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Show V THE TRI-WEEKL- JODUNAfLOa AN, Y DTAH.IIAUCH 12 1001 vice- - Joo that be couldnt hit a bat a places, but they are i getting .i Dispatches vkom the Orient in- - sell to be buried in the all right; and reiser for m- throe Tbe chair. theireiH dicate that the trouble there may presidential ence. Richfield Reaper wblcb have but just- - begun. Russia stances in fifty years in nt his own hat. This time a well THE J OURNAL ! le , P0BU8HXD BT afternoon has . been able to . cartridge was put in his gun a Sunday while Frank L EARL & ENGLAND PUBLISHING CO, haekman, intoxicated tX assert his importance, but cast ia and be nearly blew his fine Stetson about three ounces of laudanum ;! the tiff the face of the earth. Box a Twenty-fift- h lessees. feeblerav or Tight street saloon - - Elder News. . , fact became, known iminediaW, abyss appear darker and the hope- j Eolered at the every Tuesday, A man between 40 and 50 years and the police took the ful contingency more remote. Mr. United States and Great man in and of Saturday, at Logan, Utah, Thursday age was found last week by charge. The city physician ;! are forming an alliance to prevent! Stevenson says: Constable Peterson of Snowville the aid of a stomach pump matter. : as second-clas- s J this. The Associated Press corresBut for the imperative necessity wandering about the country in a ceeded in preserving the of the other of powers: , providing against the dabgers , demented condition and was taken life Utah, State Journal. pondent says Editor. m Augustus Gordon, Japan is relied upon to take a by the constable and that Vof f in charge Executive the Chief He had evidently been for. line in harmony with the United Il'cared X BLOOD RAIN. 1901 March 1L r- Tuesday I GerStates and Great Britain, In the scheme of Palermo, Sicily, March in the of formulated by spite many, Anglo , Conference Notice. German compact, is re; Annual as rather .doubtful owing loi-- g. The Seventy-firs- t officer. In the great executive office now falling resembles drops "5 the Church of Jesus Emperor William , s friendship ontory and bad Neither alone. stands blood.. This phenomenon,, called Latter-day 'Clinst'of Saints' mil for the Czar. France,- - of his .way to a.miningcamp where hs his course, nor his responsibility blood power Iain, is attributed to dust convene in the Tabernacle, Salt will reside with her ally. The situa can he share with another. - Those expected to get work. lie was the from African deserts, Lake City, on Friday, April 5, at to be last improvSaturday tion is threatening, and the Chinese who aid in the work of govern- ported the heavy south by Box 10a.jn. ing physically and mentally. 'administration mental doso by now have all the Lorenzo Snow, blowing. may yet revenge they and subject to his Elder News. George Q. Cannon, -- wish by watching theirs despoilers his appointmentwill be seen then - Some excitement was occasioned It Joseph F. Smith, tear each to pieces in a general authority7 that the though lest Saturday afternoon by the reFirst Presidency. and flight over the spoils. like manner elected in possess- port that Lars P. Nelson had been constitutional quali- ' shot at by spine sheep herders west ing the same Monthly Fast. CHEAP SALE on clothijg at in no of town. It appears that Mr. Nel is The story of the ruin, of n fications as the President, As the general conference of the young girl by a Chinamanas related sense an executive officer. That J. NewboIds.Third Street Clothier, in session Church will be on the in our would be au anomalous FOUND Ladies collarette. Especial dispatches last Sat- his position first Sunday in April, the monthly one was recognized by tbe convennquire at Jgcrnal office. fast which would otherwise be held urday, seems to have created a tion. An office was created without on that day, w'ill be observed on great deal of surprise, as the girl duties to be performed by its inBARRED Plymouth Rock cut on the last Sunday in March and was engaged jn mission work and cumbent. The situation was . af up abwit the matter and talked of erels, hens, and eggs for sale, at the fast meetings be held on that the Chinaman appeared to be length relieved by assigaii g-- to setting the dogs o him. One of Smiths bakwy, Second St., Lojjan. March 1901. of the officer 31, day, presiding them tlcn irent ito the Jhc' duty one of her most promising pupils. this MONEY 70 LOAN.