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Show f THE TRI. WEEKLY JOURNAL, the Associated Press on his i TilEJOUIlNAL LUSHED ' Mt?sourTla'w "thy, BY. VU that he is seeking to enforce. He England Publishing Co. also arraigns those who, he says, violate the law for pecuniary e every gain,, and dwells upon what he Entered at the Saturand Tuesday, Thursday says is a crying need of one day seconas of rest out of every seven. day, at Logan, Utah " matter. d-class As a result of Judge Wallaces campaign,- the county grand jury AUGUSTUS GORDON, EDITOR has since September 20 last, returned 1101 indictments against modern the That thelifeof' violators of the- - Sunday law; one business man iiTa strenuous forced hundreds of shopkeepers leadto time to close thear places of business that may .at any is on that day,, and, within the past disaster, ,as well as to victory, suicide indicated .by the tragic three weeks, has placed over half Frank Carpenof J. thousand Sundaj working ac'by shooting 'Co., ter of the Carpenter Paper tors, actresses theatrical manaCar-- l aMr. OmahrfNebraska. of gers and their employes and othEastern ers, under bond for hearing later, penter was one of the visited who Logan men business That jury Ts still in session and influx at the time of the general the judge says he will not cease allSalt the with visitors of eastern until, the law is respected to the Lake aggregation. He was cheery letter. " and full of life at that time, but Judge .Wallace sajs . has now paid the penalty of an It is a mistake - to suppose that the Sabbath is purely a reexaggerated activity. 1 1 ligious institution and that its 1' Earl & Post-offic- x. -- 4 the abuse of the is liquor habit aiding the cause of defiant prohibition ; the open-adesecrationof the Sabbath is opening the eyes of men to the seems to me-a- s LOA. Saturday. December 23, 1907. UTAH. Journals Livestock mi Sunday obserimportance of vance. Then, too, the truth contained in the statement of Daniel Webs Iter that," The Sabbath' is the bulwark of our liberties because it is- the bulwark of our - Report Kansas City Stock Yards, Dee. were 23, Total cattle supplies light last week, although a fair representation of Colorado, New Mexico and Panhandle offerings ket held were" included; The-msteady on steers, - beef grades from the range country selling'at $3.50 to $1.3.5, but cows and heifers suffered" a loss of 25 to 35 cents. Top . Colorado cows sold at $3.30 to $3.50, medium grade cows $2.50 to $3.25, heayy calves theweek, 25 to 50 to $1.00, .. range bulls at $3.23 ar -- morality. is pressing itself upon the attention of patriotic Ameri on evcans, and. the Anglo-Saxerywhere, when his attention is turned to the subject, is quick to appreciate, the sublime truth so. aptly expressed in the declarar tion of Mr. Gladstone that the Question of Sunday observance is for the masses of the people $2.25 to, $2.75, stockers $3.00 to the greatest of all $3.90,' feeders from Colorado Stockers and $3.65 to $1.20 questions. lower up to 'ThursAnswering your inquiry as tc feeders sold the progress bf Sunday closing, I day last week, hut many buyers ean only state the" fact as to Kan- appeared late in the week, and sas City When the grand jury everything was cleaned up With was convened here in September closing prices showing little loss. is only 2500 here, last, over 600 retail groceries The run today' were open on Sunday.' Now they and small at all points, as usual but noare closed. Every barber shop in dnrin g- the holiday-week- ,-, the city, is closed. Retail merch- body expected quite such a light ants have closed, exeepta very supply" today, and prices are 15 few. who observe some other day to 25 cents higher on both steers as Sunday, as permitted by other and cows. " Mutton receipts have been statutes. The 2000 places where cigars and tobacco were formerly light, hut prices declined 20 to sold are obeying the Jaw, except- 3(Lccnts last week, altogether ing now and then a clandestine due to outside influences. Market sale. Only three pool halls anl ior the meat is had, and lower the theaters defy the law and two prices prevail at Chicago $ nd cf the latter have recently closed Buffalo. Local prices have been running as high as at Chicago, and buyers forced' concessions Now Is Best late last week in view of these he -- and-Walk- er -- Office hours 9 a. m. to" 12 m. 1 to m.1 p. m. 5 ly i and Winter around, the house is what the housewife' should do who doesnt want to go to the expense of having a painter come in Painting your closets over will keep bugs and creeping things doors and ut,and giving-you- r' base hoards a coat of paint will make them fresh and decorativje when your use our paints. -- ent Merry 