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Show VAGE FOUR r II E TIIE - JO URNAIi. night, by levying a .poll tax of ten dollars a i k ' k t J i - 7 GI FT By Dinah Maria Mulock Cralk - - ha 7"T poet. and DINAH MAIM. Ml UMK CRAIK. wvoUHt Pni;LtiHl in K-- and died w:i born at J.ondon .rHm)vWH.1wiiU!iv Itu .t j. xjroug iione-mit l,l n v Vipon t la John Hali known of tl.i-itiwillh t JX: 'ili1U Itli1 upon K:.fliih uliftli fax. 1 raikKtiov-.- s apf.iklriK ra.l-- i - nlthousb the rRt of Mjh. tctl. Shi published between hat mi-art- - now for tin Joiin. foilV jwl fiftj nh.men of nole, til Anionii II bent known of Hioiii'R of naif'- - .mil loo laito I'hlUl. Nun, la r hh t nu I woilv- - II-.ii d Now and M iwaid n-- c - It is too much to expect the b-- t emperor and supporters by severIN COLD BLOOD al organs of the Russian' press is far from meeting with a sympa- " MfaftPP.n s e .from a hsoct io ns Tragedy Duriug The Saar- - Fran lnf 1 - - 1 t'-hi- iM-E- ' . , I - tempts manslaughter. On Friday afternoon, April 20, Den ike, nvea ring the uniform of a lieutenant of the United States to murder officials. In the presence of such an irreconcilable members of a brass band pay disposition on the part of the their expenses, attend constant the A present To put it mildly,-.adepts of the terrorists societies practices, work hard all the time not is the government cannot expose the street of sprinkling system to become proficient, and then tinny, shot and killed an unknown to as Success such an unalloyed man on he Lombard street wharf. peaceful right thinking seetion of bestow the result upon the public that asketli love ngim but make it a source of pride to the at n.tiiuhl tin Flints barter pain. Denike js a well known mining the population to'' danger. The frequent intervals free of all in flies in full store Lore that Dust giveth administration. cannot refrain from city engineer, who has seen military government charge or evidences of appreciamuch ami more. as receives Aye of the clouds along some portions On the bringing to justice terrorists .and k service in the Philippines. tion, which must assume a tanto-- be ba.-a sprinkled, gible- fornr before seeming genu-in- e sLeih Love Out nothing the .earthquake he dorp bomb throwers.- It cannot deliver nightof lack. made suffers Never is nny and a poor showing being Even though the half holined his old uniform and volun- from punishment by judicial senin pay Love sceketh love that for----- the money. IT espeflde3rAt a-- failure,. Is.no the colonel tence people who have committed teered Hues til e bargain every ibiy . day afthe or other some time citys Of the - Twenty-secon- d United and still are. committing" reason why a weekly concert upfairs may be conducted on States infantry. His tender was on the tabernacle square should ness principles. Until that time not-b- e the a success, as accepted and he was detailed on Saturday their to axnves the taxpayers can ' con- afternoon hand concerts were in IvJf we can, find it . j would immensely forcibly if we dnty along the water front- tinue to put up and hope for 1892. And the fact that the busi- must. advantage to settle upon the priday afternoon, April 20, of I tali, Citv d Richmond, to better things. cultivate, intend acres they ness houses would not be closed coop of chickens were lihbtated have in mv possession the i.ol r m homes and nn the. Lombard street wharf and! - jkereb-Ui.ld.f-g MANY- - DISADVANTAGES.- should r e ri (Tor ThTr ahsihg o f thtT -- In the Keith. OBrien windows, ri b e d A n r; ;l n tr lawfu.-aftea number of refugees scrambled Revving an ensy matter. money required Salt Lake, are being displayed in imPunded which, it notc.aim-evidentl- y the fowls, and one of these, The Utah plan of congregatSurely such a small sum as twenty-f800 articles of the neighborhood ard taken hwiv, will be .old a middlc-ffgc- d Italian or thirty dollars a week ing the farmers in village, s while ive auction the hirb cl produced by the school children could he raised among the public-spirite- d the farm lands were located at a cannot coin to a farmer s family public Jloxican, was accosted bv a y bidder iu the. manual training depart'cash ,t pounu. m business men, and the distance has been written