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Show TI1E PAGE FOUR the journa JOURNAL. LtKJAN. UTAH. TRI-WEEKL- Tuesday, February 5, 1907. tion. in the classic shade of the we fear, dishonest. They would twpen the two countries owing to j ed has been that, as a purely tem-- j Bunker Hill monument; and it is sell as first class, wheat they f he.' refusal of San Francisco to porary matter and in order to save i ' -- PtBUHHKD Bdcclarcdeastof the Ohio that Jf knew to have been frosted or permit Japanese pupils to enter their national pride, Japanese Prill Co. western descriptive powere.educa-tio- n smutty. They failed to properly the public schools of ""that cTty children of school age in San Earl, h England publishing and faculties of observation clean.it.- - Sold some not true, to never has reached the stage where Francisco who, until Oct. 15, or Catered el the ,.erery Tnrxdm far it created a fear of an armed clash thereabouts, were received in the name, and its .vivid imagination, Thuradajr end Bttanlt;, t tojfiO Utah. equaled Few things yield , better at Better. m new and powerful school of fic inferior to samples. With potatoes between the two countries. publio schools on an equality with American children, shall continue; any time for the little attention would arise beyond the Rock they were careless, planting mix-- i , Reports of . possible war that AUGUSTUS GORDON, Editor ies. A fewtion given than poultry. A lit-- . oftentimes of ed the varieties, years since, during have been sent out flora Washing- to be so received. betie more attention to their bar- As the Japanese are to was re- kinds for which there was no out- ton are not only misleading, but rather severe winter,-it TELEPHONES condition out failed red side and the assort to the and you will find children in corded TIIE JOURNAL that demand, by treaty, are wholly unjustified by any school them sacked of of a regular gold mine. that race age naturfacts in possession of either up in the Teton Basin, Jacksons them. When they were CELL 7. INDEPENDENT 7 Hole, the will within a for Is as good to keep the few nice, anc smooth, ally Star Nothing shipment disappear Valley upper The relations betw;een were the thus and uniform Pacific the flocks at setcoast in condition and to potatoes top the United States and the empire years your throughout that section,- the , Because' of the inability of the will be free of the threat of Japtlers were sitting up'nighta .to of the sacks, and the scrubby ones of Japan never were more cordial help them to form the egg laygroundhog upon the day named scare the elk away from . their beneath. But little care was ta- than assoof anese . and the habit as immigration ing they are today. The Japanafter him, to see. his shadow, the haystacks, as fences seemed to be ken In cultivating, spraying, pickof- white with . Our Own ciation Japanese Poultry Powder ese diplomatic representatives are weather sharks pre- no That story was ing and assorting apples, or a fine well acquainted with the situation, children ' of the coolie class.. On We have protection! every good poultry dict an early' spring. food and remedy, but for all the repeated and received the merry market could have been found and President Roosevelt has suc- the other hand, the people of the Pacific slope want Japanese ex- - ha I ha I in the papers - of New for them. The appended extract ceeded in ordinary aliments of poultry securing the consent of During the past few weeks the York, Boston, Philadelphia and from a big seed export house in when Is and done and to make them prolific lay-ereluded, that Japan to a basis of compromise weather has been handed 'out to other cities of the effete and in Portland. of Ihev be will one our to Oregon, entirely satisfied. It! the - whole difyou will find nothing betns in assorted and very large credulous East. We are led to local seedsmen. Mr. II. O. Smurth-wai't- which will settle : rests with the school authorities ter this. We guarantee it than ficulty within a year or two, propackages. The precipitation has wonder how they'll take the latof San indicates why Cache ' valFrancisco to whether to give satisfaction or will resay viding the people of San Francis been something unusual; and as the fair compromise arranged by est, which comes, if we remember ley lueem or alfalfa seed is los- c6 do their part. fund your money. - the ground was not frozen when the used to from the Tremont that President Roosevelt shall be ing (Box reputation correctly, put Price, 25c and 50c. The treaty which is pending, in the snow came, has sunk in to the Elder force or not. 1 ' Times. 