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Show jay, August 25, 1908. Tu TTTF JOURNAL, LOG AN. UTAIl. TR page Some of them, it was learned lat- ly UILTY OF MOST With the whip he goon dispersed . ROUTS LEGAL MONARCH er, had -- been bought from their HEINOUS CRIME fhe ' intoxicated aborignes; parents, while others had run DESPERADO fights Morocco Retreating, away from home. As far as pos- Diabolical Deed of Squad pf ejtan POSSE AND ESCAPES sible at Camp Emmet . they all will M returned to Hotly Pressed By His . - their homes. Brother, Crawford. Battles Way Out of Cornfield 1 It is believed that the steamer 22.4-It is re-- was Beating Down AH in His Path A News Denver, AuJT 21. Tangier, Aug. going on to Cuba, where ,the here that the army of white slave trade is said to flour- special from Laramie, Wyo, says Middletown'. X. Y Aug. 23. sultan of Morocco, ish. After the that while every effort has been departure of the made by the authorities at Camp An armed posses of nearly 200 routed by jt he, forces of vessel it was jas been reported that there MJulai Hafid, the' military farmers, sheriffs, deputies and fifty; was still a number of women con- Emmet Crawford, jjj brother, late tonight are ranging Morocco City and the maneuver grounds, to keep the jiles from cealed, on board. Consequently s'ix made a prisoner; the governor of Corunna tele- fact secret, it is known that one the Shawangxink mountains, from this town, determined pother report has it that the graphed to Cadiz, where the of the most atrocious crimes im- miles back dead or alive Wilhas taken sUltan escaped and steamer, will stop, ordering that aginable was committed last Sun- tobring in the French zone. day by members of an artillery liam Monroe.a desperado, who another search be made. battery, who assaulted a young twice escaped from seemingly Paris, Aug. 22. A mass of conf'rewoman, leaving her bruised and certain capture by fighting furiHotel Clerk Disappears.. licting dispatches 'has been unconscious upon the ground. ously with a heavy iron bar as vived herb- from Morocco relaThursto Thomas Hawkins up confiict-betwe- en bis only weapon. jo the story, a te to the recent h Hot was at clerk officer-of-th-missioned day rst the two warring sultans and the n terrorThis afternoon On hotel. date he that of Springs was the regiment escorting sported capture ized the towns of IrelandsCorners and either by design young woman, when they were at- and Gardiner; beating down every br the followers of Mulai Hafid. disappeared or otherwise' carried with him tacked by thirty-twmen of the la the meantime the foreign one who stood in his path and eswatch The officer was is without any confirmation $200 and a valuable gold artillery battery. scores of shots fired at him belonging to A. B. Waggoner of beaten into insensibilify with a caping that of the report T entgbt jhe battled Tus way-oThe St. Louis' Mr. "Wag g o uerTef f Ins gun, and the unfortunate young had occupied Morocco City. and watch with Hawkins woman was dragged to an isolat- of a corn field, where he was surlatest intelligence, says that th? money incr low half a dozen has- been when' he went to bathe and Haw- ed spot and assaulted. After rounded, lay army of of the posse with his metal bluddefeated by the kins left with the money and lying half dead for hours, the disastrously and took to the mountains. Mulai Hafid several watch. After enjoying thorough victim of the outrage revived and geon, troops of Monroe has been pursued ever a plunge in the warm water Mr. succeeded in crawling to a house miles from Morocco City and that ly of-1 called at the hotel some distance away and told her since early la&t night. Yesterday it retreated in thedirection of Waggoner afternoon he tried to wipe out the One report, 'saysi that fiee for his Wad. It was thenMis- - story. Tadula. men alleged to have family of Abrahapi Deyo, a prosis a prisoner and an- covered that Hawkins had not onTwenty-si- x farmer at Ireland Comers, other that he has taken refuge ly left the hotel, but had carried been implicated in the outrage perous with iron bar. He felled six the the money with him. A vigorous are under arrest, and are chained in the French zone at Chaouia. of them, all of whom are in a seriParis, Aug. 22. The .govern- search was at once instituted for together in the camp prison. They condition. Then he. set fire ments advices received tonight Hawkins, but he has not been are under constant guard to pre- ous and fled. , 25 vent confirm t'he report from Tangier seen since. Hawkins is about lynching, as sentiment in the to Deyos barn The whole