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Show UUU iU.LT ' Her Terror. flight wtf m ' u i . nearly all nifirbt .ch- 'Appif-- ; rtnh Iliad tany sleep. I walkit that n!!tion so bad ffite. i My iXk I ultl cough bnt; when all blood, spit faliy Medicines faiRd. thre(' $1C0 tff f Dr. King V New cured me 'and I ever TgpJunds.' ! Dis-bttl- es It'ftbso. laranteed to cure Coughs, latfyU' Grippe, Bronchitis and WTroaklw: .ml jijJsOc awl $1.0. Trial bottles j Kiter Bros. 3 B DrjttCo. what yea , , 4040 1 1 to 'tpan i Money i ; AT ALL TIMES t fV ' M ' 'f s i AV Zl UCX : no liberty at all? You are to act as the abbot or - the prior instructs, and, I must not forget Quinnox' will visit you occasionally. Ilewill conduct you from the monas- tery and to the border line at the prop- ' er time.1 ; , U nwoma nly !" he exclaimed.1 Itwa? Alas, he will be my murderer, I by divine inspiration. Hut you will Yetive, you do not believe I come with me. away from Graustnrk. fearl killed Lorenz. 1 know that most of away from everj oue. Say that you them do, htjt I swear to you I nuv-n-o more the perpetrator of that cowardly i I cannot hear to hear you plead, and crime than you, God bears testimony It breaks, my heart to go back to tuy innocence. I wnnt to hear you But 1 cannot leave, Grnustark Ithere,tl I killed say that you do not believe ' be heaven to go with him. you to the end of the world, hut I have I feared so at first no. do not be others besides myself to consider. You I feared you had killed him for are my' gcd. my, idol. I can worship angry hut now l am sure that you, sake, my . you from my unhappy from my are innocent. chamber, from the cell into which my The carriage topped too soon, and bemt is to retreat. But I cannot, J will Quinnox opened the door. , It was still not, desert Grausturk not even for as dark as pitch, but the downpour hail ' ; you! . ceased for a disagreeable, misty t lie was silent; Impressed by her no- drizzle, except cold and penetrating. bility, her loyalty. Although the joy We have reached the stopping ebbed from kls craving heart, he saw . . place. he said. , the justice cf her self sacrifice. And we are to walk from here to I would give my .soul to sch your the gate. .said the princess, resuming face now. Votive. Your soul is in your her hoarse, manly tones. While they eyes. I can feel it, Why did you not were busy 'donning their raincoats she let me stay iu prisou, meet death and whispered in Lorrys ear. I beg of so end all? It would have been better not do let him know that you you. for both of U3. I cannot live without have discovered who I aiu.' you. lie promised, TPbd lightly snatched a We can lire for each other, die for kiss, an act of indiscretion that almost each other apart. Distance will not brought fatal results. Forgetful of the lessen my love. You know that it ex- darkness, she gave vent to a little proists. It has been betrayed to you. Can testing shriek, fearing that the Ayes of you not be satisfied just n little bit the captain had witnessed the pretty wjth that knowledge? she pleaded. transgression. Lorry laughed as he But I want you iu reality, not in my spmug to the road and turued to assist dreams, my pagination. her iu alighting. She promptly and Ach, we must not talk like this! thoughtfully averted the danger his There is no alternative. You are to go; gallantry presented 'by ignoring the I aui to stay The future is before U3. outstretched hands, discernible as slenGod knows what it may bring to us. der shadows protruding from an obPerhaps It may be good enough to give ject a shade darker than the night, and us happiness who knows-Do not leaped boldly to. the ground. . plead with me. I cannot endure It. Let With Lorry in the center, the trio me be strong again! You will not bo walked off rapidly in the darkness. the so cruel ns to battle against me now fugitive with the sense of fear that that I am weak. It would only mean only to n blind man. A little my destruction. You do not seek that! light far ahead told the position of the , Ills soul, his honor, the greatest rev- gate, and for this they bent their steps. erence he had ever kDown were in the Beaching the gute. the captain pounded kiss that touched her brow.' vigorously, and a sleepy monk soon I shall luvo you as you command pc-refrom the little window through without hope, he said sadly. which shone the light. , On Important business with the abWltliput hope for either, she sobbed. bot. from her royal highness the PrinMy poor little soldier. he whispercess Yetive, said Quinnox In response ed lovingly as her body writhed under to a sharp query, spoken in the Gran-star- k the storm of tears. tongue. A little gate beside the I I wish I were a soldier! she big one opened, and