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Show -' m -- 2. ' asr.'S iag Monday, April 20, 1018. TIIE JOURNAL., LOGAN CITY, CACHE CdUNTY; UTAH FACC FOUR age was done. Mr. .Newton Blaekfoot, Idaho his parents here week. Corporal .Leslie Lower of 27. Kearny is here on a ten Camp April SMITIIFIELD, to visit his wife On Sunday' evening last the sec- days furlough babe. born new their and filled was Tabernacle ond ward and Mrs- Evan Hanson Mr. the in dedicatory take to part over the arrival of services of the service flag for are rejoicing Mr. and Mrs. and twin girls ward the a girl, Mr. and Tarbet, the Nephi of First Bishop Plowman Mrs. Arvel Griffith a boy and praythe.opening offered ward Mr. and Mrs. George Hanson a er. sang girl ' congregation The The orchard home of Mr. ' America. Mrs. Lorenzo Toolson told James A. Cragun was burned the story Old Glory. "Well on Monday last. The Daughters of the HandNever Let the Old Flag' Fall, boys cart company held their regular was rendered by the chorus. meeting on Wednesday at the Prof. E. W- Robinson of Lo- home of Mrs. Thomas Woolford, Miss Priscilla Smith has been interesting gan gave a most and ifr what the on Flag visiting friends at Salt Lake talk City and Murray during the stands for. The girls chorus sang Liberty past week. Makes Soiled and Smoky Wallpaper CriiMeM - Tffri, ,Li&mtY f IOA94 I MWIIPj - 27. MILLVILLE, April Onj Wednesday evening a concert i for the benefit of the w;ard was given by the soldiers chorus under the direction of Israel Yeates The program was as fol-- J lows:: 'tf Tik V thousand Twenty-seve- n i Riter Bros. Drug Co. THE REXALL STORE Airs, ' ' Chorus, "Come Where the Lilies Bloom. chorus Over 8ol and There. Saxaphone solo, piano ac- - t'A HZ The Palace Hotel companiment dol- BUILD THE RED CROSS The Pilkington sisters sang lars has been subscribed up to WOULD Burn- date on the Third Liberty Loan. HomeFires the Keep This has been voluntarily sub- ; 530-MIL- E CANAL WORKERS CHEER ing. Mrs. James A. Cragun 'gave scribed as no solicitors have th presentation speech- Bishop been sent out this time to urge IN ARGENTINA DEPARTING HEN Wpiyam L. Winn.- made the them after. dediand reMrs. Ephraim Weeks is speech om acceptance cated the flag. Twenty-fiv- e BUENOS AIRES, April 29 ported as seriously ill at this CHICAGO, April 27 Tired t A syndicate of capitalists ' stars represented the boys who time, md tiavel worn, dust begrimed Mrs. Janet M. Smith enterhave left the Second ward for petitioned the minister of from long tedious hours tained on Saturday in honor of public works for a concession n packed coaches, soldiersspent military service. of Mrs. Abraham Smith enter- her son Abrahams birthday. the construction ot the United Statees traveling permitting Prof, and Mrs. Lofter Bjarna-so- n i navagable canal from this port hrough- - this city are being tained on Sunday at a family and family of Logan were of Buenos Aires to the city of heered most effectively .by gathering in, honor of her hus4ht. the guests of Mr and Mrs. Cordoba, a distance of 530 miles canteen serivee birthday, bands sixty-sixt- h of .the Chica-?Mrs. Margaret Griffth was Cragun on Saturday. The route cf the proposed vahal chapter of the American Red Mr. Soren tAnderson died is thru the richest grain lands ?rc- taken to the hospital on Wed, nesday suffering from the con- yesterday morning after a ling- of thte republic and project is Steaming coffee, sandwiches. nfctve known confined a face of to illness, ering being to facilitate gestion the mine repared by mothers,, many of signed as the fifth nerve or nerve of ex- his bed sixteen months. Funeral ment of agricultural products vhce sons are in France, verviees will be held on Sunday to the port. The petition wa f t pression. hope-macookies, magMiss Nellie Griffith was the at 2 p. m. in the Second ward signed by Charles E, Shaw. azine v books and tobacco aT C-to guest of honor at a shower par- Tabernacle. It is proposed begin are given to The traveling Dr. Rees will address the canal near the outskirts of the these ty given at her home on Wedtroops, Miss Nellie parents class of the Second fedeial district, connecting it nesday eveningFor several months the serleaves the first part of May for ward on Sunday morningwith the little Rachue!o river, Miss Hazel Miles attended the which runs to te port and which vice has been conducted undei the mission field. A full leather ecret orders, the Red Cross bevestraveling bag and many other library