, on the bottom lands that will be covered by the reservoir waters and Captain Bonneville, who led a (Venturesome party westward in the first movement, or even Price Hunt, reputed the first white man to look upon the waters of the Snake, Ml saw that far ahead. At the outset the infant days of American Falls are shrouded by mystery, the same haze that secludes all happenings not protected by written record. Picking up the visions of their predecessors, the second generation of builders came. With greater facilities placed in their hahds by general develop ment of the west, they commenced building a tangible structure embodying the lines of those visions- - This generation, one built American ght say, and stUl is at work shap-a- n empire, perhaps greater than ever visioned by the pioneer mind. - Most of the forerunners are gone from the .scene. Some are living in other parts of the 'nation. For - others all earthly labors have' ended. A few came today to participate in the festivities,, mingle with the galaxy of individuals, , whose names stand foremost in any recapitulation of incidents in the life history of American Falls, t 'Amid the turmoil and shifting of todays crowd, for American Falls is not unlike' a carnival city stands supreme the significance of the day; One might expect the town to run rrot. It has every, opportunity, for all the avenues for discharge of ex- . (Coatjansd Tt mm PffS Oe?2 Press) ANGELES, July electric atoms early this morning were reported along the coast near Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. A limited rainfall Some accompanied. damage was done to the exposed goods at Santa Barbara. COAL MINE OWNERS TO MEET WILLING PEOPLE of (By Associated Prfiga) The as 'of doal mine owners SocfAtiofi (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, July, 14 The Standard Oil Company announce es an eight hour day1 effective tomorrow fn the midcontujent field. Previously a twfelve hour day has been recognized in the oil fields. Drillers will get a dob lar and a quarter ' an hour instead of adollar. The tool handlers will get a dollar instead of eighty cents. Russell, Wyoming, instead of Camp Lewis, Washington, this change being - necessitated by President Coolidges economy policy and will be a great saving s r to the government in transportation. Fort D. A. Russell is. three miles from Cheyenne, the capital of Wyoming, and consists of twenty square miles of reservation. Regular army bar OF racks with every facility that a REBUILDERS look could soldier be are to for i P. Edward Kemmer of Tacoma, FREIGHT CARS Wash., is general director of the Pa- had at this fort. cific Northwest Commercial and IndusTole Mountain is a training trial exposition that will be held next reservation twenty miles from ; FILE PROTEST . year In New York city. Fort D. A. Russell, with several excellent creeks similar to our own Logan (canyon. No one but (By Associated Press) WARLIKE men in uniform are allowed to CHICAGO, July 14. Sevenfish there. There are few of teen corporations which rebuild ' the men in the regular army freight cars have filed a protest) who take advantage of this op- with the Interstate Commerce portunity so there is an abund- Commission against , the Comance of fish. No state license missions encouragement of railwill be required from the Utah roads manufacturing their own troops. The nationally adver. cars. They claim such a situationJ tised Frontier Day at Cheyenne would discourage enonomy, will be on during Hie stay at this Governor General Wood camp. Everyone will be given at COMMITTEE REPORTS one day to 'participate in So Informs The War least the festivities of this event. ACTIVITIES Department Tribes The adjutant general, G. Vv, i A, M men of Philippines Williams, is trying to arrange for a ' take to train the special (By Ajuoclated Pre8a)Show Little Sign, ll5tH Denver ito, BERLIN,. July , 14 Hie t Friction. . for a week end onting. The mem- executive committee of the , bers of battery F. were paid last German- communists' has re, tpv .Associated Press) the payroll amount- ported to the partys national Thursday, WASHINGTON, July 14. ing to $800 anf will be paid convention its chief activities in The Moro tribesmen of the again before camp and again on the last year consisted in mobPhilippines, noted for their war. the last day of the encampment ilizing the masses against the like past have appealed to Man- The average man's pay on each Dawes plan and preparing to ' , ila more check being $20. Battery F, has fight imperialism. for government ; two had three men working for roads and schools This information has Ibeen cabled the war weeks preparing the equipment Krupp Interests department by Governor Gen- for shipment. All the minor de, eral Wood who has just com- tails preparatory to leaving FriInvade' Spain pleted an inspection tour. He day morning have been taken found conditions generally quiet care of. The horses and guns 4 ' with the exception of minor of the local battery will not be (By Associated Press) disturbances in Lanao, incident taken on this trip. This equip.14. ' The ESSEN, to the fnction between the ment will be had at the fort. A Krupp WorksJuly in their expansive Moros and Filipinos. special drill will be held Wed- policy have become the partners nesday night and the final dril and organizers of a locomotive will be held Thursday night. The factory in Barceionia, Spain. In PROSECUTE SHOW equipment wall all be loaded on Valencia and Taragona they the cars Thursday morning anc have acquired an interest in the MAN FOR FALSE will leave Thursday afternoon. and in several coal The men will leave on mines and melting furnaces in the U. I, C. Friday morning am the province. change at Ogden to the U. P and leave at 3 p. m. amying at (By Associated Press) at Daylight MIDSUMMER DANCE Fort D, LOS ANGELES July 14. Saturday morning and will be connection 'with the setting given to policing of barracks, FRIDAY NIGHT AT-- THE on January