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Show V - 1 v i rmim CORINNE, U.T., MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, 1VCHT XTE5T5I5 CBUKHCO ' r o. (srxDATs ZXClmSt or . TERMS Year. J,,, T OO ........................ .. .k (cpi'H'd Prr .Single I by the carrier) 00 50 10 - on hand MISCELLANEOUS. CO-- . i . AKD GENERAL AGENTS FOR AND OTHER FIRST-CLAS- S r- t A , j SPORTING, MINING, MISCELLANEOUS. ' , J. w. aptthSm GRAHAM, M. D., for Pensions forUtab. Examiner OFVKK, Corner Fourth end Montana Street, UT A II.X CO 11 IN ME 7JI: M7-t- GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, n rlMa ae22-li- L LI n UECON BAKERY, Hf Montana St., Corinne, I "" Freeh Breed, ' Gnh f tnta Kept Constantly on Hand. f GEO. HANF, JeJ-t-f : i ,? t rrr , v m the mss buituw roworn, thus making vastly superior (o any other compound now use. A circular containing a wvu. nsecunroir this Peeder can be obtained on application onr Office, or of any of our Agents. - r Manitfactcry, James peters. Life Assurance Equitatle bOClET? or THE OITED Annual Income 8,500,000 Purely Mutual. CASH DIVIDENDS ANNUALLY. . . - jy31-6- $ m J W. H. OLA SCOTT. Local Agent. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ; Car VThftli, Rolstlng CeArlng, Bine Payers, Water Wheels, House Froats, Iron Fencing, . Balconj RalUnrs, E tcM Etc. Irritating L EARHART mylO-t- f Blacksmithing, Turning and Finishing Done Pronptly. & Excelsior and Golden State ' i - ECLIPSE SAW MILL C0RJXNE, UTAH r ', Ymbr rough or dressed furnished at the lowest Xh Price. 5 J.W. MtNCTT 4 0., Always on hand Lumber, Lath and COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. . Ssts Agents for the Oriental Powder Co my!2-l- B.MOUOX. M0E0N COMMISSION , J. & MILLEE, Shingle, All orders from the country promptly stiended to. and inetructiona sent for putting up tbe mill. Inf' rmation given by letter when do -- 2m irc'L Y Pioneer Iron Works, ESTABLISHED Whtdeeale and Retail t DRUGGISTS, Corner of Oh, and Morda na. Sfreetf, COULNNE. UTAH. anlt-ls- a OF BABBIT METAL FOB OftA KJVXD3 sale very cheap at offie. tKI v . 1813. CALVIN NUTTING & SON, MAKrrACTmtn or Iron Doors, Wrought Iron Bank Vaults, Girders, Steel-line- d Awnings, Gratings, Iron Fence; Stalls, Balconies, Prison Black Imitation Aetrachan. Flat Ileawy Woollen 5. ery Sacq Fine Cheatlle Shawl, And Hoods, Nubias, Scarfs,, Sashes, Arab Breakfast Shawls, at correspondingly low rates; and a general assortment of millinery goods. 5 J--Locallangsdorf, Agent for Corinne. TUBKZB AND D CALEB TO GENTLEMEN JJt Fur- nishing Goods, Hals, Canes, and every, other article of gentlemens wear at equally low rates. Give tne a call and he convinced. declS4f IVORY, Clark St.', Comer Randolph, (Opposite tbe Sherman House, Chicago, III). P. O. Box 353. -. o Billiard. Pool, and Bagatelle Balls. Ten Pin Balia and Pins, Cues, Leathers, Chalk and Checks, of new and fancy patterns. Martingale end Napkin rings; Whip, Umbrella end Parasol handles. Balls and stained. LLnumvitlae, Boxwood and Ebony for tale. m John Hupfer, JeS-dAw- tf .. GEORGE L. HOLT, - tuiu a BOOKS, STATIONERY, NEW WALL PAPER, POCKET CUTLERT, , AND MOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. Corinne, utaii. