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Show vl' ' 1 T 2, Thursday, January TIME 1 provided a spread good sist that ough to, and no doubt would 1 satisfy the royal family, The brot ply jmd sisterly and the epres ing that pr on ki lness sions of every, hand feel-raile- - among the Adelaide S ints and their friends Before S' iTting on our home ward journ yj the sisters provid ed a n appet zing lunch (here it is 1 ill existing )i Shortly after 7 p. m., we starred on our homeward journey, making the air vibrate a the long distance in singing in now of Zion, though songs distant lands. All reached their destination in safety. I might add 1 yesterday out; ' exercise makes it easier to write than to that I dvoot work. eould- - (12c)- .F am not 60 much concerned in what others did as I am in what our little branch of the Church of Jmus Christ of Latterday Sjaints did yesterday. has a "Well, every undertaking our of beginning and in telling at the outing we shall commence - -starting point. Here it isrLast Thursday evening at the Sisclose of our Mrl. A. meeting ter Annie Chapman, one of our most faithful and intelligent Miss Ollie Dyer a true we and faithful friend, whom member of the hope to see a Church ill the near future, brought of the Saints up the consideration usual annual pici?1 uniting in their nic and the propriety of securing a conveyance for the occasion. by vote pA.All were asked to showwould go. whether -- or not they hat intimated JVTeyery modestly th vo tel of the Elders depended upon the! amount of .picnic they would b required to furnish as we felt tfhat our reputation as cooks mifght" suffer if our viands - so-- be know that it eit of some,of-th- e young people" whom we saw" coming in from t their outing last evening as they seemed so anxious to hold one another from falling off their seats. I do not wish to infer that any were drnnk; I shall not say they were not intoxicated-(with love.) If there are any people in the world who are more given fo pleasure seeking than the people of this city, we da not Jmow of them. I told you in a previous letter that it had 1 een decided by the unmonweal h Parliament-th- at members of that legislative body were to take a trip of the Murray river system in order to enable that body to act in nd "-- ' a THE GREAT r 1J1 BLACKVILLE-DARKTOW- river-includin- s, rs YACHT RACE; HOW DARKTOWN (Ki-ro-prak-- tik) - Is the last and most accurate way of removing Jthe cause of 95 per pent of all Acute and Chronic diseases .... . Bur geryliy-adjustj- og kno n AAtF6TlT)nT.-- f one or more of the 300 articulations of the skeletal more especially the 32 of the Spinal Colun&, thereby ing pressure from impinged nerves, allowing a normal of Life Force to every Organ and part body which constitute health. ettiT-rne-xt- vv , flily r For further information-concernin- frame, remov- Supply of the ? Chiro- - , remove the ? g to practic and its possibilities cause of your ailment, consult J. F., PETRITSCH, D. 0. Bell Phone 129 Utah. 42 S.'Main St., Log g - N Chiropratic New Years Greeting a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS New Year to every one in Cache Valley. : ... ; Your Business IIAS BEEN GREATLY APPRECIATED DURING THE PAST YEAR, AND FOR THIS REASON WE DO NOT HESITATE TO SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE FOR THE COMING YEAR. The Prescription Drag Co. Store-Co- -op COAL THATCHER THE t 4 Company EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN LOST. IRock Springs Peacock Coal to a public test. "We ere assured that no cooking ivuld he expected of us and of cofurse up went our hands. An ones part "understanding of each made clear, was iii the program conveyance was secured, the place of mgeting was decided up-oand yesterday morning at 9:30 we were all out with high hopes and happy anticipations. The drag (as the conveyance is called here) was loaded with 30 were d, gaveevidf cLoUteftUowshu, and good A. ng IN A 5IC ELDER REESE ATTENDS INC SEERS SHADE AND HEARS birds sing. ADELAIDE O WRIGHT-S- T, 'S in Nov. 12. All business houses "Australia --weroclosed (ptlsuj posed-t- a. bej arid all labor not ' absolutely necessafy was suspend birth . ed yesterday in honor of the f I of Eng-day of King Edward YII land and of Australia., Thousands of the people of Adelaide spent the day in picnicing in the beautiful resorts in the suburbs and in the hills nearby, and at the seaside. It is estimated that 20,000 went to Glenelg alone. This is a place about 7 or S miles from Adelaide, and, a train runs back or forth every half hour. The return fare is 9d (18e) ex- -' eept on S a t u rd a y w li en i t, is , 6d telligently upon, a bill that had to South Australia her rights ; been introduced dealing with the something which would be and expensive. . equitable distribution1 of the waters of this system among the The generous rains which have states of NewJSoyth Wales,' Vic- - been almost general throughout oterhav in the coriditions