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Show s nS'JCUTACLOGAN COT. four Page I of houid Prest. Geo. Thomas -- l" "r PrcsenlsHisVie ExpmiacK' Of A RELIEVE SICKNESS Htowton'the "r H 'THROUGH , GtANDS-Hcr- m n Missionary made properly, to avoid unnec-students duplication, et..sary In the couibe of e. letter writSAYS SCIENTIST ALT LA LIS Cl TY FtdfeALJadwuM" fwra t" libert y to attend ten tohigourtffiitoritr Chart0 In view of the generous either institution which - they England, Elder George S. Daines amount of. space that you gave and their parents may select. 1 J . -m w.c tawnun me in a recent issue. 1 hop you "ith I missionary field, relate the fol- rhiuaiW. wn.4 will t Fiat the state or Ltan snouia.ag wqil 9 the uver, the kidneys and lowing interesting incidents of me the additional space for a , transfer weil established depart-- 1 an other organ' would t incapable his work there : , statement. meats from this institution ei? Uw mnfui inrrrniwH Thfee montha ago I called at fuuc-no The aid "f 1 am not a KUnd' " gi aduate of the i,0cran in order to attempt iflore a house in my work and left a Utah Agricultural college, nor activity of friendly tract and later called did I at any time attend the in- - lege, our glands, and wUen tbe bodily again and left more literature stitution as a student. gradu- is disturbed, the cause finally a Book of Mormon and My other contention irThat functioning most cases should be sought, not the Article? of Faith. The at ed from llaivard college the taxes for higher education In lady In tbe' condition of the organ itself 1896. are paid for the students and Juit-- la the condition-- of the gland came to our church a few tirpes i' e the light to While I after several conversations had Jt pr0 rated between the which controls It." -say whatever 1 think is for the ta0 institions on a student per taken place between us. One day nclenlifle Clandogen, the new best educational interests of the j Ulp4ia basis. If one institution la gland tonic, prepared in tablet form she requested baptism. I asked state of l't:.h as a whole, I have entitJed a differential proMde a simple method of taking jLer if her husbftnd, whom I to treatment. Clandogen, for had not met at this point of our not up to date advocated one for some r or another, glamlular jason at board of control for the two in- that should be worked out on a men and women, in obtainable knew' of her destores. Mail acquaintance, drug stitutions. I feel that under pre- scientific basis. And in order to orders- accepted. (Advertisement) sire? and was willing that she sent conditions a joint board of drvide the work' and the funds should be baptised She said no; control would inure to the bene- property, I recommeuded that a yersity of Utah and the Utah but she had her own salvation, look after, and he could not fit of the college and to the tvmnjaf national expedience and Agricultural college under a to stand-- in the wnyv She had was administrative and jury of roputation,-whos- e Single head, position No one attached to the uniits acottage meetrfused standing would be such that suggested by Dr. George Thom- always versity is desirous tf minimiz- he could not be influenced, and as, president of the university, ing and informed me that her ing or injuring the work for who is a specialist in his line, yesterday at a joint meeting of husband would not allow one. I which the Agricultural college slxrald lie requested to meet him. a? 'we brought in to make a the chamber 'of commerce legis- must have his approval. -was established. Moreover, division of the work from an un- lative jtnd educational commit"No.' he will have nothing to everyone of the university fac- - biased standpoint and outline tees. Dr. Thomas was invited to uty would be glad to see it em-j- a basis.for the division of funds, speak to The committees by II. do with you, and threatens to phasized. Nor is there, as far as thereby making it unnecessary F. Dicke, of the throw you out if you call in the any one connected for the University of Utah or chamber, after the educator had evening. I told her that was an with the university who desires the Agricultural college to main- Resented his views to the board experience I had been denied, to have such work transferred