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Show mn TZI-UZ-ZL- JOURNAL, LCGAII, UTAH, JANUARY 13 Y iflcTtfso c? p Brur:oQ I , " It Is proper, think, to let others know Iboot the popularity and virtues of Acker's Zj v Sumption. From the' I began hand-Ungit- .it sold Htpldly.and the sales grow, tag all the time as fast as people i And out, what ' tnar K reparation Is. The Satisfaction l.t sires is , universal. Dur best citizens use it L- - And say it is the best thing for throat and lung troubles they ever saw. Mr. 8. H. Culver, one of our prominent townsmen, says Ackers English Remedy is the only medi-Un- e that helped his clironic cough of many first it gave relief! and fears stand mgr-Asow, after taking a few bottles, he is wholly Cured. I buy it by the gross at a time, Ind my soles are larger on this one medicine ' thaaon any other in my store, It is a great Measure for me to feel that while I am prospering I am also doing so much good to the con Inanity in selling such a grand medicine.' (Signed R. R. DocuLASWestfleld, N. Y. Sold at 25c.. She. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States ami Canada; and in England, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. (id. If you are not Satisfied after buying, return the bottle to four druggist, and get your money book. X ... -- IVe . j'T W. tivthnrire the above fmofrinlT. fc CO., Pruprutvr, Scut Yor. H. UOOKLR Sola by Jt iter Bros Drug Co. Logan Utah; Franklin, Preston and Mout-- . pelier, Idaho. .. , - w - Thousanods of the most stabbor and diatrwsing cases of piles' have been cured bv TARLERS BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT. It never fails to cure.! Price, 50centsin Riter bottles, tubes 75 cts. Bros. Drug Go. f . M $1.50 ANTI FAT BELT wetaNhth...l.brtea BROWHUAtt V. OrtktMftd lUKH LK.NC fMM.i, W JJAAT IWS1AAL Crp)rat who Mr tM BmatAMaaiM Mlnmorbk Of A... IRaptw. or taMInllh . yon ta of action roa trill aprredrta. K. nryokot ffonl to lio without this belt. and wnd to a with 2S Md 1 tntiNtn ferpMtam, amber iix he. around the body, lanroet part, and we wlU (end the bl( U y tyadlrwinM, with tha uoderatand. tnathatiritleaot perfectly aatt.faotory and aqnalto bait that retell at M. na ami upward tor can return It Wri Fra teU A Tram btilipifc fw Otoarexpeiue. tl. latUk Ad. .t 6EAR5.R 0EBU9K ft 99m CHICAGO I V BLAKE LIOEUAS. Continued from ourlatt. English Remedy for Goochs, Colds and Con moment GALLIC Ref inns were sear to breaking and tears and perspiration mingled in tbe hollows of her cheeks when at lest she reached the cornfield and stembled in between tho tall green rows. Sbe dropped the blankets and almost fell upon them in her exhaustion. Tbe bottle and pie were allowed td shift for themselves, and tbe latter poured out the last remnant of its crimson jnioo at the roots of a corn bilL j Presently Mrs. Spencer sat np and listened .again. She could no longer bear the aound of wheels nor any sound save the rustling of the millions of corn blades in the great field about her and tbe voioe of a meadow lark singing from the top of a tall charred stump near b- y- She sat still and rested a little while-- longer. Then sbe stood np and tried to see tbe house-b- nt the tasseled tops of tbe corn were two feet above her head. Sbe made her way cautiously to tbe onter row and peered Qplt between the stalks, 'but the low sun beat straight into her eyes, and the higher ground of the meadow, full of bayoocks, intervened. -- She could see only the weather worn roofs of the honse and barn. She crept back and took np her burden again of blankets and bottle and pie and trudged on deeper into the sheltering labyrinth of corrrr When' she Ladput half the width of tbe field between herself and tbe house, she felt safe for the time being and sat down again torest and bide her time. Her objective point was an old dug-oin tbe face of a stony ridge just be, yond tbe cornfield. It had been constructed for a potato-cella- r and was used only for storing those edible tnbers In winter." From' March to November it was empty