Cfh next for the the kitchen in order and getting trial of A1 . Barnes, show man, anjoading baggage. Sunday U. A. C. on a charge of criminal tax eva- will be devoted to recreation and any sion, federal authorities pass. The stay at the training nounce a civil suit will be filed to camp will be two weeks, arrivon uie mid A dance summer collect two hundred twenty ing back to Logan August 2nd. will fce held at the Utah thousand dollars in income The first day will be given to green College on next Agricultural taxes from him. The criminal recruit drill, the second day under diction evening Friday charge is of falsifying his per- mounted battery drill, the third of Mary Wood Hinman, director corsonal return for 1921, and of Pagen-tr- y day the organization will take a of the Hinman School porate retu rn for 1922. and dancing x of Chicago, . practice hike. The fourth day the battery will be sent on a re- now a member of the notional connaissance and ocivipation of Summer School faculty, by all " WALKER MICKEY position. The fifth day they are of the summer school classes in to participate in a practical recreation. This w ill include the ORDERED TO FIGHT problem with the battalion. Sat- large evening recreation class. The purpose of the dance Is urday will be Niven t inspection mot to put on exhibition the to is and pass. If it possible aiy (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, July 14. Mic- range for a train, the regiment work of the summer school but rather to have an key Walker has been ordered Gy will go to Denver over Saturday rethe state athletic commissior, to afternoon and Sunday. The fol- evening of fenjoynient and folk around creation centering week fulfill his recently .signed agree- lowing they xgetA firing other dancing. ment to fight Dav Shade here practice and Friday and Satur- and The program will include ring , for the welter weight title. day they y'iti prepare for and folk dances entrainmentamd for the return dances, other dances from many journey NIGHT EDITOR countries, and several solo danc-eThe costumes to toe worn in many cases, be gathered INDIANS CIRCUS will, DIED TODAY from among residents of Cache who have brought old KILLED BY TRAIN Valiev world costumes of olden days (Be Associated Press) ' EL PASO, Tex., July 1 to America with them. Fred W. Church, night editsr of The public is invited" to (By Associated Press) dance to the El Paso News Hefald, died July 14 Three tend the the classes watch the af. this with enjoy the suddenly morning, just Indians, performers hit hy a dances they have learned at ter the paper wbnt to press, circus, wre Villed summer school, from hemorrjse treiu, i CHIEF M WITH THE MINERS LONDON, luly -- f -- ALONG THE COAST (By Associated r- ttr77r - LOS RUSSELL The Men Leave Friday Well as Shorter Hours For Two Weeks Soldier And Better Working Conditions. Training. (By Associated Press I DAYTON, Tend., July 14. In brief morning session in the Scopes trial this morning Clarence Darrow, defense attorney, made a formal I objection to opening court with prayer, declaring he objected to the court being turned into g meeting. The objections were- - overruled by Judge Raulston who said he was taking the responsibility for the conduct of his court. ELECTRIC LEAVE Special Drill Wednesday Standard Oil Announces Night Equipment to More Pay For Drillers Be Shipped Thursday And Tool Handlers as EDWARD P. KEMMER Meeting-- Judge . CHICAGO, ir Associated Doesnt Want Trial to A :j MADE F TO FORlEORTJ , For twenty-fiv- e years stuneh sons of the gem state have awaited this day. To build the dam and create the Veservoir obviously is most important, but when a people have spent so much time laboring toward a single goal they are "deserving of at least a day off to discharge an enthusiasm constantly increasing in intensity for years. Scores have come' and gone smee American Fails was first suggested as a reservoir site as is true in all big things, the idea or vision, irfirst. No one knows, neither will anyone ever know, just who was the first to look across the sagebrush lands spreading northward from here and tell that some day it would be flooded for the benefit of man; As far as known, I, B. Perrine, of the first school of Idaho reelamationists, was the first. He stood near American Falls in 1882 and spoke the prophecy that now is seen coming to life. Perhaps Perrine was the BEING FOR BATTERY RECLAMATION PRDIECT IT BUILDING DARROW OBJECTS PREPARATIONS CULMINATION OF GREAT E TflAFFIE NUMBER 167. have telegraphed the miners federation offering to meet with the latter representatives to discuss a proposal for a new work. ing agreement. Owners, however, again delined to withdraw their notice of cancellation of the present national agreement. FIGHT OPENS ON McCUNTOCK WILL - field-artiller- y - - 1 ' J , (By Associated Press) July 14 CHICAGO, effort to show m In that one page was inserted since the original signing, relatives of the late William N. Clintock today open- when it was offered for probate. The will as it now is, leaves the bulk of the million and a half estate to William D. Shepherd, who was recently acquitted on a charge of murdering McClintock ARCTIC dock-yar- ds ll BOAT UNDER-REP- AIR (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, July 14. Work of raising the MacMillan arctic expedition ship Bowdoin to repair the propeller is going forward at Hopedale according to radio messages. The Bowdoin arrived at Hope-dalLaborador, last night and was grounded after difficult work. , e, - - A stu-dent- NO . UP TO LET FUYVERS MAKING (By Associated Press) DETROIT, July 14 .The rumors of shut dowms and radical changes of the models by the Ford Motor company were ended today when the company officers announced there would be no cessation in production and the only model changes planned are in the lines of the car. nn n 4: ti 4 i G-- nr..n I j. The best carpenter does hot make the mret chipg4 j s, f v s. 4 4 J1 mid-summ- er j t |