tain a persistent lobby at each of and' wished to mrke a trv at governors. from LOgan to Salt lake 'City. session of the legislature, his friendship, as I knew I onT)n the other Jmnd, Jt would ly intended to do good to himself me to say that seem from the lobby that is now I Finally, permit A Bison Stood and companion. have no ambition to preside being conducted in Salt Lake overthe destinies of both instibut consented, Well, - she City, and from the statement t the wanted of me In old consequence?. I not could tutions., imagine a 'Mesopotamia Joe Is alright, and a good man -- contained in your paper, that it more undesirable . .. , position, with t ,, to me. but he is certainly pre(By Science Service) judiced against you - Mormons, Sty department, or school,, of The Image end he w'eighs a little better s BERLIN, Feb. 17. five-ceAmerican the on piece, than two hundred pounds. long ktandmg at this fritsitution GEORGE THOMAS the latter A, and the great to the college. I knew I had one advantage, T President. bulls of the palaces of eould throw gravel in hig eyes What I did say was that the winged , In justice to Dr. Thomas we Babylon, are all pictures of Aha if it came to a rum So one eveour unintentional error in same admit animal. This is the discov- ning when he came from work I Wherever they sell good candy assuming that he was an alum- ery of Prof. Max Hilzheimer, di- was there sitting in his house, nus of the U. A. C.; an impres- rector of the natural secto be thrown out. Hstoiy ready' sion, however that was very tion of the Provincial Museum This is Elder She said : generally prevalent. of Brandenburg in Berlin, who Daines of the Mormon church. Relative to his purported ad- ha? made a special study of the I extended my hand and told vocacy of uniting control of the ancient imagea and inscriptions him I was pleased to meet him institutions under one head we in connection with the former how I was not so sure. had abundant ground for this, distribution of the European IBs facepleased Went two colors, and he 'j , . in the following report direct bison. motioned toe to a chair. During ' . -- Weiimlay February is; 1$ vf CACHE COUNTY. UTAH u Ront Let. This Mig Opportunity Pass You J nwV Oar Offer on the i n i t Family She--- 1 ; JUMIOO V ONDCIV , re.-'e- I i 1 Schranuu-JohnBo- ENDS n SATURDA Y - FEB.Z8 -- 4 U Down , vice-preside- nt aWeek we-knot- For There it no mechanical device for the home that can .do mote to reliev women of drudgery than the electric ironer. While comfortably tested, without tiretome effort, you feed your houaehold lirien into the ironer even your dainticat piecet, men'a ahirtt and childrens' dreaaea and it comet out beau-- , ' tifully finished. i nt ( This wonder servant meant far more to a woman than the mere saving of time and money the laborious effort It spares womenfolk means better health and with it greater happiness it gives more time for th& many pleasant things in life that every woman longs for. ' ' Why deprive yourself when it is so easy to place this capable servant in your home?' Let us show you how easily it operates' and tell you more of its many ' ' advantages. y ' - 1 t CO. UTAH POWER.frUHT EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICE , from the Salt Lake Tribune: n This heated conversation la plumanimal, Alstate-wid- e survey of high- know n in Germany as the Wisen oty ber called, at; the door- for er educational institutions, with and in Russia as tie Zubr, is instructions as - to work, and EVERY SITES A Pc UGH to a view toward placing the Uni- - now even nearer extinction than my new found friend its American cou dn, - but once instruct his man and the wife had a much wider range, roam- said; You are telling him about ing the plains of Mesopotamia the very thing for which he obwhen that country was the ject? to you people; or rather, worlds ,?ild West. "That It' the'gubject that I was trying tn was important to the early in- make clear to1 him- was .the habitants- of --.western Asia is mooted question,'- - and I had slown by its appearance on introduced it to him in jthlA man'4 many cylinder seals and other ner: We have many enemies, inscriptions of the old Sumerian but they would be otherwise if civilization, when it was adopt- - they