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Show - t age six rir The THE JOURNAL, 1X7JLN CITY, CACHE COUNTY, .UTAH. Sergl. Empey Here Widdicomb Plionograph The 1919 " Serg:. Arthur Guy. Empy, etcran of the Somme and auh- 3 - NEWTON, April- 16. Funer.. al services were hold over the re,1 . n Utah in the mams of Mrs. Sarah C. .Iugby, , is Viiarg noi tha rrtut Amenean drama pictunz- wife of Mm, F. Rigby Jr. Sun-- i a.ion of the same title. . . 13 at 2 p. ra. in the dav April f Th little American who is a ward hall which was well filleii ' of Ogden is today one ot iative . with relatives and friends of talked of men, in Am- racst the the- departed, he beautiful floral , . and does tome worgler- cmbkms it'atihcd of the esteem .triea in tliy production of ful m whis.lv this good sister lahJ: Future. the He takes ds right her family are held in our con.- - into the of no man3 land 3 heart ns unity The selections by the fills us with drills amid i burstJgg choir were Guide Me To Thee. intr fhcJls ar.d' yet ha' is chuck And Resting Now FYoip Care full of humor, keeping us smilPolos Sorrow'and ing ami showing us the sunny werp rendered by E. W. Fish, side of life in the trenches. O Grave Where Is Thy Miss Ella Rig by Rock Ages w. h. Griffin Sr. wm. Hyram S3 - Wednesday, April 16, , is ... , ! . v ( Sensation of the Grand n 13 n t- n n . 8 -- i, i a' Yrc? - v". - n j j I j ' jtapids Rest-Res- Furniture or iansen were the speakers, Tone and Distinctness or Enuncution lhe F Purity of Phcnograph Develop ment. For Beauty of Design and Excellence of Work- manship it is Unexcelled. - , s 'wrar pa i r. r.L fV J4 4lv ,MV JW At J . If-- : , ! 'rf - l I y &-- .( 9 : - r V ; V'T l-- p. ' di t I tT i p.--j j I-- onj k' ihch-thTt'- ivear and tear you begin to realize the vitalness of buying the right painty ! An outside paint must be not alone waterproof liut veatherprpof, , If it is not weather-j- Uaking n paint weatherproof is the difficult part. ' will it not . long stay waterproof. proof .To be weatherproof, the, paint film must be so elastic that it will expand or contract with the weathers changes and do it without cracking. -- 2V ft 8n BC' r j 1 SfJ- HS-.- I nl tol .a V t i fj I b ) I a HIGH STANDARD LIQUID PAINT 9rJ '4 VI 4'J i'4 OK 4 ' 1 t was as jlexi V(8 , photographed handkerchief. The picture above it taken from a film of photograph showing a two-co- at High Standard Faint held in the hand. Thf film was over two months old whea . If youhave been having print trnuVsr, or want to prevent them, tell uu about jour painting needs. The expert advice glvea so gladly will cost yon' nothing. It ps-' save you much. . .1 1 S p , ,b' s.t n-- "v ita iri EVERTON & SONS For , Sale by so yet it i m is specially made to meet these conditions. That is why it atanda so fhany years of weather's wear and tear. many they 1 -- . - Samuel, Rulop Amos, and Ray, the same token look well to the tires Mrs. Henry Jenkins, Mrs. Walt- on a useik car. The pyps have methof whitewashing the tires so that er Cooley, Pursus, Lulu, and ods they look well for the time being, but Orpha, She also leaves two bro- give little service, afterward. thers and two sisters to mourn her loss, o U ; film less than on a on e a When you know that you must depend paint jhundred th oTan t6 Tfotect your buildiiTgs from weather's m-- vi, t M Than a Hundredth of an Inch Protection I r 19 j j- r-r- - i EveniTwoiGoatsofPaintGiveLess three years amUha, sir,aA !.h. 4 JlYRLM STAKE PRESI-all the a? sod thix-iigDENCY. "to-- pioneer Me- lor the past five years has been j EXAMINATION OF AUTO TOPS suffering- - from a cancerous growth which has been Very try E$pecla! Care ShouId Be Exereigtd n Purchase of Used Car Deal- ing on her as well as the daugh-- l 5!T era Are Tricky. ters w ho have bo faithfully nurs- - r mv c. td her (to the last. She was the When one Is buying a aert car he m mother of twelve children' seven should be particular In his examina- UX tion of fhe top andcurtnlns. Sharp i lxyS and five girls, two sons dealers have a tr)ek of blacking over rm have their with father along a seedy top and curtains, so that at !' prececded her to the great be- casual inspection they" look well m enough, hut when the first rain comes S yond, those living are: David, sieves. tB leak like so By tU , j ! vumvmi art !. h - v I ! TURN THE UGHT ON BAD EGGS Si the in Ilyrum Stake Conference ill S3 W'ereJ benexhcTion held Saturday and Sunday t)e pcatioaand pronounced by Elders John Jem; Ar rif'Td and 2f):at debts andJoftn E. Griffin res- ward meeting house, liyrum-isifors pectively. The grave was dede We are advised that icated by Lorenzo Larsen. from Salt Lake City wili be - in. Sacrament meet-tng- s SarahjClarkriUgby was bor.i attendance. in ail the wards will be June 17th lSCtrih North yi'altc closed. A fuli attendance is de Emigrated to thia country at Spande Furniture Co.J thfeot -- g .i5 Icnlerence "at Griflia.Jr,ajid..ChrUli.a!i,Christ--L.