about in a village. Deseret Farmer. drunken marine, who stabbed the ment of the city schools; a de- extra trade attracted and the in 011 l'day Ui man with a bavonet. The refugee magazines and talked about 1 cided proof, if any were needed, of June. ON SHIP day p. in succeeded in wresting the pleasure extracted, would com- by public speakers from ocean to BIG FIRE of the work that the practical of Animal. CREW reTHE Description AROUSES .from the marine, when an army pensate them. Lqgan can have a ocean, and the pioneers have world is at last taking its long band if One dark brown mare, about wis memfor meet much officer rushed lip and, according to their the ceived praise willing in the general due position bers half way, ns other towns do : dom in adopting the plan. In an Flames Break Out in Steerage (0 stories told the police by cye - .111 y(ai's old, white spot m scheme of education at public ex- otherwise It neverwill have-one- , lien dangers were witnesses of the affair, deliberate- - 'forehead, tuil cropped, no brands early-da- y, Quarters- - Mmh Excitement benefit future the to great pense, Is The Result. and will have to hire its holiday many and social privileges few, y shot the man three times while of the pupils. Said animal was impounded on a lie pleaded for mercy. music from Ilyde Bark or else- when the settlers in almost any -- J 1906. 24. A fire New York. Mav qjie nian (pj, 110t, die iimnedi where; provided it is not previ-- . valley could he counted on the The Board of Education of steerJOSEPH WEBB, the wise that burned briiklv in fingcis, it was undoubtedly ately but. it is alleged, was ously enaged e ohfainnTgihVtDTW-ttc'--finitii n d' he efieiilTToT Holland- lowed .yv-l- i the feWfamit--ie- s o.,.4he --vvlmrf .until., tity Poundkeeper '"quarters of information regarding t hr ' GREAT FRANCHISES. Nieuvv small communities line in to dwell Ameiiean u steamship oclock that night. It was then localities in that city in which rather than to. he scattered a Amsterdam, n mired at the foot of discovered that the man was dead race suicide flourishes. RemunAt a dinner given last Monday mile or more apart on the farms. Fifth street. Hoboken, gave the ;)ll( js D,vl v was thereupon eration of the enumerators of the exweighted and thrown into the evening in New York City by But the circumstances that justi- lOO ni'Siilici s ot the crew some school census this year is fixed at last in fied lit eitemi civic New federation the to ba York the No report of the dath was in Lewiston, well stocked and tinnight. village plan pioneer one cent a name; and while in the viltin Tin- tile was discovered by the members of the investigating days no longer exist, and the made to the coroner and it is al- - der cultivation. There is on it -- rity districts occupied by the committee of the federation on lage plan of living for farmers is noticed who leged that no report of the oc- - about $3,500 in buildings and im- captains inspector, working class the enumerators forof it ne the was a red gl am from cmTeneo was made at niilitarv provements. Call at this office for municipal ownership. Superior a great detriment today as have hail no complaint to make Court dust ice William J information. (lav nor. a benefit at the time the country waul porth'iR of tlm stu-raIfoaiLjua rt mi s. regarding their earnings, in the said in regard to For a loiur tino tin identity of great franchis- was settled. fashionable precincts they have tin sounded es: BunjtM hq An tip. oftieer who did the shooting nil pprrvlnt Xflndriima. have (apt Tim small hamlets of .not been able to earn enough to tin to elnnbed and fire then alarm till'-- day great franchise "In in become, many instances, popupay for shoe leather, apd forts of i Sevet.d not hing but pei pet uul lous no teiiantsfi and there are Seem of the trouble sent "them resigned after the firl d iv's forvvaid the matreMc.s straw in tax on the a ople of the commun-i- ! practical! no farm buildings to work A fi mu liise is granted for be seen in the agricultural v al-- 1 pat t of tin t oeraee deck weie nil Nine unis is more e s Ilmnliids of thousands of fire and tin- flames lnnl spr. ad to '''I vear Many and loud are the comasonahli t! an ,it tins time dollars worth of