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Show THE TRI-WEEKL- JOURNAL. LOGAN. UTAH. Y Arc Metals nr -- Alive? device a By An ingenious visible 'And oculdr demonstration can be 'given of the factthst & a nerve lias the power to eouvey "' If atj message of sensitiveness. P a ccmj. eugeage.. r - intervening part oMhe lierye, a galvanometer be attached, and. A Any j&7 Ths distracting headaches from which The two daily to many women suffer make life a head-achPnuek was severely , e ' purgatory. If men suffered with as women do. business would be terday morning by accidentally np. almost at a standstill. Does not the fact setting a pot of offeer on that women only suffer from these severe Dr. Poyntyr was called and sue headaches suggest that there must be a ceeded in relieving the little sufferwomanly causs for them ? When the womanly organism is dis- er, though the hums are exceedExeased, headache, .backache, nervousness ingly paiufnl. Montpelier and sleeplessness are consequences which aminer. irintf- - tv thns' showing for relief; and while suchtreattnent may quiet the pain temporarily of the nerve no amount or blistering c?n cure Rheumatism, because Panfiea M current like that of, elec-- ; js nota skin disease, 'but is iti the'blood and all throughthV system1 tricity to he sent along it. It i8 - and every time you are exposed, to the same conditions thatcausedl upon this fact now well known to the first attack, you are going to, have another, and Rheumatism scientists that .Prof. Bose bases will last just as long as the poison is in the blood, no matter what his investigations, you apply externally. Too much acid in the blood is one cause of He starts,1 as explained Jv A. Rheumatism; stotaach troubled, bad digestion, weak kidneys and Sara th Ghosh in an article on torpid liver are other- causes are sure to follow. . s UNABLE TO BLEEP AT NIGHT. which he which bring on this painful dis- The county has received nearly on .Life in Metals, m Women $GCHXl Sidney, Ohio, August 20, 1003. $500 Howard forGuredm from case, because the blood JbecomeS this last week from employ contributes ,to Pearsons, A few months ago I was feeling weak Who Oannot bo a and uneblo to get f for that known fact namely, that tainted with the poisonous mat-po-ll end runIdown Backed up by over a third of a century ee on tbe Ogden-Lnci- n felt extremely bad, and night. also Sia I he collection of of remarkable and uniform cures, a record reveal can ter fall In dues. to rheumatic pains in my joints and which these organs ,'tbe tax galvanometer muV. such a9 no other remedy for the diseases olea. The medicine I used gave me onlv and weaknesses peculiar to women ever this inoue.v the county has been sensitiveness of animal matter to carry out, of the system. at so temporary relief beat; seeing 8.8 i. makes a tain secret diseases will produce highly recommended for such tron the fcjonthern external jrritation--anattained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. ttsistel by blea. I began its use, and after taking it Pierces Favorite Prescription now feel Pacific of will series of ouibars was forms for time well loma andofall Rheumatism, Thismoney company. experiments fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in result. It did away with the rhlumatiS any be of great benefit to our county different metals, to ascertain if this is the most stubbomand legal money of the United States, for Progave me refreshing sleep and pains, case of Leuccrrhea, Female Weakness, to similar severe, for it seems, to affect built upth my general News. also Box Elder roads. respond will, giving ms .they,. which Womb of or and energv. system, lapsus, Falling they It is a good modi- if in that bone muscle and response and cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and the every irritation, of out an While baokine engine reasonable trial of their means of cure. mai,e body. The :blood is the medium lby Worlds Dispensary Medical Asso- the roundhouse at Scofield Thors- of means 1,ke manner Y. N. Buffalo, hy the, by which the poisons and acids Proprietors. llflv nicht the envinc struck a hand ciation, two ob- - are carried bottle of your Favorite Prescriphe I took results The through the system, and it doesnt matter what kind of from Hale station galvanometer tion and two of the OoSden Medical Discbverv running ' dr McRheumatism t and am feeling well, writes Mrs. Dan you have, it.must be treated through the blood, or you section jla1aretartling. . Kenzie. of Lor wav Mines, Cape Breton 'Co., which was loaded with the al can never get permanently rid of it. As a cureifor rneumatic is that The, first i Nova Scotia. "I had uterine trouble, pain in and his' or the side aud headache. After taking your medi- foreman. Stanley Gardner, bles visible S. S. S. has never been equalled. It doesnt inflame the stomach show wttala signs PpL,tp &Mtion laborer cines I got well. You may publish this or use it in any way you think best as I cannot speak was iusfantlv killed and Foreman sensitiveness under irritation, such and ruin the digestion like Potash, Alkalies and other strong drugs, too highly of Dr. Pierce and hla medicines. " twisting nr.tnppiog, eim-tlbut tones up the general health, gently 'n: Free. Dr. Pierces Common Sense (lardner seriously injured. Provo ith same manner as ammnl stimulates the sluggish organs, and at Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of Enquirer 1L N and nerves do the greater the the same time antidotes and filters out N tamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 A ; number of cases of house- - irritation, the greater the visible sumps for the book of the. blood all poisonous acids and d covers, or 31 sumps for the and thieving were report- - pjns of sensitiveness. Nay. more: breaking effete matter of every kind ; and when1 volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, more week. one Some ed vor last the in S. S. S. has restored the