and forgotten, given over to rats and Bpidera. She had chosen it for her refuge over all the other nooks and crannies on the farm because of its isolation. No roving member of the objectionable gang" would be likely to stumble upon it and discover her. Bat it was well np the faoe of tbe ridge and visible from the house,, so she did not think It best to risk discovery by ap- proaebing it In open day. Sbe partly unrolled the blankets and lay down upon them, turning her worn (ace np to the sky with a deep drawn t reath of rest and a delioions new sense of freedom. Her close environment of tall corn shat out the horizon, but she knew when the below ii by the tinted glow that overspread her small vista of sky and the fresher breex that came whispering among the com blades, precursor of tbe coming ut her to rest witn tbe weloome thought of no breakfast to get in the morning and no disturbing voice to break in upon her slumbers with the announcement of gettln np time." But she dreamed, and all through her dream aounded tbe chirping of hungry little chickens, the lowing of unmilked cows and tbe slow, heavy tread of her husbands feet coming up tbe lane at Tired and hnngryaud evening time. yon not hero to get supper for him, droned the reproachful voice of her neighbor, running like a dirge through the other sounds and making of the dream a wretched, haunting nightmare. Drat that Mia Howard! Ill never speak to her again, was Mrs. Spenoers first waking thought. A thin shaft of daylight with the yellow glint of a well risen sun in it was forcing its way Into tbe cellar through a crevice an Inch wide above the door. Involuntarily Mrs. Spenoer sat np and listened for the familiar sonnds of her dream. Bnt she heard only the bickering of a pair of wrens in tbe blackberry vines ontside and tbe scurry of .a rat that scampered across the cellar floor and plnnged into his hole in a corner. This served to draw her attention to her surroundings. In an opposite bin lay some sorry looking potatoes,-wi- th long, ghostly white epronts and a winding sheet of cobwebs. Near tbe center of-t- he earth floor stood a battered old sheet iron stove with some rusty joints of plperislhg to the thatched roof, ten feet shakingly above. -- The hired men had set it np daring the cold snap in Maroh and built a fire in it to keep themselves warm' while they cut potatoes'fof seeding. A dozen matches and a clay pipe half full of burned tobacoo lay on its hearth forgotten. Mrs. Spencer felt a little light beaded when she stood up, and thns was brought to remember that she had eaten nothing since noon of the preceding day. Sbe looked about for the pie and bottle of milk. The latter was intact, bnt the .fcrmer bad vanlehsd, leaving only its tin plate as tangible evidenoe that it had existed. Two little know -- -- standing in the lane waiting for the bars to bo let down, bnt presently, while she waited and watched for the men to come in from their work in tbe far north meadow, she decried a curl of smoke rising from the kitchen chimney. A queer, ghastly little carioaturo of a smile flashed across ber fae Now, if.' I was near enough to hear the stove lids rattle," she whispered, I conld 'most imagine I was dead and in my grave, like Mis Howard said." For a long time she stood with her eyes At tbe crevice and her bands grasping tbe rough frame of tbe cellar door, watching that changing, darkening spiral of smoke. Once tbe kitchen door opened, and a woman stood for an instant in sight Tbe watoher squinted her eyes In a desperate endeavor to concentrate her gaze. I s'pose it's Mis fihyneareon, sbe muttered, with a resentful snap in her tone. Its just like her cheek to take possession of a bodys honse and act as if she owned it I 1 cant see how Abra'm can like so .well; theyre' such pestiferous folks. To think of her there, Ugh off the fresh bread and oakes and pies that I baked, and tbe cheese I made, and the batter I churned, and me hero, The contrast was too pitiful. ' In all her hard, meager Hfe sbe md never before known the pangs of hanger and