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Show shot was fired. ' The hall took effect in the left side of his abdomen. T wq doetors for Crockettsville. Bloodhounds have been put on the trail of the assassin, who it is understood, hid behind a pile of coal to fire the shots Excitement in this region is intense over the shooting, Callahan, was in Jackson Saturday in' attendance upon court,, a warrant having been served upon him for malicious shooting in- - a family affair some time ago. His ease was continued andbe at once left Jackson, telling one or two friends that latelphe was fearful W of Jhis life. , Caused shooting. BY left-earl- y SIGEL ROUSH. An Amazing Spectacle We drew alongside the dock at of these Canton with thousands us. Boats not river craft about more" than twenty feet.jn length curved- bain- -' ami covered, with a the sole home of boo roof furnish about a million of Cantonese.IIere . lives. whole families pass their Little children play about the square 'decks,. while jour-fomen prepare the mehls, dathe scull the' family washing or one point to anoth- -' jng'home fromi most amazing specIt was a ertacle to Look down upon these thousands of boats, sometimes ten shores of the ieePi that lined the them maintain river.TheyCan-toselves at odd jobs about the wharf sometimes ferrying a pas somesenger across the river, ot - -- . times transporting a portion of the ships .cargo or anything else to turn a whereby they are able cash or two. This floating polives on as little as two pulation dollars about ninety cents of American money a month. And vet they seem well nourished, The river strong and vigorous. women are adepts at the oar, rowof these big, ing or sculling one lumbering boats up or down stream or across the river with remarkable ease. "We remained on the boat at a fairly night: though there is in hotel Canton, r good Europeandeck on sat we and until bed time and watched this vast assemblage The water was of house-boat-s. afliterally black with them, and ter dark the tiny lamps looked like a swarm of fireflies that flitted here and there and everywhere over the surface of the water. Under, the canopies of the junks anchored around our boat there was an animated scene during the preparation and eating of the evening meal. Vegetables, meats, rice and a dozen unfamiliar articles of diet were prepared and placed in a little circle on deck, where the family squatted around picnic fashion and par- took of their frugal supper. The are expert cooks- and, while the surroundings were .often far from inviting, still these meals, usually prepared on a tiny charcoal stove, were not at all unattractive. Exploring the Ancient City. Early the next morning we gaged a guide and sedan chairs! and started to explore the wonder fnl city of Canton. Three coolies - en-ip- ut MOTHERS WHO HAVE Pink-hamsVegeta- old me ble Four doctors that they could never make me regular, and that I would event- ually have dropsy. I would bloat, and sufferfrombea ring-dow- n pains.cr&mps and chills, and I could not sleep nights. My mother wrote to Mrs. Pink-hafor advice, and I began to take I LydialTPinkhams Com-- - m Vegetable After taking one and one-il- f bottles of the Compound, I am all ght again, and I recommend it to rery suffering woman. Mbs. Mat d mothers expressing their gratitude -- what LydiaJPipkhama Vegej ble Compound has accomplished for. em have been received by Tbo Lydia . Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn, vA ni Girls Who ate troubled with painful lass. r irregular- - periods, backache head-sh- e, dragging-dbw- n sensatlopsAfaint-t- ? speH. of Indigestion, should, take umediste action .to ward ell the seri-i- s oonsequenees and. be restored to faith by Lydia E. Knkhams Vega due Compound. Thousands bate been !tored, to health by Its use. H - advice ufouwonldltke special bout your case write a eonfiden-e- l letter, to. Mrs. Pinkham at ynn. Mass. Iler advico U.free, - - . ad always helpful. 