convention at Ogden on at present accommodates notified an hour in advance ing useful presents were presented Monday. sel? ficm all parts of the world all tf Trains carrying boys in G. Mrs. L. Rees en- which have cfcme here for grain, Dr. and to her. Afer a pleasant evening of music and games a delicious tertained on Friday evening. wool and hides. From this point khaki. Members of the unit arc luncheon was served. Those in- Dainty refreshments were serv- the canal would extend west- the only persons in Chicago inin this manner of the vited were Mesdames' Lorenzo ed. About twenty-fiv- e guests ward, crossing the northern part formed movement cf the soldiers. L Riches, 'were presentTooLon, George of the Province of Buenos Aires Vcmen of Social note Jiave MKs Rachel Noble was enter- - and James A.t Cragun,, Henry Jiao traversing the rich agriculson. Vein ToqLoji. AdA.Braith-- j tained by the Liberty swarm of tural province of Santa Ke to been most activ e' in' this volhn-He- r WOik. The success hf, the the? Beehive girls on Monday. The the boundary of .the province waite.and Frank Winn-tanfefvice js attested by1 the req Misses Ra6 MilriSj Violet, Verna .occasion being her birthday. of Cordoba whence the direction, and Myrtle Larrson, Lulu Peter . , Miss Ada Plowman entertain- would be northwest through-th- iltp, tkW under way, Td$the CtIfTe A building, whlchiwill son, Edna Petersonj , Valeria ed at her. home on Thursday department of Santa Marla' Ltiofne the headquarters of the Weeks Edna Steffenson, Mag- evening in honor of Harry Mer- to the city cf Cordoba. . h ..... ;h,?. . unit .. gie Peterson, AltaNilson, Alta rill prior to his departure for would be built; in the Ports P&Tributicfc Fort Neb. Those Crook, Mattie hf fooddelicaWoodruff, Griffith, present cities jnd towns of Moron, Rod- Thelma Corbett,1 Lila' Nelson, were Messrs. Robert Griffith, riguczT , Chacabaco,,! Mercedes, not the !lrt Mary Toolson, Sadie andtLulif Maurice Miles, James Fulker-- Junin, ArenaleTeodolina,,Ven-1e'- e the unit. Nora u Soreasotu Son, Gordon Rlackhurst, Gordon ado Service psjthe McCracken, Tueito, Lo CoiIota,,La- - La Vafchw'Crd. Pc cards Viola and Mabel Collett, Selma, Earing and 'the Misses Venice Westward are.3up' and San Antonio,'men that they Connie guna from Villa Holjeson Ethel Thornley, Lilia,,, and, Ethels Billyard, can- pbed the the Maria, Thornley, Brenda Smith, Fran - Miles. Elaine Hadfield and Lila al Would parallel the right' of wiifc- home! Messages are taken and promptly attended to by . cis Roskelley and Nanmir Dyson. Nelson. of the Central Argentine members of the unit. Many sob Mr, and Mrs. Carl Hanson way Mr, Ersel Larson, on board Anfor 13 miles to Sart dier gives the workers telephone an American vessel wrote to his celebrated their tenth wedding laTwsy from which it would run numbers tonio to call just for a friendparents from Key West, Florida anniversary on Monday evening-- northward to the city of Cordoly hello to acquaintances and missionary farewell will be ba. saying that he Vvas enjoying himself but anxious to get over given in the First ward on Suna con- relatives. The When word Js received of the to France. day evening for the benefit of cession syndicate requests to it operate f a trooP Funeral services over the re- Miss Rae Miles who will soon the canalpermitting for seventy years after mains of little Joseph Blaine leave for the mission field. be hich the entire work. will The program at the Union which is given for this work, art; Olney, one of the twin children over to the nation, the sent with well filled baskets to of Mr and Mrs. Joseph Olney Hall for the week Is as follows: turned syndicate agreeing during, the the depot The workers were held at Tuesday at the April 29 The Call of the seventy pass the years to operate the baskets through the coaches , residence. The little one died of East A and at tariffs lower than reward for their efforts sr inal meningitis at the age of April 30. The Price of canal gain A of the those reprerailways. ihe unqualified delight eleven months. Folly. sentative of the syndicate says from 2 The shines conthat from every bronzed C. House. May Plowman J. Judgment Bishop for digging the can- face. ducted. Opening song, Oh Myl May 4 Arms and the Girl. the capital I al has been subscribed. May 8 Draft 258. Father, Prayer by Elder The idea of a canal from CorMrs. liam Done. Your Sweet Little Regenia Smith enter- doba tQ Buenos Aires is nof a LIEUT. GEORGES FLACHAIRE Rosebud, was