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Show 0 UitNALrLOGAN- - UTAH; Council Minutes. (henS? pf disenssion of -- the city reguiae mfetmff -- Ju ,m Wednesday evernii s was 'nC:rnttndOdc.aof.,he is Co., Hnme Teleplmne frm thle ?? Sins f"'!llise.and the were ,mnt S the ' to emit their company soloes franchise. A peti-tiright sort of a. sicncd byjmsi- nnuicrously and, asking tliat a new telephone franchise be ; granted, . presented and disenssed. ot aty or- ' Then came a draft tna ideas .diuauee which embodies, what the to of tbe eouneilmen asnew franchise v character of the com- should be, bat the telephone kind ,of a may doesut wftnt that ; franchise, anil its promoters made that fact plain to the 6ity. fathers, was so as a last resort the Mayor instructed toaltr-massf-meetinfor some' date in 'the. near,he future. asked at which the people wilt not or they to decide whether ; in-s- ta system new a telephone want -- . lied-her- e Burris tacked on a sort of a rider to this motion of intruction, further beinstructing the Maybr., to ; put fore the mass, ineetiug;the -- question of whether they desire tbe 'street lights kept 'up at the present ' . . price. and S. G. Spillmpi, Riley asked permission AnuaB. Phillips to tap the water 'ftiains with a Referred to private pipe line. "Waterworks Committee. Ezra T -- Obray of Paradise submitted a claim for $75, fhe value of the horse that, was killed iq .the .accident in which Ola M "Anderson lost his life,. lie alleges that the open treqeh , maintained for some time across tbe, street at the intersection of Main and .Fourth South, was the cause of the acci' ,, , v dent. f. . Reports of the various officers for the quarter ending Dec. 31st were submitted and ordered filed and seveial matters of .minor importance attended to.afftt which .an adjournment jyas taken'. . . , 4 -- 0 Salt Lake, Fb.! ; sA" :' THE SENATE. . -- r'. - ; Your grocer sells this coffee in 1 and 2 lb. cans. Grind coffee fresh each daTor best results. I J. , A. B-- FOLGER & Co San Francisco. Importers of Fine Coffees.' . and A rt; li . B. 7 0, by request, obtaining credit. Committee on .Judiciary; H. B. 71, Hall, substitute for 33, relating to marks and brands, Committee' on Livestock; H. B. No. 72, Mrs. Gout te r,k in degarter n bill, Commit tee on Education and Art; H. B, 73, Stone, substitute for II, B. 45, Committee on Judiciary, .Resolution requiring the committee clerks to work from. 9:30 until 5:30 was reconsidered and laid on thp table.' H. B. No. 28, providing for the burial of ' honorably discharged soldiers, sailors and marines, lacked the necessary two-thirn tlB. , ds n-bt- Notichof aodjva.idefeated, tiou to reconsider was Condon.. e .rao-- , given by House adjourned until Monday afternoon. Judge Jacob Johnson has. dered the impanelinent of jury for the next session in JEemery county,' which next week.1 As there are or- a "grand of court conveues no cases pending oil the"oriminal calendar it is believed the Judge does not accept as gospel truth and in accordance with the facts, the verdict of the. coroners jury which determined that. the death of But little was done jn the Sen- i n HIGHWAY ACROSS COUNTRY The ?Iarnlnm!zed Rond From New Tori; to Chlcnso. Tl'.e movement for the building of a macadamized highway from New York to Chicago is certainly dc ervlug o.' success, says the Cleveland Anything that is designed to improM the country roads of any part of 1 United States ought to he encouraged, for the greatest obstacle in ti e way of tbe success! ul development o. the agricultural regions of the country today is the dillieult.v experienced in traveling over the highways in certain seasons of tiie j ear. , The movement for good roads was given considerable' ifnpetus several years ago. when a great army of wheel riders began to clamor for improvements in the highways, and much was accomplished In various sections of the country through the efforts of the wheelmens organization. The Jrcze for bicycle riding has abated, however, and one force In the good roads movement has been lost. , Th.e men back of the New York highway project arc, bf course, interested In automobiles, either as manufacturers or- usd's of horseless vehicles, and