225-pond- er five-stor- snap-shotte- life-size- Compound Winchester, Ind. frth for a of the'ftarty, carried us through the streets to the several objects of interest. These- - streets are so narrow that by extending my arms at full length, laterally I could always touch the buildings on either side at the same time. Thousands of Chinese swaim these narrow passages and our caravan of Shouting coolies created a perfect bedlam as we pursued o Ur way.' Our first stop was at the Kingfisher feather works a shop whre ornaments are inlaid with tiny bits of highly colored feathers of the Kingfisher birds and then lacquered in Such a way that the finished article looks like a beautiful piece of enameled jewelry. So trying is this work on the eyes that few are able to fol low it more than half a dozen years. Here was also exposed for sale a large assortment of Cbiip ese pictures painted on the. finest quality of rice paper. .After procuring a souvenir or two we re turned to the chairs and were carried to the temple of the Five Genii. Here the five gods who rode into Canton on rams several thousand years ago and laid out the city were seated! behind an or nate altar. The stones into which the rams were later transformed lay in front of the genii. 0 The City of the Dead. We next visited in order the temple of the Great Buddha, a shrine to Confucius and the tem pie dedicated to Ilygeia, wheu we again took up the march, and, after wandering a few miles along these labyrinthine streets, emerged from the densely populated section and began the ascent of a long incline, at the top oYwhidh y is located the Pagoda. Here aw left the chairs and climbed to the top story, where, with a half dozen Chinese gods looking down upon us, we ate the lunch which the coolies had brought with them from the boat. A sup over a charcoal () ftea prepared fire by one of the temple attend-Chines- e ants added to the pleasure of the d meal. After being two or three times with joss sticks, grotesque gods and temple deofferings as a 'background, we scended and next visited the nese burial vaults, or, as our guide it, the City of the Dead, This plat of ground is laid off into narrow streets, along which are houses arranged the little stone which contain the remains of the mandarin dead.These vaults were open to the street and usually were two rooms deep, the first apartment being devoted to offerings and ornamentation, the rear room containing the remains of Some of these the deceased. tombs were very elaborate and, jn addition to other things, often statues of the contained ataches of and family servants the household) in the attitude of their most conspicuous .service. Grouped around the coffin these attendants held in their hands and wearing apparel, food1, drink other useful articles, ready to serve their master at any time he of might need them. Sevral cups tea always stood on the altar-lik- e in the first room ready to re f esh the spirit . at any hour. This tea is prepared and placed here fresh every morning. Most elaborate floral pieces were hiung about 'the entrance which were renewed every week or ten days. Most curious and interesting was this city of tte r remains one of the,vivKi impres-- DAUGHTERS Find Help in Lydia E. to each chair,, with a d tae X. . tv 1' Ancestral Worship we Uphnhur rehim to the city ' v i si ted the. Ancestral Hall of the - Chun familyrbere, once a year, this ancient the descendants ome and and wealthy ofXncestral perform the rites worship Ttis a ramblingxasem-blag- e of halls,--, open courts and corridors, elaborately decorated and' covering n acre or more of ground. Stone dragons, curious ' and. architecture are the most prominent feature of this eongerie of ancestral structures., A visit ivory hOps, the silk weav ing establjshmenta, the bazaars and concluded our day Is" sighteeing in Canton. When we reached the 'boat phe days excursion seemed more-lik- e the memory of an experience in .some unfarniliar xrld of dreams to-th- the--mark- et than anything else a - v- g never-endin- stream fof crowding, jostling 'LexingtdnrKy., June 8. It is Chinamen, grinning gods, leering reported Imre that the immediate demons yelling coolies, with glim- eaitee for the shootingf pses of fairy-lik- e Callahan was a dispute over .shops filled with, the most exquisite Chinese handi- the management of a church he work, beautiful embroidery Usuri- built, and of which he is deacon, ous toys and burnished biass at Crockettsville. ornaments, all jumbled . together Capt. W. G. Mulliken left here in chaotic confusion, caused us, to with his hounds to trace the asdespair of ..ever hoping to reduce sassin. them to mental order. .Callahan' was the chief lieuten" A Wonderful Country. ant of Judge James Hargis, who The Chinese