thirst Her eyes filled and the vision was for a nme shot out When Ehe looked again, tbe curling smoke was scarcely discernible and all the angles of the old house were toned down by the. softening shadow el- - approach ing tbem-Bhynears- ofs in night : ( Pttr iiCTXRoo m le : AcKKRs-English-Rem- - will edy Fres Music for tha Plano. The Thousand Raptures Two-Stejust published by the passenger department of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. PauI railway, is a dandy, and will be mailed .you free upon receipt of two two-cepostage stamps to pay postage. The Chicago Limited Express leaving Omaha daily at 5:45 p. m. is also a dandy. No finer train p, nt orbeiter-servi- ce e cau-b- ed on the Globe. obtain3 A Solid Electric "Lighted Train of Palace Cars, owned aud operated bv ourselves. Pullman aint in it. ' Tbe best is none too good for you. JTry the C. M. & St. Paul. L. L. Downing, Commercial Agent, ' Salt Lake City During tbe ,winteroLJ.897- - Ml, James Reed, one of the leading citizens and merchants of Clay, Clay Co., W. V., struck his1 leg against a cake of ice in such a manner as to bruise it severely. It .became- - ver- y- much. swollen and pained him so badly that he could not walk without - the aid of crutches. He, was treated ,by physicians, also used several kinds of liniment and two and a half gal loos of whisky in JbathingjJt, but nothing gave any relief until he began using - Chamberlains Pain Balm. This brought almost complete cure in a week's time and he believes that had he not used this remedy his leg would have had to be, amputated. Pain Balm is unequaled for sprains, bruises and rheumatism For sale by Riter it. The atmosphere of the little cavelike place was close and musty from long lack of ventilation, and Mrs. Spencer found the abrupt change from the pare outer air almost stifling. Sbe decided that she must reopen the door and leave it so through the night, bat when sbe attempted to do it she found tbe door immovable, held shut by tbe masa of gravel that bad fallen against it.' Tbe discovery left her agbasL Why, now if I cant get out and nobody has the least notion where I am, why its 'most like bein buried alive The situation was disheartening, but tbe direst forebodings musfyield to ex 1' J treme bodily weariness, and soon she Bro, Drug Co. . , bad spread her blankets bn the dry straw of a potato bin and stretched her Dyspepsia can lie cured by aching frame upon them."" 771," using Ackers Dyspepsia Tablets One an For more worhour or her mental Tablet will give immediate relief little ry fcnd her rhenmatla' united in toror money .refunde- d- Sold in handaoxa nit boxes at 25 cts. 4 menting her ; (hen game sleep and wooed , ' -- -- -- 1 EquIged Sulphur Turh- - The Ladies' New Electrio Turkish Bath and Massage Parlors at the Sanitarium are now in charge of Mrs. 8. A Barton, who has been Salt Lake Citys moBt successful Artist in this line. Mrs. E. Hartman, who stands at tbe head in her specialties, will have charge of the and Manicure Parlors An elegant line ef Hair Goods and Toilet Articles on hand. Oar fine Turk-fi- h Bath Department is oien dav and night for gentlemen. . The Empire Steam Laundry does all our work. 62 West Third Sonth, Salt Lake Citv -- Hair-dressi- ng Winter Course for Farmers. On January 3rd, a twelve weeks course of lectures will open in the Agricultural College for the benefit of farmers who may wish to gain a more accurate, as, well as a practical DdfcnentrfictreAtinent'of all subjects relating to the farm and surroundings. , r en to ladies who may wish to pur- C. Sherman, the veteran editor sue studies in Domestic Art, especi- J. the Vermontville Mich. f Echo, the remarkable secret of keeping old people young. For years he has avoided Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Indigestion, Heart trouble, 'Constipation and ' Rheumatism, by using Electric It cant Bitters, and he writes: be praised too highly. Itgently stimulates the kidneys, tones the stomach, aids digestion and gives a splendid appetite. It has worked wonders for