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Show THE PAGE FOUR JACK JOHNSON SWEARS ALLEGIANCE TO ENGLAND 19.-Ja- ck d . All-Expen- Line-Unio- n , -- . LOCAL NEWS Otto Bergener, undertaker and Licensed Embalmer, 40 N. 1 W. ' Both Phones. James Me. Gregor the unfor- tunate man who attempted suicide tome time ago and has since been eared for at the county jail,', is failing rapidly and it is thought the end Is cot far off. oveSavon . AVON,, July 19. Mr. Sampson Knowles, who is 111 of typhoid fever, Js somewhat betteh Cropsare looking well. Most all of the first crop hay is up. Last Sunday the Avon ward held conference and it was truly a time of spiritual refreshment. Tuesday morning we had a nice little cool shower, which made the air fresh and nice. Mrs. Emily Pulsipher, who has been in Avon visiting for the past week, will return to her home in Preston Wednesday. ' Froggett Arrested. Ogden, July 20 William Frog-ge- t Wra. of Roy was arrested in Ogden tanyon yesterday on the charge of disturbing the peace and carrying concealed weapons, by Deputy Sheriff Frank Ludwig Froggett had a pair of brass nuckles in his possession.After being brought to the county jail, he asked for a' conference with Sheriff Harrison and stated lhat he had been robbed of several dollars by the arresting officer. On investigation it was found that the young man had given his money to a companion in the canyon shortly before being are&ted, and that his charge was' merelv a rame-u- p. - ' : Whiskey and Opium Salt 'Lake, July 20. Ruth Ray, a drug fiend 34 year of age, who was found iu an unconscious conan dition in The Big House, opium den on Plum alley, Monday afternoon died at St. Marks hospital shortly before 4 oclock yes terday afternoon. When the police found the woman she was apparently near death. She was taken to the emergency hospitalwhere Dr. II. B. Sprague worked over her for some time and then sent her to St. Marks She did not re cover consciousness at any time and an examination of her body disclosed the fact that she had taken a large dose of poison and Run Down by Policeman -- Salt Lake, July 20. George Williams, aged 12 years, residing at 350 east South Temple street, had a narrow escape from seriou3 injury this morning at the intersection of First South and State street when he was run into by Motorcycle- Patrolman Woodard, riding his high power motorcycle. The lad was riding a bicycle and was going Southward as Woodard drove west. The latter had to avoid a heavily loaded wagon and as he rode around the end of the wagon crashed into the boy. The lad was knocked to the pavement but escaped injury. His bicycle frame was bent but not badly dam whiskey. aged and Lieut. Shannon' issued 1 an order to take the wheel to a Struck by Train. Salt Lake, July 21. The wag- bicycle shop for repairs. on of Edward E. Teter, an expressman, about 50 years old, re-- j siding at 335 Flossie avenue, was struck by the Los Angeles limited on the Salt LakeRoute at 5 oclock yesterday afternoon andTeter was painfully hurt. Ilis head was cut and his right shoulder badly wrenched. He was taken tb tho emergency hospital iu the auto pa trol. where his injuries were attended by Dr. R. W. Ashley, after' which he was taken home in HAVE YOUR WATCH ' the ambulance. CLEANED OCCASIONALLY Teter' was driving his express WATCH will run without wagon across the track on Tenth oil or cleaning longer than South between Second and Third any other piece of machinWest streets when the train came ery but it needs both occasion -along. Section men working near oily. If you will consider that the rim of state that the whistle was blown the balance wheel travels over fifteen but Teter evidently did not hear mil. s a Uay. you wilt not grrudge your watch a speck t,i ol aaX a cleaning it and the engine struck the rear once a year. It wi.t increase the wheel of his wagon, tearing it to life and accuracy of your watch. Leave your watch with tu pieces and hurling him .to the ground with a great deal of force. The horse was injured but not seri - , BEE STING KILLS Dubois Pa., "July 19. Philip Dusch, a well known resident of Brady township, died last night 30 minutes, after being stung by t a honey bee. Mr. Dusch went out to place a cap on a hive, and waj heard to call. Ilis wife rushed to his side in time to see him fall. Before dying Dusch said he had been 'stung but once, and that right on the point of the jaw. He ously. yas 62 years old. A to-da- y. cKfrfiet Stor LJ Rll. 22, GEN. WICKERSHAM ON TRUST CONTROL ATTY. PAPKE SAYS ENGLAND HAS NEW WHITE HOPE New . York, July 19. Billy York, - July Johnsons reception in Great Papke, the fighter who justUre-turnefrom England, told of a Britain has been so enthusiastic and satisfying that the negro