empire, with sub- was shot and killed by his son. jects numbering almost half the Beech Hargis, tlje latter haring population of the globe, is a most received a life sentence. Judge wonderful country, the Chinaman Hargis several years ago appointa mod extraordinary being. It ed Callahan sheriff of Breathitt was a matter of surprise to learn eoiinty, and the enemies .of the the high favor in which he is held Hargis clan claimed that they hyEuropeans who know him best. were being persecuted.' He is the man of the east absolu- ago Attv. J. B. Marcum was shot tely reliable, and once his friend- and killed iu Jackson, and Callaship is gained a most worthy ally. I han and Hargis were arrested. have talked with a score or more Many of the members of the Harof Europeans who know China gis elan had removed from and Japan as they do their own Breathitt county and it was b country and they unanimously lieved the feud had ended. command the Chinaman and discount the Japanese. A China-man- s SOCIETY WOMAN KILLS word is as good as his bond HER SON AND HERSELF llis contract is 'held most sacred. He will fulfill if the power within iSalem, O., June 7. Mrs. Eliza- to the conditionbeth Sharp, a prominent society him lies every letter, lie is frank and outspoken. woman, and wife of G. W. Sharp, He is the pick of the Orient, the a politician and manufacturer! honor of the east. The Japanese killed her 12 year old son Harold is polished, polite and suave, lie last night and then herself with a makes promises and fulfills them revolver. The tragedy occurred if it is tao his interest so to do. If when the two had retired . after not, he violates eveTyy obliga spending the evening together tion with flagrant and- flippant playing the piano and singing. The motive of the - tragedy is unconcern. He is your friend so he A hen believed to be the womans sorlong as he can1 use you. has picked your brains he caste row, over the incurable nature of you off with not the least compunc her sons malady. He hadjbeen tion of conscience, lie is clever, mentally deficient from birth. shrewd, brilliant and utterly de- Mr Sharp was 38 years of age.void of business integrity. Such is the comparison of the Chinese Transcontinental Auto Race. with the Jaapnese made by the St. Louis, June 7. The two Oriental business man, the social Pol'd cars in the New York to of charac- Seattle automobile race, arrived the student ist, the missionary, here at 6:55 a. m. today. They and ter I confess I was surprised were followed1 two hours later by at this estimate, but I am also the Shawmut machine. Tire Acme free to confers that so far as the came in shoitly 'before noon. All Chinaman is concerned my opin- the drivers report having encounion of him has arisen most tered bad roads in the run from since seeing him at home. Chicago the heavier t cars being When he wakes up apd every handicapped by the mud. endsign now points to an early the ing of his long lethargy unwhole world must stand from iu I der. The nation that makes La. is gaining friend of China an ally that' cannot but prove of the greatest moment in future . years., ; J Machine the in Sewing us awaits our ship Again ' runs lighter than any harbor of Hong Kong, this time other. the Stars and Stripes at her helm. It is the parting of the ways) the ' Union Jack floats friendly as we . lasts longer than any us and bids, slowly steam away pther. Godspeed, for here in Hong Kong the two great English-speakin- g is more beautiful than hands nations meet and-claROUSII. any other. across the sea. SIGEL 'Six-year- 'tiPFREE -- - I . Ci FAMOUS KENTUCKY SHERIFF AMBUSHED i s - . CniEE n,h as leis L. tin is,, easier Styles and Varieties ' ipUFTSS r a more 1 ! MONEY LOANED ! X ON REAL ESTATE Jacksojn,. .Ky- - - Jtme Sheriff Edward Callahan, famous throughout this section! of r. state for "the part he played in the numerous feuds that have disrupted Breathitt county for years was sfliot iroim ambush early today and it is believed, fatally wounded, at bis home ettsville, 16 miles from Jackson. Callahan had swept out hi store preparatory- to opening for the day and was brushing the from the front door when the in Crock- - re-fu- se -- , akes V FORT WORTH, Texas. S . , A GOOD MIXER. ( is what .they eay of President Roosevelt can say it truthfully, too, of the lineeed oil we sell for paint mixing, because it fills