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Show 1 X r -- THE JOURNAL, Monday, May 21, 1923 phone -- Mrs. Albert Holman returned (Adv.) Saturday evening from a visit in Salt Lke . Apples for sale. Call I '9 IS. LOCAL NEWS - LOGAN JV PAGSTHSES CITY, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH FUNERAL SERVICES Hyrum Resident Special Values FOR MRS. FIFE Laid At Mr. P. (). Hanstn has acquiMr. and Mrs. Chris Panton of red full ownership of the monu-imo' oda Springs stopped over in TURN ME OVER business it 270 North Funeral Services over the the for a visie with Mr. and Logan i Main. Until remains of Finis Hemenway (.i Da.yjiMrs A E.Cramiey, wJiile cost route to Salt Like. iFife were held in Providence 1st HYRUM, May 20. wul x sold-aFuneral! Ward meeting house. Bishop services over the remains of Mr. price. Xryurtop On Saturday evening the Andrew Hammond prisaled. The Brazil Green were held in the choir furnished the open- - iVrum Second Ward Chapel A Few regular cords d run. board of directors of the last .stiij-h- t d prices and solos Tuesday at 1 oclock. The ward and - Har elected Blossom1' closing Staing hymns ice Lundahl Sen Cherry gasoline. H. H. Nokleby president of were sung by Ezra Campbell and choir furnished the singing and Guarantee New Stock-Reg- ular tion. Corner 2nd South andiI the company and manager of Mabel Thorpe, a granddaughter a solo was rendered by Mrs. Liz- Ady the institution. Mam. 'zio Lemon, also a quartet hr Mr. of the deceased. . Tributes' of respect were paid A. J. Peterson, Mads Rassmus- Bishop 1. .'t Uws suilerea aj j,. an(j jrs ,oujs Shelton 'by the speakers who all said she 'sen, Lizzie Lemon and Caroline' slight stroke of paralysis on have given a warm welcome to a was a splendid character, all Blown. ' 180 South Main i ' Logan Saturday eveiing as a result of new soil. Mr. A. 0. Shelton ways ready to help in sickness Prother Peter Peterson olTer- ed down from called the invocation. Cast !canu the on to Those distress. and Singing, city of power; control lost which he partial to welcome the new k were .Geo. Pickett, Wi'm. Your Bread, etc.. Brother ILF. Ins speech. 'll.. was renorted plunt ber of the famHy and the llenrv Ballard Adolph Liljenquist had known deceased, this nioinmg as somewhat mi- - on(l grandchild. son in law R. L. Dixon practically all of his life. SaidX and jBair proved. Opening prayer was offered These are surely sad occasions. H Mr. Fred Nielsen, a Salt Lake rv necessary for us to take Bishop Campbell and the ben- us a It is learned from Juvenile OfMr. ediction was pronounced by died yesterday. md if we hve.con-Nielso- n n A ficer King that the damage done was a brother of the late car ujt.e we 03,1 mee bves bere cemetery the'ssen by boys in breaking windows at P. A. Nielsen, and was at one! hv Wm lour Father in Heaven and our a.mmatpa the 0. S. L. station at Benson, time engaged in the jewelry bus- .loved ones when we leave this Dealers in Day-ol- d Dressed five boys iness here. A number of relaChicks, Live in was by performed fcJ rvT Mrs. hife was born in Dans existence. Iet us as Elders V from eight to twelve tives will go from Logan to atranging .tlihe. J Poultry, Poultry Supplies, Feed and Grain. She ville 111. Aug. vL it Italy . JxtryaTy We J0Urney years of age, and amounted to tend the funeral services. HAniMU',1.!' uVh ! of abroad Luther J W Kz w.i OUR SPECIALTY about thirty dollars. The par,i mgiter Day. In the ents have settled for the damage Australian mines produced the Brother C. O. Thompson felt ,con(ipiuy Chix, Growing and Laying Mashes. We with the family they done and on aeocunt of the largest amount of gold since,... Bibte Thought SrlMai) youth of the culprits there will 1903 last year although the ... a'mir to the wants of live Poultry then. If ,e deceasbe no prosecutions. and the mother of lt of New Wales South family put HOP'S I.OVI;. Tin- I.IM.I Imtli AfXLL. Deliver year, for the next 12 years she e(j Had known him arid! been creased from former years. of iiM mitii nit, sun,:, leu, aided her father, in establishing ciosely associated with' him in Suits Dry Cleaned Cash and I hate loroil ilico null ,iii mu USES the first nursery of Utah. Of the different vocations thru life, BRENON nitli ImlttK kltitliiosa Carry Plan $1.25. Ixian Clean- HERBERT loe; I lliorefoi't drawn tlioo. Jimiiiah HI :H, hlT orginal Hemenway