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Show I ;Tne.sday, March. 9 LOGAN. UTAH. THE -- PAGE TWO v NOBOOT LOVES ATAT 'HAN ' Conference. WESTERN OF PSYCHOLOGY CDPYRIGHT.I909.BY LIKEYOU MS.HEFTvi ,BUT I COULD NEVER NEVER LOVE A i At Lewiston Dairy Interests Picking x Much Building Going. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION THERE IS NO THAT U0T1W tlFF FOR BOTTLE A FAT MAN SO I i ARE YOU COIN THE RESORT TO Will ResumeT Work April 5, AGNES C. CASSIDY HELP-MURDER-POU- , FAT MAN P0TS0N If H E5TAK1NG THIS! Principal.,, . , ' WILT THOU BE MINE MISS LOTTADOUCH? -' Uj- WHAT'S IN ---- X it :C3iSi.? LEWISTON, March 5. Ward conference was held, in the ward tabernacle last Sunday, Prest. Alma Merrill and B. A. Hendricks of the Stake presidency beof the ing present and a number also were Stake High Councilors in turn All spoke in attendance. to the Saints. Reports were givd en by all quorums of the priest-frnnas well as all the auxiliary organizations, which showed all to be in a very, good condition. In our ward we have two Sunday Schools, two Y. M. and Y. L. M. XI. A. associations, two Relief So- cieties, and in fact two of all or Bishoprics. except ganization beauti rendered The ward choir ful music for each session. Pres, Alma Merrill said the time was diripe when our ward should be vided. The an STICK TO HIM.MIKE, TARE HIM AWAY I NEVER WANT TO SE-HIM AGAIN E BUT MAYBE THE STOMAGI PUMP WILL SAVE HIM OF SATISFACTION IS WORTH A TON OF TALK. matters give you . .We revere an ounce of talk (just enough to attract your attention) and a ton of satisfaction. Our coal is good to begin with, properly picked, free from slate, screened free from diust and small impurities; secondly, well housed and hanL led in our yards ; thirdly, sold fuU weight, and at the lowest price the market will permit. ATTEMPTetJ SUICIDE ,YER HONOR ILL GALE OUT THE RESERVES iTi A DESPERATE CASE M- - s. 1 When you lose flesh;lt brings the plumpness of health. When work is hard and duty is heavy, it makes life bright. It is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick end is food. But what is the use of food vTjen you -hate it and cant digest it?, Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the food that makes you forget your stomach. . THREE MEN KILLED BY DYNAMITE EXPLOSION i Send thi advertUemer,, Ir er with name o paper In which it apt at,, your addrcs and four cent to cover postage, and we will (end you 4 Complete Handy Atlas of the World," SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pear! St., New York j i j s. may die. 10 About days ago several holes were drilled in the rock, loaded iously injured Ander-uon-with-ewer- Spanish American During the i War, many of our soldiers suffered severely-frocramp in the stomach and bowels, due in most cases to the change of climate J. N. Larsen of the Preston aud water they were obliged to Bank, with his family, is moving into their new home. This is a drink. fine brick residence of seven Mir. Geo. A. Lake, of Dennison, rooms with all modern conven- Texas, gives an interesting ac-- , t jences. count of how he came to the Jos Refold one of Preston's exof some of the men in his re16 men from fell feet pert mining giment: Just as I was starting a tree. A sprained ankle is the for the war, says Mr. Lake, Mr. result. The doctor thinks he will Davis gave me a large bottle of recover in a few days. Sloan's Liniment. I used it in The Ballif bovs, formerly of our troop at Camp Mobrey for Logan, are doing a good business. cramps and dysentery among the They' send their best regards to men. It took finely and lots of their many friends in this city. the boys of Troop L, 1st Tex. of ('av. U. S. V., will never forget The musical department is shipping large the name of Sloan's Liniment. Tanner & of organs, pianos and One ease in particular was our quanities Edison Phonographs bugler. Fred Orimslev; he was Alfred Kershaw, a highly rmramptu until he could, hardly speoti d citizen, a loud father stand it. I gave him a dose of and a kind husband. as just been Sloans Liniment and in five minutes he was up and ready to go laid to rest. When the water is turned into on with the troop. t the mains. Preston will be a mod- ' Every druggist carries Sloans ern town. But the pipe--, are not Liniment in stock. You. can get .i iI yet and are nut likely to he it in 2 be , bOc. or $1.00 sized botbefore some plan is agreed upon. tles Its a good thing to have in Three plans arc in eon t mplation. the house for rheumatism, toothOver six hundred pupils now ache, sorethroat, asthma and any attend their big school that is taught b PI teachers and a principal. We found the order and, discipline good in all the rooms and the class instruct u,n in the following, above tlm average: In room taught by Miss Nellie Thomas a lesson was conducted m a perfectly natural tone of voice by pupils and teacher. In Beginners grade, taught by Mrs. Dailey the .singing was very good !Kilhv is an adept at her work, being erhaps the most natural teacher in the Building. The das taught bv Mrs. L. S. Cowley gave splendid attention and showed that their powers of concentration had been carefully trained. MSs-Eliza Thomas conducted a good recitation in Grammar in the 8th. grade. The pupils did the best work in the diagram of the 'English sentence that we have .seen since we taught the subject ou r selves. 