sung by Nathan tained the officers of the Sec- new one. The project that has Done Elders Samuel Nelson. ond ward Primary on Monday been recognized by Argenlong George Done and Bishop Plow- afternoon. must as be underone tines that Mr. man made the speeches. Closing William Wheeler of Hansooner or taken later sel valley is visiting Mr. L. E. BeneBong I Come to Thee. Larson and family. diction Henry Meikle, Mrs Richard Roskelley has THIEVES PLAN TO BUY Messrs. Earl McCann and E. BONDS iU the keen B. Lundquist have both been past ten days, (By Associated Press) Mr. Earl Oliverson the operated upon of Frankpast weekri Mr McCann is reported as be- lin m the eighth division of the CHICAGO, April 26 Jake thirteenth infantry stationed at Janz, a saloonkeeper here, is ing in a critical condition. perplexed. Thieves got into his Mr. James Thornleys home Camp Freemont, California, was discovered to be on fire on was the guest of Mr. R. V. Lar- room over night, took $5,000, of which comprised savMonday evening, but was under son and family during the week. part of a fellow ings countryman control before any serious dam- who trusted him, and in its TAR AND FEATHERS place left a note that read : !! DISLOYALTY This is too much money for FI Associated (By Pressl it you, Janz. We are going to inASHLAND, Wis., April 26 The tar bucket and a huge pile vest every dollar of it in Liberty Musterole Loosens Up Those of feathers are in waiting here bonds. Out Pain Drives Stiff Joints Youll know why thousands use Mua for any persons guilty of disIt is estimated that about ten terole once you experience the glad re- loyal remarks oif conduct. The of percent lief it gives. contents of the bucket and some have not the property owners their income tax. Get ajar at once from the . nearest have already These arepaid smart people who drug store. It is a clean, white ointment, been used with good effect by a made with the oil of mustard. Better prefer to pay the tax later and than a mustard plaster and does not party of masked men, in two a large penalty in addition. blister. Brings ease and comfort while cases, and it is said 4, that several No road oil this year, but the it is being rubbed on! other persons under suspicion motorists can get satisfaction Musterole is recommended by many doctors and nurses. Millions of jars are are to receive a yisit from the for the dust they get by throw. stiff ' used annually for bronchitis, crouft tar brigade. ing an equal amount on some neck, asthma, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheuone else. matism, lumbago, pains and aches of the The Germans are bai k or joints sprains, sore musclei Lieut. George Flfichaire (left), a wearing Golds of frosted feet wooden soles and paper uppers bruises, chilblains, French ace" with aeven German Prescription plane to hi credit, and Map Gen. the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). on the shoes, but for they dont 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2 50 George O. Squier in Potomac park, mind a little thing like that if Lieutenant Flachaire, Washington. they can keep from getting free for 13 for all km who ha had an experience of two and ycraA th. .tondaid government. disease. liquid Used externally. Inti uni a half year at the front, haa been tram itch, Me. Me and tl uo. Your tueuey Complaint is made about the rtiitf back tf the first bottle does not bring yota showing the capital the pace of a scarcity of mules, but there are blul Ask ilw about D. D. iX Soap. battleplane, whose normal Riter Bros. Prut Company epeed Is ISO mile an hour. plenty of em. in Congress. - - !u.-,us- - v o -- choc-date- s de e - - 1 LOOK LIKE NEW Absorbs the dust and smoke. Money, back if not satisf actory. Orchestra. - Bell. of National Medley mmu - ( f ! - , - - - j - U ofthe-featbers- r ED.ED.IQ. Eczema F mii: ,t m&k-- O Double Recitation Difficulties, jjf -- Moonlight -- Chorus Come Again. Solo and Chorus Send Away, with a Smile Male Quartet Sunbeam. , Duet Selected. Chorus Medley of Rational Airs. 7 , The program was well rendered apd enjoyed hy those presen- ' entertainment conclud-j- d with a laughable jfarce by T. H. Cutler and company, entitled The The Tables Turned., as hot was large audience quite t,-The as usual r Quite a number of our people went to CollegeWard on Tuesday evening to attend the farewell oarty given in honor of Sylvester Nielson, ,.X. H- - Cutler delivered the principal address of the evening. , v' letter A very interesting