the bill in every respect. We wohld like your paint . and .varniah orders knowing full well we an suit you down to, the ground. Riter Bros. Drug Co. ' No. 33 North Main - No. No. No. No. NEW TIME SCHEDULE FOR 0. S. L. . , From Salt Lake City. . ; 13, leave 9 a. m., Arrive at Logan via Wellsville 1:38 p. m! 11, leave 4 p. m., Arrive at Logan via Mendon 7:30 p.m. 9. leave 11 p. m., Arrive at Logan via Wellsville 8:15 a. m. 9 will have a sleeper for Logan eaoh Wednesday night , For Salt Lake- - J . . No. 12. leave 8:15 .via Mendon arrive Salt Lake City 11:50 a. m. No. 144, leave 4:18 Via Wellsville arrive SaltLake City 9.T5 p. m. For Points North on Main Line No. 142 leave 10.30 a. m. via W ellsville. ; . ' For Preston and Intermediate Points. , at 1 :38 p, m. No. 11 leave at 7 :30 p m. T From Preston and Intermediate Points No. 13, leave 1 No. 12, arrive 8:15 a. m. No. 144 arrive at 4:35 p. m. I LOCAL MAIL CARD LOGAN POSTOFFICE. CLOSING OF MAILS. ; 7.45 a. m. East, West and South North and 10.00 South . ... a. m West, East, South West and East 3 :40 p. ml Preston Branch 7. OS p. mJ 10:00 a. mj Wellsville, Hyrum and Paradise Providence and Millville I 9:30 a. mi 1 KX) p. m Behsoo, King, except Sunday) . ; It. UVD. 'No. l.,! College (except Sunday, ... 9:30 a. ml R. F. D. No. 2., Greenville, (except Sunday.. . 9:30 am ' ARRIVAL' i M OP. MAILS Bi40 a. m., 7:50 p. m East, West, North and South 2.-0South East, West and p. m, ' 8.40 a. Preston Branch . . . .V .V,. 8:40 a. m. Weilsyille, Hyrum and Paradise Providence and hEll viile . 4 :30, p. ni ,12:30 p. m. Benson nd King .except Sunday 4:30 p. m. P. D: No. 1, College 1 :00 p. m. 1R. Pj D. No. 2, Greenville . V. ... Windows oepn from 10.00 5 General Delivery and Carrier and m.' a. Holidays. , Sundays tp llKX) !.The mail which arrives at 7:50 p. m. is worked as sown as received, thereby allowing patrons having lock boxes to get their mail as. soon as distributed. JOSEPH ODELL, postmaster, Logan, Utah. 4 T n ......... ... ........ perfect"' ...I..;.,';..... ...... -r com hined in one. , , ,50 a .if Harris Music Co. LOGAN, UTAH. f s r St. LOGAN, UTAH j' FOB SALE BY i . - j CO. an j JACKSON, Mississippi! , 5 1 fm SEWING fvUCiriE Y The Jackson Loan & T iust Co. ftitch than any other. ':& BES is the best of all . EASY PAYMENTS LONG TIME, RELIABLE REPRESENTATIVES WANTED V - 7, m If you wish' to kndw what your home will cost complete, we refer you to W. RSkaneby and Ilelmer Peterson, ft leading Contractors. Will always find them at our yard. to. operate than any other. i , 4 Edward Callahan,' a Leading Actor in Breathitt Co. Fends, . Shot, Probably Fatally. , SKANCHY, Manager Full and Complete Line of Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors and Windows, Front Glass ' Doors and Cottage Windows, in all vibration7 ' 6. wj , than any other. to take and most effective. 259 South Main Street, Logan tpiEE sp show that These The Cache Valley Lumber Company J CFRBE - is ly Slogans Your tongue is coated. Your breath is fouL Headaches come and go. , every morning for breakfast - to-d- ay Stomach Trouble. -- , won-drous- al, .symptoms Put up in two Sizes, the regular packis the trouble." ' Ter stomach is your age and the large family size which more convenient for those who do not remove the cause is the first thing, live in town. and Chamberlains Stomach and Dont-ma day; eat Quaker Oats liver Tablets will do that. Easy s - FASTlMQUliWQSiei consider Plxtine Toilet Antiseptic' necessity In the hygienic care of the person -- and for lofcl treatment of feminine ills. As a wash-it- s cleansing,-germ'ciddeodorizing and healing qualities are extraordinary. .For sale at Druggists. Samo'te free. Address TVe R Paxton Co., Boon, M know the great strength givihg qualities of good oatmeal Most of them think of it as a food for the sturdy Scotch or the brawny Englishman, andoverlook its value as a food for children. Every now and then a mother will take to feeding her children on Quaker Oats and will be astonished at thfcir improvement In strength and vigor. Of course, she tells her friends, and Ahey prove' it for themselves, but every mother in the country should see that her children are strong and vigorous Plenty of Quaker Oats, eaten often; will do it. - : .. altars Chinese .The strength of a child. It it surprising to find how few parents 1., ...... ..... r . f.: 0 |