my wife and me. Its a marvellous remedy for old peo nWg complaints. Only 50 cts. at 1 Riter Bros. Drug Co. iae discovered- - ally cooking; sewing and dressmakr ing. This course is .intended for ;be old as well as the young, Instructions will be given in blacksmithing and dairyThe ing. subjects treated In the class room are, agriculture, horticulture;- veterinary science,-farmilding, and dairying. Those who desire to take but one or of j these subjects may also take arithmetic, geography, grammar, PrJtDZ- - ofthe other -s- tudies- for which they are prepared. car-)entr- y, -- m Tuition fee, $2 50 ibe- - Dlstrlct Duch. Stated R. R, further Sammons. . I OregonShort Line Jto particulars address J. M; Tanner Logan, Utah. Cache Valley Time Card Uerdi 1 Iojrn, Court' of CachiT Conntv Plaintiff; William C. Downs, ' f Defendant. J The State of Uth9 to the eaid defendant Yon are hereby summoned to appear wltblm twenty days after tbe eerrke of this snmmona upon you. If served within the count y in whicn this action is brought, otherwise within, thirty days alter service and delend the above entitled action; and in case oi your failure so to do, ud,ment will be rendered against you scoont ms to the demand ol the of which a copy Is herewith servedcomplaint, upon you. . stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and night A thi a time dark shadows began 50 cts, Riter Bros. Drug Co. 2 creeping along the furrows, aa if striv- ing to Etcal upon her unawares, and in the purpling firmament above two or three pale stars took form and blinked coldly down at her. She sat np and shivered, and her heart sank a little at thought of the potato cellar and thelonely night. she exclaimed in Dows dismay, with care for herThenmatism, and as quickly as might be she gathered up her belongings and resumed her flight In tbe fast gathering night the way to the potato cellar seemed long and rough, and when she had reached it she found it a stronghold defended by wild blackberry vines that she must tear away with her naked hands before she conld gain an entrance. Tbe clumsy door opened outward, aud yielded only inch by inch to her tepeated jerks. Each time a blackberry vine was wrenched out by the roots it brought, down a shower of loosened gravel 'upon her efenselesa bead from, the crumbling banks that towered high on either side, but at last a dark aperture yawned before her wide enough to givejieren trance, ha wondered., why sbe bad not foreseen tbe need of .a can die and some matches as Ebe groped her way within and pulled the door shut. As she did so there came a great roar and crash of falling gravel outsifle. It sounded a perfect avalanche, and sbe congratulated herself on having escaped Finest A similar course will also be giv- Made Yeung. Old-Peop- LTKirdSoefrfcStrger iits cuTi sun-bad-su- i l I UOO, NOBTH BOUND. LSAVIB. ' Passen Mixed, Daily Passen. ger, Dally, ex- cept Sunday. - STATIONS, ho. NO. 16. 11 2:15p.m. She partly unrolled the blanket t and lay Pocatello, 2:30a.m. Salt Lake, down upon them. ing, exultant eyes were shining np from Ogden, 5:05D.m. ra. the rathole in the corner. Mrs. Spencer Jacbe Jct.,50a 6:27 :58 5 Mendon, ' looked troubled. 5:45 10:40 6J9 Logan, a long, quivering breath Well Smithfi eld,6 :48 II ;03 p.m. 6:05 1 certnly said I wished I was dead, 11:18" 6:22 Richmond, 7:18 6:40 bnt slow starvation is a little mtfeen Franklin, 7:52 11:35 I bargained for. ABB1VBB, Sbe spoke aloud and shrank from the Preston, 8:30a.m. II :55p.m. 7 :00p.m. sound ot her own voice, it was so shut SOUTH BOUND. in and sepulchral. She turned to the tXAVIS, door and -- strove now-wi- th all her Passen-- - Passen-- Mixed, strength to push it open, but it withDaily, except ger, ger, -stood tho onslaught without a tremor. Sunday. Daily. Daily. She desisted at length and sat down stations. No. 16. No. 6. No. 12. on an "upturned apple box, exhausted Preston, 9;15a.m. 1:45p.m. 9:45p.m ' 2:05 10:05 and gasping for breath.. Tbe place was FrankUn, 9:53 10 " 23 Richmond 2:23 10:28 of a sweet for breath Ob; stifling. pure, 2:40 10:40 air I Her outraged lungs seemed burn- Smithfield 11 :C0 11:40 3:00 11:00 Logan, ing in her breast, and her month and Mendon ,112 3:20 " 11:20 d tbe Cache" 12 :12p.m. throat 3 :45 :60 1L45 Jt, bottle of milk and took a portion. Sbe ABBIVZS. was tempted to drink it all at one wel- 3 :00a. us. Pocatello, 3.55p.m. 