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY. Post Offlce BoBding. fortune, iuh North Sixth and Front streets, 2ROUND FELD FOR STOCK on hand, and for sale el low prices. Feed ground to order on ehort nofee. . M. FITCH. m S U. P. R. R., OMAHA. NEBRASKA. NEW PEED HILLS- ,Comer ef dec!7-3- styles. It. Aetrachan Clanks, fM. Blaek Broadelotk Saeqaes, ..4 M. EDDY, O. O. THOEIAS, J. B. MEADER. ly , . apH-t- f Whole ale and retail dealer in all - FINE WATCHES And manufacturer Crold of fine native Jevelry. Pistols and musical instruments always oo hand. Repairing done with dispatch and ' noIS-tranted. f CORINNE H. LlBBES, Proprietor, -- Dealer in o MARKET, Proprietor. of White Sqatrrel Set, 11 50. i California, (aall Collars, latest I offer my large stock of Clothing and MERCHANTS, i gt General Town Site Agnt, r. BILLIE. COS-stant- Fire-pro- J. r have opened an Office at the above named place, and azn now prepared to do all kinds ol Assaying. Samples of Ore received by mail or express promptly assayed and returns ' made the follows ing day. Terms reasonable, Jc3tf . All Wool Shawls, $3. i A aaSO-t-f - SALT LAKE CITY. oc7--3. . 60 Main & 7 Pearl Sts., " Black HasslanT Sable Set, 19. Color, 910. the towns, to supply the Immigration which will continue for years settling np the rich agricultural and mineral lands. Applications may be made to agents on th ' ground, or address H Bacon, 'Main Srfeet, ALL OUR WORK GUARANTEED. X Proprietor of th ? Liquors, CAIIFORKIA ASSAY OmCE, e H. HOUSE, ei GROCERIES, Flour and Boli-O- Work don with neatnee and dispatch. Orders left at the shop, corner of Front and Fifth streets, will receive prompt attention. o , Fancy SAN FRANCISCO. PATRONIZE ROSE INDUSTRY. ! dL south EAffr cobsbb CLAY AND SANSOME STREETS, Etc., r, AND RESIDENT LOTS BUSIN ESS HOUSES In Wholesale dealers in A yon can I S.C, JOBS SON STEELE & JOHNSON, NlIRlc SET, A Have an unlimited number ef both BUSINESS Country Produce, ap26tf '' D. M. STEELE 7 Paper-hange- PORK, And dealers in DOUSEASD SIGN PAINTER, Glazier. DEPARTMENT ALL THE TOWNS ALOXO TH LINK of th road from Omaha to Corinne. which are being sold cheap, and great inducement are to their advantage to patronize tbe Liberty, as offered to all wishing to wublish business and we can sell superior article cheaper then any build for themselves a home. There is a greet demand for other market in the country. Give ns a trial. k ELLIS. i" LOT All warranted to b of tne beet the country afford. Hotels and private families will find it m H. II. SHEPHERD, . . genalne one for S43. LARD, ETC. Staple Mining Pumps. nol8-l- city sreasonable rates. Patronage respectfully aolkitt J ionable PLAIDS, WOOLLENS, plain and plaid FLANNELS, and especially my wall assorted stock of genuine and fin FUR 8ETS and 8ACQUES, and all other articles In my store, too numerous to mention, si cost Therefore, if yon wish, for you wife or lady friend. A MUTTON, VEL1L, Constantly on hand an assortment of & TOWN COMPANY oc20-t- f BARGION. MILE! MILE!! MILXHI Sole agents and manufacturer of Roots Patent Force Blast Blowers. SWEET MILK, ti8end for circulars. SOUR MILK, BUTTER MILK, Atwood &, Bodwell, RUTTER, Etc.,MAXUFACTUBEBS OP on band and delivered in the Always - Barion, RAILROAD of Hoods. Rubles, Scarfs. Sashes, Saeqaes, and Shawls the finest and latest style of fash- UNION PACIFIC (First door East of Trambo's Auction House.) THIS MARKET CAS ALWAYS BE found the