3 4 ' 4 fv ;rl Si the stlyes of Heaters we are selling at 25 per cent Discount for 10 days. This is one of Riter Bros. Drug Co. Logan Furniture Co. o. 33 N. 112 NORTH MAIN MAIN St; Logan, Utah A HAT FULL OF CHEAPEST COAL- - COST 1 CENT LASTS OVER NIGHT IN t Coles Original Hot Blast - But-consist- p. centa-Iower-f- - do-ub- t Rabes Photo Parlors. Cardoa The dhoree ease of Fred C. A RallanLBlock 135 N. Main. agiil h stJ os e phra e W atkerrea me up promptly for hearing before DR. S. B. THATCHER, Judge Armstrong in Salt Lake "" Dentist. was granted a di vorce and the custody of their Offices over the Morrell' Clothseven year old daughter. ing Store 63 N. Main St. TOUCHIN G UP FOR FALL, LOGAN, UTAEL . " thaw, e nforeed obscr va uee-- is lor the ha's freed the sidewalks from benefit of the' church. The Sab before man gnow and the rain has washed hath was ordained 7 be not inapit them clean, might had fallen or there was a church that to they suggest or a need for a redeemer. By propriate their in should be kept present divine example the Almighty or- condition. We refer to thg paved dained it, by resting from the walks. .. During. the greater part work of creation on the seventh of 'the winter, we are sorry to day and He impressed forever say, a visitor to Logan might be upon it its sacred character by as to whether this city hallowing it. The-- ,in Sabbath , .had any paved walks outside of would be with us had sin "never the business district, were it not entered the world. for the fact- - that thereis , an oc- - 4 Hence, when we think logcasional citizen with more pride ically. and historically, it is easy fltaadiis "neighbors, who, after tdpcrcOive tbow'itis that a- desire Run --fcr4 500 today, bond i fion r each storm, and wrhile the snow for a day of rest is a latent inis easy to remove, shovels it off tuition with the Time To Take market strong to 10 higher, laboring man. lambs today at $5.65 to $5.90, and thereby sets an example of The tyranny of 6000 years of huat $4.90; civic pride and good citizenship A well known authority on some light yearlings man avarice has. not eradicated at $3.25 ewes wethers $4.25, and that should,' hut too frequently it. Justice Field, so long a mem- Rheumatism gives the readers of to $3.75. in the past has 4taot, caused a Heavy supplies of ber of our United States Supreme a large New York daily paper spirit of friendly emulation and court, was right when, as one of the following valuable, yet sim- poultry' and game, incident to rivalry. These bright and shin the Supreme judges of Califor- ple and harmless prescription, the holidays, seems to have afmg .examples are well known to nia, he declared that Sunday which any one can easily, prepare fected dhe mutton market more than it has other live stock this all who traverse the respective laws are enacted primarily for at home: . Z J. A. RICKART, which they thoroughfares on the protection of labor. We canFluid Extract Dandelion, one- - year. S. Correspondent. L. ' live; and if the delinquent ones not wonder,' therefore, that men half ounce ; Compound Kargon, realized the serength of the pub- who work for wages in all the one ounce; Compound, Syrup Charged With Murder. lic sentiment thus evoked, they, d paitmenis of human industry Sarsaparilla, three ounces- too, would join the, at present, are Mix by shaking well in a botsening in the unanimous in.Thomas Yanee, the man whom too small procession., unions to labor dorsement the of, after take a and tle, teaspoonful TMl it is alleged beat and poisoned it. which they belong. Nor should each meal "and athedtime. his wife so that she died, in Salt When a number of the paper we wonder Ihat avarice is turnHe states that the ingredients Lake, is to he charged with murof the State were commenting its guns upon the friends of can be obtained from ing any good der. State Chemist Harms has case and upon the Walker-Beer- s Sunday observance. It can on prescription pfoarmacy at small completed his analysis of the womany of them remarked how eas- Sunday glut 'its ravgpous maw cost, and, being of vegetable ex- mans stomach. ily, in, their opinion the woman with more of the wages that have tract iont are harmless to take. in the case would escape as comthe" been paid laborer, than 'on This pleasant mixture;, if takpared with the fate of either of week of other three tliey days any en regularly for a few "days, is the other principals, The Journal r The combined. theatre?, Sunday case said to overcome almost-anV ventured to dissent as a matter as rich a harvest as the Sunday of Rheumatism. The pain and of cotivlctionf and asserted the X saloon, is" prSoYo Ythiar fact. swellihg,Tff any'iminishes 'with belief that inf Its final analysis as it is with each dose, until permanent rethe fate fjfie womans para- tine needs and constitution of sults are obtained, and without mour-o- rthaU of her husband,, Jr While man, the idea of one dayih seven injuring the stomach. 