'and. is ' to bring it ready sale at the highest County) -- - and'which is the direct result of earth.- - The dry fanners will re- the effect that' following th' fignr.- It says: joice unless the ground gets bare recent big storm, when snow Tel Logan, Garland, Utah., Franklin, From now on, we expect to the delicate intervention of the Even From The Mountains framed not was by and the growing wheat freezes to an president, Ballards Snow Liniment is prais--e- d Preston and Montpelier, Idaho unprecedented depth on the get most, if not all, of the alfalfa either was because there down. country for the good, it does. A . sure desert west- of that place, the seed needed from places much of war. It the slightest danger home. the to nearer astute coyote being then able And, besides, cure, for Rheumatism and all Partly for political reasons and outrun the rabbits, rounded them seed will be nicer, for to tell you was brought about because the pains. Wright W. Loving, Grand realized that it was not partly because the local legal up by thousands into easily-guar- d the truth though we presume Japanese Junction, Colo., writes: I used 1o have their interest their to fraternity, so far as it relates to ed circles into which they could you know it without being told Bailards SnowLiniment, last winto come to the mainlafid the pettifogging shysters who get enter and people whento has that themselves where it got point ter, for Rheumatism and can help would because a little occasional plucking in po of America, they and seed Jtah seed, that If ever appetite suggested. recommend it as the best Liniespecially lice court cases, can't tolerate a while" nom Cache valley, is no' longer not be treated fairly here. At the ment on the market. I doffln Vold thought, at court in which their services are truthful leld in the high esteem it used to same time they were entirely un- the time Iwas taken down with, perhaps some other dispensed with, there is a move- JeemY will be able to relate some be. The farmers have been sow- willing to submit to anything in this trouble that it would be a ment to oust Judge Willis Brown the nature of an international ineqnally truthful but more start- ing their screenings so long now week before I could get about.but f the Salt Lake Juvenile Court, it has begun to tell on the stock sult; and generously have agreed on applying your Liniment seveling story that will. who may be said to be the parent of & treaty prevent.. seed, and to get a choice lot ,of to the signing ral times during the night, I was of the system so far as Utah is contheir people landing in the about in 48. hours and NOT THE ONLY ONE from Northern Utah is now ing seed well' in I cerned. Even some of the legal an exception where it used to be United States and prohibiting our three days. Sold by Riter Bros. FOR FURNITURE REPAIRING lights whose incomes and practice The editor of the Oakley (Ida- the rule. For the above reason workingmen landing in the Jap- Drug Co. b -- are above and beyond such AND FINE UPHOLSTERING, petty ho) Eagle has evidently been pass- we fear we shall not be able to anese Jslands.All they have. ask-- . considerations, look askance at a ing Patronize the- through an experience com- entertain your proposition." system of jurisprudence which ig mon to the little conThese questions should be WANT COLUMN country, papers nores the usual steretoyped forms, which takes almost anything in sidered by the farmers, as,. the the rules of evidence, the hard, " - Newly Furnished Rooms. ' -- . H. exchange, for subscriptions," and negligence of some injures LOST water cold, dry, unfeeling so Logan routine City script, 24 W. 1st North Street, he lessons that like produces get too frequently what no one in name of John Andrews. eturn A Comfortable Home for Visitors dgan dear to the legal heart