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Show ." . , 4 TIIE 1906. March. 229, .Thursday, TRI-WEEKL- JOURNAL, Y 0 1MALLS Hair Renewer .AT CRIPPLE GREEK A WESTERN PLAY, PLA.YED , BY WESTERN PEOPLE. A MAMMOTH SCENIC PRODUCTION OF LIFE IN TIIE FAMOUS GOLD CAMP IN 1892 WHEN IT FIRST OPENED. .. . . r J. CARPENTERS E. , ry ' Clark-Kennedy- heavy insurance policy on his life. unable, owing to his limit! She returned to California and means, to meqC certain regimental married Le Doux, a Frenchman expenses. Four officers of tie residing at Jackson, Amador First battalion of the Scots county. At the Stockton hotel, Guards, to which the Lieutenant where the crime occurred, i.the belongs, have been arrested, and murdered man registered for the all the other officers' of the regiA. N. McVicar and ment have been ordered to retwo as In this city she registered turn to Aldershdtv immediately. wife." as Mra. E.. Williams. A full court' of inqttiry has been f- ordered to assemble. - j SCORES OF LIVES IN ' Clark Kennedy, after a mock LUST FOR GOLD PERIL FROM FLAMES .was stripped, and LEADS-TMURDER balhed with motor Oil, was covered with feathers, and his hair was Police Solve Mystery of Horrible Big New York Factory Burns smeared with jam. lie escaped to Many Girls Leap From Death of Albert N. Mc- -' his room and, jumping from a Windows. Vicar. window, sought refuge in a hotel. THREE CROWN Production Carried Complete 4 ONE NIGHT ONLY Thatcher Opera house i ji) not come through, as expected, ADAMS WAS TO . MANYSLAY MEN and a fl c r " wa it i n g a good-whil- e the" plan was given up. Adams With Greek Fire. He Was to then buried the stud in aq .old n building that had been used as a Slaughter Carload of Workmen. sawmill, packing the bottles in a Non-Unio- tiireari. Ile'wasuerfaTU'he-roTrl- d Boise, Idaho, March 27. Steve go' to the spot and unearth the court-marti- so-call- - mystery connected with the finding of the dead body of Albert N. non-unio- 00 O00OOOOO oBenjaminCarlislco 0 0 r - . night.- 0 -- 000000000000 being lived in one of wAn Italian-whi- r which was crushed was the houses found badly injured, and was t& ken to a .hospital where it was said he would probably die. Later the fire spread to two other buildings near by. The firemen found an injured spectator, wh o.said Jhat . when the jwralls .fell he was in the factory with Firemen Christman and IIelpin, and that he saved himself by jumping believto the ground, but. that-h- , L "'A third' Greekris "believed'" to but herescapedr - , One of the Greeks, arrested, giving his name as Gus Satoma-kiis believed to be the man who have and see our mammoth stock .of inflected thewqunda'wh3chmay cause "Doyles death. Thomas Melakates is also under arrest ; ' LOGAN KNITTING FACTORY -- been-shot- , s, and when yon think of Hosiery you will always think of 'ns. , . ed the firemen were killed. 0000l0"0 500000 CENTRAL COLLECTION 0 0 0 0 Miller. Miller got all the money, she continued, and I do not know how much there was; but he. got it. After McVicar was dead I went out and bought, the trunk.:" Yes.thats 7 true- .- Then we went totihe Southern Pacific PIANO LITTLE THATCHER , Hosiery Hosiery , e T23 0 0 0 0 0 O COMPANY a N.- - M&in Sireet 7--- " -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c. VAN METER Manager OLD ACCOUNTS A SPECIALTY We Get 'Em , t See Our Clients 1 0 -- 0O Smurthwaites SEEDS ' - Sentenced to Be Hanged. Los Angeles, Cal., Mirch 27. Morris Ruck, who shot and killed Mrs. Canfield, the wife of the oil millionaire, was today sentenced to be hanged June 1. f fa-mo- me us PLANT THE BEST. Smurthwaitesl SEED STORE CENTER STREET BanLoLSmithfield SMITH FIELD, UTAH ' PAID UP . Capitall Stock $20,000 TRANSACTS BANKING Utah Mortgage A GENERAL BUSINESS, 4 Loan Corporation We sell money orders payable everywhere. Safety deposit boxes for rent. "tithino orriCE corner Call and See, v- Our Immense Stock of High Grade FURNITURL AND CARPETS "Every thingnew,'cIcah;rup-toate,':Mdbfthr'Vriybighest--qualit- The reason we are getting the rade is that our tomers are pleased. We treat them right. : WE WANT YOUR TR.DE