---.- . OR if gs t, Vic-Lorya- Market-"DON'T BUY A TALKING MACHINE UNTIL YOU SEE THE WIDDICOMB u0 ron Bishop Jostph E. Rigby rc- - t LOGAN AND RICHMOND ao om Uurned home Sunday morning; ao v " 0O after a three weeks stay up i i e Bo Bgg Tesler I'acllitulcs the Market ing of Tho ,T69'FtrT9son,ss,:a jse95a5S6fC'?ci,!3V353'53's5Str,:x,3r';r-tit2':c.':rrr:jrz'- 3 Idaho. Kggs, Cuautccd, Strictly Mrs. Lovenia Card, Sophia; SAN Cal, Ella amLZina Rigby of Logan . zation. It is planned to Include, a 11. becomes Unless lie. April Candling Culls Inferior Eggs From xvere m attendance at the Ruf; homesfck oubjeet ta'a .tern.- golf links, shooting traps, rifle Market Supply - - . . !y lJ?freaI Sun(Iay, aI:;O.ILar0ltIjperamentai: upset m the mean-bi- g range and facilities for swimy of Bancroft. ijime, Willie Meehan, the local ming, as well as"a gymnasium! Good Eggs how Full and Clear Before the Candling Lamp, While Sunheld was 7 rcacejneeting xer who has ac It is expected that sufficient !heavyweigu 7 a Large Air CtH with a Mobile Lower Line m8 at p. uiy cjtmng the record of meeting progress will be made in matur-me- n Look Well lndicatesia Stale Egg. By to of the admit operaing the plans more of 0f : mvU dangerous Mill witnlon in Imivcn; AInjii': himitig preimrluy wtVuld have been had the w eath at least In part, this sum- the ring than any other fighter-tiffor rally plants In rolilfruuic.' tr been more favorable, how- -' on the Paciffic coast, will enter- - nier. new for a" your car look ever, Drs F, S. Harris and W. ;fn;n - I Hiking - at- - the- - marvel of chimney HONOLULU; two. Auto is used will Our Enamel TrlIrMafch7 WrilthcTerson oF the UT A. C. boxing for a couple of months, . Mars through a telescope is a big lamp for testing eggs in incuba- were in of number the old into a new one attendance and gave Meehan, has been generous in tm fmen are expected- to scale replico of the wonders tion may be used for candling. bring tome reasons why we should and durable finish as as a give artou'-- horses here from the mainland st,1'lces to which the egg tester sees as he F occon venience the light haVe a totglVmg benefits of natlons and he has been f .at,uc wartime original put on by the manufacturers. candles eggs for condition and should be placed po a table or W0Ih r the EaC''h "hich willhw Bold out a univtrsal peace. All 1ms 7 he irit aiever Our colored varnishes will brighten up quality. A peep through the egg-te- shelf The eggs to be tested (njoyed their talk v ery much Cvas ? part f the annual, territori' w ho he to going in device, plus the ability to should be placed at one side of inclusive m your car it does not require painting. ,! fair iune iuid ave them a hearty vole of . fight but was willing differentiate between sound and the light. hile e the opposite We guarantee you satisfaction. Now WMlma(p. thilnl, r,. thflr ,rIp 1 - j nvhue-Mud- 'a SPORTLETS rv-rr-; i , I The Pride of Ownership is Satisfied - j . jjQuired r i m, ona Having .Your Car , - j Make dollar or transform N - like. car the ' j iioned st ( stale eggs, enables the operator to add markedly to the price of the fresh quality eggs which he ' if 4, uhiri , whh f the Miss Iris Hansen is home is the time to do ",8f.land by vull announcement that indiJltld Set , theflu. cuperajing'from id in sells. alone by holding it, large end up. Mr and Mrs. Walter Cooley, amor,g thol w horn h- - foiU X . pursfs . . The shell of a new laid egg close to the light, A perfectly pof Bancrt)ft aso LuIa YiARigby ;were ' red jack Pemnsey , ,6 be.a has a soft bloom," which idhe j.,tet there visible sign of perfect freshness. ybS trot and pace, best three in miles heats, for This bloom is destroyed by a l&' ,be -- ' ' . j. .00 ; touch, and in any case disappears end, end the yolk outline i3 onlv, after a few days exposure to the faintly discernible. A IxeS Niftn has' the n"" over Meehan. . to ?toO, to which will be added air. After that the appearance of cell of of an inch iniKpp,, nt tup chnriity coiraiisat. Among the men thus faYse- - loO it the track record is beal- the shell Is not a reliable indic- depth indicates a fresh egg, as ' ait mo returneif nome Min-- , jected to meet Meehan on his' and a J, class trot and pate ation of the condition of the eggs run m general. A larger aircp,v IrtArnintr nftpn t tti Lig-- ( Eastern trip are Billy Miske at on, of $500. a for cell with a mobile lower line in-- 1 by funeral. St. Paul, and Jimmy Coffey in . be at leafet 18 "lU There to between an the and size By holding egg ncrPc-c- dt dMtejacronhng The Meehan has th events and the in a purses, exclusiv a a one and fluctuation or such stale eye egg, 6trong light rep ut at ioh of not being a very of those enumerated, already manner that the laysof light becoming weak and Ivater'y. two may be substituted. Dissolve haui hitu,r and hits only a bhv will to $450. 150 from range come to the eye through the egg, small wh.ch are ap-- j or three pounds of unslakod lime; is a wide su Very spots unch but his hging contents can parent in the eggs are usually ;m five gallons of water that has the condition of the methods when in the! be seen. This method of exam- - blood clots. Large spots, rings, previously been boiled and a"ow!ring not onb. ban&,''his oppo- toining eggs is called candling. and shadows are due o heat and to coot and permit t but fb)1 . anioue entor This work is done in a dark gerinfnatioft and JndicateTd! stand until the lime settles and W smmtators. n room,' using a light inclosed ina compoFitfoninlhe firsF' stages.yt he'ItffuuT iVcte;i7''Plaje'''''clen'!T: r tf case having opposite the light a An egg that is opaque except fresh eggs in a - clean, earthem ' rOCATEI.LO, Idaho, April, hole of proper size and shape for a large fixed air ceil contain. ware crock or jar. and ptour the 11. Organiatioh of a country. fen! bhe , ! ff - - - ; f ,! . 3-- con-tent- s. I i , P' : . . Riter Bros. Drug Co. - free-for-a- H one-ml- it THE REXALL STORE . Yehrs ago horse racing1 held first plaec in sports of Hawaii and it is the intention of the fair directors to revive interest in-i- t by providing attractive purses for the annual meets hereafter. ' SAN April 11- - tout a golf course in the Yosemite National Park has been asked of Secretary of the Interior Franklin K, Lane, It is figured that his would be a great attraction and bring- - hundreds of additional visitors each year, who like to FRANCISCO, Cal., spend their Vacation at a place Permission to lay where a links is available. t , fhe-mixtu- re - , With.present prices of hatters furs Gordons "should sell for $7.50 , i examination. mittees already seeking a leash two inches of the solution pu!tabe fX.aij(m Handy Home-Mad-e Egg Tester, opaque egg w ith Large the organ i is in 'should cover the top layer of the ' Am ordinary hand lump, a having a mobile lower line ggs. Sometimes pound of salt ill school has another pupil in hi-- 1 an incandescent bulb, a an advanced stage of Huld-deeshow used. used with the liitiejnrt exper- - charge, a son came to make its! flash light may be ing, Any in ience has shqwn-th- at p utilized is more ; T'he'Red Cross has another be on used them the salt for ainDthe lime without by breaking end, can lamp, set a case. Beside the hole in ' the separating the bad part. large consignmeftt(cf yahi to be j' j satisfactory. j in Lime Mater Store Eggs the light there Fresh, clean eggs, properly knittc up for refugees aT,d can' Where waterglAss cannot, be; preserved, can be used satisfac-- , be fiad at the Red Cross room at. should beli hole in the top end ; ' otherwise, the heat -- from the obtained for the preservation of torily for all purposes in Cooking rthe post office for the asking, . m'everv lsnlv get busy and knit. method; and fur the tabb' light would fire the box. A testev eggs, fhe t i lail-ler- n, -- tk gentTaiTlhBBF-with,TnT(B!t'th:e"13- h side-opposi- f 1 te lime-wat- ers have assumed the burden of high pri rawma t eria 1 sahdwil 1 hold the price at $5.00 the quality, of the hat will not vary. FIVE DOLLARS er -- U v L - |