choice varieties of Resolved to offer between now and Xew Year's every article of my extensive stock MISCELLANEOUS MARKET. THE PUBP08Z OF GIYINQ TO and every one of my anmeroo customers a chance to obtain a suitable and valuable Christmas present, 1 have JPOB 09 Wareroom, BACON, HAMS, A SAUSAGE, Steam Engines, .Quartz, Saw and Grist Mills, Machinery, KEEP I RgSftSfot.. STATES, 120 yoke broamtay:..nev fl2,00H.0o0 Assets...! i: 050 t Iron and Braps Castings, k Bros.) BID BEEF, Boot and. Slioo BOOTS made to order, and satis-- i c a atom faction guaranteed. First-cla- u made boots, pegged and aewed. alwaya on hand. J rOBK8, Haonfactaren of (Oppoefte A. Kuhn i rrrn baboioit. Keep Son and B. Shonlnei & Co.s Montana Street. Corinne. AGENTS. Corinne. U. T. Sc &, Manufacturers and KSTBrSEXTS, STRUGS, AID EVERT DESCBIPTI0X --?F Si MEAT Near Steamboat larding, Stockton, California. Montana Street, Corinne, . of to COMMERCE STREET ; ENTS ! in CREIGHTON & HTOR0, GLOBE IRON FOR EVERYBODY ilr ORGANS, TJIELODEONS, &C., Importers of JOHN F. LOUSE. - . Secretary. XCXF. Iiiil nmziiiiKTO UH it CCRINNE, - - - UTAH. Kl-l-a . iiniiiui RE. Necdliom which combines all the force of other strong explosive pew in nee, and the liMur force ef IV. H. DRUGGISTS, Montana Street, I a m rsv HEBCULES P0WDEB, V5-I- j Wholesale end Retail 1 L Propr. HURLBUT BROS., .M D RyeBrsad, Ctkes, PlM, etc.. "read. i A Christmas Gift By the MECHANIC'S INSTITUTE and L.e 8TATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY for the superiority ef our products over ail others. W also cell attention to our - the best brands) fOBACCO, CIGARS and GLASSWARE. r ' -- THREE GOLD MEDALS Whole! and Retail ( Vi -- tv-- Of SUPERIOR QUALITY, FRESH FROM THE MILLS. It being constantly received and tranipcrted into the interior, i s delivered to th consumer within few days of the time of its manufacture, and it in every way superior tc any other Powder in Market -- Wa have been awarded successively f VICTOR CORDELIA,. ' 3T. ri. 'J. jmcnmv -- CnRISTMlS PROCLAMlTtOY ret POWDER T. ' - f - a: AND BLASTING DENNIS J; TOOIIY, Itiorntj aad Conucllir at Uf, U. MONTANA ST., C0HINNE, M Jo. K. - --,- sry r a, ..r rL3; jU ' ' GOS & PIANO FORTES. Manufacturers , and have Constantly ' ' & WI. KNABE HAN FRAN CIHCO, 113 00 fT. msp MANUFACTURERS, , 314 California Street, Cownty. OF S V ItSCRIPT I O.Y. ' ..............a. ....... TMw Mouth. POWDER WORKS, THE valtfd gulM, City tad ( " J). HUYCK At CO. OFFICIAL PAPER J. BAUER : 25l NO. - CHICAGO TRADE. TI1E CALIFORNIA ' T , . CALIFORNIA TRADE.1 UAH ltEPOKTEK, DAILY Etc, 1871. HEIL b FISOHBACK, BiaUu Ureet, 4x132. The premise; now rent for 25 t , Cells, ptc month. WiH be sold I4w for cash. Inquireper Lowest Meats, Etc., of Fourth and FUUl) Prices, (between 417 & 419 3!arhet . DEXX3 t, TOOIIV. I dect ; iteet, helev First, FOURTH STREET. CXJRINNE. ; SAN FRANCISCO. Oysters and Lunch at aU Imn. of the TOB WORK OF EYEtlY DESCRIPTION en hand a variety of the best Meets, day and night. The bar Is furnished Always with the Hol Mantfactnref of Tuthill patent Me- dob promptly end cheaply at th Kx- - engsr cored Hams, Bacon, sausage, dried benf. choicest wines, liquors and cigars. Give ns a oc2A-2uHic NbeelbaiTOwa. office. eus-tf etc-pokthf CA i dc33-t- f at 20-- tt , of ' m if , 3 ja4 if sv .. :l ' pl 7 v 5a 7. |