cus- . Spahde Furniture Co. - Sidney Stevens Building WE NOW HAVE OUR COMPLETE SPRING LINE TALKS or BY THE MUSIC COMPANY BABY DO YOU RECOGNIZE ART IN IIOUSEIIOLDERY! SEE A SCHILLER ' THACTHER MUSIC CO. JIEMEMJSER. OLD we HAVE TIIE RELIABLE HAYWOOD . .. FORT' 1 . LINE, TIIE BEST GbODS THE LEAST MONEY. CALL AND SEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY. LOGAN J CARRIAGES And Go Carts , L, . have-beco- 0.0 00 G O 0 0 0 0O0 More adulteration lies in pianos today . than in food it adulterates the neighbor's peace, your own musical possibilities, the money you spent aye, even the shrieking, pro-- ; testing atmosphere. Buy your. piano with this thought MY LIFE OR OF THAT GIRL, DAUGHTER, WIFE, SWEETHEART WILL BE LARGELY INFLUENCED BY THIS PURCHASE. r.Al&O, Represent the survival' of the fittest We because our seeds are better than others. AT ALL TIMES arrest a piano player in Berlin who violates three THEY, plays after sleeping hours, upon a q instru-- . m.ent out of tune, or which js of . value to us upon a cheap, ..tiurpanny-outrage..- -.,, Loan Money Logan U.tah.0 - Kato-populos,-s- Gome , - Jomesf Doyle, detective, was stabbed four times, probably fatally; James Considine,. detective, was stabbed once; Joseph in the abdomen is to expected die; George Karakin, shot in the abdomen, wound se. vere, We want you to know it is the best- .-- and Police Fight.. and the other haps fatally, wounded with a knife in the hand of an assailant, and two Greeks were shot, one fatally, in a fight between policemen and Greeks at Halsted and Polk streets last in price. Our line of HOSIERY is the biggest and best in this city. It is our businesa to alwftys, keep it . Greek Chicago, March 27. Two detectives were stabbed, one per- find lowest .thejjcst. bottle'bfcarboIic'Acid' froarwhicT some had-beetaken and also a knife which she said belonged to 0 0 0 0 0 0 : m ,,we are first in quality (MADE IN UTAH) ASK YOUR GROCER FOR . THREE CROWN ; i . GOODS J. J. y McVicar in a n. f Glasses Fitted building at Dr. Buswell factory trunk at the South- Downing and Bedford streets ., . Ophthalmic Specialist ern Pacific depot at Stockton on. caught fire from an explosion and 205-- 6 Scott Building Saturday night has practically collapsed in less than forty-fiv- e 168 Main Street 1 been solved, though a few details minutes after the fire started. J3AL1LAKE CIT Y of the crime are- lacking. ''The Several girls jumped out of the identification of the body yester- second story windows into fire day,- eoupled with the fact that a nets. Many others were rescued woman, who passed as MeVicars by the ladders. wife, but .whose real name is Mrs. So rapidly did the fire spread FLORIST AND Emma Le Doux, had left Stock-to- n that the police drove hundreds, of SEEDSMAN 0 shortly after the tragedy, was people who lived near by out of 0 0 0 followed today by the arrest of their hollies. Two three story 1 R0SESi the woman at Antioch, in Contra tenement houses were partly CARNATIONS AND Costa county. She admitted that crushed when the VIOLETS factory walls she knew of the murder, and in fell, but it is believed that all the & 0 0 0 a statement made before Justice occupants had been driven out. WEDDING BOQUETS 0 of the reace Abbott deelaml that The fire FUNERAL DESIGNS spread to the other build- 0 the actual perpetrator of the ings in the same block. A SPECIALTY- 0 erimewa.s a nnm whom she knew ' Shortly after "tfie fire began 0 0 0 as Joseph Miller. Mrs. Le Doux four firemen were taken to a hosFlower, Vegetable and made the following statement: pital, having been overcome by 0 Grass Siieds. Potted Plants We had ail been drinking and smoke. j 0 0 0 Me Virar, and I were drunk. Mc- 17& SLMain When theheat tliminished so 0 Both Phones 0 Vicar had lots of money and Joe firemen could approach the that Miller gave him carbolic acid. the ruins the body of Dennis Ilea-ly- , Then I dont know just what a fireman, was found in the PLENTY-O-Fhappened. Miller and I put' the debris. lie was unconbut alive,' body in the trunk and sent it to scious and died immediately after the depot. I wanted to go right taken out. to six-stor- AT OUR EXPENSE, IF YOU DONT LIKE IT - non-unio- Misrepresentation does not pay and we value our good name too highly to make them. IN KNITTED BAKING POWDER t al, New York, March' 27. Many Eyes Examined lives were in peril today, when a The which Adams thinks belongs to one of the small bottles.