time and energy a wood'll paitition plaints being made by The lilt tlril tin 'J toiee of tin in the lusti 'v of lie country. aie annuallv expended in hauling sportsmen of the number of Celt. iiii i lines of hose st .t III gits ai'- grant tit to tin- fa mi produce t" the home- sllip fishermen lining the hanks of the Mav 23 sq 1. teisluirir. Tlie under the stead in the villagi Tlu re the on the hlat m (puck ord. ' lull great corporations . various streams of the county and t 'alnot following othcial statenunt of the name of public milch cows aie kept in cramped ('apt Bunjer. earing high sounding fishing, apparently without any ashore an oftie, had r go ehanees, eminent justifying the refusal franchises which aie nothing quarters and the farm horses are attempt at concealment. Those itv the tinmen summon n t plenary amnesty vv;.s (0 more than gifts. These gifts are stabled on the town lot. There aid who obey the law, which says of one tire Near the huge made and out is bonded, stocked, doubled up and thousands of tons of manure tonight .r(.i they must not Fish until June fifleading to the' frieght lishable'm all the papers of Rus-lcontinued for main years, a tax accumulated, and scarcely any of teenth. fear that by that time the torward was open ainl unit- - N)ll tomorrow morning: it ever finds its way to the field. best of the fishing will be gone in upon the people Een in this presence I say It is not an uncommon sight to ing the flames Theretin-was a lot "The question of full political - the- - stretehes -- adjacent to the of valuable freight .n ship flu An v a!ouV amnesty which has been raised in various towns; nor are the can- the action of these corporations Is see town corrals" with manure nue From tb (l.illry -- Not now, nr- firemen the Hoboken When is and which included still piling up. and parliament feet three to dishonest deep something enough on will !e tomorrow inIit. free from but the if fishermen yons rived the fir crew from the Bre- - ;M the low er house address to the stories told are true. The law shock the moral sense of the. God- The most of the farm machinery men dock above came too Tin being rather unhandy to transshouliL either he repealed or en- fearing people of this country. left out inthe field, as it combined forms soon had the tire East week in Washington we port forced. As it is, it does not pro- under lojitrol and before great tect the fish during the spawning had that great debate on the is not convenient to haul headhad in n done The orirailroads as a s.vstem." If the ers and binders and mowers over damage SPECIAL SALE gan of the In is a m st erv ditches'arid'alOBg-narrow--roadthe man who obeys the law of railroads be Our 13 per cent diseounl ori 'Iron beds '' wiir close on form the fdrm to the village. his share. While on the subject Harnessed Children to Plow. MAY 25TH POSITIVELY. There being few or no sheds on of fish, it is noticed that evei.v the farms, the implements and time a canal is shut off, hundreds Oskosh, May 24. August Bunmachinery are exposed to the of young fish perish ; and it is said weather from one season to the dle, a' farmer, was arrested this The Best Bed on the Market. More than Thirty Different that during the irrigating season dersUmd by the people. The morning by an agent of the Huare carried out on to jple realize that great utilities are next. The loss and depreciation Stjles. Prices from $3 to $30. See our mane society, charged with crufrom such of farm machinery fanning lands, and there die. It not being operated for the public child-ren- . to his six mothe I R E is useless to spend money for tin- welfare, but for the aggrandize-propa-gatio- n exposure is more in dollars and elty of the From the statements cents each year than the actual of fish, so long us meat of one man, which is the Half a Car just arrived. and the testimony of Any Style. Any Price. various forms of wasteful- - verse of public sentiment and use amounts to. Because of ab- youngsters sence of division fences there is eye wit losses, it appears that ness are allowed to go uncheck- public demand. FURNITURE in Dundie has heeij in the habit of ed. Corporations have taken pri- generally, an unequal sharing Sidney Stevens Building. the children to a