family there Had found him to be a jovial, WHISTLE CODE IN DIing and Tailoring Company 20 Proprietors remains but one' Laconas Hem-- ! W. 1 N. George W. Squires, man.. RECTING PICTURES ; Ad THE ROAD TO WHAT: enway of Granger Utah. In 1804 A. A. Savage felt it was grat-sh- e Phone 1110-- w general manager. Logan, came to Logan to live with ifying to the family to see'80 That is the unique distinction He that oppresseth the xor to many friends present. Our increase his riches, and he that Smithfield h::s not lost a game that is enjoyed by The Rustle her sister Mrs Robt Davidson conse- of Silk met Wm. Fife whom'erals are different from those of she and this are the Picture they Paramount jear giveth to the rich, shall surely quently eom.ng to Logan with in which Betty Compson and she married and withr him aided the sectarian religions and our luncheon. Principal II.' R. Ad- program of the American Child come to want. Proverbs 22: Id. the idea to keep the slate clean. Conway Tearle Health Association share leading him in pioneer work in Provi- - gospel teaches us not to mourn, ams chaperoned the party. health is las the world mourns. What did Jesus say about the Smithfield has a line pitcher honors. For every scene in the dence. The members of. tht high portrayed as a" desirable . playMatt. 17:20. named Rasmussen, 17 years old. picture form large to small was As a result of the marriage; C. A. Nelson could testify that school faculty entertained the mate .Children are urged to do powxr of faith? made a from on children were born eight 011 occasions like this there was seniors of that school to a delic- the things that will keep them the eleven u" by signals given 'picked up grades of which still survive her Finis a sympathetic feeling among us ious dinner on Thursday evening. well and Strang, not with Judge Harris is holding court, there who promises to be equally whistle. as good as Jordinc from Clark-- 1 Seventy guests were present and threats of the unhappy fate " Herbert Brenon, w ho directed Fife Dixon of McCammon WmJyt prevalent ontoother occasions. at Brigham City today. ll present on a good social spirit prevailed. that will otherwise overtake y this ston. Stubby Peterson will large production, bug ago J. Fife of Lava Hot Springs,! V11 occasions as they draw us The dinner was in charge of them, but with stort the Hank Ford on promises of the . adopted a whistle as a substitute Carrie Fife Thorpe, Albert Fife, cHser The Wilford Woodruff camp Miss Jones and girls of the do- the enivable future .that will be together. l as for the conventional megaphone Luther Fife, and Abbie Fife. of the daughters of the pioneers pitching Lne. Mr. Ford deK. known Lars Iirsen had mestic science division. After theirs if they are comrads with been delivering the goods this usually employed by directors. Fifield of Weston Idaho, and will meet at the residence of ceased and the family of Broth- dinner all retired to the gym- health. The .will own He of his of out set Probablv worked Otte boys will be robust; Libbee Fife get spring. Logan Thorpe Caldorwood, 78 N. 1 East. another chance for his arm has signals and the east of The and Walter Fife of Providence er Green, lie spoke in the high- nasium where dancing was en- the girls will be more attractive est terms of all the family, said joyed. if they are strong; both been sore all spring and the late Rustle of Silk speedily learned Utah. Thirty four grandchildren Tuesday, May 22 at 3 p. m. we receive just what we merit Mr. Charles Green of Pocatel- and girls will be able to havebojs an hot weather lias improved it. them at the beginning of the and eight great grand children when we meet our Creator. lo, Idaho, attended the funeral better time, , Frank W. Blair Co, Dodgel Smithfield will bring a huge picture. , infinitely also survive of her posterity. made were remarks by services of his brother, Brazil. Closing For the very little children in Ad (crowd down with them. Bros. Motor Cara. One whistle means get ready A poem was composed by Eva Counselor Jos. Nielson and the He returned home on Wednes- the schools there is even it two means start your action. Miller Fife and jead by Ella chhir Let the Lower day. sang health fairy, . who' adds the Cantata Ninth Ward Sunday Several short, quick blasts Campbell at the fcervices which Monument sale at P. 0. Ilan-r.eBrother