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Show THE TRI -WEEKLY JOURNAL, LGGaN, UTAH. t AGE TWO tinued after hearing, 1it should LOUIS OF SAVOY A, EAT OF forthwith" lapse. Under- - the Reward for Thrift I , ROOSEVELT: MESSAGE jot - inte- OO-o- Jh-elp- st n-- - -- seems-to-be-th- o at -- - wr d -- - - - For Lameness That sad and dolefully suggestive leaf from history would seem, to be sufficient to cause any American girl to pause on the threshold. There is abundant evidence that it has had a deterrent effect in the case of Miss Elkins and her parents. Those who are acquainted' with the senior senator from West Virginia are loath to believe thairhe could be influenced way 'to be a. to so antag a transaction party enistip to his good, judgment. In many ways he has made it plain that he is not at alPdazzIed by theiprospeetive royal alliance, lie has made no secret of his the young man whojs an- in Horses 0 - Sloaifs Liniment in-an- will kill Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Sloan' book on swol-le- n - - Boston Mass. horsea, cattle, aheep and poultry sent free. xious to become his but he has been equally frank to say that he should like him even Better as a plain American citizen. Unless the consent of the Hal - w, We Never Offered -- given-witho- a spavin, curb or splint, reduce wind puffs and joints, and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula, sweeney, founder and thrush. Price, 50c. and ' $1. 00. lit-ing-f- son-in-la- w Much of the chronic lameness in horses is due to neglect! Y See that your horse is not allowed to go lame. Keep Sloans Liniment on hand and apply at the first signs of stiffness 4 Its wonderfully penetrating goes right to the spot relieved limbers-uJhe. soreness the joints and makes the muscles elastic and pliant Better Values in Clothing ut TIME NOW TO BUY YOUR FALL AND WINTER CLOTHES FOR THERELL BE NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT TO SAVE. THE SAVINGS NOW ARE REAL GENUINE SAVINGS NOT ECONOMIES MADE POSSIBLE BY A LACK OF STYLE INFERIOR TAILOR WORK OR POOR MATERIALS BUT - a-n- HIGH GRADE CLOTHING Every Suit or Overcoat in the House 1 -- 4 off 25 Per Cent off-- 1 4 off . -- --- - . 0 , - ted riarrToyaHamily is tion and I procured1 a box. had only taken ' the contents of the first box when the rheumatism entirely disappeared. I continued. the swelling of my limbs di minished and I was soon enjoying good health. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbur- n Oo., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name rDoans 8. a very happy-one- , and the pair CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY were welcomed in the 'highest soRATES. cial circles in Europe. Why cannot Prince Louis folReduced rates-- for' Christmas low that example ? Katherine holidays via Oregon Short Line. El kills is worth it, Tickets on sale December 18th GEORGE II. PICARD. 19th, 24th, 25th and 31st, and were filled with lampoons satirJanuary 1st, 1909, limit January izing her. The young king was - Butter Wrappers Printed' at 4th. See agents for further parti. so infuriated by the treatment this Office. culars. of his wife that he abdicated the marthrone and returned to- Italy only a few days after the birth of the ' Dyke of the Abruzzi. The sensitive and gentle woman was so overcome by the treatment she had K I received that she died soon after ' reaching home. closely to most of the reigning reservation the position of any houses it is quite a different mat- American woman married to one ' of its members would be intolerter. That Prince Louis proposition able in Italy. It might be infinite, to furnish the house of Savoy ly worse than that of Prince LouIn that with a princess who is noble only is charming mother. in the literal American sensehas ease- King Victor Emmanuel gavv, afbeen met with the most active op- his consent to the match position in practically all the terward became devoted to his Miss Elkins as courts of Europe is a matter of daughter-in-law- . of a prince of Savoy record. From the first it has been the wife an exceedingly uncomfortable af- - would be brought in more or less andtake ho other. fair for his family, and the lt al- close contract with a large circle ia n sympathy, in such matters. of female relatives who would From the first no Italian has been have it within their power tu able to see how the transforma- make it exceedingly disagreeable tion of an American girl into a for her at the Italian court. One royal Italian princess, with the of these would be the aged- Duchright of succession' to the Ital- ess of Genoa, mother of Qu,een ian throne, could be accomplish- Margherita, sister of the late King ed. George of Saxomy. There is nothing at all merceh-arThe following persons have There is no precedent to be takin the talk of marriage settlebeen selected to serve as jurors en as a guide unless the somewhat ments. DisPrince Louis is a man of at the January term of the similar experience of Prince Louis vfather and mother ean be made wealth, a member of one of the trict court: Logan: James Sorenson, Chas, to serve. It is not an experience richest families in Europe and has E. Walton. Neplii E. Miller, An-i- t that commends itself to the intel- been regarded for a long time as drew P. Eliason, hi. J. Andrew, ligent American girl. The princes one of the most