ed members of that exploration greatly improv party have performed their mis- Commonwealth and the outlook is sion and the .nembers from Adel- much more encouraging. .While aide returned by special train I am writing this letter we are from Goolwa last evening having having a beautiful rain that traveled since they left here Oct. means wealth to the country and 31st, 700 miles by train, about comfort to the citizens by reducWord the ing the 1,080 miles by temperature. rethe trips up the Wakool, the Murrum comes from Victoria that and the bj DarIing75 cent rains have greatly improved miles by vehicles, and about 30 the outlook for a good crop. Kind miles on foot, the pedestrain exer- est regards to all, cise being taken with the object Tours very truly, W'. G. REESE. of making themselvefc acquainted with the possibilities of the Lake ALL THE WORLD. Victoria, and Lake Bonney conservation and irrigation proposiThe tions under consideration. public has been kept well posted is a stage, and Ballards Snow in regard to the movements and Liniment plays a most promiexperiences of the legislators nent part. It has no superior for through daily communications by Rheumatism, stiff joints, cuts, correspondence to the Adelaide sprains, and all pains. Buy it, papers. try it and you will always use it. Tt appears that a settlement of Anybody who has used Ballards this "much ngitated question - is Snow Liniment, is A J i vin g jproof not to be reached at as early a ofAhatitrdoesrBuyA trial bottle. b date as was hopefully anticipated, Bros. Drug Co. -- 1 Repudiating the promise of his WHATS predecessor in office, Mr. Curru-therto place . the Murray-Wa-tewell. Agreement Bill in the front worth doing is worth doing of his legislative program, Mr. If you wish to be cured of RheuW ade,the presentPremier of matism, use Ballard s Snow LiniNew South Wales, has not only re ment and you will be well curfused to treat the measure as one ed. A positive cure for Sprains, of urgency, but has actually Neuralgia, Bruises, Contracted expressed a doubt as to whether Muscles and all the ills that flesh he will go on with it at all. This to. A. G.. M. Williams, action of the Premier gives con- is heir I writes: siderable concern to South Aus- Navasota, Texas, have used Snow Liniment for tralia especially as at seems-- to sprained ankle and it gave the meet the approval of the Victor best I always of satisfaction. ian press. lt is feared that legal keep it in the house. Sold," by b steps may be necessary to secure Riter Bros. Drug Co. ' t PAGE, PAGE NINETEEN J OtJRN AL, LOGAN, UTAH 1908- - SUMMEI . V sulmitted tie WE SELL BUT THE ONE KIND. IT IS BY FAR THE BEST COAL. ALWAYS PLENTY ON HAND, AND CAN mattf. PROMPT DELIVERY, WITH FULL WEIGHTS. S2,000:,Lbs. llTon PRICE ALWAYS IN LINE. Both Phones Both Phones at Yard 314. Up-tow- Office 16 n n; of food passengers and baskets and bottles of soft drinks, and as there were35 innumberat the five appointed place of meeting, them took s ook the train which j ri close proximity to the rendez ' vous. By 10:30 a. m., about fifty I nad gathered. A happier crowd would be hard to find. Pres.Hard-maa man who never forgets his whisfamily, came around and pered in my ear: Wouldnt we, have a happy day if our wives r and children were with ns! Guess my answer-- . Here is Mr. and Mrs.Moore and family rto join n, i us! good! outThe place selected for our creek, about ing was on Brown at the U five miles from Adelaide, the hills in a public resort j foot of center of which. is a band q in the occupied on special occas ions. The rows of large weeping willows furnished shade to the hundreds who werethereyester--da- y in ac that formed -- j tand ups in-gro- cordarice-withfamily,eccle6ias- ti- cal of political affiliations. As our little party was among the we first upon- - the grounds, were' successful in securing one of ' the best places. The hot day, 9S in the shade, enabled ns to fully appreciate the weeping willows, notwithstanding their inconsistency' with respect to the occasion - After watching the children in their games and engaging in few ourselves for a short time, the r i Trade For The Holiday CHINA CHINA CHINA Not long ago we purchased aq entire line of samples from an eastern manufacturer and we are now prepared-toffer to the public the finest line of China at the lowest possible prices. Our special tables of 10c, 15c and 25c articles are sore to save you money. See onr elegant line of Cut Glass at wholesale prices. o Remember, there is always something new in these ' .ELITI 9 & I departments, j M, Headquarters for Poultry, Supplies OYSCORN, WHEAT, SCREENINGS. BEEF SCRAPS, TER SHELL, CHARCOAL, BLOOD MEAL, & SPICES. WE ALSO CARRY FULL LINE OF GRASS & CLOVER SEEDS. POP CORN, SWEET CORN, BALED HAY, OATS, MILL SALT . AND .SEAMLESS STUFS, POTATOES, ONIONS ' -- ' f . SACKS. - T. J. Poulter Produce Co. 130 NORTH MAIN ' IUD. PHONE 145 A. BELL PHONE 144 R. OLD SMURTHWAITE STAND IN the 4 s' S- S f |