blood to its; Buffalo, N. Y. Pvery pjngle peculiarity paid an unwelcome visit to rt(tb;jity of anmal matter natural condition, the painful, feverish! several residences and stole. P lvl exactly reproduced in the case of joints and the sore and tender muscles are immediately, relieved, sions. The operations were rather tnetal. , Our special book on Rheumatism will be mailed free those boldly conducted, and had there desiring1 it Our physicians will cheerfully answer all letters asking been a suspicion as to what was for special information or advice, for which no charge is 'made. Farmers Institutes. i were there opporgood .going on, JUT SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAItTA, GA, . A series of Farmers Institutes the intruders. tunities to Sc-dde- ' pi d g s - - , , cut-of- ' Cer-great- ly d , , , , . trou-rijf- y -- mnsclcs'l r one-ce- nt II i cloth-fxnin- capture Richfield Reaper. Melvin Smith, on oiler at he King mill, had a Darrow escape from an awful death Wednesday, but luckily got off with only a few scratches and bruises and a severe j shaking np. While at work about .the machinery, his clothing became entangled with the belting and shafting, and be was taken np and thrown with great force agaibst the TO ADI) ANOTHER ceiling. Had his clothing not givto our history of value giving we en way jnst when it did he would put on sale a line of surely have been .killed. Park City Recoid. ; EXTENSION TABLES While rounding np cattle in the which represents. all that is correct last week, J. M. Wbilraore and good in the art of turnitnre park met with a painful accident which making. will lay him up for awhile. In tryMduy styles are shown in golden to rope a steer his horsey-fe- ll finish oak. These are strong and ing with him, dislocating .his left massive and handsomely curved. shoulder. Dr. Fisk was called and They extend easily and the leaves set the injured member, and Mr. ' fit perfectly. Whitmore is getting along as niceWe are showing some of ash Eastern which are strong, well made and ly as could be expected. Utah Advocate. useful pieces of furniture-- at very low prices. Burglars broke into Bergstr ms saloon last night, while'the lights Wm. Edwards Furniture were out and took away with them several bottles of whiskey. They and Carpet House tried to drawer the money open pry but did uot succeed. Entrance was Main St.. Logan. effected bv breaking a window in the rear. The intruders left bloody finger marks all over the bouse, 1 but the officers have not been able Wilson -- -- $ Son. MACHINISTS, Joseph yet to apprehend them. Tintic Miner.' 1 will be held in Cache County by the faculty of the Agricultural lege of Utah, as per the schedule herewith , printed. Specialists in various'Jines of agricnlture will be iresent at these meetings ' to discuss live topics in horticulture, stock raising, irrigation, sngnr )eet growing, aid other important jhasea of the farmers work. It is loped that these meetings may be largely attended, and 'that the farmers will come prepared to ask questions and to discuss the subjects presented. Ladies are cordially' iuvited to attend. All the meetings will begin promptly at 7j30 p. m., in the meeting house of the respective towns. Admission i -- free. DATE PLACE November, 16th. November 23rd. M ft November, 30lh. December, 7th. II Providence. Is Now on at Millville. Wellsville. Hyrum. Paradise. Mrndou. Newton. oY -- Ilyde Park. tSinitbfield. Richmond. lO) Lewiston. Ciarkston. Opposite Postoffice. Logan, Utah. 8 Cured Consumption. .Mrs. B. W. Evans, Clearwater.-Kun.writes. My husband lay sick fpr three mouths. The doctors said that he bad quick cousnmp We procured a bottle of tion Ballards Uorehonnd Syrup, and it cured hini"Thatvas stx years ago. Since then we have always We kept a bottle in the house. cannot do without it. For coughs and colds it has no. equal 25c, Riter Bros.' at 50c, $1.00, Drug i B n Store. 1 , The first of the week a conple the north wereawfully( from Iron, and brass. foondriea. when they called at the 3 Main Street. - - - Logan Wand. office for a secret marriage clerks Gretna license to find that the Green features, for which Far mington had become justly famous, had been weeded out of the matri uioniai procedure. When the officials explained hat the pnblic had access to the records and papers on Hot Stove. Stepped Against file in their ofliep and that , they A child of Mrs. Geo,T, Benson, had no right to conceal them from when getting his usual Saturday the conple left without holy, any AT ALL TIMES . Co. night bath, stepped back against a! the coveted paper. Davis hot stove which burned, him Clipper. severely. The child was in; great agony and bis mother could do Cured of Piles After 49 Years. nothing to pacify him. RememberMr. C. HaLey of Geneva, 0 ing that she had a bottle of Chamhad the piles for 40 years. "Doctors berlains Pain Balm in the house, and dollars could do him no lasting she thought she would try it. In Tithingt Office Corner. ' 7 t DeWitts Witch Hazel less than hair au hour after applygood. M JRIJa I M JRtJAt wVIVXTVTkriVI Salve cured him permanently. In- ing it the child was quiet and and in less, than two weeks valuable for cuts, burns, bruises, Mrs. Benson is a well was well. eczema. tetter, Ccar;h Curb sprains, lacerations, .and all other skin dis known resident of Kellar, Vu.Pain Foi Coughs, Colds Croup eases. Look for the name Da Witt Balrfi is an antiseptic liniment and Biter Brosr Drug CoTj Logan, on the package all others are especially valuable for burns cuts, Preston and cheap, worthless counterfeits. Sold bruises and sprains. For sale by Utah, Franklin. ' All Druggists. c NMontpelier, Idahb, by the City Drug Store., sur-piis- ed A Special! Pour Cleaning Machines Rua With ' Engine. Hard, Work. No More Vi0 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation , , ep, Cnsbinuto Four Jobs ad i salt-rheu- m - 0 Can Be Cleaned at Same Time. No More' Waiting. pi |