they cannot ho said to ha 'free fi'om nil interested motive. ,Tlmt should make no difference, however. The contemplated improvement would bo of great benefit toffhe country, and if ways and means jtan be provided the project should carried through. This country ought some day to have as good country roads as are to be found in 'France, Germany and other European countries in which the builds . has. been carried oa ing of hbJn-jvv- . side of the Temple block. indicate progress. They- result from stop the flow of blood. progress and they promote progress! They are both cause and effect. Well kept highways constitute a theme which has engaged the attention of T'he house, Building Lots Cheap many more persons in the last decade Met at 2 oclock. thnp in any previous one. Improved highways have promoted, Representatives Morris and J. H. For Sale on Easy Terms, Johnson appointed as special com the extension of rural free deliver;-iiuchoice Building Lots, some in aided the and this delivery has Jnissiohers to - negotiate with, the Arizona Legislature for the annexation of the Arizona strip, . Gov. Wells signed H. B. No. 13 relating to the penalty for grand reg-matin- g 75c. per et. e, Cache Valley Merc. Co. HARPER RYE. For more than two generations HARPER WHISKEY lias The Aristocrat', emong tin e whiskies. Its fame has continued to spread, until today its reputation is international. Sold by H. J. DeWITT. heen known in the United States as high-grad- - Tiris Se Cara. f 'X'r-a.e'- ? Is it possible that one of the best remedies in the world is produced inLoganf Such is the claim of the J. It. EDWARDS LOZENGE CO. for PROF. T, C. HAWES COMBINED LIVER REGULATOR AND SWEET WORM LOZENGES' NOTE THE FOLLOWING: blocks I. It is as pleasant to take aseandy.1 2. It has np injurious effects. . 3. It expels all kinds of worms except - , - . tape-wor- 4. It cleanses the stomach and bowels frota all other impuriles, thereby purifying the blood and giving tone and vitality to the whole sybtem. 5. It promotes healthy action of Liver and Kidneys. DO YOU WANT PROOF! Here is a sample testimonial: Logan, Utah, Dec, 5, 1903,' J. Yes, You Are Right A BAB to rnosrEBiTT. We do keep horse shoes, calked, both sharp and blunt.. We also keep a large stock of carriage bolts, machine bolts, hinges, nails, log screws, staples, wire, chains, rope wagon kard wood and fittings, tools of every description, velopment of better roads, says the Washington Star. The buggy was a benefit to highways. A road good enough' for mounted horsemen and horsewomen, as so many of our predecessors traveled, was not good enough galvanized lamps, lanterns Then the 'bicycle imfor a. buggy iron and enameled ware. proved the roadways. A highway gdod Agents for the famous never enough for a buggy wf.s not good rusting tinware. enough for a bicycle, and thousands of wheelmen lolling through the country R, La fount & Co., Center StM Logan. did campaign work for the betterment N. B. We ,have just received of reads. They told the country folic, roads and insisted on it, too, that their part of a qarload of shoytls. . Detroit, Mich. nd saucers, price $1,25. reduced to fancy cups and glass, diuner sots, chamber sets, glass-walsaucers and plates, at greatly reduced prices to make room; for spring shipments. GROCERY LIST , L. R. MARTINEAU, Real Estate Agent, Logan, Ut. convention. s Xsew Bills II. B. 'Done, school Unification bill, Uommitfee on Ed i, Cups located within of Tabernacle square. Also good Farms, Pastures and Meadow Lands. Call or write at once to two- larceny. Bills passed H, B. No. 35, . pharmacy; H. B. No. 3 explosives in mines; amended. H. Iso- - 4. witness fees; S. B. No. y 61, substitute for H. B. No. 19, text-boo- k Planted farmer nd gardenerbywho hu Mopped experimenting. It to pay a little more errJ and reap a great mere at the harvest. AU Ppal(l free to aU applicant M. FERRY & CO., Clearance Sale of Dishes He lost ds Seeds -- - - Passed House bill No. 3, Barretts by unamious vote. Adjourned till 2 oclock Monday. We grow them. We sell them. Large catalogue free. Write today. B ARTELDES & CO. f 152115th St., DENVER, COLO -- Chicago control of the sled he was riding Adopted Love concurrent resolu- times