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Show Saturday," December 12, 1908. TTTF Officers It is by do Dear LifMren: means improbable that some ftri for the use of ture generations yet .unborn,. ill contain a question something like this: What' historical American of the nineteenth century has the most powerful mtiuenee upon the destinies of his countrymen! Amd it is byCnb means impossible' that the answer to that interrogatory may lie thus written: Joseph Smith, The Mormon text-tboo- k -- ex-ert- TRI-WEEKL- which has set a new mark for al most .every hour since the long contest bagan. It'jpul been a try ing n ght filledjj-itprolonged sjiTunta, and during ihe early fu,n? noon the riders contented them-- i selves with aneasv gait. I he score as oclock was: ' irut l and iStold, llcFa rland and! Moran, Fogler and. Lawson, HilU and Demar, 1,135 miles, four laps; Devunovitch and Dmbach.j 1.134 miles; Collins and Mitten,1 1.134 miles, two 'laps; Anderson and Yanoni, L134 mi lbs. on Map;! Faber and La Foureade, 1,113 i " miless seven laps. Former record 1,130 miles and one lap made by Walker and Miller in 1809. I want to caution you about the J THE WESTERN INSTITUE jTWO SOLDIERS ARE T OF PSYCHOLOGY CHARGED WITH MURDER! altitude of Denver.- What about BRANCHES TAUGHT. ALL h the 'altitude! Youll find it there. I guess we can afSpecialty me Seattle -- Wash.,- Dee Fatted State, court building was ford it, retorted .Paw Neuritch, THE SCIENCE AND ART . OF - pret-ylhig- - i j j -- Wednesday, Dec. 23, 1308, will be the one hundred and third an- mversary of his birth, and it isj suggested that on Sunday Dec. 19, appropriate services be held in school- - in the Sundayevery Church. As a means to this end, the General Sunday School Union - Board suggests the' following program. It is only suggestive, the purpose being to have every officer, of the Sunday SchoolUnkm put forth his best thought and effort, to make the exercises so impressive that the cihldren will realize the true greatness of the Latter-da- y prophet. Omit regular "class "exercises. -- ip&ir 2 - Song Joseph ' i Smiths First Prayer. 3 Prayer. : Gar in new york New York. Dec. 9. score of . passengers, a third cf whom Were women, were helpless spectators early this morning during the! operation of a gang of toughs wTho boarded a south bound avcn- ; ed down a nd beat th e c onductoi.,L robbed him of all the moneyi he had w ith him and terrorized him into an 'attitude of when an officer appeared. The passengers were warned net to and leave their seats until the gang, had worked its will with the con- duetor and escaped. In the midst Horses, Doll Buggies, of the fracas the motorman, whoj at had kept the car moving at its, Sleds, usual pace, blew hiswbistle for a policeman. When the officer 'ap-- 1 pearedi, although the men who, committed the robbery were then1 on the car, the terrorized con-- 1 Furniture & Carpet House duetor meekly said they had es-- j caped.When the cap haLgone a. committedVulcide. few blocks further the conductor, A posse located Martinel and was beaten again ana severe y gjri Sunday night in a lonely . , bruised. Then leaving the car , With their loot the men escaped! Finding escape cut off. Martinez killed his companion, whom un MURDERED FOR HIS, MONEY T doubted! y he'bad abducted after j non-accusati- Hobby Rocking into-theMurua- Etc. WM. LDWARDS j i .murdering her parents, and then 4 Minutes of previous session. Two J'Ad.ers on Trial 'Fr Put blew out his own brains. Martinez t.ng Comrade ' Tfatb 5 Song, One HundredYears. who had no horses, hadforced the Admini-trutidtheSacra-ment. of Attempt Mde t) 6 girl to walk with him to the place Burn B where they were found. 8 Articles of Faith in concert Martinez, it has been aseertain- Seattle, Wash., Dec. - 8. The by the entire school. was pardoned a year ago from 2 United States court building was1 ed, . Joseph Smith. . New Mexico the penitentiary . at 10 Brief anecdoes concerning filled today with summoned jury-- 1 Santa Fe, where he was serving . sayings of, or extracts from the men and witnesses m the murder a term for theft. His attentions an life and writings of the Prophet case of Henry E. Johnson, had been refused byMaggieGarcia at musician Fort Worden.' Joseph Smitfo.or extracts from the army and he had been ordered away was found in fSee whose-bodDoctrine and Covenants. from the Garcia ranch, eighty-fiv- e band quarters. Life- of Joseph Smith by Geo. Q. furnace of the miles from Trinidad, and in Cannon). These .may be given by James II. Holt, a soldier station- an iisolated region. The quadclavsses in eoneert or by a repre- ed at Fort Worden, and Thomas IL Knight, a post tail r. were ar- - ruple murder at the ranch and sentative from