7 ' We noted commendable fea-t- u res in other rooms that jwe do The uniform success that not have time to mention just colds Best Rooms in the city t Journal Block 79 West Center Irr"' ,"ssyt. ef Rooms let by Day, Week or. Month- A X -- fT',T p'-t- r' w -' r V Chiropractic FIXED WITH Which, means THE HAND, is a new method which removes the cause of Acute and Chrohie Diseases, it is a separate and istinct Science and has NO connection whatever with Medicine,' Surgery, Osteopathy, Massage, Magnetic Healing. Hypnotism, Christian Science, Faith Cure, Etc. A trial will convince you of the fact. CONSULTATION FREE. J. F: Petritsch, D. C. (Chiropractor) LOGAN UTAH Bell Phone 126. Residence: 42 South Main. Bell Phone 129. Office. 75 North Main. s that-th- e with dynamite and set off, but the fuse did not explode. 'j Last Thursday-'Sainuelsoand others began drilling fresh boles in the rock above the unexploded magazine. When the drill struck the dynamite. the concussion caused a terrific explosion and Saijiuelson and Anderson were .buried beneath the mass of rock, noglund received fatal injuries from which The Palace WAR AMERICAN , Com-isto- When appetite fails, it restores it. When food is a burden, it lifts the burden. THE SPANISH re-li- -- eon-Mi'- Both Phones 74. I ITol-jNe- ll of Cod Liver Oil is the means of life and enjoyment of life to thousands: men, women and children. bdlN Preston Items 1 Emulsion Company bodies. d Prince Rupert. B. C., March 6. News has just reached here of one of the worst fatalities record-- 1 ed since the beginning of struct ion work on the Pacific coa.st end of the Grand Trunk which last Pacific, occurred iidar Point, Thursday Telegraph wlitn three men lost their lives through an explosion of dynamite and several others were so ser- later. Several were ly bruised and burned, and of the men are now in the hospital' with broken legs, and bruised n Scotts & L. Coal SWood OM he died , -- X dairy interests seem to be taking a lively pace. Last Friday a xneetipg was called. Prof. Woodward of, the A. C. and others were in attendance. .Consid this summer. E. II. erable interest is being taken in North Main Marble is hauling sand and grav- the pure bred Holstein for milk. el Mar-tipreparatory to building in the Mr. G. A'. Hogan. B. Pond, Pond and others have some spring. Other buildings are to be erected. very nice herds and receive good Miss Daniels, is certainly grand profits from them. A cow hos' pital subscription is being taken behind the footlights, although up and it is the intention of hav- the first .two nights she appear-in the opera house last week ing all of our cows under the rare which she had poor houses; but the last of a good veterinary, means much to the preservation night .she played to a large and of the health of, both people and appreciative house. Mr. E. M. Stocks, of Sugar cows. Mr. Parley V. Nelson and of Richmond, City, Idaho, is in town today. hist brother Nephi are going' east to New York to Georgia Harper appears' in ightat-the- opera buy some thoroughbred steins. The. dairy business is a house. This company comes with and we good companion to beet raising, good recommendations as it affords much fertilizer for look for something fine. Mr, Thomas Warwick, of Fair-vie'the farm, which beets must have in order to raise them successfulIdaho, has purchased a a of Our houe number and lot' in town and exyears- ly for place is almost too far from the pects to move in soon. market for milk at present, as we have to haul to the Richmond NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS condenser; but the thing is to get in and drill perhaps some . Notice is hereby given that at a day w can have dairy advantag- speciaLmeeting of the stockholdes closer home. ers of the Utah Real Estate, Loan The stork has visited us again. and Investment Co. to be held at Mrs. Nephi Rogers, a hoy, Wm. the companys office at Logan, A. Bbrr a girl, Albert Wilson, a Utah. March 9th 1909 at 10 a. m. A proposition to amend the artiboy, Marion Jackson a girl. .The people of our place are cles of Incorporation will be const: .lining themselves sidered and acted upon to as fol- certainly taking stuck m foreign projects lows. which are nut. a demonstrated; The name of the said corpora-sueceyn fftiall be the Cardon only yesterday the Levv-tio- n Stale Bank was drawn on pany. for two thousand dollars ini Also to change article 9 to read Five directors instead of checks diawn for such purposes. Seven directors. Wouldn't that jar von? LOUIS S. CARBON, Mr. Sami el Kivvlms K build-President, home a Geo on Smith Mam ing JOS. E. OARDON. inti mis building Rawlins on! Secretary. OUNCE al -- Youe -- - now. The peculiar condition of miles of sidewalks prevented us from calling on all our friends and rfe- Iatives. . Q WILL CURE CoMo-JCff- ylt - r . , V , has attended the use of this renledy in the cure of bad has made it one of the most popular medicines in use. " It can always be depended uppn to effect a quick cure and is pleasant to takel contains no opium or other narcotic, and may be given as confidently to a child as to an adult. Price 25 cents. Large size 50 cents. ( -- |