the monk, lantern wailed. lie comforted her as best he in hand, bade them enter. could, and soon she was quiet oh, so Await me bore, captain. commandvery quiet! Iler head was on his shoul- ed the slim, straight soldier, with face der. her hands in his. turned from the light. A moment later How far do we drive? he asked at the gate elosd. and Lorry was behind last.the walls of Jt. Valentines, a prisoner To the monastery. We are nearly again. The monk preceded them there. she answered in tones far the dark court toward the great black away. mass, his lanteru emit ing ghastly The monastery? Why do we go shadows against the broken mist. His there? he cried. followers dropped some little distance behind, the tall ones arm stealing oft are to staytliere. What do you mean? I thought I about tl.ep others waist, bis bead bendto leave Grnustark. ing to a level with hers. "is It to Ik? goodby. dearest? he askYou are to leave later on. Until ed. Goodby forever? the excitement i3 over the abbey Is to "1 cannot say that. It would be like be your hiding place. I have arranged Yet there is no hope. everything, and it is the only safe wishing you dead. not We will say goodby forplace on cnb for you at this time. No, no! she said ever. despairingly. will think of, looking for you Wont you bid me hope? up there. "Impossible! You will stay here unI would to God I could stafr there ' ' til Quiuuox-eomto take you. away. ' forever, living above you, he said must not stop until you are Then you drearily. . Your window looks dowu upon the In your own land. We may meet castle; mine looks up to yours. The 4gclKL "Yes. by my soul, we shall meet lights that burn in those two windows will j'end out beams of love and life again! 11! do as you bid and .all that but Ill come back when I can stay for one ol us at least. For both of us. my sweetheart, he away no loDger. Go to your castle and You say I will be look forward to the day that will find corrected fondly. Is bound to safe there. Catr you trust these men u:e at your feet again. It come. who are aiding you? They passed inside the massive doors With my life! Quinnox carried a he message to the abbot yesterday, and You must remain here and halted. grants yt-- a temporary home there, until I have seen the prior. she said, secure and ns secret as the tomb. Ho down best laughing pervousiy a lid glancing promises me this.' and he the beneath showed boots which the it fricml. Now. let me 'tell you why I followed coat. she Then hastily am with you. masquerading so sbauie-full- y long the monk, disappearing down the corridor. In ten minutes ton hours to Adorably! be protested. she returned with her guide. It is because the abbot insisted that Lorry will take you to your ..room He I bring .von to 1.1m personally. lie will said she displaying unbreathlessly, not receive you except from my hands. mistakable of embarrassment. signs There was nothing eke for me to do. God be with you always. and Goodby. comI was then, was .there, Irry?. love you. come Berjomborf'l pelled to come, and' I could not was turned, so the hack monks The as the princess ns a woman. Discovnow reolu-- e snatched the slight figure ery would have meant degradation to his heart. from which I could not have hoped to ' day? ho whispered. recover. The military garments were Plie would not spe:k, hut he held her my only safeguard. until she nodded her head. ' And how many people know of your MfJ-Rsir- til I - , , can-cno- It-wou- ld - . 1 , Mortgage-loa- n Utah Corporation V- k -J Tithing Office Corner. : J404040KKK TflE FDLTON is w I 5f::l supplied always 11 MARKET Jr t - h, f f t ) ; Choicest Meats T , the market affords. We handle but one grade TEE BEST. William I - . Reading, (' ' , . PROP.. CENTER ST. s ! ? "' ' PLENTY OP s tlie only course, and I 'dared not hesb 1 4,1,0111(1 bare died with terror tra m not knowing what I 1 think, me unworn- - j as I am. It f V mtng with you really dt was! No one But he smothered wnli ? MVe X "-- Digests t uTTXjKJtk-- Ru-one- cCnro rrcjol Dyspepsiatzt. i UCixUl 0JV u Dr. Geo. C. Ownbv, le-lon- - at-ros- s Optician and Eye The Latent Instrnment for Deteet- j ing Specialist- - . Abnormal Conditions of - 1 the Eve. w-a- s CLASSES FITTED . - . . . 