each department. abduction of the girl followed with the crime. the 11 Remarks .preferably7 by rested, -charged The members of the posse Aruithn- snMicy named GriebD Jthose-whonewthe-Proph-k was arrested in Fort Townsend, brought the body ofMaggieGarcia 12 Song, Sing Sing the Won was tri e I by com t marti al a nd to the house where the other mem drous Story. sentenced L. serve tw-- years in bers of her family had been mur13 Benediction. federal prison on a charge of dered. but left Martinez 8 body in where he killed Sincerely your brethren, attempting to desert. TTe is held Pentala canyon, JOSEPH F. SMITH, himself. and The condias a witness on behalf of the gov- the girl GEORGE REYNOLDS, ernment bMore be begins to serve tion of the girls body proves beDAVID 0. McKAY, yond a doubt that she resisted the his sentence 'n prbon. General Superintendency, fhe murder was rfter payday .fiend to the last. Her clothing GEO. D. PYPER, at the fort. Johaspwasalsoa was torn until it hung in rags;he cobbler an was supposed to have body was cut and bruised in dozens of places, and even her shoes money7. IT- had a ' om and shop BICYCLE RACERS torn and cut until the blood were in the basement of the band It was ' the Dn hc right of May marked her trail. quarters. New .York, Dec. 9. Ten of the 8 last he w.,s muce'ered in hi- crimson footprints of the girl w4&-4h- e which-rn- a rked--th e trail- -f or the toda inimg room ani the body, thrown mt'i bike" race at Madison the furnve m pursuers and led them at last to ai appai cut at- the two bodies which marked the mainstill were Square garden' tempt tv Iroy it. The. next taining' the record breaking pace morning one rf the soldiers dt- - eqd of the chase. For fouivdays arid five ndghtS (ailed fo jr pare the iiaiters the girl had been in the hands ef inspect'7. i discovered the hHy. the fiend who murdered her famwhich 'nt hee.n partly hurmily, and during that time the pair had nothing to eat but one loaf of FIEND KILLED GIRL AND SELF bread, which Martinez secured on May (e permanently overcome ty proper Saturday afternoon at a ranch. personal efforts witKlKe assistance Bodies of Francisco Martinez and They had covered only twenty-similes from the scene of the murMaggie Garcia Found. ders, but they must have walked ; Trinidad, Colo., Dec. 8. Mag- several times that distance to . gradually dispensed r- gie Garcia, 18 years old, and elude pursuit. when holonger needed astkekestof Under Sheriff Louis Krueger Francisco Martinez, who was susTmeaies,when required, areto assist while investigating the murdered learned the of nature and not to supplant tKe netur. pected having famGarcia murders that Martinez four members of the Garcia (auctions, which must depend ulti huuely upon proper nouriskment, ily, whose bodies were found' at who came originally-froMexico, generally, killed he living that had had boasted Rpcrefjorts,and right their home last Friday night, loget ds keneftcial ejjecls, always their heads having been split open twenty-tw- o men, and declared b) tke genuine dead found he were that an with yesaxe, expected tol kill as many SyrupffigsEilxirSennA terday about twenty miles west more before he died. ' , hunMfwtumbtU 7 of the Garcia rancho in the Not knowing whether yon can eastem part of Las Animas county, Both had been shot in buy it to better advantage is a only SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGCIStS The the head. ' Apparently Martinez kind of recklessness. oaf ae only, price had murdered the girl and then will help you.' ' 7 , i y - et you are in a hurry to regain health and happiness go to a Chiropractor who Jf WOLF HUNTING There if scarcely any limit to the possible improvement in seeds, not it takes time and money. We have been improving flower anu Tractable seeds for over jo year. More than aooo people are working to make Ferry Seeds suit you. Buy the best Ferry's, For sale everywhere. FERRYS 1909 SEED ANNUAL FREE ON REQUEST. D.M. FERRY CO, Detroit, Mloh. Washington. Dee. 8. Moving pictures of wolf hunts turned the east room of the White House tonight into a miniature theatre. Nearly 100 guests made up the Drug 'knife, nor any appliances, who wilt adjust the cause of your ailment by hand, and not waste your time and People who live in furnished rooms eome to know the town better than other people. They move when they7 see" chances" to better themselves. Th ads. are IMPORTANT to THEM F. Petritsch, D. C. (Chiropractor) UTAH, eo YEARS EXPERIENCE e-- next year. money treating' effects. Ypa. rethe alize that cause must be removed before the effect will cease CONSULTATION AND FREE EXAMINATION LOGAN,' Oklahoma, who, it is said, catches Wolves with his hands. Some as good' Medicine, Office. 