Mr. A J. Feterson return! Lights be Burning, d isobe. cd mandates ' Monument Co., 270 North School Wednesday night at 8 p. means stop everything or "no dejieted her character. Leo Nielson offered the behedid-tion- home after; meeting his brothel And further variations (m. Admission 10c and 25c. (Adv) good. Main until Memorial Day. Remains were interred in Reuben t'Salt Lake City, who of the fairies themselves to the instruction she about of the same simple code convey the was bnnginxhis little son home health. There is.a brings Hyrum cenetery. SECURES-BETTEall jolly jester Fine tomatoe plants at 35c per The College Counc'l of the most of Director Brenons orders Airs. Javan Peterson enter to Mafad, for bunal. The child dozen at Ola: Larsons. (Adv.) Utah Agricultural College an- to his players. tained the following guests at an was playing at the beach in Cal- In white, with cap and bells, able to make the children nounces that the following senOf course the whistle doesn't SERVICE FOR afternoon luncheon Monday af- ifornia and with other boys had who is and so remember advicing of this week iors have been passed for gradu figure in rehearsals. These are Wednesday ternoon ; Mesdames : J. E. Peter- in play dug a tunnel in the sand. laugh, milk about and eggs and open f to a in in ivd Smithfield these addition are Jensen. ation, worked out with the greatest! plays The child W'as in the tunnel son, Bert Clark, Arthur Lgan LOGAN base-ba- ll the 107 which were passed las' care. But when it comes to the Francis Olsen, George Lemon, when it caved in and buried him windows." Even to the older game. Oliver Berch, L. I Gardener, A. up. The other children gave youngsters the health talk comeS week; School of Agricultural actual filming of a scene the in- a pleasant accompaniment- ; BLAIR MOTOR COMPANY.' Engineering and Mechanic Arts, evitable whistle starts and the alarm and his father rushed with Postmaster J. AL Blair is re- Bruce, and the Misses Louise of and ood chfcer. degaiety A Nielson. Elva Donald C. and "Horn of Good Motor Cars.! Macfarlane. St, stops the work. ceiving congratulations upon Thomas chicken dinner was en- to the scene and hurriedly dug 't licious advt. ,( leoige, Utah; Homer Fomotf. his child out was child but the I started using a whistle at having obtained for the an city i A WET MIRAGE Ogden; Milton Wilson, Logan; one time when J was suffering extension of the mail Service joyed and the afternoon was dead when recovered. music. and social chat in B. six At a meeting to be held this anfl Floyd C. Larsen, Logan, from a touch of throat trouble that will be home J. Jensen is after appreciated by the spent folTravelers in Africa and, Ara- - ' months absence at Bingham evening the city commissioners (School of Basic Arts and and couldnt use my voice too business men and the people On Tuesday afternon the Ida Mrs. of bian deserts often seen , water friends make the official canvass of ,ence( clem Cambell, Losan. To much, said Brenon in answer to he where a was as lady lowing employed Beginning this morn- Olsen where no water is; Travelers ; called to congratulate her, miner. the votes cast at the recent bond date the number of candidates a query on this subject. I found generally. ing, a "direct mail to Salt Lake it being her birthday anniverin the Dry desert are always election. for degrees that have passed is it promoted efficiency and car- and eastern points was provid- sary. Mesdames J. E. Peterson, seeing rum where no rum is. 112. instructions to ried Wallace J. New The my simpler Dos and Donts Some According . Democratic High-teand straight run Vickers, secretary of the College much more surely than my ed as the result of the persist- Lorenzo Peterson, Arthur Jen ent efforts of Mr. Blair. He has sen, George Lemon, Bert Clark, to have some Wets said are gasoline. Lundahl Service Sta- Council, the number will prob voice could. The psycology of ch.Tdhood almost comic moved quietly in the matter C. H. Ralph,1 Oliver Berch, 11. U. tion. Corner 2nd Soutii and ably exceed 120 when cases have cogitations or to be one of the last visions seems not to en get people desiring Adv. Shaw, of galvanizing .the , Max Main. Smith, Harry Nielson, & been considered. thused over The thing only to'0.ris Rausenbaumn, Walter things that the wise men have States rights doctrine and ty have their hopes dashed to