-$50- ,M was-at Lorenzo Snow, once waROH and Mr. This ebo over the Senate. cen4 b j. z. stefl wonld create no Such incident an George Q. Cannon, recognized as a position of re- loadme a rifla. Tb. the 8 real estate with him I .vonr surprise in San Francisco; they sponsibility and of dignity. Joseph F. Smith, fired offand Mr Neton hurried to- - Li,t H KcU h First Presidency, As to the duties of the town. It is thought the herder . areToojjommQtt.lherfiJThe China --WHY LET INTERESTcit lie is m no sease an jusfiredtofrightea-himr-Th- ej man has adaptability. He is an Jen-ryoAs to President. the lives Lorenzo c adviser the of owner the means of away! Borrow monj A, sheep, ..As, arousing oleaginous cuss, and can be all lot Croekett no or Jie n charitable has W. of administration not did of'F of sen Mantua, approve martial ardor of . the youth o f things unto all men. If if appears above as i block Edwards Office function that is and it action the terms.''T ai probable Great Britian, they are using to be to his advantage becomes part. Upsole indicated in that of presiding over no further trouble wil result. to ai attentive, studious, ajid appar- the Senate Not being a immBer Box Elde News, i. , moving", picture" machines, illustrate the glories of the soldiers ently devout student hi Christian- of the body, Tie takes no part in At the Highland Boy yesterday debate and has no- vote. is observe and life, 'as' an adjunct to the guileful it ity, touching in a . comparison with the inflMuce John Braries, while working tongue of the recuiting sergent. his apparently childlike? faith! hw the Slope got canebt ivam runmeg , ni Pictures "of great parades aud his devhfion to his new relijicn perteJ oftiie 'lfgisIation h.a covered uiuoh wide BICYCLE.,-- EETAIItlNC ground House of. ltpre: flrst.(;lass fasIliM severely hnud. body. cheering thousands, or the capture and its tmeber, especiaEy if that Alu,"ra0 ntatiyes, That of the EepairShop broken. Also were no bon hut of a fortification" in "some sham teacher." Is a handsorae young is Infinitesimal indeed. The Third bl. Onedoor west Kid at the Highland Boy ycstfnrayom Stable. battle, together with appropriate MelicanT woman. He is so Speakeis aVie-member of the Vdy James Treinbath while in a stope soas Livery with the which ver presides, martial music, are.proying great easily taught not to presume on LOST A gold watch with name. by a and voting nou was struck n his right irm of speaking light suffered-dislocatiofactors in inducing rustics to be- the intimacy established in the all Alice roelfc.. meml The B. Elliot on inside east rr lie is the clven falling question at reward for returning to Liberal was and to sensitive so come Tojnmics one day, to regret class; so Srneiable: fra(mred leader of the dominant party in E Elliott New Jersey Ac Bulletin. Harriet it the next, when the intoxication the lpnst sign of disple.tsrrre; so the House and. appoints all its the wrist. Bingham of the lights, pictures, music, . and thorough! nmbl6thafc he could committees. In dose touch with .Last Saturday John Mhssso, em- adeiay, Logan Utsh. the cheers of the multitude as they give Urial Heep lessons... He in the Chairmen, of the respective ployed at the Bingham C. & G. i'ALL AND examine samples of his own ap- mines, wa jiangerousl:? injured work - before going elsewhere for cnmiftees (all of -- king -fiend andteseher pointment), fie can in large degree and that he was not kille2ontright repairing or dugwing at Geo. A shilling,, has passed away. . accept little presents little Orien- hasten or impede legislation efchis is most fortonate. He was coming Butts, the watcli maker and tal trinkets, ehinaware sweet- 6 an pleasur- ethrough thetuunel from work and J ohn Bench, Smind St. to all contrast some whore Hie In flash -. an of Not a this, desilks. striking ptoint meats, In order to provide s.tc approached wVre going. The 40 danger the the ol shots power he en for terrains that the of eye betray the pnpn for partment. of the the man says fie warned Muo twice, amusement or instruction of the ler.aught 3ut the most prwfund re- 0Yr as proceedings the hist in the, balance. 6ut he did ut seem to ldear as he different members of the family, spect and childlike rever jnee. To Axd ye.c, without the right to walked on without haltinand was or event vote except in. the directly in .front of the shots when we will run a puzzle column aud a oblige him she, is finally induced to left ribs column of stories for the children visit his home and see hi&node of possible contingency mentioned,, he they went. Some of Ins , in our once more tha lefthas brokeo-deofh the history jjvrere mi-jeach a the in be She thinks it donH hive to Tuesdays issue; yoa The in beeu legislation. face potential g;;n,ieuttrrnrTnr meatreo f tnduein g son-- j of his WnlkAn-Tm- aff bill of something right arm sustained ar compound Iowhl Yournoneythrintemt live. Your family pr beak if and more than fii!ij Thursdays, and a Womans de- companions, to attend years ago passed fracture at the elbow joiut. Bing tested ifyou die. H. C. IlansA you SliCii& inter- tbAiSenate by th easting vota of ham Bulletin. partment on Saturdays J! agent. Special d. Dallas. The issue after today, until completed, ested on Lw first visit, and she Johnchildren of littffe .Ahn Two the organiza-t.