75 N. Main.' Beli phone 126 Res. 42 S. Main, Bell phone 129 wasJohn the friend of presiAbernathy, dent. and II. S. Marshal from -- - otife J. stage manager to the president, and the latter was so del-- i gh ted wi th- - th e xhibl-tio- n that foe proceeded to invite some friends to see it. The performance began about 10 oclock, following a dinner at the White House. Those who saw the pitcure$ de, clared that they were remarkable. No onlooker, however, expressed himself as more pleased with them than, the president. There they7 ll get him, he exclaimed as the hunt drew- - to a close, Thats one of the finest sports jn the world, he declared, but I hope to get some equally neither uses Comnany A. Ax .4 4 Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac, Anyone sending a sketch end description may qatckly ascertain our opinion free whether aa Invention Is probably patent able. Communications strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest asenoy for eeouruig patents. Pal wit taken through Munn A Cow receive Iperial notice, without charge, incite Scientific American. handsomely Illustrated weekly. I .unrest dr. eulatlon of any sclentlfio Journal. Terms, 13 a year: four months, L Sold by all newsdealers. A SEE DR. KING The Eye Sight For0ver60 Years Specialist GRAEFENBERG UTERINE All Work Positively CATHOLICCN has been curing suffering women of their most Guaranteed tressing peculiar complaints. We ask weak and Buffering women to Examination Free give the Catholicon a trial. A cure MUNN & Co.8e,BrMd,Branch Office, 62$ - New York ? 8U Washington, I. G, dis- will surely follow. All drugglsta can supply you If yours does not7 write us at once, THE GRAEFENBERG CO. 11) Chamber, 8C, N. I. i wn Ur li bm suul f Bwlth hoohimwmM man, which pw am cart, Thl.nl. I m SO, -- RICHMOND, Hendricks Hotel "Tuesday December 15 FRANKLIN, at Bishop Farrells Residence, Wednesday, r December 16. W fall at T.hwhl. swdlari tsfwutMo. 5 ALL KINDS OF f v WRAPPING PAPER, BAGS. BUTCHER PAPER Gen.-Secretar- 1 - Sick Folks Wood L. ce J y.. PALACE HOTEL, LOGAN. - nearT'enth street Yknock-- ! ue-c- ar John. son, aiv,. musician at Fort Worden, anny whose bod was found iufhe furnace J the band Quarters. James II. Holt, a soldier sationed at Fort Worden, and Thomas It, Knigl L a post tailor, were arrested charged with the, crime. Another soldier .nametFGrieble, was - t arrested in Fort Townsend, was tried J)v court-martiand 'sen- tencixl to serve two years in fedeCOAL HAS THE PULL ral prisKUi on a charge of attempting to desert. lie is held as a over other household stores. It witness on behalf of the govern-ment.h- e qever spoils no matter how7 long fore, foe begins to serve his you keep it. That is why there is sentence in prison. never, any risk in having plenty. The murder was after pay day If you have the slightest idea that at the fort. Johnson was'also a you havent plenty to last out, cobbler aid was supposed to have have me send up 9,, load or so. mone. lie had a room and shop It will rrnne you in handy whenever in the lfaseineut of the band quar---I you need it. ters, Oil the night of May 8 last r he wa- - murdered In his room and M-&Coal the lady throwa in apparent-attemp- t to destroy it. . one The i of the somorning Both Phones 74. ldiers detailed to prepare the quar ters for inspection discovered the body. which had been partly burned. al I HOLD UP STREET PRIN. MISS A. 0. CASSIDY c.a.sm.i!iL Henry- - K i TOUGHS SUGGESTION filled today wit,h summoned jury-- ; with some asperity. men and witnesses in the murder j Prophfet. Such was the opinion of Josiah Quincy in 1845, the year of the The martyrdom. intervening r sixty-fouyears have tended tol prove not only the greatness of! Joseph Smith as a man, but also, the divinity of the work he was' instrumental in establishing. To every member of the Church. Jo- seph Smith is not only the most historical American of the nine-- j but a true pro- teenthAwmfiTry God. of pliet PAGE THREE JOURNAL. LQQAN. UTAH, T r-- TWINE, ETC. v - six-da- y mjOUPNAL ! 7 f- - Habitual - Constipation . - m -- CaliforniaFig Svnup Co. rgar L 5040! ex-tre- 1 A Fair' Complexion is Wcrth Keeping The Palace rt CREAM OF ALMONDS a delightful preparation of the highest efficiency in softening, soothing, heal- ing and preserving the skin. Renders the complexion fresh and free from blemish. Keep the hands soft and white ; absolutely pure, free from all grease or oil and will not soil clothing. I priceSoldperwithbottle,the Rexall guarantee 35c. , l ' If your complexion 1 worth keeping at all, its worth keeping w,lL That why you should use Riter Bros. Drug Company hi ! c THE REXALL STORE " rf b Best Rooms in the city' v Journal Block 79 West Center 3 1 Rooms let .by Day, Week or Month. 4 ! |