and, be it else wants. He announces that ike, of the necessity. for thorough CENTER STllSET LOGAN Both Phones No. 106 to this office and be rewarded remarked, so often subversive of hereafter only cash of its equiva- cultivation, cleaning and assortthe ends of justice, and which sublent coal Of the commo- ment, and correct classification, stitutes therefor a paternal system dities on goes. FOUND IleartShaped ' watch-charhand from the free lould be impressed by precept which takes motives into account, Owner can obtain same trade period, he sayq: and example, before it is enforced which often refuses to imprison at this office by paying for this ad. W. D. BUDGE, MANAGER One quarter of beef (probably )y general rejection. hoys and girls for acts for which , r i. a jail sentence could be imposed; cow that couldnt have been a day LUCERN & TIMOTHY HA- YPRESENT OP STATUS and which, instead of putting over 25 or 50 years of age). One And straw, for sale. Apply to C EDWARD R. SLATER them behind 'the bars to become choice bulls neck, bet 50 lbs. JAPANESE SITUTATION. Balling, 316 South Main. Phones a in Beautiful at 6e, gou7g at 3c). Two "familiar witlTcrime and criminals, (took Ind. 342, Bell 169 x. Story of the "Present Day, "Depicting" front of mutton Love, 30 Rethem Various honor and arouses Pathos, Ilate and Passion! (net quarters puts upon Opinions Expressed lbs. BOARDERS AND which ROOMERS and in them a desire to give their make most excelgar ding Outcome of Strained is true the. Judge may have made lent picking according to the old wanted either by the week ''or Relations. month, lApply at this office. And so these influences brought adage The closer the bone the Always a Good Show. such pressure to bear' that the sweeter the meat" to be had at Washington, Feb. 2. AfteF a The Metropolitan Production ; A Story of Thrilling and Heart- ,Judge,wqs asked to resign, and, your- owp price) JJO bushels of talk. with the president today Sen BOARD AND ROOM $3.75 .F?Lt;.InJerp6tt. Embellished by .Startling SccnigF-ffect- a t ...A week'. Mary E. Roberts,' Third we are glad to learn, refused. It wheat (which will make excellent ator Cullom, chairman of the comStrong Casl A Story From Life! j5 is true the JuJdge may have made chicken feed if your chickens mittee on foreign relations! said ; North and Sixth East, on Reserved Seats will be, placed op Sale at Opera Ilouse a few mistakes, but they are as arent, particular) .at $1.00 This war scare is all bosh. Idt ; nothing compared to his good bushel, 500 lbs. oats (all nicely like to go to war with Senator ;25c, acts and the results he has achiev- husked) at $1.00 per ewt, 37 bush- Perkins for talking as he did last LOGGERS WANTED Apply to E. D. McCombs, Logan, or at ed. He has made many a boy and els 1904 crop of apples at 40c a night. There i no more chance of girl of criminal tendencies anii bushel, several sacks cold storage our going to war with Japan over Smarts .miirin Blacksmith Fork , hard- potatoes, (potatoes that are win- this little school record, question than canyon. working., honest, good citizens in ter proof and warranted to stand there is of fighting China, Russia WANTED A competent girl foi embryo. No man ever wielded any kind of climate) going at 69c or Great Britain." " Good ' Z . general house work. such a powerful influence New York, Feb. 2.- - In an' adfor a sack and dozen others commodbe will 168 at North ities wages paid at your own figures. Come dress here ' last night Captain good among this class as hasJudge for Pianos and Headquarter Brown. In order to attain it he early and avoid the rush. Remem- Richmond P. Ilobeon, speaking of 1st East Street. and Three Standard Organ The Eagle office the Japanese question in Califorhad, in me respects, to descend ber the place. Make of Talking Machines. ATTENTION PLEASE! W to their level. Then he has been just opposite The Yellow Dog." nia, said : Edison and Columbia Phonowant your repair work. Watch 1 reproached for slang and unconThe ultimatum which Japan graph. All the Latest Record. dock and jewelry, anythin: ventional and undignified meth- LOSING GOOD REPUTATION. has given this country, says take es, Latest Sheet Music and Songs in that needs repair in theae