Understood us. Well, after ed by the later Babylonians and kpw0 and a half, hours heproffer-Assyrianeven though the Fed- to take me home in his car. animal itself had by then'disap-Ls- t evening the .two a.!ked for peared from the country. baptism, and he 'said, These early peoples used a worthy lWvx This young-- couple art splenpicture, writing built on somemod did as what the game principles specimens of the best race The -- Assyrian of people Under the pun,and. I em -- Chinesecharacter for bull was a tri- thank God tot h3? spirit paves angle standing on its point, re- the wav and gives us. his serRTrK presenting the broad face of the vants, inspiration in This Great animal, with a pair of shortt'Cause; for hc.w' did I know what horns projecting. Something was wrong. She had not menlike this character can be tioned the cause of his very i and I had never broached obtained by turning a capital A upside down. The early that subject to any person beHebrew word for bull was fore that I remember. It was the alphu, expressed with the old Mountain Meadow Mahsacre. I am very bujy. We hold be- Bound Trip Fare From . Later the Assyrian word-sign- . tween same sign, inverted, because the twenty to thirty cottage n Alepb, the meetings weekly. Besjdes, I take a trip around the conference Greek alpha, and the every so often. At a recent trip A. Low Fares From AH Other Points on to Fort Collintf and Lupton, we Early Sumerian figures of this Oregon Short. Line, ancient bison show it standing had fifty eight ' in the evening erect and fighting with beasts meeting at the first named- place Tickets on sale February pis; at the- other of prey, w ith men, even with the and, Limit February 23th when 1 arrived and place: noses of The the broad gods. months F. L. SCOFIELD, Agent ago today we animals, with their suggestion twenty of a Semitic shape, together had only a family or so in each with their characteristics beards town- Several, of course,-- were must have made t n seem very investigators. man-lik- e to the old Mesopotafn-ia- n ELDER GEORGE S. DAINES peoples, and their gradual conventionalization - into the Chinese Gradually bearded winged, human-faeecolossi of the ancient palaces Taking Control and temples was a natural change. little-know- - w-e- - s, - American BogDerby fan Idaho February dhsa-prova- l, $11.45 i LOGAN Ilebrew-Phenecia- Latin-Mode- .1 i rn , tw-ent- y - - ill' T il i f i t ; d, ft - I oman I n mcm Remedy Hi t i- U 1 A Safa amf Proven. ; f 4 Of Tahiti Islands . . . for Colds, Grip and Influenza, The First and Original Cold and GripTabet , Ivk for this' bignature on the Box. 30c. NotwitlfStanding the general impression to the contrary, the regulatef system of combat with closed fists which the name of boxing and w hich as a system had its origin in England, dates only from the'earlier half of the eighteenth century. The 'rules, including the rounds, and the interval between, were the production of who died in 1783. Broughton, . (I Science Service) ITIIACA, N. Y.. Feb. 17. Famine in China may be forced to yield to scientific farming. The University"of Nanking has undertaken experiments to improve the principal food crops of China with the assistance of the international education board and Cornell university. Dr. H.H: Love of the department of plant i. breeding in the New York State For many years boxing has Colloge of Agriculture at Corbeen a recognized English uni- nell will sail in March to assist in organizing the work. Improv versity sport. s now-bear- D - ed strains of the various food Mrs. Henry Parsons ..'entercrops must be developed so (hat tained with a suprise party on the Chiese fanner can obtain an her son La Veil Tuseday evenincreased yield at only admail ing. Twenty young friends were increase In cost. Dean J. II. present. Games land music formof the College of Agricu- ed the evenings past time. A lture and Forestry at Nanking nice lunch was served. Mrs. who is in charge of the work Thomas Stevens is in a very crihas sought American aid in the tical condition and has been bed plant breeding part of the fast for some time past, sufferscheme. i ing from dropsy and heart trou. ble. f - Snowshoe tie, Washington, Brand Select Pink Alaska SaIn Alaska By lmon Tacked Southern Alaska Canning