4 Satisfaction Guaranteed. toon 9, - COMMERCIAL , . BLOCK. " No-on- c -- Eagle Cafel 2 129, N Main Street THOMAS & GALLAGHER ' Proprietors. Everything strictly H - . first Dinner fiom 12 to3, 25c $ Short Orders at all hours. class. Ice Cream, Strawberries, v' and every delicacy the market affords. Fine coffee. Good Service. iiiimiumiiniii in Nothing has ever equalled Nothing can ever surpass Or. flow it it kings Discovery a.iOJr Oi.i Perfect Lure: 50c M 4 $1.00 For All Throat and Lung Troubles. "Wwy back If It failt. Trial Bottles fre. Hiter Bros. Drug Co. is-in- y 'deception? Three besides yourself Dagmar. Quinnox aui Captain Dangioss. The abbot' will know later on. and 1 shiver as I think of it. The driver and the man who went to your cell, Ogbot, know of the escape, but do not know I remember lii- mam here. AUjde-y- ou is our driver. Allode? lies the fellow who saw was in the tbroneroom. He is the man who saw nothing, me-er-w- ko - , EpHo:iEMAIl Min. Sm rnmi K,,ep Bros. Drug Co. sir. I remember his obedience, be said, laughing in spite of his unhappiness. Am I to have no freedom up here CHAPTER XX. tue ArrnoACjnso osdeal. American has escaped!" vwas the cry that spread M( through Edelweiss the next . ' morning. It brought undisguised relief to the faces of thousands. There was not one who upbraided Baron Dangioss for his astounding nogiigenoe. Never before had a criminal escaped from tire, tower. The only excuse, uttered in woebegone tone, was that "the prison had not been constructed i or manned for such clover scoundrels as Yankees good uaiue for audacity. M The full story of the daring broi.ii Dagmar (whoso merry brown eye so full of pretended dismay that for liberty flashed from lip to lip dur- were tlie princess could scarcely , restrain a ing tlie day, and it was known all over the water swept ' city bpifore noon. emlle),,'nnd Gaspon, the , minister of Baron Dangioss himself had gone to finance, were awaiting her appearance; o. fe the prisoners coll early In the morning, , She heard the counts stoiy-eMta the cape, marveled at prisoner's mystified by the continued absence of evthe guard. The door was locked, but dacity and firmly announced that to done should be apfrom within came groans and cries. erything possible a frown Alarmed at oncc.tlie captain procured prehend him. With perplexed to brow and a dubious twist her duplicate keys and entered the cell. Ups, she said: . ' lie There found the lielpl(ss,' blood covi I suppose I nutrt offer a reward? ered Ogbot. bound hand and foot and exclaimed her unde. Certainly! almost Yletul from loss of blood. The 50 gavves. uncle? . About clothes of the American wore on the Fifty! cried the two men, igliast. floor, while his own were missing, gone Isnt that enough? with the prisoner; For the murderer of a prince? Ogbot ns soon ns lie was able related , Gaspon. ''It would bo absurd, his experience c.f tlie night before. It He is a most Important highness. your was while making his rounds at midperson." night that lie heard moans from the Quito sq. lie, is a most important cell Animated by a feeling of pity, he. 1 think Ill offer 5.C!)0 gavvos. person. opened the slab door and asked If be , More like It. He is worth that, at .were 111. The wretched American was least, agreed Uncle Caspar. lying on tlie lied, apparently suffering. , n. Beyond u doubt," sanctioned lie said Something which the guard could not understand, but which he I am glad you do not consider me took to be a plea for assistance. Nojt she said demurely. You extravagant." suspecting a trick, tlie kindly guard may have the printed at once, placards unlocked tlie second door and stepped on. went the treasurer. she addressing to the bedside only to have the sick a of reward 5,000 gavvoi . that man rise suddenly and deal him a "Pay will he paid to tlie pprson who deliver treacherous blow over the head with G r A tlie heavy stool lib had secreted behind . rental! Lorry to me" Would it not be letter to say. him. Ogliot knew nothing of wliat fol- Grcnfall Lorry to tlie tower lovedl so effective was the blow. When . submitted Gaspon. he regained consciousness, ho was ly- You may say to theunderslgnedf -Ing on tho bed just ns tlie captain had and sign my' name,, she said reflectivefouud him. The poor fellow, overW I ly. whelmed by tlie enormity of his mis-- ! Very well, your highness. Thejf take, begged Dangioss to slioot him at shall he struck off tills morning. once. But Dangioss bad him conveyed "In large type, Gaspon. You must to tlie hospital ward and tenderly cared if you can, she added. II eatelililm for. Js a very dangerous man. nml royalty Three guards in one of the offices needs protection." With this wise bit saw a man wlicm, they supposed to be of she dismissed the subject caution Ogbot pass from tlie prison shortly aft- and to talk of the sterna. began er 12, and the mortified chief admitted As the two young plotters were hasthat some one had gone through his up .the stairs later on an nt-- t tening private apartment. .A t'ie prisoner tendant approached nml Informed tlie had taken Og hots Keys, lie experithat Mr. Anguish requested ni enced little difficulty in getting outside princess audience. the gates. But. vowed Dangioss storm- Conduct him to my boudoir." sli