mountryside is in years of age and hails from Ten- camp is strong against thdm. Six that the forces of for as he ran through the recognized sultan of Morocco, nessee. He has been employed as of the alleged assailants escaped, terror, Gardiner Mbnroe shouted: had been defeated by Mulai Hafid clerk at the hotel for some time. but three of them were appreIve got one more visit to hended at Rawlins today. The the usurping sultan. Thq advices make one more family to kill beLUCKY HOLD-UP- . who is other three are still at large. state that fore they get me. And they will now in full retreat in the directi New York, Aug." 22. Raymond USING HIS EMPLOYERS only get me dead. ion of Tadla. with the remnant secof Lincoln Nearly every farmer in the YACHT. of his forces, is being hotly press- D. Tuttle, a farmer tion has had trouble with the man help-u- p ed by local tribes. Several kaids Park, N. J., was by The report President that during the last couple of years were billed in the engagement two highwaymen and in conseRoosevelt owner of and there is much anxiety as to the promised and others were captured. No quence one of them, is poorer by a the schooner recently in , collis- who will be the one selected for further details have been received gold watch and $25, which Tuttle ion with the Mayflower that he the will hold as the spoils. He was desperados vengeance. here all would damages personalpay It was in revenge that he acted returning from Paterson when the if the Government' failed to do ly two men leaped into his wagon yesterday against Abraham Deyo FIND MANY WOMEN .so may be accepted as proof that who had testified against him in HIDDEN IN VESSEL and commanded him to disgorge callsometimes naval the yacht, all assault case recently. the contents of his pockets. Ined the Presidents yacht, was k, one or Corunna. Spain, Aug.., 21. The stead, the farmer struck not engaged upon public business SUNNYSIDE MINING NOTICE embarkation at this port of a the men, knocking him over the time of the accident. at the number of young women on board dashboard and the horses tramplNo other President has had the The stockholders of the Sunny the Spanish steamship, Isle de ed on him.' As the animals convesalmost exclusive use a war of side Mining and Milling Co., are Panay prior to the sailing of the tinued to speed along Tuttle convessel nominally for Teneriffe tinued to fight the .other man. sel. A few years ago there was invited to go to see their property when a on Aug. 25th. Mr. E. D. Miles will aroused the suspicions of the local Within a hundred wards from his complaint and protest President made an occasional leave Paradise that day at 9 authorities, who today conducted home he tore most of the an investigation. clothes off and hurled pleasure voyage in such a ship. oclock a. m. Be prepared to This disclosed one the fact that dozens of young him into the road.. Later Tuttle Under this Administration stay in La Plata one night. comtwo and sometimes yacht and in a girls, mostly minors, were stowed searched the clothes Anyone wishing to accompany manded and manned officers by the party will be welcome. The waistcoat pocket found the monaway on board the steamer. and of sailors and sup,E. D. MILES. the, navy authorities forced all the girls ey and watch. The latter is the await ported by public funds, to disembark, worth $50, they could find Presidents orders at Washington EXCURSION EAST or Oyster Bay. AUGUST 24 & 25. On the whole, Mr. Roosevelt is to be commended for his promise Via 0. S. L. and Union Pacific. to idemnify the owners of the Reduced rates to Denver, Omaha, schooner wh ieh he ran who use their employ- other points. Limits October 31st i ers machines without permission See agents for rates and further and get into trouble are compell- particulars. 4 ed to do something of this kind. N. Y. World. , If yon expect to do a record I Dusiness this fall you must md4h BLOODTHIRSTY PIUTES vour expectations with your adPUT TO ROUT. vertising- BEGINNING RIGHT NOW Saeramento, Cal., Aug. 23. One of the largest social events PROBATE AND GUARDIAN on the shores of Lake Tahoe, a SHIP NOTICES. summer resort, was rudely broken up last Friday night by some Consult County Clerk or the Res drunken Piute Indians. pective Signers for Further information. Mr. and Mrs'. William Tevis ...... were entertaining a number of C35S prominent society people from In the District Court of the First Judicial District of the State of San Franeiseo and vicinity around a big bonfire on the beach Utah, in A nd For The County 'f the lake at the Tevis summer of Cache. home, near Tallac. Suddenly