plow vate property, which can only be the fall and winter pasturage. But harnessing , It is claimed that Salt Laker. taken possession of upon the as- the greatest evil of the plan, we and making them do duty as a , is the total absence of team, lie carried a long whip 41' e. $3(X),(HX) inyestedin auto- - sumption that certain rights are believe, .wifh which he bshed them frigth- mobiles, and propose to spend a to revert to the owners of fhat" thwfnrm home feat ore. The farmajul their little bodies show large sum of money building a property, when in fact they are house and kitchen garden, the fully, ed maiLk of his inhuman treat- and the pasture, the lawn special turnpike to Saltdir and 'providing no return to the people. orchard ment when they were brought in- We have recently had ex- and grove in front or at the side, Garfield, upon which speed limits town An automobile party will he the capacity of the res- plained to us how a certain man the barns and graneries ami sheds to Has in stock a full line of Lumber make the typ- passing the Dundie farm this all that goes-tpective machines. If the autoists or certain interest can carry Lath, Shingles, Moulding, Doers, the state of af The morning,-notewill be satisfied with speeding freight from one section of' the ical farm home is lacking. Windows and Builders Hardfairs and made a complaint. Dun-diwhere only their own lives and country to another for one-hayoung folks do not learn to love ware. neighbors threaten him with, limbs are endangered, the public of what other men have to pay. the farm, for they never see it exHis Stock of Mens Clothing, violence and lest li$ he lynched he in of to hours hard will be at once satisfied and long cept put Suppose a man with 100 head of Spring and Summer Hats, Fura- will he taken to the next coun'ty. as under, present condi- cattle Jiad been allowed to pass wrork in haying and harvesting. ishings, are in line with the season arid confined in jail until the dav much are alike The homes village between tions, autoists; bicyclists, through a tollgate by paying one-haof his trial. street cars, the'fire and police deof what his neighbor had to and too often serve only as a place partment wagons and occasional pay. What do you suppose' th? for the young people to eat and Cures Crip runaways,' lie in a city is- - more b Two Days. exciting and dangerous than , in the heart of an African jungle. on every T&o . The American in. control box. 25c. party mouths. , Tills Signature, , 4 Seven JG'ksn Poxes sold U of Salt Lake, raised more than railroads, destroy them, peaceab- - younger class of Utah, .farmers SC tia 1 , E k t -- tt - t - route-suppos- ed- fi shee-me-prove- s ls , IJ i gt - 1906. Russian society.. I possible to avoid noticing a strong current of feeling fl,n amnesty in different aainst f San Francisco, May mest Denike son of E. A. Denike, a Masses, of the population, where, 'Kv,althv San Francisco banker'3 3S pointed out, political assas-J HNtlOnS CIO HOt C68SC. News Ifl fllld Capitalist, WiW arrested at hdS home at 2001 California street .daily telegraphed from the pro- this afternoon and charged wih vinees of fresh murders or- at- - ltq to" -- 2( v ITALIAN SHOT t ! 1 INDEPENDENT BELL 7 S LOVE m Saturday, May Coday LjapoeriL.-fo- r womefCoL the:' Ted light district, under threat of prosecution and banishment; and regeneration of every Tuedr thus do,es ,th Enured t toe Pot-Ii- rhuird end Saturday, at Loyau, Jta Utah from the perils of Mormon-ismatte a lecood-daproceed. By the time the gamblers, bunco men and thugs Editor AUGUSTUS CORDON. pungle up, the war will be well financed and the good work 7 can proceed. " TELEPHONES tiadlonlthe EARL & ENGLAND PUBLISHING CO. - Ai $1,200 on Monday BT -P- CBl-lhBSD 1 JOURNAL, LOGAN, UTAH; RI-WEEKLY t 't -- uch-erimes. ! " j ; j df-s- r 1' 3 s'-i- ! ' i a- H - ! i - 1 i Clii-'cFgoT- F al-rt- ge 1 -- i l i - . - d-.- -k VT A ; v law-ahid--i- - - - 1 t. j 1 i LT pub-hateh- n 1 v SPANDE inteiuk-d-huC-dcppiyfi.- i t I- s v 8, i - FURNITURE COMPANY Get a Sanitaire Bed, Get it Now! ir peo-thousan- ds J PR GERATORS re-the- se SPANDE t COMPANY J i ; l 0 0 :? o es lf n s d; e lf i To Cure a CcM hi Oite Day Laxative Bromo (jninln p . t . -- s aj . , ' ,p" - ' be |