thepjfe. A four course dinner was been able to learn. That they are ing a bottle to it. They dream ' The county commissioners ar Mr. Reid Shamhart has re-by an adverse decision ladies and an enjoy coming into the knowledge at of forcing into the neft Demoground in session today. Besides rou turned from New these York, where he even though the process cratic national of the jHistal authorities. tine business there are a numbei jable afternoon enjoyed by all last, platform a decthe four )een slow and painful, is laration during has been past from different sections of the months out several States the is now Mail sent over the' that present. buying goods for the1 court of honor held for proved by the way in which the shall have the right to detr- The and! I. U. C. county waiting to interview the direct to Ogden lie firm. youthful point of view is grasp- mine- each for itself, what are commissioners chiefly relative, 'points south giving us a daily the llyrum division of Boy t a consideral)le m.ton of ed American ' Child the virtues of the by the was on to road work desired in va.mus Tuesday evening Eighteenth (direct service that we have not, Scouts d ther and Health In the com- Amendment. jast Association. ered The Southern parts of the county had since 1917. Mail to get this! well attended. Dr. Hill deh this the year, following and music prehensive "program of child States, which showed - their also the time set for detern n address excellent the be in must office service of the firms of the byan larger, cou health and child conservation the question of whether or not ;cllstom devotion to States to have buyers on the i7: 15 as it leaves here on lhe!'vas furnished by the drawn up by some of the lead- passionate dance y The the county shall install fire ap- country Cecil hand. North given by ratifying t that rights oclock market continuously to pick up train. interurbarf (eight ing experts of the country and amendment, are to leap as one hest Hird paratus for county use. fashions newest offerings as Parcels. post of the world for the Associa- man at the revival of the was soon as they are put on the mar- carried as we ,, as first; hall on Tuesday evening , stuff all tion boasts Herbert Hoover as A number of relatives of the and enjoyed by patronized they have discarded. The ket. especially in the ready-toGilmour and LaTour class mail. In effect it makes a president, and internationally cogitators of this delightful plan Fitzgerald family, members of wear and millinery lines, in! present. difference of alxut twenty four The the families of J. Z. Stewart and amounts only sufficient to meet meeting held on Wednes- known physicians and welfar of- easily count up States won by hours to most of the mail, for O.-Gailf, have gone to Drap- the home requirements, thus as-- ! night for all Stake workers ficials are on its board a very this opportunity of State option. the mail made up here and sent day er to attend The funeral of Miss suring the newest and freshest could have been better attended. modem wisdom and remarkable LaCoste and Bonawe There isct much use in anaOut on the 9:30 train is taken Roylance Fitzgerald, the unfor- of the offerings. If demand is However, those who were pres- understanding of childhood are lyzing moonover to the Junction where it ent derived much good fromat-tndin- shown. tunate young lady who was snot great in some lines it is but we love to see Mas neshine, only when is Deit 2:30 picklays until The old adult- idea that child- sachusetts and Connecticut in by automobile bandits last cessary to telegraph the New Tom Brantford ed up and taken south, reaching cember. Mrs. J. E. Peterson entertain- ren should do unpleasant things the Wet column, pot to speak York buyer to secure immediate Salt Lake about five oclock, .to ed at a birthday dinner on Wed- simply because they are good of Ohio and California, so un. . shipment. An Oakland, Cal., paper, in a jlate for distribution until next nesday, Alay 16, in honor of her discipline finds no place in the comfortably Dry in 1922. Ap- recent issue commented upon Statford Comedy Four morning. The new arrangement In his suit for divorce just daughter, Miss Elva and Miss outlined doctorines of the Amer- parently, the n plan the dedication of a new $50,000 filed in the District covrt Frank (will land Logan mail in Salt Larue Thomas of