new white hope he had met champion threatens to resign his in London. The hopeis a South citizenship in this country and African boy by the name of Fred transfer his allegiance to Eng Strawbeek. Ile is not yet 21 years of age and weighs over 200 land. - ' an pounds. Declaring the Americans The boy is wonderfully Itrong ungrateful nation and Uncle Sam said Papke. He a hard master, the pugilist makes and game, awful an an takes his proposals for becoming walloping easily know mueh he because doesnt interview an in printexpatriate ed in the Evening Jerald of about the game yet, but although he is floored again and again, he Dublin. Mr. Johnson voiced his, senti- always comes back with the ments on July 4, the anniversary punch end puts his man out. I ; of his triumphal. Reno (fight. FIFTEEN DAY England is treating me just dandy, begins the black pugilist i No compari- Personally Escorted in the interview. Tour,. son at all to America. As for going back to the United Stales, lilr. Johnson says i From Ogden 'and Salt Lake not for mine. he will never shoulder a musket City to Chicago, New York, Washington, Niagara Falls, etc., for America, but he would Palingly go to the front for Eng- Via Oregon Short Northwestern cific and Lines, land. leaving Salt Lake and Ogden AuNOTION OF DISSOLUTION. gust 16th. The rate will be The firm of' Warren & Street $175.00 including all expenses exwill dissolve on August 1. All cept meals at New York and Chiclaims ayd bills pertaining to the cago. prcportionately low rates be made from other Oregon company must be presented and will Short Line points to Ogden for settled before that date. those who desire to avail themSTREET'. WARREN & 1 selves of the benefits of this tour. Had Stolen Property. For further details, complete Salt Lake, . July 20. With itinerary and reservations, adstolen property in their possession dress D. E. Burley, General Pasof three gold watch chains, a gold senger Agent, Oregon Short Line watch and several brooches and Railroad company, Salt Lake pins, George Slaley and John Dal-b- y City, Utah., were arrested last evening by Patrolman McMartin at the corGreek Wins Match. ' ner of Commercial and First Salt Lake July 20. William South streets and locked in the the Greek demon, decity jail. The men will probably Demetral, feated Yankee Rogers in two be charged with burglary. straight falls at the Salt Palace last night. Rogers sustained a PLEADED NOT GUILTY New York, July 19. Pleas of broken rib in the second fall and not guilty on all three counts Dr. A. McCurtain advised him to were entered today by Lillian H. forfeit the match, the terms being Graham and Ethel Conrad to the the best three oht'of five falls. in distress charge oiTshooting W. E.D.Stokes Rogers appeared to be William and Hughes Referee. They were indicted yesterday for attempted murder and for as- awarded the match to the Greek. sault in the first and third degree. The bout was well attended and The bail bond of $5,000 in each the fans were given their moneys worth. Case was continued. New Saturday July JOURNAL, LOGAN, UTAH TRI-WEEKL- Y Duluth, Minn., July 19. With an address by Atty. Gen. Kicker-shathis afternoon as the feature the program of the Minnesota State Bar association today was crowded with Interest for the 300 delegates in attendance, Wiekersham before Atty-Gethe Minnesota State Bar association this afternoon took an advanced stand on the further federal regulation of corporations, ; and said a government commission to regulate the great Industrial organizations in the same way the , m -- The greatest merchandising event in the " i history of Logan inte- commerce Greater Value Giving HAYBALLS GREAT JULY SALE n. r-state of Thirty Days commission regulates the railways, was desirable and might he necessary. Mr. Wiekersham s speeeh was little short of sensational in many of its features.. He declared it was a matter of serious consideration whether it would be practical to give to the proposed interestate corporation commission the power to ,fix prices. Many of Mr. Wiekersham s declarations were the most radical he has made since his entrance into official life. There was nothing in the speech, however, to indi cate how far the attorney-genera-l reflected the views of President Taft. On several occasions in the has been regarded last year,-h- e as the spokesman for the administration. ' Come any day in the month and save on Cooler Wearables or Things for the Home Theres a Point to this DONT MISS Ad! IT! Every Lady in this valley to call in and see these values we are offering in Ladies Oxfords We Know that we are offering the greatest values in good clean merchadise in these We Wish j ! 