4even should he, doomed to die, as a evolved not was of rest Rheudiay there are many would still be enviable as com' 4 human or natural religion matism by remedies, patent medipared with hers, That opinion reveladivine is a It cines, etc., some of which do give has been by no means changed, philosophy. tion. It is the peculiar feature of relief, few really give permanent hut rather, confirmed. The husof Christianity, by which is results, and the above will, no band did not condon'e the wifes meant the system of theology doubt, be greatly appreciated by offense and concede himself a the old and new testa- - j3Xn3hifferers here at this time. taught-b- y willing cuckold provided there ments. Its origin is with the inquiry at the drug stores of could be no further commission Bible, and not with Confucianism this neighborhood elicits the in,of the offense, but immediately or Brahmanism or Buddhism and formation that these drugs are upon his release made applicareligions of harmless and can be bought sethe mythological tion for divorce and a demand Greece or of Rome or of any oth- parately, of the druggists herb for the custody of his child. For ' er nation. will mix the prescription for our him there may be no peace, but briefreaders if asked .to. Upon the two doctrines for the woman there remains the that " neither peace, honor nor happi- ly stated above, namely, Walker Asks Divorce. constitution of mam. requires and ness. To the last day of her one the word of God commands, life; no matter how long it Fred C. Walker, acquitted of day in seven as a day of rest, are may last, she will be reminded of of statutes the murder of Dr. Earl S. Beers, the Sunday h he"" 11 vESpby grounded t the several States --offthe Union, whoHiad defiled liis wife, immemembers oTher own sex, providrarest exceptions our judi- diately entered suit for divorce ed she attempts to live a virtu With cial decisions, whose name is le- apd asked the custody of their ious life; and if, succumbing to Atthis "timepv lten- -t PHOTOGRAPHS. Walker. Divorce Granted. k . GUARANTEED SAVES YOU $18 ALWAYS, ' TO $25 IN FUEL EVERY YEAR. , . AIE-TIGH- T 2 i CAUTION on Feed Door Coles Hot Blast From Chicago of Every Stove. None Genuine Without it. Avoid Imitations EVERTON & SONS, The Stove Men v SOLE AGENTS Headquarters for Poultry Supplies... BEEF SCRAPS, OYSCORN, WHEAT, SCREENINGS. TER SHELL, CHARCOAL, BLOOD MEAL, & SPICES. WE ALSO CARRY FULL LINE OF GRASS & CLOVER SEEDS. -- POP JSORNJWEET.CORN, BALED HAY, OATS, MILL w STUFS, POTATOES, ONIONS, SALT AND SEAMLESS SACKS. -- - so-calle- T. J. Poulter Produce Co. Christmas -- " BELL and a Happy THE the inevitable, she enters upon the broad white way, herear-lend is certain. Who, in view of the known facts, will venture to dispute the assertion that the way of the transgressor is hard PLEA c FOR THE SABBATH, have been declared constitutional by practically every State in the Union. .The Supreme court of the United States, Justice Brewer rendering the opinion Judge William II. Wallace, of has decided that we are a relithe Jackson. eounty, Mo.,, Crimand that Christianinal court, who has been credited gious people fs our law."" of a part with having started the Sunday ity Answering your query as to observance movement that now haa.hecome:widespread. has is- thel cause of the widespread movement forSundayclosmgr sued' a significant statement -- X . gion; rest upon precisel- y- the same foundation. Ministers and priests could not have pronounc ed the Sabbath more sacred than have th judges. Sunday laws little-gir- L --f- ADVKRTISED LETTERS. Brough,, Mr. Martha Cooley, Mrs. Edna Colster, Prof. IEunter, Mr. C. F. Morgan,. J, T. Silvey, Mr. W. D. If the above are - not away within two weeks date they will he sent to the Dead Let tet Office at 'Washington.' JOSEPH T5i)ELL, P. M. Utah, Dee. 24, 1907. Our friends WE SELL BUT THE ONE KIND! IT IS BY FAR THE BEST COAL. ALWAYS PLENTY ON HAND, AND CAN MAKE PROMPT DELIVERY, WITH FULL WEIGHTS. 2,000 Lbs. t Ton PRICE ALWAYS IN LINE. Both Phones at Yard 314. Both Phones CHILDRENS . Opposite The Tabernacle x Rock Springs Peacock Coai to All , COAL EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN ed esTTeryday THATCHER Company Year -- J IN THE OLD SMURTHWAITE STAND New ill-fat- 130 NORTH MAIN 144 IND. PHONE 145 A. R. PHONE prepared by the , Up-tow- n Office 16 PANACEA CRAEFENBERC CO. Is harmless vegetable remedy which cures Infantile Jaundice a Diarrhoea Pleasant to take . sold at all druggists |