out NOTICE TO CREDITORS. of the darkness came the redskins who ' surrounded the party and WoEstate of Oscar C. Petterson, Debegan to dance and yell. OF.THE ' . ceased. men fainted and clung in despair to the male members of the party Creditors will present claims as the Indians became more fren- with vouchers to the undersigned zied. . at his residence in Logan, in .the The College Is becoming known for Its Gordon Tevis in the conclusion County of Cache and State of rapidly increasing attendance, for its high slipped through the' cordon of Utah, on or before the 28th day scholarship, for the enthusiasm of faculty and "Students, and for a general healthy morality dancing Indians and notified 0. of December, A. D., 1908. Date of first publication Aug. W. Diekey, the superintendent of Pervading the entire Institution. ce ' Tevis whose the 25th, A. D., 1908. College work begins September 15. place. Dickie, CORNELIUS PETTERSON, fee $5.00. Catalogue and circulars long familiarity with the Indians tree upon of Estate-u- f Oscar him with made Administrator had A letter to The President acquainted request. Will receive their disposition, armed himself C. Petterson, Deceased. careful attention. Write today. with a big blacksnake whip and NEBEKER, HART & NEBEKER AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. LOGAN, UTAH -'fan to the scene Of excitement. Attorneys. NOTICE &PER en -- ej es r re-fut- re - rmu-cnT- n- the-Uta- the-ma- Abd-El-Az- iz of-fi- ce o EXCURSIONS r- The best through a servant want ad. iknoiiAL Crest - is secured the State Board of Healtn, has opened offices in Logan and ,s prepared to do general work in Medicine and Surgery. Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. Offices over Howell and Cardon Dry Goods Store. DO YOU THE PAINT THAT WONT OFF COME En-tran- i EAT. If so, when in Logan, go to DAVIS NEW CAFE 205-20- , Riter Bros. Drug Co. Nof 33 N. Main SUj Loganytah Drs. Smith 6c Petty, Dentists. Offices as follows: 4 LOGAN 2 doors North of Eagle Hotel,1 open every day except Sundays from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. HYRUM Over new Drug Store, open Monday and Tuesday of every week. Over Miles SMITHFIELD BUY YOUR FEED where the highest grade grain, feed, hay, corn, oats, wheat and cattle feed of all kinds can be purchased at the lowest rates. Our supplies are always fresh, clean and reliable, and will keep your animals in g o odcWdTt to n 7wbc n ' fed on it. All kinds of Poultry food and supplies. T.J.Poulter Produce . ' the foundation of strength - .. is the kind you want when wood Private Dining Room for Ladies. or metal, indoors or out, requires Lunch 25c. covering. Thats the sort of paint we sell the J. J. Buswell, W. M. Buswell, kind. Furthermore, our Ophthamie Specialist. Neurologist paints come inwall colors and shades and we supply also white Drs. Buswell & Buswell lead,' dryer, turpentine, linseed Graduates McCormick College. oil, putty, brushes and everything 6 Scott Bldg. Salt Lake City that goes with paints and varL S. SMITH, D. D, S. nishes. W. H. PETTY, D. D. S. Company BELL PHONE 444. ' - f OF PALACE HOTEL, LOGAN. -- -- THE WESTERN INSTITUTE. OFPSYCIIOLOGY s - Agricultural College of Utah t i 1 ' Utah. PRIN. MISS A. C. CASSIDY high-wayma- 'tii - Specialty SCIENCE AND ART THE SUGGESTION O A . ' Abd-El-Aziz rs Logan, ALL BRANCHES TAUGHT. iz down-Chauffeu- ! Sole Agent. of J z, WANT IT YOU 2.0L0 ONLY IN TINS BATESONS CASH MARKET DR. F, E. CLARK - Abd-El-Azi- o . ut iz TC CHEYENNE For Frontier Day Celebration. To Cache Valley Subscribers: Tickets on sale August 18th., and On and after Aug. 15, , 1908, 19th., limit, August 21th, free telephone service between exchanges in Cache valley will be discontinued and messages will be handled at rates which may be learned by inquiring at any exchange of this company in Cache valley. ROCKY MOUNTAIN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Abd-El-Az- iz Abd-El-Az- rrra ALWAYS AT THE TOP-ROY- ALS BREAD. most fastidious It pleases the appetites, creates a new" appetite for most and affords a wholesome, food to nourishing, never-tired-everybody who eats it. Cut it, crumble itt, soak it, analize it, try it at table for a week any te.st will convince yon of the uniform purity and excellence of Royals bread. of 5 ; ROYAL BAKERY Logan, Utah. Store, open Wednesday and Thursday of every week. RICHMOND In new Bank building. Open Friday and of very week. Saturday H.G. Smurthwaite Piano and Organ Instruction Pupil of Sjgnor De Voto and Homer C. Humphrey. Tabernacle Organist. A limited number of students accepted. Residence Phone Bell 148 Y. |