'come draft, but refrained and corkecj ij. 6 :25p.m. Ogden, upTigam resolutely. 8altLake, 6:40p.m. forethe honreof that During long noon sbe attacked the door repeatedly, CSP For tickets to, or from al bat always futilcly, and finally, when points East, West, North or Sonth. the sweltering August sun had passed call on the meridian and was beating down W. W. W'VVDBIDX, she gave up, t, mercilessly on . C Agent and, bursting into a wild fit of weeping, sbe crept back into the bin and .lay down on her blankets. . There can be no poorer roil for a Honrs later, when she had wept a child-plan- t togrow io,or to at great deal and slept a little, sbe opened tempt to grow io, than the soil of her swollen eyes and Baw the red gold pretense. . To learn to conceal hon of sunset shining in above the door est poverty, as though ashamed of Twenty-fou- r hburs, she said to herself, and a great longing came npon it.Je tbe most sorrowful of the sor ber to kdow how Abram" and the old rowful lessons in this line, for it borne were doing without ber. She is to so little purpose, and Is nn dragged the apple box ciode to the door necessary afterward. January La and mounted upon It, thua bringing her dies. Home Journal. eyes to a level with the crevice. There lay tbe farmhouse and its peaceful sur roundings spread out below her like a -- Does Tbit Strike You! quaintrsun kissed Cld picture rbut, oh,' bow distant it was, how far beydnd the Muddy complexions, Nauseating sound of her voice, even though sbe breath come from chronic const! sbonld shriek aloud I The broad meadow pation. Karla Clover Root Tea is and tho great field of tustling corn lay ait absolute cure and has been sold - . between. for fifty years on an absolute guar was no "At first there sign of Hie about ante?. Price 25 eta. and; 50 cts. be patient cows Co-o- p tbe ipkoBj-eice- pt 8 Grocery & Drug Co. Wj r. O. Address: W. W. W.Maughah. Plaintiffs Attorney, Msugbsn, Logan, Utah. -- - -- were-parche- She-opene- d. . her-retrea- - - No 4239. . Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Loud Otdce, at Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec Zhlh. 1889. Nutlca is hereby given that the following QHincd wilier bes filed notice oi hia intention to make Dual proof m support of nil claim, aud that said proof will be made toe Clerk ol tbe District Court of the Fiist Judicial District Of the State of Utah,' Count of Cache, at Logan City, Utah, on February liih, it w, vis: Samud a. Whitney, H.E. No. 10390 for the Lot of fee. 7. Lot 1, aud NJt of NWk Bee. 18, . . Tp X t, N R 1 W. He name the following witubasea to prove bis continuous residence npon aud cultivation oi said land vis Usri P. Anderson, Joseph G. Christensen, Mela Mi ncor, Johannes llonsOD.a lof Claiks- re ton,UachLorUtah. . , W. W. Msughan, 'Sis Fkahk D. Hobbs, . - -- Bcglsler, for Claimant, Atty TOlTSaved' THaT My wifes good advice saved my life writes F. M. Ross of Winfield,: Tenn., for I had such a bad cough could hardly breathe, I steadily grewworse under doctors - treat-- , . menf, but my .wife urged me to Kings New Discovery for Consumption, which completely cured me. Coughs, Colds,- - Bronchitis,.' La Grippe, Pneumonia, Asthma, Hay Fever, and all maladies oC, ChestTbroat and Lungs are posi-- . tively cured by this marvellous-medicine- , 50c and $I.0Q, Every bottle guaranteed.Tri&I bottles free 1 at Riter Brpe. Drug Co. . use-Dr- , You assume no risk when vou buy Chamberlain's Colic, ChoferA-andDiarrboeaRemed- Riter: Bros. Drug Co. will refund your money if you are not satisfied after using it. It js .everywhere,, adv mitted To be tbe most successful' remedy in use for bowel complaints- and the only one that never fails.. ' It is pleasant safe and reliable. |