line ods. nad he worn a big wig, erour to the City. back, people your public W will do it right, promptly : The farmers of Cache . valley schools in California, or take the mine, toga, and surrounded himself and at price to suit.. We neec with the frigid etiquette, pon- - will have to be careful or they consequences. That is only a pre- our patronage, and we propo MUSIC . . derous phraseolgy, stilted forms will entirely lose their one time text. The trouble is, Japan wants to ptease you in order secur Main Street, Logan. Next to Golden Rule Store" and cold, uncompromising atti- reputation for the excellence and to control the commerce and and keep it. C- M. WENDLEBOE altude of the courts of law not purity of their products. Time markets of the far east. She is First North Street, East of Tith he was when but few of the things determined to drive Aiperica out could never ways justice Office. ing have reached and touched the they could produce found a ready Of the Philippine islands. hearts and awakened the consci- and remunerative market for If the Panama canal was comences that he has. His work has cash. At that time, so eager were pleted we might be able to probeen a benison to the homeless, the sellers that they were willing tect the Pacific, coast, but we are the friendless, and the sometimes to comply with any reasonable helpless now and should Japan reckless little victims of improper requirements as to the selection strike, the Philippines and the YOU ARE going to come, for we are saving you that money and too often sinful environment. of seed, assortment of product Hawaiian islands would be lost yon need, and just think, you don't, have the- - least pain getting He has performed and is perform- or method of shipment. By the to us. This is the real situation, those bad teeth out. Free with Plates. noble a and of the work of such methods Cache valley and it is a pity that we have not work, OUR PRICES WITHIN REACH ing OF, EVERY ONE , Set of Teeth, Best Red Rubber $7 Gold juvenile government and reform acquired a good reputation for its strong fleets' both on the Atlantic $1 up Fillings in the capital still needs him. ITe wheat, potatoes Hnd several other and Pacific oceans to A Good Set for . $5 our Silver . 75c and protect ... Amalgaxh " should be not only allowed to co- products. Cache took early to :nterests and keep Japan from atBridge Work, Best $5 Cement Fillings . . 50c ntinue his work undisturbed, but alfalfa and alfalfa ' thrived so tacking us. War with Japan is Gold Crowns, 22K . $5 j Porcelain Fillings $1.00 should be given every aid and en- well in Cache that seed raised inevitable unless we can canvince 12 YEARS PROTECTIVE GUARANTEE. ' couragement. The attack upon herewas sought not only all over the financiers of Europe and the him is foolish and if the United States, but for export. people that there is really no FREE EXAMINATION ' "not wick.cd. AND ADVfCE. ... cause for Japan to goto war with Buyers came to 'Z. of the excellence of its products us. Dr. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. TWausc in the great, sometimes and eventually the Tanners found Exclusion of Japanese. called wild and woolly," West, ready cash sale for 'everything Chicago, Feb. 2. A dispatch incidents, occur entirely outside they raised. But as soon as the to the Tribune from .Washington 47 NORTH MAIN OVER "HUB. the range of Eastern, experience, demand became greater than the says : , Ms '234 in Salt Lake and 32 voracious western chroniclers have supply some of the farmers Center, Provo, Utah. War with Japan is the remotest till 6 P. M. Sunday 10 to 2. ' a Open Munchausen reputaacquired careless,- and some of them, of possibilites. The difference be- Lady Attendant. Both Phones. i. (fry Y- JW-offlo- e made-shipment- s Profitable 5 eerond-Uu- - j - - I - gov-ernme- - -- ed . , e. e. . Riter Bros. DrugCoi - ; - - : j Wor , . Palace Hotel . Logan Second Hand Store -R- THAT CHER OPERA HOUSE T . Tuesday, February 5 The Convicts Daughter - - -- -- Prices 35c, 50c, 75c - selif-respectin- g, lEe TEMPLE OF. MUSIC - , - , THE HOBBS CO. - - - YOUR NEIGHBOR WAS HERE e -- ......... i I . short-sighte- -- Cache-becaus- full e ,S UTAH DENTAL CO., be-ca- - ...... ' |