Co., Seattle, f Diamond 3 - Brand Pink Salmon Packed By Alaska Sanitary Packing Co., Wrangell, Alaska, Main Office Seattle," King Pil'd Brand Pink Salmon Packed For Pacific American Fisheries, Bellingham, Wash.," . Rei-sn- er , Oasis Salmon nMnfoEre Salmon' Pink - Packed by pyramid g George Inlet Packing CpJ 0(v, Sitka, 'Alaska.: G. ors,, Seattle' Wakltjjjigtoo, Die Kingbird Brand Salmon Was Ketjk-Packip- iNsocuismgjjj INEUTONVFeb.'i 6,. Mrs. Harold Rigby1' Entertained - with ajvaleijtine party Friday evening, the yalentine. idcd' Vfls'Cftr-rie- d oufT fp the decorations. Cards filmed the evenings refreshments were of the evenserved, at ings 'entertainment all present, voted it a very pleasant event- th-clos- Brank- .xV he t Farther jawiraitiwiscj federal erti district tt.mnatio MiH - rAdutteJon the se led toadtj4 pgairist fjri.j w feiture in sik seizures of spoileq ): canned Salmon which were re- - mis- - addition e port issued by officials the bureau of fchentUtry, U hited ilig . States department' of ' agriculMiss Beatrice Parsons enter- - ture, who are charged 'wTlh the tained the members of her .club enforcement of, food Thursday evening at an 'old and drugs act;' x;f r aSes were fashioned party the young each xThe six seizure wore house slippers and spec- - tried jointly, the jury being id tacles, while the ladies came in structed,by the cclurt to bring eaps and gowns. Five hundred in a separate Verdict, Tor eac.h was enjoyed by those present, case. The jury returned oh toast and tea was served, a most January 29, 1925, verdicts for enjoyable time was had by all the government in all the cases. The government alleged ' in present. Tbe M Men of Plymouth the libels adulteration of the came over and played the M' canned salmon for the reason Men of our Friday evening.:The that it' considered In part of a score was 24 to 26 in favor of decomposed, filthy, and putrid Newton. A grand ball followed, j animal substance. Misbranding Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffin was also alleged with respect to and sons Stanley and Marcus at-portion of the seized cases of tended the U. A. C, opera at Lo- -, salmon. The charges of both adulteration and misbranding gan Monday evening. Mr.. Elmer Rigby of Idaho , were upheld by the jury. The Falls was a New ton visitor a day government witnesses testified or two of last week. He w as on j that a part of the salmon was his way to Salt Lake City on decomposed at the time it was business. . canned, and that, under com- Lr and Mrs C. M. Christensen mercial conditions, it was practicable to eliminate such decomand son Alex, Mrs. Mary G. and Mrs. Chris Christ- posed fish from the pack. ensen were Newton visitors on The cans containing the seized last. salmon were labeled variousFriday, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Neb'ker ly as follows: Daybreak Brand are the proud parents of a Chum Salmon Packed In Alaska bouncing baby boy which came By Southern,' Alaska Canning Sambo to take up its abode with them Co., Seattle, Wash on the eleventh day of the Brand Chum Salmon Packed In month. All concerned doing nice Alaska By Southern Alaska ? lv Canning Co., Main Office Seat- . to-d- ay i the-feder- ; j , Led-ingha- know shoe Brand Diamond S Bran j The persistent practice feW 'cannprs in' packing decfl1' i posed salmon, am shipping in into interstate corpmerce v10', jla lation of the federal food drugs act hds made it necessary to seize shipments in. different parts of the' country.' 8aJ federal food officials. Mjy?y ft the seizures have been contested by the claimants, but with courts very few exceptions the of have, upheld the allegations seized the the government that salmon was n decomposed-i- vio- lation of the federal food and drugs act. Other seizure actions are against decomposed salmon federal still pending in th,e . colirts. ; 4 Thorium, the principal mater; inial in the composition of theraw a is mantle, candescent gas t earth found ia very few world the of the whole supply comes from Brazil- -- place-Almos- m E.'ssSsfca Prescription fcra a .2St & Times d fail til'd. t ' ?, M) ArM! wnJiaiilMfani. cak tvl of t-U- ll ??. Md quickly "" ef- mop rkramMicia fuafal asoKlts mod oat 1T boole from root ld for AEND, topplr. JO XWrd Aoomm, 4f"j N. |