Uy, lie should be recaptured If It re- said, bop eyes sparkling .with triumph. quired the efforts of all the policemen In tlie Roclnsion of the boudoir she nml In Edelweiss. The chagrin of tho grim the countess laughed like children over old captain, who hail never lost a pris- the reward that laid been so solemnly oner, was pitiful to behold. ordered. Tlie forenoon was half over before Fhe thousand gavVos!" cried DagHarry Anguish heard of Ills friends mar. leaning buck In her chair fo emescape. To say that he was paralyzed phasize the delight she felt. Wliat a would be putting It much too mildly. joker There is no language that can adeTap. tap. came n knook on the door, quately descrilie Ills sensations. For- and lu the same instant It Hew open, getting his bodyguard, he tore down for Mr. Anguish was In a hurry- - As tlie street toward the prison, wild with lie plunged into their presence a pair anxiety and doubt. He met Baron of lieels found the floor spasmodically. tired and worn, near the gate, lie gasped as If Oil! I ltog pardon but tlie old officer could tell him noth- about to fly. May I come In?" ing except what he had lcarfied from Not unless you go outside. You are already In. it seems, said the princess. ndvnnetng to meet him. TLe countess was very still and sedate, am so glad you have come. 'Heard about Lorry? The fool I out nml gon''! he cried, unable to, restrain himself. Without a word she dragged him to tlie divan, and. between 'them, be soon bad the who! stoi'y poured Into his ears! Ihe princes on one side, the eoUntess f ij the other. exclaimed You are a .wonder!when all the facts were known to him. He executed a little dance of approval, entirely out of place in the boudoir" of a princess, but very much in tortch with prevailing sentiment. "But wliat to become of mo? ho asked after eoof-in- g 7!owiir"T lmveno excuse for remaining in Grnustark. and I dont lik to loave him here either. "Oil. 1 have made plain for joil. said she. You are to be held as hostage. What! I thought of your predicament lasf night, nml here Is the solutiou: This very day I a klill issue an order forbidOh, I brij pardon!" leave. Edelwol--Yoding you tb? right Ogbot. Of one thing there could be nc will not IjoIh prison, but your evdoubt Lorry was gone. Not knowing ery movement Is to be watched. A where to turn or wliat to do. Anguish strong guard will have you under sur1 raisd off to the castle, his bodyguard velllaace. and any attempt to escape or having located him In the meantime, to communicate with your friend will lie was more In need of their protec- result In your. confinement and Ills detion than ever. tection. In this way .you may stay At the castle gates lie encountered a here until tho time comes to fly. Tk . party of raving Axphninlans. crazed Axphaln ample must bo satisfied, with anger over the fligh't of the man disYour freedom will not bo whose life they had thirsted for so turbed.- You may come and go as yotf ravenously. Had he been unprotected like, but you are ostensibly a prisoner. Anguish would have fart'd badly at By detaining you forcibly we gain rt their hands, for they were outspoken point, for you are needed Lore. Thor n their assertions that lie had aided is no other way in which yon can ex' Lorry In the escape. One fiery little plain a" continued presence in Grait-ptarfellow cast a glove In the Americans Is not my j Ian a gco.l one?" Ann challenge. face and Is It beyond comparison. he said guish snapped his Ungers and sarcas- rising and bowlnfc low. "Fo shrewd tically invited the iusulter to meet him this plan that you make mo a ktfstag, next winter In a battle with snowballs, forever. I shall not escape its memory upon which the aggressor blasphemed If I live to be a thousand. . , la three language and SCO gestures. said At parting she seriously: Ang'.iisn andhir men passed inside the Cholera Infantum. gates, which had boon barred to the others, and struck out rapidly for the This has Ions: been regarded a castle doors. one of tbe most dangerous and faThe Irnicess l'etive was sleeping tal diseases to which infants ar soundly. lAa'TfuNy wiT!l a 8miIe 011 It an be cured, however, her lips, v en her prime' minister sent suhjeet.. I lint , treated. when properly of an excited attendant to iulorui her is In tfive is She sat up necessary the prisoners escape. bod, and, with her hands clasped about Iains Colic. Cholera and Dianhoeaf hei knees, eleeplly announced that, she Remedy nud castor oil. ns directed! would receive him after her coffpe wn with each bottle; and ,i cute is cer served. Then she Summoned her maids. tain. sale by All Dealers. 0 Her uncle and uuut, the Countess on-he- r , do-miuul- Ga-po- do-liv- ers 'r ? Dau-glos- - h' -- yotf-know- k. 1 1 iil |