- a stnggle'bw FISTER & NEILSON haveji Arms calls again? and again, until the we will run a serial story: son and ove of E. E. Ilaff, while - Senate imme-iiatelof sfj thof and the Woman, by Harold Mc- end come at Air. Huffs house last. rcoeived a large quantity but few know how. flaying on of the finest The oil in balk. inauguration succeeding Grath. The hero of the story is a Whether she was hypnotized, President Girfield will be xamem-bere- Sunday, knocked a shelf down on ntsa for was a can of lye. The chil- market, already prepared haraasj In that intance the or- which young American newspaper man, drugged, or in some moment of face and and it wont leave your a and the plot is both intricate and weakness, overpersuaded, matters ganization of the? body and, much dren dauhsd lye on tlicir toburn gnmmy. We also have as it soon began but ips, that fallowed stock of IIea7; and Light Harafj interesting. There features we not. Sh has fallen, aud many of important legislation ' hey wiped it off as best they could tbe was line-o- f stock saddles, consequent easting upon to welcome will additions be trust and hastened for help. The Huff aud a fine her kind may be found in and rote of bur. and see ui Call lrt made. hand and local around tfie hovels of their .former child wa quite severely burned. j)ur regular telegraphic that the seems Tt bit Thatchers yesterday In i.ire you buy. were peeled aud The childrens .news service. I students.. These have ceased to be Senate being equally divided, its lie skins burnedlips Building. in many through determined was an attitude 'have and upon blaud.r oliildliie They 1 On Monday the transport Meade thrown off the mask aud moelc important phase of the Philippine f arrived in San Francisco from the and revile their viitiins. Those question by. the casting; vote of Hobart. having on board a who. hare been for aay length oil Philippines From a consideration of The number of rcturniug)fiH:efsant time associated "wltlTThe Chines 09 ns 11 1 nl wu al pro vlsi bu'quot ed7i t and in addition ninty-eigl- it and gen..i)pportsnit).iPstu( K clear that the al jKiwT-ftf-t- he is contingent. And sick soldiers ten, dead ones, ume them, believe that the leopard the iastances above given, out eon-insane soldiers and forty-tlire- e ould sooner change his spots thin yet denmed ir ciitMHBair bccDisiitii'brii'eiVrt; of.jnanyJfiat.tuight.W.eitedv.reRder it equally clear t bat the contingency in Christian of a was as The dean mind; very briefly story prisons. has been of trvxu,ent happening by related as it appears bore, there- deed. , But that he k smooth, which this officer became a poten jv There ar? all kinds of syringes. There are good syringe there arc bad syringes, there .are some in between. fore there wns nothing -- unusuaL patient; that .he is a factor in important legislation. ' E. Adlai Stevenson. i t t ; Eye ryre urni n g trans consummate actor and - can luninThe first kind is the only kindthat youll find her- e.about . . j Because we buy syringes just like we buy drugs. port brings back its quota of dead, j tain the role of a humble follower e Excnacye insane Gkaniogs. sick and for concede. of soldiers, . Get the best that can be made. Onr syringes are made 0 wounded,1 years, they, jChrist aud thiseonsigument was so small the best rubber, they won-- t get liard or crack. j. A good story is told on Joe v more j attention than no to as excita We have a splendid line of 2 quart fountain syringes Zimmerman by a party. of dnek I Imn ters "a'tcifliUtf dispatc hrT , New to the ork letter last Joe condition insiiue lua week, Mas one 0 who return in an Prices run from Sl-Gup. from service in the Philippines, is World Adlai E. Stevcnstm, who the party aud the others put up a on him by furnishing him American citizenship has been there himself, shows to job U tab appalling. Co. blank cartridges. Jockeft bangis paying a high price in many what n deepdark and gloomy pit ing away but couldnt get a duck. Franklin, Preston & MonttelierT Idaho. ways for Republican greed of pos- - of oblivion Roosevelt consigned The .others laughed at hi$ vain himself when he allowed him- - efforts and finally one of tbrm bet session. vice-preside- . nt to-mak- e , Pott-ofii- ce . , . bt Sd Gon-ferenec- , of jyjent train-porte- d . Want Column Vice-Preside- 1 - i Vi?e-Preslde- ni ur . . . - 4 - 1 -- He-was Vice-Ihiesi-de- pt , - - v N . .1 .step-forward-to-tak- a-the Vice-Preside- nt . e is-b- - depart-Tnenfdevoted- "tf .- - rideV r ecLv-ainl.fii- s.t mc-sting- Jn-ea- xieonie-Chcistiim- ch s s. Vjee-Ifiesi- de pro-trade- d. . - . k Vice-Preside- nt -- Vice-Preside- nt -- Vice-ifieide- lll jf nt toerve-thne"iixmilitar- ; -- 1 . ! htr-immlie- r who-wenUout- ta-Duck- -ville - Ritor Bros. Drug x Logan. |