Portland, Ore. ican Child Health . Association. contemplates an amendment to ' A sumptuous dinner was served Mormon chapel in that city by J. Chesek makes a number of ;Lake not later than noon, and Donts tried the Constitution, though deArbitarary Mr. Blair asked for the er-- ! covers being laid for eleven found wanting In child control President Heber J. Grant. Up- allegations his wife,, against scriptions of it dont say so. Or Too Much a Business on that occasion the Macs were Iva H. Chesek- whom ice a long time ago and has guests. The centerpiece ws so many hundred years, is the idea to make a showmarthrough he well represented by Pres't. J. W. ried vase of American beauty roses, are omitted from the health down? of just kept at if ever since, finally Ranw'hile the Voat August States, AfMcCune cake. Special in impressing his views and a huge birthday McMurrin, George W. Games Association. of the Co. Rich He lstead plans dolph, flourishes act, complains unmodified, dine and W. W. McLaughlin, nov res- that on one occasion when he on the postal authorities and ter enjoying a substituted for are The New over York and them?. livto the ident at Berkeley. the improvement Was ordered. ner the guests retired was ill she- - left him to go to a commands, enjoyment for New Jersey Wets dont dare to w International News here cardsnd room music, ing and an understanding make any. use of their dance; that later she left their triumph. social chat were enjoyed. The dulLrules, NOTICE TO SERVICE STAR By winning from WYllsville, 9 home at Cache Junction and of of wholesome living They scarcely dare to approach, the fruits present: in LEGION MEMBERS following guests to 2 in, the game last Friday at went to Ogden with one II. Gill, place, of fear of punishment. even on velvet paws, the perilous Air. and Mrs. John Baxter, Mrs. Wellsville Logan climbed out of where Fun From In the old physiologies, health subject. The millions of conthe Press Box-tea r, at they registered Funeral services for Air. Aar- Geo. Lemon, Airs. Morrell the cellar position previously oc- hotel as H. Gill and to be taught largely vinced Democratic Drys, Mr. used e Allen,Lou-Isfamily; Peart Alisses of the the on DeWitt, father of II .J. i)e cupied. The stellar play on fear of thtf grim bug- Bryan, their remorseless chief,, that another she occasion through Thomas, Elva Nielson, Larue Witt. w ill be held in the Presby-tyria- n game came when .Stubby Peter- accompanied the same man to aboo rather bn the order guard Bleeplessly the Volstead disease, Willard Rulon of Nielson, Center Thomas, church, corner school- cork. If there of and the two was absent . Am .'were, ever- a and Second West streets, on and Verio Peterson. and that finally, on to teacher upon closed silly- season'' among polipounce school ready South i The 2 The a m. Cachfriigh Tuesday, May 22, at p. The Wild Goose Service Star ladies will act as dramatic club presented their such children as aid not obey ticians, it would be. right to went to Randolph, from whence and punish them. assume that the 0,1 flower bearers. They are re- drama The Charm School tq a his mandates, j ley to Belknap. I" she has written him to the ef- the audience Inevitably, youngsters arproject is a, bit of inquested to be at the residence large and apreciative hat she does notJ love or Comedy of Mr. and Airs. II. J. I)e Witt. on Wednesday night. After the rive at the conclusion that the tentional mystification, a joke, with him and become team beati'V 71 North Second West at 1.15 show Aliss Lila Nielson served really important thing U not to , or 'else bom of the forbidden him to obta, divorce,' :he members of the coit lo get' caught. Butin the health New'Yoik Times. nt r- -i n,' "oia Cupples Cords t djj,jo ; High-test-an- " at popu-Jwar- years j Geo. Corrimack j ' mem-i8poa- sec-lLuw- e, Logan Hatchery and i er, Produce Company and Os-(o- 31-184- 4. 'V-Kjz cater r de-iSa- - 1, - - We OLD DESERET - L. O. -- t kind-hearte- Johnson &T. J. Rowley d Utah ftin-whe- re prob-(abl- j , j J-- n never-to-be-- . R - v Sd-wi- ll deep-revolvi- ng st CAPITOL Shamhart-Christianse- -- sel-ve- : n, j Today and Tuesday i ' andrishable'le j 1 Si doc-ari- ne i j I green-cusumb- er g. - State-optio- j - "9 18-19- 21 suc-Jceedi- Feature four-cours- , e 5 Lyric douWeis ed - j States'-rights-and-r- stomid't !e I 4to5r jujce p.m. - V , . , V |