- He says he look the stuff to Pocatello In a canvas telescope and threw that behind the mill when he had burDetective McParland, Detective ied ,the bottle. The owner of the building is J. Thiehle and Gov. Gooding were Whit-ney C. Weeter. lie remembers findin the party, also Warden Travand of the penitentiary ing the telescope exactly where eling Guard Robbins and two ATIa msysfiirpTrced Tt rAdanii says he buried the stuff in a newspaper men. Adams, in his confession, stat- trench where a timber had been ed he was sent by Ilaywood and placed that had supported the Moyer to Pocatello to intercept a boiler of the mill. Persons fan men being miliar with the place say there carload of sent from the Coetir dAlenea to were several - of these trenches which were left open when the Colorado. ento Timbers kill the were removed. He was directed Adams is confident he will find tire lot and exacted to do so with the Greek fire. This was to the caehe, as he is certain it could be thrown into the car; it. was innot have been dug up by others bottles. These, breaking, would without having caused an acci- immediately envelop, everything dent. with fire that nothing would exShockley Reward Paid. tinguish. He had two quart bottles and three small ones. After several years spent in n men did The ear of attempting to settle the matter away (to my mother at Jackson, involving the rewards offered by but Miller would not let me. He the state, county, city and the made me go to San Francisco Utah Light and Railway company with him Saturday night and for the capture of James M. Sunday. Last night we left San Stock-toShockley, who sliot and killed Francisco with tickets for Richmond left Miller At two street car employes several years ago, the matter was finally me and went back to San Fransettled Monday. The widows of cisco, and I got off here at AntioT. II. Brighton and A L. Gleason ch.-I did not kill McVicar. lie the two murdered men, each received $1,000.-- Percy Frothero, .died:after a quarrel -- with "Miller. the roommate of the inurderer, I went into the room and saw and the man who gave the police McVicar frothing at the mouth. WE CANNOT the .information which later con- He may have been given carbolic victed Shockley, received $200. acid by MiUer when I.vvaTout'of SIMPLY COULD NOT All claims, of the police to the the room. IF WE WANTED TO reward were assigned, to the wid- - Here the woman produced a Federation of Miners, was taken to Pocatello today To dig up a lot of material designated as Greek fire, which he claims tohave buried there late in the summer of 1903. wceisfTSt O San Francisco, March 26. Adams, one of the men who con- caehe. It is stated the place is now usfessed regarding their connection ed in in as a stable and. Adams is digand with crimes Colorado, this State, charged against the ging up the floor to find the cache inner circle of the Western One glass stopper has been found, j FEVH vegetadUmicilian HERE IS ANOTHER GUARANTEED GOOD ONE . PAGE station after he put the body in the trunk, I helped him do that." Mrs. Le Poux is well known in the redtighr district" of SairlFran-ciseo- . Makesthe hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it softandglossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores Iler maiden name was Emcolor to gray hair. Sold for fifty years ma Head. Several years ago she married a man naihed' Barrett, Brutal Outrage. WONT YOU but they soon separated and she TRY A CAN JUST became the wife of William WilLondon, March 27, War o Arizona, liams. They went OF ' Faldane has taken prompt where Williams died, it is said, steps for an exhaustive investiga-tioirint- o under peculiar circumstances. She the ragingof Lieut; , is alleged to have collected a - because he was l 4. LOGAN,UTAn. - FURNITURE' CO. 112 NORTH MAIN STREET ti |