becomes populous because there and it dumped him head foremost a tree. A fearful scfclp wound tion to prohibit the introduction of are good roads. Then, again, there are was inflicted lie was taken to Dr. hills after the fortieth day of the bad roads in thickly settled districts session except with , the consent of In' districts where the roads ought to Budges office, and at press time be good, (lood roads in a neighborhood the physician was still trying to of the members. two-thir- Rin FOR WESTERN ,mid PLANTERS . - come always because the region they travprse Is populous. A region some- COLONEL LYNCH AND IIIS TRIAL FOR TREASON. A very interesting event is the trial of Colonel Arthur Lynch, M. P., charged with high t re as. iu by the British government. Lyooh went to Africa as a war correspondent ami became colouel of a lioer regiment. While. fighting the British lie was elected a member of the house ot commons by Irish admirers in the county Galway, Ireland. ? ate today outside of referring bills OUR HIGHWAYS. to the several committees and Good Roads Indicate Progress Wide adopting committee reports. and Narrow Tires. Received a communication from The subject of good roads Is an all President Kingsbury, inviting thje American subject, but It is one which members to visit that institution. should he of most Interest to those secReceived a communication from A young fellow named Henry which have given it the feast atthe Governor to the effect that he tions was nearly scalped last Christenson tention. Naturally the best built and had signed Senate hill No, 37.through. au accident the host maintained roads are in dis- evening, Passed Lawrence Senate bill No. which while he was coastoccurred tricts where there are many people and 57. ; down the ing steep hill on the north much stone. But good roads do not Passed Lawrence Senate bill No. 58. h livery farmer should help a little by j nslngtirond tired wheels. These wheels wot only do not rut tlie roads, but help to maintain, them, . A broad tired wheel ought to. hear more weight without strain 'than one with' a narrow tire. There Is no more friction in the. use of'a broad lire on a smooth road than in the use of a narrow tire on a rough one. "A committee of automobiHsts, reporting recently on New York roads, said: It is worse than useless to create expensive nrd valuable highways only to hate hem use of nnnow tires, as now used for the hauling of heavy loads in this state. When yon' have gotn good thing, it costs money, nrpl you must take care of it and change your methods to r.ia'n-taiit.. Wide tires are of the greatest value ia preserving ordinary dirt roads. . Robert Nielson, who expired shortly after having been struck on the head with a beer, bottle by young Peacocks was due to acute alcoholism. i, Our Legislature.,-- V better m gr 1905 worn not lis good as gome others. This was nijsslonary,.AVorl;, heciTuso it Is a phenomenon ftfeountry life. that alnan always thinks the road he lives on is very good or at least not so bad as . acme others. As the bicycle helped along the good cause. sd will the automobile or the traetiouearrlage: Autpmoblllsts want - r' The' chief. " PE B RUARYTr . i ' t t ' .' , , R. Edwards Lozenge Co. Logan, Utah, GENTLEMEN: I suffered for fifteen (15) years from chronic diarrhea and tried maoj. remedies without any lasting benefit. 1 tried Prof. Hawks Combined Liver Regulator and Sweet; Worm Lozenges merely as an experiment,, on tho assurance of tbe friend who recommended them that, if they dono ho good they would at least, do no harm, 1 took about three (3) boxes of them and to my surprise, they effected a complete cure. I stopped taking tho. remedy foiir months ago and have Yours truly, had no trouble since. ; n. CHAS. V BAKER, Logan, Utah. ; DO YOU WANT MORE? 1 v Utah, and see long list of ixnwbs of perProof of the pudding is in the eating;" will not need testimony from others. or by mail from .T. R. EDWARDS LOZENGE CO., Logan, Utah. ., TAPE WORM TREATMENT by the Fame company. The TapeWorm is amoved head and all in a few hours or.no pay is askedk Call on J, R. Edwards, Logan, sons who recommend it. But the Try the remedy yourself and you You can get it from your. Druggist . r I |