500 Pairs Ladies Oxfords ' $2.50, $3.50 $4.00 and $5.00 values $3.CD, $1.65 Misses and Childrens Oxfords FRENCH PRESS WANTS APOLOGY FROM SPAIN $1.25 to $2 00 values at 75 .. . WE SELL ONLY GOOD SHOES Paris, July 19. The press conof tinues exereised over the arrest M. Boisset, the French consular Company agent at Alcazar, Morocco, by a Spanish partol, and demands Xhat Spain make immediate reparation and public apology. The Echo de Paris declares that unless Spain apologizes the Salt Lake City, July 11th, 1911. French ambassador at Madrid will Mr. J. W. Woolf, Land Commnr. Pacific Reclamation Company, Salt Lake City be recalled. Some of the newsDear Sir: Your request for my opinion regarding the merits papers, like The Temps, think of the project now being developed at Metropolis, Nevada, by that the Spanish provocative attitude is due to the feeling that your company is received. In reply would say that T have now she is being ignored in the pendspent some time on the ground constructing the- canal system Franco-Germfi- n and have had a good opportunity to examine the project in ing negotiations. detail, and as a result of my observation I do not hesitate to The Matin declares that the Franco-Germa- n say that the canal system which we are now constructing conversations covers as fine a body of land as can be found in the West.The are less favorable on account of B dry land surrounding the project is of the same fine quality as the demands of impossible the irrigated land and is especially adapted for retaining Germany which, in return for the moisture. With reasonably intelligent treatment the land will abandonment of Morocco, wishes give excellent returns. France to cede to her the coast of The climate is very similar to Cache Valley, Utah, with warm French Congo including the town days and cool nights. If any difference I think the rainfall of Libreville on the north shore has been slightly heavier in Nevada this season. of the Gabun estuary. The wheat now growing on dry land is too thick to give the The paper adds thAt Jules Gambest results, but it is holding up well and will undoubtedly bon, the French ambassador at make a fine crop ; probably better than 30 bushels per acre. Berlin,- - unequivocally refused to As soon as complete descriptions are prepared I am ready entertain the suggestion. to close a contract for the purchase of a section of theory land in addition to the irrigated land already bought. NOTICE OF LEVY This will perhaps answer your question better than it could OF ASSESSMENT be answered in any other way. Trusting this will be satisfactory, I remain, Yours truly Logan Salt Company A J. NIELSON, Principal Place of Business Logan, Utah. GET PARTICULARS FROM Dunbar-Robinson-Campb- ell FROM ONE WHO KNOWS - I . - Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Directors, held on the 19th day of July 1911, an assessment of le per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, payable on or before the 23rd day of August, 1911, to II. E. Hatch, Treasurer, at Thatcher Bros. Bank, Logan, Utah Any stock upon which, the assessment may remain unpaid on the said 23rd day of August, 1911. will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, wjll be sold on the 8th day of Sept.., 1911. to pay the delinquent assessment together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. PACIFIC RECLAMATION CO. 712 NEWHOUSE SALT LAKE CITY 1 drug store, heard Corney cry. They ran to , the stand and found that ' Corney had been the shocked to death. The body was taken into' the drug store, and his brother at Provo informed of the accident. Corney, who came here from Europe a month ago, had installed an electric popcorn popper in his stand and was popping corn when killed. A heavy electric Btorm was raging at the time, and it is Teste W Look prettiest. supposed that a bolt of lightning in some or struck reached manner GEORGE D. CARDON; 'Assorted most Herally the interior of the popcorn stand. Secretary' Logan Salt Co.,. Dr. Warner'and Mr. Rockhill, who Office of Cardon Company. had taken refuge in the - drug i Killed While Popping Corn store from the storm, heard Corey CHOCOLATES CONFECTIONS to assistscream. V ran his They Spanish Fork, July 20.R. S. ance. For Sale By His hand," which still gripCorney, a married man, thirty-eigCO-O- P DRUG CO. ped the rod o ftbe popper, was years old, was shocked to Utah. charred. He was dead when 4 Logan, death tonight while popping corn badly sA reached him. . ' inhis stand in front of the City they ads . Let one of todays want drug store. Dr. W. E. Warner, before shopping is send you on a little journey furnished city physician, and A. B. Rockhill, the .. womans if youre looking for a . . both of whom happened to he in habit' v rooml . ht - -- Ad-readi- thrift-practisin- g , r . . V ... ...... i |