from Miss Iris Olson who is at Washington, D. C was received She by her parents recently. ber of writes entertainingly Sahors in the government offices and of many little trips to points af interest. She and Emma Niel son also of Millville stood with about 5,000 other people in the rain for an hour waiting to get to hear Secretary Baker speak on his return from the front. The ?irls were fortunate enough to ?et in the, hall and obtained good seats. They, were very favorably impressed with Mr. Baker and speech greatly enjoyed his which' Miss Iris describes as a r lain 'talk, being' given quietly Without much' Oratorical effect and but witlj chqic English" ' withal very interesting ' t Mrs., Eliza Cantwell of Ogden has returned home after a very visit with relatives and friends. She came up with ,her daughter Myrtle- who was married in the Logaff Temple April 10 to Walter Reed of Ogden. The young people (will make, their home in Ogden. , . Mrs. E. N Hammond of Logan spent Wednesday w'ith ; her sister Mrs. James A. Hovey. A letter from Leroy Rindles-bachto his parents states that he is well and enjoying his labors at San Diego and hopes he may get a furlough soon to come homer ' It is said that Harry Nielson has been sent to a training school in Myrtle Whitney returned to her home at Cornish today after a two. weeks visit , -- - er Ohio-Mis- s An ideal place to stay when In Logan. The rooms are" w comfortable and.tjie terms are reasonable. LOGAN, UTAH i WET'jCENTEIt ,STRIf 7 JOB PRINTING THE: JOURNAL Wedding Announcements Letter Heads, Envelopes Butter Wrappers Statements with relatives. The following extract of a Booklets letter received recently by relaChandler Mrs from tives Henry Posters of Springfield, Idaho may prove And anything Jri the Job Printing' Line of interest to her friends in her sons old home town. Two of her are now serving Uncle Sam and she has another one eager to go but not quite old enough. I was just putting on my things, she writes, to start to Salt Lake to conference when in walked Bobbie and we thought he was in Bremerton, Wash ington. He had been home i week before to bid us good bye but the local hoard would not let him off. Said he had to wait for Although a man can be comthe draft, so he went back to fore we win. Miss Eulalia Yeates gave a pelled to give up his life in the Pocatello and had to content to yet you have to go himself with saying goodbye party at her home' Monday trenches, Mr. down on vour knees to get the boys in the radio class and evening in honor of wait word from Washington Joseph Jensen of Hyrum who some people to give up $100 for which he received last Friday-.The- leaves Saturday next for the a Liberty bond, and they think the training 'Camps. Refreshments they are doing the government have sent - him to a great favor at that. Texas. w ere served and a pleasant at Austin, University Tlfb fuel famine made it thQ.se. present. that great t Congratulatej.ii.yg-enjwycdbv- . for" the mdurilers aOT necessary' me now, I have two soldier boys. .Friday night the soldiers as chorus gave an entertainment funeral in Ohio to carry coal Bobbie is not so robust Lawrence but oh God bless him, for out two latest soldiers who with them to the church., A portable electric crane has I know he will be all right if he left Saturday, Andrew Anderbeen invented which enables one Sam. Uncle to Nelson-son and Sylvester goes fight for to load and unload man Lawrence is still at Ft. Riley, crowd was very large presbarrels from wagons. Kansas. He is feeling fine and ent and listened w ith interest to A large number of men have likes the work but is anxious to the address by Merlin Hovey A great resolved that their personal go across to fight. I expect he and other exercises; will get there before they are number were present from Col- neatness demands better looking shoes, since girls went into the through-shoulsay it is, get- lege ward and other places. shine business- - more all the terrible time. Chorus The soldiers ting always Im afraid it will be a long time gives a splendid program and The eyes of a South American before it is over. I think all of the boys are always presented fish Are divided into two parts, us over here will have to prepare with a neat little sum as a token the upper being adapted for vision in the air, the lower for use ourselves as well as the boys he-- of good will. under water. ' . ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY JOURNAL It Reaches the People -- 300-pou- nd |