eligible men in Chas. W. Miller Thomas J. Mor-- mother, a most estimable woman, the matrimonial market. There gan, Cyrus J. Jones, John- Kemp, was not of royal Trirlli although is scarcely a royal princess on the Wm. II. Apperley, H. J. Nielsen. she belonged to a, family noble on continent whom he might not Smitbfield. Wm. Read'W m;HothsidesT Prince- Aniadeuswas have 'had for'the asking. He has Toombs, George W. Ellis, very much in love with her'and had many an opportunity tos betIlyrum: Carl J. Clawson, Jas. determined to marry her in spite ter his fortunes to an extent even of the remonstrances of his fam- beyond that afforded by the Elj. jenSen, Thomas L. Pearce. Park : Reuben A. Perkes, ily. Although the bride was a kins alliance. He has made it Janies W. D. Hurren. singularly beautiful, wonderful- plain that he wants th dauemt therwisethamnnntieexceptLParadise: Robert Pearce, Wm. ly clever and altogether fascinating erantl not the milLkns .ofherfa-ther- . Where irreparable injury would, files. It is a sad commentary on woman, who before her. marotherwise result: and in such a modern Greenville: John J. Ormond, riage had been a welcome guest progress if some satisfactease a hearing on the merits of the William Davidson. at all the great houses' in- - the ory way cannot be discovered to W had-- within a order should Alillville : Robert StoWart, kingdom. .She was treated very bring about a union of these honshort fixed period, and, if not con-Richmond: J. E. Swenson. badly, by the court ladies after orable young creatures now sepAvon: Abraham Frederickson. the wedding. They refused ab- arated only bv the artificial rank imposes. Mlt. Sterling: David Murray. solutely to accord to her the homPrince Louis of Savoy has Wellsville: Ezra B. Gunnell. age due to the daughter-in-lahimself to be a man of inshown court of Newton. R.. E. Dowdle. the king, and her life at was made unendurable. It was finite resources. The undertaking Mendon: John S. "Willie. on that account, rather than for in which he is now engaged with h fr irniig -4-nR -H &v fttbee-- rc Baon. nant husband accepted the posi- manhood is the struggle of his of Cod Liver Oil with tion of king of Spain when it was life", but his past achievements should always be The good people of the Sixth offered to him in 1870. point illuringly to success. If he kept in the house for the ' a to The ward are arranging young couple cannot succeed in overcoming the give following reasons: big concert for the benefit of 'their fancied that as king and queen very natural distaste of the house First Because, if any member of the family has a hard cold, Sunday School on Monday oven-r- of Spain they would not be sub- of Savoy for what it must always it will cure it. next, Dec. 11. It will be giv ject to the indignities which they regard as a misalliance, there rewwre made to suffer in .their na- mains another way out of the in the wart hall. SecomfrBecauseJf Jhe chil-to dae pr tive Italy. That was the mistake maze if hcbe hero' enough to take dren are delicate and sickly, it ThefoUowing up r of their lives. It was only an- it. In.lS64 Prince Frederick of will make them strong and well. ,ram kill be rendered. brother of the other ease of stepping out of the chleswig-IIolsteiMusic, Juveniie aBnd. Third Because, if the father Madfire. German In empress father, present or mother is losing flesh and frying pan into the Organ solo, George N. Curtis. Dramatic Reading, Prof. W. 0 rid the young queen was boycotted became a suitor for tle hand of becoming thin and emaciated, it will build them up and give even more cruelly than she Miss Marry Esther Lee of New Robinson. them flesh and strength. had been in Florence, Milan and York city. Her family wouldnt Violin Duet, Harris Brothers. Fourth Because it is the Thomas. Carrie Turin. This organized social per- listen to any suggestion of a Soprano Solo, standard remedy in all throat h alliance and declared that secution was carried so far that Xmas Gainihi, Mrs. Ruth and lung affections. the unhappy lady was unable to in order to obtain its consent the Bell. No household, should be withfind any Spanish woman of the lover would have to abandon his Piano Solo, Joseph Smith. out Reading' Zella Smart. requisite rank who was willing prerogatives as a prince of the Instrumental Music by the to . act as her grand mistress of blood and descend to the rank of Send tills advertisement together with name f paper In which it appears, your address and the robes or even m maid of hon an ordinapynobleman.Th'e prince Misses Dart. ' four cents to cover postage, and we Will send ' jr; Worldor. , The grandezza apiSeared to accepted the terms and won his poo a Complete Handy Alias of the Solo, Melvin T. Ballard. ' Piano Solo, Miss Alta Monsoai be ready to accord to King Ama - American bride. The union was SCOTT A BOWNE. 409 Pearl St, New York od of account keeping, publicity, supervision of the issue of security abolition of rebates and o! special privileges. There should franchises'. There be short-tim- e should be national as well as state guardianship of mines and for- ests. Poor and Rieh There .must be prohibition of child labor, diminii tion of women labor, shortening f hours of all mechanical labor; stock-wate- ring should ' be pro'frh bited, and stock gambling discouraged. There should be a pro- gressive inheritance tax ont large fortunes. .Industrial education slhoiuld be7 encouraged. The nation' should' fix the terms upon which great fortunes are inherited.4 method Law Delays1 Some (should be devised for doing away with the long delays which now obtain in the Administration of justice, and which operate with peculiar severity against persons of small means, and favor only : . fhw very criminals whom is! .most desirable to punish. These long delays in the final decisions f eases make in the aggregate a ery ing e vi 1. -- M uch of this! ntoleiv able delay is due to improper regard paid to technicalities. V Injunctions- -. Provision should Be made that no injunctiin or tern- porary restraining order issue' December-15,190- dew all the. respect due but they declined to extend REAL . a like courtesy to1 his wife,-- In But Catherine Elkins May Well time the situation became All Spaniards of high Think Twice Before Marry--: degree seemed bent' ing Him. the poor queen, and the journals mere pressure" of material distress the people as a, whole would probably go back to the reign of an unrestricted individualism rather than submit to a control by the Although-ibeuretidal- ly America state so drastic and foolish as to is to wax enthussupposed; from business operations prevent iastic over princes, who among us isbeing profitable. there In seven Finances ready to deny that Louis of years of nearly Savoy is a gallant fellow, a prince las been a net surplus exover in every sense of the word, comeof receipts $1000,000,000 THROWOUTTHELINE of the reduction ly, writh the looks "and manner of penditures, a a thoroughbred, competent in his rest-bearing debt, by $90,000,000 Give the Kidneys Help and JMany ex.of the in' spite profession, which- is that of a sail extraordinary Be Will People Logan a and or, and known far and wide as a pense of the Panama canal, n Happier. the singularly fearless and successful caving of nearly $9,000, explorer and a modest record annual interest charge. Line-.Tl- ie Life Out Throw the breaker inpolarnavigation? In Corporations I believe that it i k d n.eys..need undisputed- - possessaonof . thissai- 'is worse than f oily to attempt-t- oj overworked cant get is as Theyre isfactory combination, he is wor prohibit all combinations the filtered of out the anti-trupoison done by the Sherman thy to become the husband of any blood. inAmerican' girl, and that he has advocate that law. I strongly worse every to Theyre getting chosen one of them, for his Hfe prostead of an unwise effort minute. hibit all combinations, there shall companion has not in any way them? Will you help shall which .detracted from the good opinion be substituted a law Pills Doans have Kidney combinations in which he was held long before expressly permit thousands suf .kidney the of brought he made up his mind that- - life interest which are in the desfrom ferers back the of verge without Miss Katherine Elkins public, but shall at theiame time nationof would be too empty to be endur the pa.ir. some to agency give form cure of Will con-any of kidney ed. ; al government full power , v e r them. trouble. fault trol and su pc rv isi o only Mrs. F.J. Moody, 928 Capitol he is a prince, -- a royal prince at One of the chief features of the r Utah, control 'should be securing entire Aye" Ogden, says: tfi at Were heanbbleihanof far Pills Doans did me the and lesser degree or even of bourgeois Kidney furthermore, publicity, let-obut-b- y wonderful exef good,- and I am origin- he would be accepted readpower, 'not by judical cutive action, to prevent or st6p glad to give thetfi my recommen- ily enough on his merits, but bevery form of infproper favorit- - dation. When I began their use I cause he happens to be a member was sufferin g from a swelling in oLonelof-thenldesLan...othex-on gd o in g, .. proudest should my lower limbs, accompanied by reigning families in Europe, the Federal Control There rheumatism. Nothing seemed to grandson, soar and nephew of men Be regulatioh by the national government of. the great interest cor help me until .Doans Kidney and who have been crown- - - Tuesday,- f DUNBAR, ROBINSON & CO. - Jurors Of A Real Bargain In Real Estate y 160 Acre Farm in Lewiston District must be Sold in 30 days or price will be advanced. It is an unusual thing for so large a tract of land of this kind and in this district to be sacrificed, but circumst races justify it in this case This will be worth your time to investigate. You will be more than surprised at this bargain.- Terms are easy. - j Utah Real Estate, Loan and Invest- ment Company. 1 -- LOUIS S. CARDON. :MANAGER. ide -- AlJb ch Sicotts Emulsion Hypo-phosphit- es . a Jl u m "" w tb-ft- SrSrCONCERT Reliable Dentists Guarantees Good at Any Office. .OFFICES: Sait Lake, Logan, Ogden, Piovo and Park City. TeethExtracted Positively Without Pain. Free With Plates. - e n, Set of Teeth, (Best Red Gold Fillings up Rubber) Silver and Amalgam A Good Set for , . 5 j Fillings 75tf BRIDGE WORK,' BEST, j Cement Fillinga 50 For 30 Days Porcelain Fillings j Gold, Crowns, 22 K YEARS PROTECTIVE GUARANTEE 12 Free Examination And Advice. 1 .. Honest Work, Fair Dealings Make Onr Success Continuous. Open till 6 p. m.; Sundays 9 to 12. Lady Attendant . . , Job Printing Mo-enc- it ' -- . ....,. SI $4 j5 t f TheRightKind at the 1 Right Prices., The Journal i. t |